Hmm. You have left me having to think about a lot of things. Ok. First off, the nightmares that came to life could be other things but they would not be strong and would evaporate quickly after waking. Only things that had a mind so to speak and could function on their own independently would be the real threats when brought to life
Second, the gene could or could not kick in anytime during that period. And I think that if they did have the gene it might make their nightmares stronger. Since it would activate with their fear and the stronger the fear the stronger the nightmare.
Since the person that has the nightmares cannot be affected by their own, then the only thing they would have to worry with then would be what they unleashed on the world. When they fell asleep they would be dangerous to others only but if more than one was in the same room and fell asleep then in theory the nightmares of each other would cause a slaughter if they were strong enough.
Hmm. What do you think? I hope I am not contradicting stuff I have already said. I just am kind of saying whatever comes in to my head. Lol.
Is there anything that you have thought of to add or change stuff? I am curious.
On another note, I hope that you are doing well. I have been kind of just chilling this week and doing a whole lot of nothing. Was awesome. Not looking forward to going back to hell, I mean work on Tuesday. Haha.