"Director, we have sent armed scouts to search for the missing subjects. We will get them back, sir."
The voice was followed by static and no further news. Anger arose and the room felt unbearable with stress. The subjects were gone. The were valuable assets in their research. They could no afford to lose them.
"Your incompetence set them free. I should hope it will not stand in the way of retrieving them. They were each a pretty penny and cornerstone in my research. Do not lollygag on this task. I need those subjects."
The radio fell to static for a moment before the voice came back with the obedient reply.
"Yes, sir."
As the radio was turned of the room was filled with silence once more. The mood continued its angry streak, but mellowed with the thought of the subjects back in their custody.


Getting out of there was all a blur, but now she was running. Running for her life. Along side the others that were trapped in that horrid place. She would never trust another person in a white coat or with a badge. 'Never again.' she thought to herself. She shook the thought from her mind and thought of what was happening now. What she was doing and what was best for her survival. Even if it was selfish, she was concerned with her own escape almost more than where they would all go after this. They had escaped from a place no one escapes from. What would they do?
The alarm began to fade in the distance as she ran. If she flew they would shoot her down, she had to run and fast. The wind her speed caused, made her hair slip behind her ears. She couldn't stop running, not yet. They would follow them. However, once she got far enough, she could easily fly away. Once in a safe location they could decide what to do next.
Emerson used her peripherals to glance at the others beside her. The other "subjects", they were called. There were more of them than people chasing them, so to confuse them, the group of "kids" separated. Two groups taking off in two different but similar directions. They would meet at a checkpoint if they were able to successfully escape, and so far so good. Em shot a slight smile to the person to her right and kept running. She only slowed due to a large rock cliff towering in front of them.
"Anybody got any bright ideas? We go up, we get shot down." Em said looking back at the others around her. Going up wasn't a very good option just yet. They would practically be sitting ducks out in the open, but she didn't have any brilliant ideas coming to mind at the moment. Her heart was racing and she was catching her breathe as she looked back to see how far behind their tail was. "We have time, but not too much of it. So I suggest someone come up with something fast." Emerson herself was usually calm under pressure, but being outside the walls was a first to her. She grew up behind those barred windows and caged courtyards.