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Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by EliteCommander
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EliteCommander The Commander of Elites

Member Seen 8 days ago

"Not alone..." Kaleeth mumbled, more to herself than anyone. This wasn't the first time she had felt this way since leaving her home, and it certainly wouldn't be the last, but she could at least take some comfort in the fact that the others were trying to make her feel welcome. Janius, Meesei, and now Sabine were doing what they could to ease her pain. This incident with the highwayman still disturbed her, but she could at least try to get it off of her mind.

Since she was now washed clean of blood. Kaleeth climbed out of the water and sat on the river bank, once more with her arms wrapped around her legs. It wasn't long after that Janius arrived back at camp. She wasn't quite angry anymore, but after what happened, she could hardly bring herself to speak to him anymore. She saw he was angered before and did not know if that had really changed.

"Yes." Kaleeth answered blankly, staring straight ahead into the water.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Muttonhawk
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Muttonhawk Let Slip the Corgis of War

Member Seen 21 min ago

If Kaleeth really was alright, she was doing a bad job of demonstrating it in Janius' eyes. Janius sighed and moved to sit down beside her, looking into the water as well. "Kaleeth, I know it's a big shock to have killed and eaten someone." Janius spoke with patience, trying to console Kaleeth, "To us in the pack, it's only an inevitability because we are warriors of Hircine as well as hunters. As for you, it was an unfortunate accident. I wish I could have protected you from it, I really do. From now on, while hunting, we'll try to stay away from the roads. But..." Janius reached for Kaleeth's hand and held it tightly, "...please don't give up. I've seen your progress, you can control it. All you need is practice."

In the river, Sabine stayed put and let Kaleeth and Janius talk. She turned to Meesei and asked quietly, "Did I say the right things? Will Kaleeth be okay?"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by EliteCommander
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EliteCommander The Commander of Elites

Member Seen 8 days ago

Kaleeth listened to everything Janius had to say, and though she said nothing in response, it did have at least somewhat of a positive effect. Everyone, it seemed, wanted to help her. She didn't feel that she deserved it, but they all seemed to care. A good minute passed where she said nothing, but after a while, she gripped Janius' hand more tightly, then pulled it close to her chest as she moved closer and leaned onto him. She rested her head on his shoulder and closed her eyes, letting out a few tears. She still had said nothing, but for the moment, she didn't feel she needed to.

Sabine's question was more difficult to answer than Meesei would have liked. Truthfully, she couldn't be certain. All lycans were capable of gaining control of their beasts, but werecrocodiles were fundamentally different from werewolves, so she was having to discover new ways to train her. Still, it had been months without Kaleeth turning her aggression towards the pack, and she was only going to get better. Meesei swam over beside Sabine and patted her gently on the back. "I think she will be fine."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Muttonhawk
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Muttonhawk Let Slip the Corgis of War

Member Seen 21 min ago

Janius couldn't say he knew for sure what was running through Kaleeth's head. Having the context of her last conversation might have helped. Still, it seemed his words helped somewhat. He settled for staying by her and comforting her for as long as she needed him to. It was true that Janius was angry at himself for a short while beforehand. However, between letting out his energy scraping his claws along some treetrunks, and feeding his beast spirit on a boar he had managed to find, he was able to calm down and realise that it would be a better idea to help Kaleeth.

In response to Meesei, Sabine managed to smile. If felt good to be helping others with words instead of being helped similarly. Sabine wasn't an expert in comforting people, but Kaleeth's situation seemed just similar enough to what Sabine's was that she didn't manage to make mistakes, as far as she was aware.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by EliteCommander
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EliteCommander The Commander of Elites

Member Seen 8 days ago

While there was not quite any real closure to Kaleeth's ordeal, she at least appeared to move past it for the last leg of their journey to Gideon, which was fortunately much less eventful. As for their stop in Gideon, it was even shorter than their stay in Stormhold. The pack had collected some animal hides and other goods since they left Stormhold, so they were able to trade for a moderate amount of gold. For a few hours, most of the pack purchased essential supplies for their upcoming task, including local maps to help them locate the xanmeer they were searching for. Once they were finished, the pack left the city immediately and headed east to find their goal.

Meesei was reasonably certain that the cult they were searching for was in the xanmeer most directly east from the city, but unfortunately, the maps they had were not incredibly precise as to its location. As a result, they spent several days wandering the swamp, beyond the few days it took to reach the area from the city. Their shortage of luck did not last forever, however, as they eventually located an ancient Argonian ruin that matched what they were looking for. Instead of investigating immediately, however, they observed from a distance from the cover of the swamp for only a few minutes before retreating back a safe distance from the ruin, Once they had time to rest and prepare, they would investigate more properly. The night before their first true investigation into the ruin was tense, but most of the pack managed to force themselves to sleep.

Meesei awoke before dawn both to ready herself, and help the others prepare more quickly. Kaleeth still preferred her meat cooked at this point, so Meesei started preparing her breakfast before she even awoke. Until the sun started to rise over the horizon, the only source of light in the entire area was her campfire. The entire area was dark, and not just in a literal sense. Meesei could not shake this feeling of dread that had came over her for the past day or two. The others felt it as well, though not quite to the extent that she seemed to. The trees overhead were unusually thick and blocked out much of the sun's light, but at the same time, they somehow managed to look dead; it seemed like most of the color had left their bark and leaves. As well, the water level in this area was much higher, so the patch of land they had camped on was essentially mud, surrounded by a thick, low-hanging fog. Never had she seen a place with so much life that felt so empty. Meesei hoped the feeling was purely psychological, but she would not be surprised if this cult had managed to do something to poison the land itself.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Muttonhawk
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Muttonhawk Let Slip the Corgis of War

Member Seen 21 min ago

The anticipation of confronting the cult would have been enough if not for the uneasiness caused by the very atmosphere of the ruin's surroundings. No one really trusted the cult to be willing to talk on diplomatic matters, let alone be hospitable, so everyone equipped themselves for combat. Janius put on his armour before even taking breakfast. While he ate, he looked over to Kaleeth as she approached the fire. "So, what did you want to do? Did you want to come with us into the xanmeer, or stay behind?" Janius had asked Kaleeth the same question not long after they left for Gideon, but it was too soon to really have an answer. He had been meaning to ask again, but it either wasn't appropriate at the time, or he simply forgot. Either way, Janius was confident in Kaleeth's skill, but didn't want to force her into a dangerous situation if she didn't want to be in it.

The answer to Janius' question was also relevant to Ahnasha and Fendros, also equipped to fight. While they had asked Sabine if she would be willing to look after Rhazii, if Kaleeth was going to stay behind anyway, Meesei might find it more useful to have Sabine come along. Sabine didn't really know what to expect from the cult of Molag Bal, so she didn't mind. Much of her contribution came in the form of brewing potions for the pack. Each already had magicka and health potions as necessary. She even managed to make a couple of potions to resist magic, handing one each to Lorag and Fendros, though they could be passed around as needed.

"Also, Meesei, what specifically have we come up with to appeal to the cult?" Fendros asked between mouthfuls.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by EliteCommander
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EliteCommander The Commander of Elites

Member Seen 8 days ago

Kaleeth shook her head to Janius "No...I can't stay behind. That would not be a good idea. I know I'm not as good at fighting as any of you, but I can't take care of Rhazii. It hasn't been too long since I turned, but...I would not want to be with him alone with him alone when I start needing to. I would have to turn, but that would leave him alone. Or worse, I could...eat him like I did the Human. I need to be with you." She answered as she ate the meal Meesei had prepared for her. Everything about the place they had made camp in felt wrong, so instead of undressing for the night, Kaleeth had remained in her wamasu scale armor. As such, she was essentially ready to go whenever everyone else was prepared.

"I believe appealing to their self-interest would be best." Meesei answered. Having already eaten, she was doing a last minute check on the supplies they would be taking. "We need to show them both that we are strong, and we are willing to work with them. As such, we might need to accept some task from them. It may not be...pleasant, but it is what we must do. For today, though, I am mostly planning on just observing them. We need to get a good sense of how many people they have, and how we might contact them. Most xanmeer have underground catacombs, and since we did not see anyone outside when we found it, I can only assume that is where they are staying. However, they would have to send people out at times for supplies, so that is likely our best bet to make the first contact. I would like to be able to outnumber the cultist we first reveal ourselves to, just to make sure they do not attack on sight."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Muttonhawk
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Muttonhawk Let Slip the Corgis of War

Member Seen 21 min ago

"I understand," Janius responded with a calming smile. The incident earlier in the week was probably going to stay fresh in Kaleeth's mind for a while longer yet.

Sabine spoke up to remind of her stance. "I don't mind staying to care for Rhazii and making sure that Leaps doesn't follow you. Ahnasha and Fendros taught me what I need to know."

In Fendros' mind, there probably was more to teach Sabine about taking care of Rhazii than would be possible over the few days they had. She knew the essentials though, and she was sensible enough to be trustworthy with Rhazii. Fendros only hoped that there were no incidents where Sabine would require the wisdom of the books they had. He knew she wasn't the greatest at reading Cyrodilic, let alone had any knowledge of Ta'agra.

As for Meesei's plan, Fendros nodded in agreement. It was wise to stay back and gather as much information as they could, acting appropriately on that information. If it turned out that the cult was not a challenge, a show of intimidating force might be all they needed. If the cult was more powerful, as Fendros suspected, they would need to take a more cautious approach. It still wasn't perfect, but perfection was more than they could hope for at this point.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by EliteCommander
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EliteCommander The Commander of Elites

Member Seen 8 days ago

As the rest of the pack finished their breakfast and gathered their equipment, Ahnasha grabbed the pack containing her supplies, then walked over to Sabine, carrying Rhazii in her arms. "Okay Sabine, it looks like we are about to go. Now, are you sure you remember everything we taught you? It took a lot of effort, but we managed to get enough milk to last at least a few days. We should be back much sooner than that, but you have it, just in case. Also, remember how I taught you to hold him if he starts crying. He likes to be rocked slowly, close to your heart. I'm hoping your heartbeat will sooth him as well as mine. Oh, and be sure to keep him clean. His fur tends to get dirty, especially around..." Ahnasha interrupted herself briefly when she saw that most of the others were getting ready to go. Her protective instincts were certainly showing at this point. It was difficult for her to part from her child, but the logical part of her mind knew that it made the most sense for Sabine to be the one to care for him. She just wished that rational part of her mind could overpower the emotional part. "I...am sure you will be fine. After all, you'll have Leaps to help you keep watch. Stay safe." Ahnasha said, finally handing Rhazii over to Sabine.

Seeing that everyone had gathered their belongings, Meesei stepped to the edge of camp and addressed the pack. "Is everyone ready? We shouldn't be gone for more than a day, but be prepared for more just in case."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Muttonhawk
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Muttonhawk Let Slip the Corgis of War

Member Seen 21 min ago

Even though Sabine had heard most if all of what Ahnasha had said before, she nodded to every point attentively. It made sense that she would be anxious about separating with Rhazii, even for a day or two. Sabine carefully took Rhazii and readjusted to hold him properly. Almost immediately he squirmed uncomfortably in Sabine's smaller arms, but it wasn't quite enough to upset him. Sabine looked at Ahnasha with a small smile, "You be safe, too."

Fendros also approached Sabine and put his arm on Ahnasha's shoulder reassuringly. He gave instruction to Sabine, but if he had worry, he was hiding it. "Just remember the nanny's book if you can't remember how to do something we instructed you on. We will see you soon, Sabine."

The final thing that Janius did before leaving was to find Leaps and lead him to the centre of the camp. The wamasu just seemed to continue to grow over the time they had him, so lifting him up was more difficult. Thankfully, he seemed receptive to Kaleeth and Janius' training enough that he could follow basic commands. Still, Janius leaned forward and spoke to him like he understood. "Now, Leaps-On-Elves, we're going on an important task today. We'll be back soon, but we need you to stay here and guard Sabine and Rhazii, okay? You take care of them now." Leaps chirped and jumped off his front legs excitedly, to which Janius stopped him with a forefinger in front of his eyes. "No, Leaps. Stay. Stay." Leaps stayed put, standing near to Sabine. Janius slowly stood up straight and turned to move away.

Everyone gathered to Meesei, geared up and ready to move. There didn't appear to be any more preparation, so they began to move. Whether by not having her scent nearby, or by some other instinct, Rhazii began to squirm more and start to cry as soon as Ahnasha was some distance away. Sabine looked up at Ahnasha, but didn't convey any trouble as she began to rock him, just as Ahnasha had taught her. Sabine shushed the child gently and slowly sat down. Rhazii didn't quiet by the time the pack had left, but Sabine was patient.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by EliteCommander
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EliteCommander The Commander of Elites

Member Seen 8 days ago

The pack knew the location of their destination this time, but even so, they aired on the side of caution and kept up a slow pace, moving carefully and quietly through the ominously dark swamp. It took a few hours for them to grow close to the xanmeer. As they traveled, Meesei could not help but to feel that the darkness around her was growing stronger. She wondered in the back of her mind if these feelings she was experiencing were not just brought on by caution or fear, but something more...substantial. It had been quite a long time since she had been near one, but she could liken the feeling to being around an Ayleid ruin. The powerful and ancient magics they used were woven into the stones themselves, which left a lasting impression that any mage could feel. For the Ayleids, the magic they used was often tainted with darkness, but in this place, the darkness was more akin to a flood. Even though it should have been around noon, between the thick canopy of trees and sea of fog, it felt like the sun had never fully risen. By the time they were within sight of the ruin, Meesei did not question that there was something fundamentally different about this place; she just wondered if the cultists had selected it because of the corruption, or if they had created it themselves.

As they came upon the xanmeer, the pack could see it more clearly than the previous night, as the light level was at least a small measure brighter than before. There were a few ruined structures in the area, but the primary structure was the xanmeer itself: a large, stepped pyramid with four stairways leading to the top from all sides. It was difficult to see at the distance they were observing from, but most of the structure was engraved with carvings from the first Argonian civilization. Most were pictograms, or symbols with meanings Meesei could only guess at. Time had taken its toll on the xanmeer, as a few of the steps were partially crumbling and only two of the stairways seemed climbable, but it appeared structurally sound. From what Meesei could remember, most xanmeer actually had entrances to underground tunnels at the very top of the pyramid, but Meesei certainly did not intend to enter through the front door of their lair without being invited.

Where as the xanmeer had seemed completely dead the previous night, this time, there was some activity in the form of two individuals standing at the base of one of the intact stairways. Meesei stopped the pack a fair distance away to observe from afar, but, quite conveniently, the two individuals started walking away from the pyramid mere moments after the pack ceased moving. They were not heading directly for the pack, but they were moving in their general direction. The closer they drew, the more detail Meesei became able to see. One was an Argonian male in a hooded black robe, while the other was an Altmer man, also in a hooded robe. His skin did not have the golden hue as was common among Altmer, but rather it was unusually pale. Given the context of who these cultists served, he was likely a vampire. Meesei and the others remained perfectly quiet out of their line of sight, but she could not help but to feel that something was wrong.

"So, what is the progress on the Master's orders?" The Altmer asked, their conversation becoming more clear as the pair moved closer to the pack.

"It should not be long now. I have to say, this is starting to form into a rather interesting situation. Imagine the possibilities if the master is correct; it will be a fantastic opportunity." The Argonian responded. The two walked a short distance farther, not seeming to care that they were wading through ankle-high water. They finally stopped when the Argonian leaned up against a particularly large tree not too far from the pack's hiding place and continued his conversation with the Altmer. Though still nervous about the situation, Meesei reasoned they could learn more about the cult by listening in to what the pair had to say.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Muttonhawk
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Muttonhawk Let Slip the Corgis of War

Member Seen 21 min ago

As soon as the ruins were in sight, Fendros took no chances and removed an arrow from his quiver, nocking it to his bowstring in preparation for any surprises. While Janius had been holding his shield over his shoulder and his axe on his belt, Fendros' activity prompted him to ready his weapons as well. They were all silent as they could be while they followed Meesei's lead. It felt strange that this part of the swamp did not do much to hide the noise they inevitably made while moving. No birds, no insects, no frogs, even the water seemed more stagnant than usual.

In their approach, Meesei had spotted two figures near the xanmeer itself. As they approached, each in the pack found a way to obscure themselves behind trees, bushes, or reeds and stayed still. Some stayed completely focussed on the robed men, while others kept their wits about them, looking out for any unexpected encounters. All had their ears open to what the men were saying.

Fendros didn't like that they had decided to come outside simply to discuss something when there was clearly no one else around, unless this was meant to be a private conversation. He didn't know about the layout of a typical xanmeer, but surely they would have places for private discussions inside? He honestly wished his paranoia was less justified in a place such as this.

Meanwhile, Janius didn't allow his mind to wander. He held his mouth slightly open to hear every detail and kept himself sprung to act. He was actually interested in how much information they could get just from eavesdropping. In fact, as soon as they were done, these two seemed in a prime position to be surrounded and subdued, or if they were lucky, intimidated into surrendering. Still, he wasn't going to move unless Meesei signalled to.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by EliteCommander
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EliteCommander The Commander of Elites

Member Seen 8 days ago

Though they had said nothing while they were watching the pair, Meesei could tell that the others shared her apprehension on the situation. It wasn't as much as something felt wrong as it was that nothing felt right. From the convenience of having two cultists outside, unguarded, to the ominous atmosphere itself, she felt like something could go wrong at any moment. Nevertheless, they could still hear the cultists' conversation very clearly from their position.

The Altmer vampire did not seem as enthusiastic as the Argonian. "I disagree; I feel this is a waste of time. I doubt we will gain anything more than if we just handle it in the...usual fashion. But, the masters' orders are our command. Even I am not arrogant enough to believe I could yet oppose them."

The Argonian moved away from the tree he was leaning on and looked around for a moment. "Speaking of which, the intruders, they should be present by now, correct?"

Upon those words, Meesei's first reaction was to signal everyone to retreat, but the Altmer's reaction gave them little time to act. He held out his hand, conjuring up a small orb of dark, pulsing energy. It sent out pitch black tendrils of energy that seemed to meld seamlessly into the fog around them. "Indeed." He grinned, then diffused the orb and looked directly at Meesei and the others. There was no clear line of sight between them, but that did not seem to matter. "You may reveal yourselves now. I assure you, there is no use in hiding...or running, for that matter. You see, you are quite surrounded."

Before the Altmer even finished speaking, at least a dozen forms stepped out of the fog around them. About half were reanimated skeletons and corpses, while the others were robed individuals, mostly Argonian, with one or two of other races. Like the Altmer, some were pale enough to suggest that they could be vampires. How they had gone undetected, Meesei did not know, but they seemed to appear from nowhere, perhaps using invisibility. Beyond that, their scents, even those of the reanimated corpses, were completely nonexistent. With how completely they had hidden themselves, Meesei wondered if they were perhaps just convincing illusions. Unfortunately, the dark power permeating the area seemed to be deadening her magical perceptions, and she was not about to test that theory without knowing for sure. As it stood, they were surrounded on all sides, outnumbered, and with no cover. They did not have the advantage, and the cultists obviously already knew they were there, so for the moment, Meesei reluctantly stood from her hiding spot and signaled for the others to do the same.

As the pack revealed themselves, the Altmer gave a satisfied chuckle. "Surprised? I would not be. Did you really believe you could hide from us in our own home, after being here for days, no less?" He paused, then slowly took in a deep breath. "The power in the air, do you feel it? Because it can feel you as well. Our masters' magic is powerful, and as ancient as the ruins themselves. There has not been a step you have taken since you entered our domain that our master has not felt. Now, as for the matter at hand, the reason you are not dead is because our master finds it curious that a pack of lycans would be so blatantly searching for us in times as...tumultuous as these. You shall follow us, and speak to our master, or die where you stand."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Muttonhawk
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Muttonhawk Let Slip the Corgis of War

Member Seen 21 min ago

In other circumstances, the news that they had been watched the whole time might not have been the worst to hear, given that the cult seemed curious to talk. Perhaps even with their ways, they didn't want to aggravate Hircine when his power on Nirn had been gathered to fight a war. However, to Fendros, the Altmer's smug explanation gave him only a sinking feeling that bordered on panic. If they had been aware of their presence for days, that means they knew that Sabine and Rhazii were alone at the camp. They were in danger. They needed to run. Fendros wouldn't be able to forgive himself if the cult decided to kidnap them both for use as some kind of leverage, or worse.

Fendros stood up straight and stepped to reveal himself, giving the Altmer a threatening glower. Janius was surprised at first, but felt like hitting himself for not seeing such a predictable thing coming. He stepped out of his cover as well, none too happy himself. Each continued to follow Meesei's lead.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Muttonhawk
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Muttonhawk Let Slip the Corgis of War

Member Seen 21 min ago

In other circumstances, the news that they had been watched the whole time might not have been the worst to hear, given that the cult seemed curious to talk. Perhaps even with their ways, they didn't want to aggravate Hircine when his power on Nirn had been gathered to fight a war. However, to Fendros, the Altmer's smug explanation gave him only a sinking feeling that bordered on panic. If they had been aware of their presence for days, that means they knew that Sabine and Rhazii were alone at the camp. They were in danger. They needed to run. Fendros wouldn't be able to forgive himself if the cult decided to kidnap them both for use as some kind of leverage, or worse.

Fendros stood up straight and stepped to reveal himself, giving the Altmer a threatening glower. Janius was surprised at first, but felt like hitting himself for not seeing such a predictable thing coming. He stepped out of his cover as well, none too happy himself. Each continued to follow Meesei's lead.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by EliteCommander
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EliteCommander The Commander of Elites

Member Seen 8 days ago

Nothing about this was going the way Meesei would have liked, but at the very least, they were not being immediately hostile. In their current situation, Meesei reasoned that they might be able to emerge victorious in a fight, depending upon the skill of the cultists, or at the very least, they could escape, but not without casualties. Hircine himself would have to intervene if they wanted to avoid losing someone, so Meesei would cooperate for now.

"We do not have any problem speaking to your leader. In fact, that is why we are here; we did not come here to fight." Meesei explained briefly.

The Altmer was entirely unfazed by Fendros' glare, to the point that he essentially ignored it. For Meesei, he only seemed to regard her words with mild interest. "I see. Well, I do not actually care why you are here, or what you want. It is the master's curiosity I am here to satisfy, not mine. Let us just get inside, and get this over with."

"Very well." Meesei responded, hiding her annoyance. "I am guessing you wish for us to disarm?"

"You may keep your weapons. I assure you, they would not matter." He answered, doing nothing to dispel the stereotype of Altmer arrogance. "Oh, and do not worry about the little ones you left behind, we have sent people to collect them. They will be joining us promptly."
Back at camp, the fog in the air seemed to thicken to the point that it was difficult to see more than a few feet away. The feeling of dread only became stronger, which made it difficult to keep Rhazii from crying for his mother. Even Leaps was curled up frightened at Sabine's feet. Just like with the rest of the pack, when the cultists arrived, it was sudden. Four robed Argonians backed up by three skeletons appeared from the fog, as if invisible, surrounding Sabine on all sides. She had no chance to move before they blocked all escape, but they did not attack. Instead, a dark-scaled Argonian stepped forward and addressed her. "Do not attempt to run, little lycan. You will not escape, and you will not survive. You would not be alive if we wished to kill you. Our master demands the presence of you and your pack, so you are going to come with us."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Muttonhawk
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Muttonhawk Let Slip the Corgis of War

Member Seen 21 min ago

Everything that justified a Dunmer's unmatched hate for Altmer was detailed in every way that this pale elf held himself. Fendros wanted to strike out at him, but his worst fear about the situation had come true. They had Sabine and Rhazii. He gave a worried glance to Ahnasha, then shouldered his bow and put away his arrow. They had been outplayed here. To fight would be to give up on Rhazii and Sabine.
The appearance of the robed figures startled Sabine such that she held Rhazii as close to her chest as she could. Her breathing quickened and she stumbled to a stand. Her head quickly looked to each of their faces and around for any means of escape. There was none.

She had planned on pouring a particular potion she had made into the campfire to make a great cloud of smoke, then transform to escape, but there wasn't enough warning here. If she tried anything, they would have ample time to strike her down and possibly Rhazii as well.

Sabine was transfixed with fear, her knees shook and she was afraid for her life. The skeletons had to step up and push her to get her to move, but she was soon walking on her own. She was wide eyed and afraid the entire time. Not only had she failed to protect the camp and Rhazii, but she was genuinely afraid for her life as well. She wished the pack was with her.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by EliteCommander
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EliteCommander The Commander of Elites

Member Seen 8 days ago

Ahnasha returned Fendros' fear in triplicate. The thought of her son being taken by these power-hungry cultists nearly caused her to start running right then and there to get back to the camp, but the rational part of her mind stopped her. If they already knew where they had made camp, then they were certainly already there. They had Sabine and Rhazii, there was no denying that. All she could hope for now was to stay in the good graces of these filthy cultists until she could find him again. For that reason, she was going to be certain that neither she, nor anyone else in the pack did anything to anger them.

The cultists lead the pack up one of the intact stairways leading to the top of the xanmeer, being sure to keep them surrounded at all times. Once at its apex, the Altmer used telekinesis to move aside tablet of stone beneath them that covered the entrance. It was somewhat inconvenient to get everyone down into the catacombs, as the only way down was a single ladder, but once inside, Meesei was thoroughly shocked at what she saw. As opposed to the worn ruins above, these catacombs were the most pristine example of ancient Argonian architecture she had ever seen, and likely ever would see. They looked like they had been lived in and maintained since the day they were first built. No moss grew along the walls, no stone had any significant crack or fault, and every carving was in near-perfect condition. Meesei could still feel that sense of dread which originated from the cult's magic, but the atmosphere felt entirely different. In better circumstances, Meesei would have loved to examine the place more thoroughly.

The Altmer and Argonian led the pack through the well-lit hallways, while most of the other guards followed behind. The hallway they were in was not especially wide or tall, but there seemed to be a lot of them, as they passed quite a few on their way to wherever the cultists were taking them. Instead of torches, the sconces that lined the walls had within them a permanent enchantment of magelight, with tinted glass cases that prevented them from being too bright. They passed by a few more cultists on the way; not all wore the black robes of their guards, but most appeared to be mages as well. It seemed that might be a requirement for entry into this particular cult.

Eventually, the pack was lead into a larger chamber just as pristine as the catacombs they had been walking through. While the stonework was still of course in the ancient Argonian style, all of the furnishings had a more modern feel. On either side of the chamber, there were rows of long tables and chairs, all currently empty. High up from the ceiling hung extravagant, blood-red tapestries woven with symbols of Molag Bal, while on the walls there were, of all things, paintings on a wide variety of subjects. Some appeared to be Argonian in style, while others looked to originate from Morrowind, Elsweyr, and even Cyrodiil. At the far end of the chamber, near the center was an elevated platform with two identical thrones. One was empty, but seated in the other was a pale Argonian woman partially obscured in shadow in a finely embroidered red and violet dress. The guards following them spread out to fill up the empty space in the room as the Altmer led them to the base of his master's throne.

"My lady, these are the intruders. They came without incident." He explained.

"Excellent. I much prefer it when my guests accept my...hospitality. You are dismissed, Vinaremo. Now, for our guests, I feel we should become better acquainted. Tell me, what brings you to my home? Why, in a time of war such as this, has a pack of lycans found it prudent to intrude upon my domain?" The Argonian woman asked in a tone that could be described as "politely threatening."

Meesei managed to keep a calm visage, but even she was struggling not to show her fears in such a situation. They were in the heart of a dangerous and powerful cult, who likely had two members of her pack in their hands. Any mistake could lead to the deaths of herself or those she cares about, so she had to be careful. "My name is Meesei. I am the Champion of Lord Hircine." She said, raising up her hand which bore the ring. "We have come on behalf of our lord, not to fight, but for peaceful discord. We wish to discuss how this war with Clavicus Vile will affect us all. By what title should I call you?" She requested. Her tone was polite, but she made sure it did not sound meek. While she did not wish to anger these cultists, she also did not want to appear weak to them.

Through the shadows, Meesei could see a slight grin on the woman's face. "Title? Those in my domain often call me master, their lord and lady, but you, why you are my guests..." She began, clasping her hands together and leaning forward slightly, bringing her face into the light. She had orange coloration on her neck with eyes to match, pale white scales, and two prominent horns on her head which curved down and forwards, each decorated with gold jewelry. "...you may call me Hal-Neesa."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Muttonhawk
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Muttonhawk Let Slip the Corgis of War

Member Seen 21 min ago

While Janius felt as though the mint condition of the xanmeer's interior seemed too good to be true, he had to admit that he was enthralled by the detail. He had been inside Ayleid and old Imperial ruins, but never ancient Argonian ones. The threat that their escort presented kept him on his toes, though. He tried to size up each of them, but they returned no eye contact and hid everything behind their robes. These were clearly mages as well. Judging the power of such people was not a talent Janius had, but he didn't not want to entertain the possibility of any of this being a bluff where Sabine and Rhazii were at stake.

Fendros continued to be distracted by worry for Rhazii. He didn't have the space in his mind to appreciate the scenery.

The Argonian woman who appeared to lead the cult, this Hal-Neesa, was not any less foreboding than any other members around them. While she still carried a similar arrogance to the Altmer, she did so with the justification that she was in charge of the entire situation. The large throne room only elevated the reverent aura that she commanded. Weaker minds than those in the pack would probably feel the urge to bow down. Nevertheless, they were here to talk, and Meesei was still the pack alpha. It was true that they probably only had Hircine's watchful eye to depend on for protection now, but the pack stood fast.

Neither Fendros nor Janius felt any particular need to share their names without prompt.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by EliteCommander
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EliteCommander The Commander of Elites

Member Seen 8 days ago

Meesei gave a polite nod. "Very well, Hal-Neesa. As you know, the trickster Clavicus Vile has ignited a war with our Lord. We do not seek an alliance, nor expect any support from you, but we would like a mutually beneficial arrangement to prevent us from crossing paths on the battlefield." Meesei explained.

Hal-Neesa tapped a claw on the arm of her throne as Meesei spoke, then let out a short laugh once she finished. "You are a regular politician, aren't you? You've gone through the extra effort to know your audience for your argument. You've tailored every word to be something I might agree to. Respectable, but let's drop the facade. What you want is a pre-emptive truce so you do not have to fight us and your enemy. You want that bad enough that you are willing to grovel at my feet to make me happy so I will agree. I've seen this song and dance play out innumerable times through the centuries, and this is no different. Even the Lords you serve have changed to some extent. That business with Umbra, when was it...two centuries ago? It made Vile in particular rather desperate. Desperate enough to make the very same deal you want, I would wager."

This vampire, Hal-Neesa, was a very different opponent from what Meesei was used to. She had no way of knowing exactly how long she had lived, but it was clear she had at least centuries of experience. On the bright side, it meant they could get straight to the core of what they wanted with no unnecessary fluff to the conversation, but it also meant Meesei would have to drastically change her tactics. "You are correct. We want something, and are willing to give a service to attain it. I am sure Vile will try to make a deal as well, but I am willing to prove that we are the better party to deal with. Clavicus Vile..." Meesei began, but was interrupted by Neesa before she could finish.

"Yes, yes, I know, you need not make your little argument. Clavicus Vile is a self-serving liar...like most Daedra, but he is particularly good at it. On the other hand, Hircine is a tempting target to strike. You lycans have powerful, valuable souls and make excellent subjects for our experiments. It is likely why Vile is so interested in you. The reason I have not elected to take your souls yet is because of one or two...details. For one, Vile's followers tend to collect souls much more than you lycans, so they are also wonderful targets. Two, Vile is marginally more...annoying to deal with. His followers tend to try and push deals in their favor, while you lycans are wonderfully obedient. Being barbarians in the wilds, you aren't so demanding; you will do whatever I say to gain my favor. Like a good little dog, if I throw a bone, you will go fetch it. For that reason, I am...slightly more inclined to make a deal with you than Vile. Of course, I do not have to make a deal with either of you, but I will concede that there is some advantage with only having to worry about one side in a war." Neesa was blunt, sparing no unkind words in her assessment of the situation. Neesa was well-aware that she had all of the power in their bargaining. Overall, Meesei was at a loss. She had never been forced into a situation such as this before, where she had little control over her circumstances. All she could hope for was that Neesa's demands would not be too unsavory.
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