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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Thinslayer
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This is the IC thread. Please do not post any OOC chatter here.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Arya10108909
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Arya10108909 The Fantasy Queen

Member Seen 4 yrs ago


The young woman walked briskly down the allyway, her hands in her pockets, her face hidden in the shadows of her hood. She walked past closed shops until she came to the end of the allyway, where she came to a set of stairs. She jogged down them, and entered the building at the bottom of the steps. She shrugged off the cloak and tossed it behind her, to an older woman who caught it.She opened the door and walked into the writhing mass of bodies and music.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Thinslayer
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Member Seen 17 days ago

The entry of the Immortal caused everyone in the room to erupt with whoops and cheers. People bowed to her as she passed them, with the men offering to kiss her hands or feet.
One enterprising young man approached her with a twinkle in his eye. "May I have this dance, m'lady?"
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by FallenTrinity
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FallenTrinity Prying Open My Third Eye

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Lens Mira "The Lance of the World"

Samantha Hemloch "Lady of Elysium"

South of many of the nations, Lens Mira, known to Mirans as "The Lance of the Aetherion" thanks to the large spire, "Elysium Spire", that sits in the center of its capital city, is well known for their magic schools and magic users and holds its own economically through the collection and exportation of marble and gold. Many come here to study at one of its prestigious schools and other for their marvelous libraries. Many tourists also come to see "The Elysium Spire" which also holds the nation's leader, "The Lady of Elysium", Samantha Hemloch. The temple's history and purpose is shrouded in mystery but many who enter with questions leave with those questions answered. It is a symbol of knowledge, a symbol of the future and has been since Hemloch's rise to power.

"Reiner?" The hooded man looked up, light blue electricity ran through his eyes, disappearing only for a split second as he blinked.

"Yes m'lady?" His hands were interlocked at the fingers behind long drooping sleeves.

"Do we have a meeting today with anyone?" She was resting with with her head on the back of her limp hand, her legs crossed over one another as she glanced over at him. He simply shrugged and looked back at the approaching visitor.

"Not sure m'lady, I think so but I haven't received any messages about an expected visitor. At the current moment it is just the normal tourists and locals." She responded with a nod as she uncrossed her legs and looked at the person ahead. The doors of the Spire closing to the rest of those waiting as she preferred to deal with each visitor one on one.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by FallenTrinity
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FallenTrinity Prying Open My Third Eye

Member Seen 2 yrs ago


Are we still continuing?
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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Thinslayer
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Member Seen 17 days ago

They were about to have a meeting whether they wanted one or not. The doors burst open, and a tall, weatherbeaten man stumbled through. His white hair and yellow eyes marked him as more than a mere man, but there were tears and bloodstains on his clothes, and grease, dirt, and rotten flesh was caked onto him. Upon seeing Samantha, he dropped to one knee, too exhausted to speak.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Arya10108909
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Arya10108909 The Fantasy Queen

Member Seen 4 yrs ago


The instant the Immortal's foot touched the cement floor, every knee dropped to the ground, every eye lowered. When she finally spoke, her voice was smooth and cold, like it had recently been refrigerated (hmm...@Thinslayer do those exist here?).
"Rise." The command was short, simple, and was immidiately carried out. A young man approched her, a gleam in his eye.
"May I dance with you," he asked.
"Of course," was Archane's reply. It amused her that the young man would go to so much trouble as to actually try and court her. She, for one, let him think that she wanted to be near him. Besides, there was that pesky meeting in... Ah, yes, an hour. Archane started the dance with her partner, and soon, everyone followed suit.
"So, where are you from," she asked him, leaning in close. He was taller by about a foot, and perhaps would serve under her as a captain, or as her Hand, if he turned out to be Immortal. That issue does need to be solved, she thought with a grimace. Her Immortal Hand had recently been killed, and she had yet to find him, or a replacement.
"I am from this territory," he replied, smiling broadly. "My name is Alcoro Hensieta."
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by twannyman
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twannyman TwentyTwaaaaaaan

Member Seen 1 day ago

Gabanre entered the next building. As he entered most of the people stood still and the magic that was being practiced was stopped. As he spoke: "Everyone, continue with your buisness as usual, im just here to learn some magic of my own."

It was a that point a young blonde woman appeared out of nowhere. She offered him to teach the invisibilty magic to her. And he accepted. She was his hand, she was immortal like him. And on top of that his wife.

After a while he was done and started to watch others. The first one was practicing fire magic and Gabanre said: "You should do it like this." As he shot a massive fireball out of his hand, hitting the target like it was super easy.

Then he thought that it was time to leave and he went to his home.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by FallenTrinity
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FallenTrinity Prying Open My Third Eye

Member Seen 2 yrs ago


The front doors had opened wide from a forceful push, causing Samantha to quirked to this, her head cocked to the side. She glanced over at one of her subbornates and gave a brief nod to which they responded by moving up to the weary man, offering a bit of food and water.

"Catch your breath traveler. Take your time." She had gotten up from her throne-like chair and made her way over to him.

"He is very tired M'lady." The hooded man spoke with a calm tone. Samantha asked a simple question in Miran to her subordinate to which he nodded. A hand was placed on the subordinate and onto the tired man and as they came into contact her eyes glowed with a bright purple as violet tendrils slithered down both her arms and onto the two she touched. "Hold still." She said with serenity. In that moment the subordinate felt slightly weak as the man would gain a bit of energy. It was only a brief moment before she released her touch and stood.

"You should be fine now, well, I should say at least to talk. Sleep and a meal will help you fully recover, you are relieved." The last part was directed to her subordinate who simply nodded and walked away, replaced by another. "Tell me why have you come? What is your request weary traveler?" She gave the man a faint smile and soft eyes as she stood up and walked back to her seat.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Thinslayer
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Member Seen 17 days ago

"Catch your breath, traveler. Take your time." The Queen rose from her throne and started to approach him. A hooded man nearby stopped her. "He is very tired m'lady," he stated. At this, she planted her hands on both Solomon and a subordinate. "Hold still," she directed. Sweet energy flowed into him, breathing new life into his tired body. He opened his mouth to thank her.

Yet, he faltered. I am undeserving.

"Tell me why have you come? What is your request, weary traveler?" the Queen asked. She began to walk back to her seat.
He could not allow that. He had to impress on her what was to come. There wasn't time! Solomon sprang from the floor and spun her back around to face him. He gripped her shoulders hard and stared at her eye-to-eye.

"I have witnessed the End."
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by FallenTrinity
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FallenTrinity Prying Open My Third Eye

Member Seen 2 yrs ago


Her subordinates arms sprang up with flames that dripped off his hands as the older man sprung up to attack his leader, or so he thought. It did catch her off guard but she stopped her sub, easing the man's eager to attack. She chuckled at his claim. "The end you say? So have I. So has he and-" She gestured to her subordinate who had flicked the flames away.

"So has most of the people outside this spire. We all have seen "the end" in same shape or form whether it is the end of school year, the end of the fiscal year, the end of...a contract...Even the end of a loved ones life. Everything comes to an end but where one thing ends something else begins. In one hand is life and the other death. It is a natural occurrence and is apart of life..."

She smiled but it was only a moment before her smile started to fade as she took notice to the man's unyielding expression. Her eyes darting around his own before she spoke up, her own eyes never removed from the man's.

"There will be no more visitations for today Pyre, close the doors and prepare my room. Be sure to give this gentlemen a room and whatever essentials he needs and then send him to me. You...we will talk in a little bit." Quickly she shrugged him off and made her way swiftly to the other side of the spire, disappearing behind a large marble door.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Thinslayer
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Member Seen 17 days ago

The Queen didn't believe him at first. "The end you say? So have I. So has he and-" She motioned for her subordinate to leave off his attack. The man understandably thought the Queen was under attack. She continued, "So has most of the people outside this spire. We all have seen "the end" in same shape or form whether it is the end of school year, the end of the fiscal year, the end of...a contract...Even the end of a loved ones life. Everything comes to an end but where one thing ends something else begins. In one hand is life and the other death. It is a natural occurrence and is a part of life..."

Solomon's heart began to sink. The Queen wasn't taking him seriously. He straightened to his full height, almost seven feet tall, and studied her face for any hint of understanding. His gaze was frighteningly expressionless, as if he bore news so grave that no emotion could possibly describe it. And as Samantha stared back at him, it began to dawn on her that "the end" he referred to was of greater importance than she had first thought.

"There will be no more visitations for today Pyre," she commanded. "Close the doors and prepare my room. Be sure to give this gentlemen a room and whatever essentials he needs and then send him to me. You..." she said, addressing Solomon, "We will talk in a little bit."

Solomon bowed. The news was urgent, but he could afford to spend a few minutes learning about the woman so closely associated with The End. He already gathered that she was a Soulforce mage - that much was certain. What was less clear was whether her powers could affect the rise of the Awakened. He shuddered at the thought of them.

"As Your Majesty wishes. What you must do, I urge you to do in haste, for the coming storm draws nigh even as we speak."
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by FallenTrinity
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FallenTrinity Prying Open My Third Eye

Member Seen 2 yrs ago


The man was lead to the third story of the spire. Its winding starcase stretched up to the top. However her subordinate would stop him at the beginning of the fourth floor staircase. A small wooden door sat neatly next to it which the younger man opened and gestured for him to enter. "Anything you may need has been prepared for you and you are free to move about as you wish. You will be called when she is ready." And with that the young man disappeared behind the now closed do as his footsteps could be heard echoing against the marble staircase.

It must have been hours that had past before a different man, this one hooded knocked on his door. He was just shy of 6'8 but his eyes sparked with electricity. "Follow me." The simple and abrupt command was given before he lead him to the 28 floor of the spire. Big golden doors with the words "Lumine ent Luna", in Myrain it meant "Light entered Darkness". As the doors opened the room was pitch black, say for the light entering from the staircase. Glowing purple eyes looked towards the tall man. "Enter and tell me what you have envisioned." As the man would enter, the doors would close behind him and the electric mage would stand guard.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Thinslayer
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Member Seen 17 days ago


Solomon ascended the staircase behind the servant boy. The air clamped at his chest and weighed down his breaths, and his footfalls sent uneasy echoes in a chamber unused to living souls. The servant boy never once spoke or turned his head, leading Solomon to wonder whether he was being led into a trap. He folded his arms and exhaled - what would happen would happen. They soon came upon a little wooden door, lit by the ghosts of flickering torches that struggled against the shadows. The servant opened it to the darkness beyond.

Then, the boy spoke.
"Anything you may need has been prepared for you and you are free to move about as you wish. You will be called when she is ready."
With that, he vanished behind the door and shut it, plunging Solomon into the black.

It's a little like death, he mused as he sat down upon the dusty stone floor. Cold, uncomfortable, and void of all light. Yet, it is unlike death in that there is apprehension of impending doom that is, at best, mute when one is nearly past it. To ease his mind, he bowed his head and pushed away all thoughts and let them go. Time trundled on until at last a shrill creak broke the silence. Someone opened the door.

"Follow me."
Solomon rose to his feet and beheld the individual in his gaze. The man giving the order eclipsed nearly all the light in the doorway, but his eyes brimmed with the energy of shorter folk. Solomon gave him a nod. "Lead the way."

If the journey to the third floor was creepy, the journey to the 28th floor was intimidating. The deathly chill that permeated the lower floors intensified, and the silence grew deeper as the two men unconsciously settled in rhythmic pace. Every step seemed determined to kill him, some too high, some too short, some slippery, some arched. Though he knew that castle staircases were always designed that way, it lent little comfort to his mind already primed with a foreboding spirit. He mouthed a relieved prayer when they reached the top, only to take it back with a curse when he found himself face to face once again with yet another portal into the blackness.

"Lumine ent Luma..." he murmured, repeating the words written on archway. He slipped a sideways glance at the tall man. "Translation: Jokes are illegal." The corner of his mouth lifted almost imperceptably before he stepped once more into the darkness.

A pair of glowing lights pierced through the black. "Enter and tell me what you have envisioned," said a voice. Solomon recognized it as the voice of the Queen. He turned away from her and folded his hands behind his back, pausing to gather his thoughts.

At last, he spoke, his voice grim and laced with solemn resignation.
"I have peered into the Abyss, wherein I fell and gazed into eternity. I beheld, as it were, beasts, bearing the image and likeness of men, whose minds were forged by the hammer of Time for depravities unfit to pass the lips of the living. I beheld the Blade of the Infinite, stained red with the blood of the Undying, held in the severed hand of the Awakened One. As I looked upon the disembodied member, it grew and reformed in the likeness of a Woman. Though her appearance was so deformed by sorrow as to pass all description, I realized that I knew her, and she me. And in that moment, she raised her Blade and slew me. I fell once more and further into the Abyss, where the eternal flame licked at my heels and threatened to end me. I died a thousand deaths crawling over the bodies of the slain to return to the Portal whence I gazed."

Solomon turned to look her in the eye.

"You are that Woman."
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by FallenTrinity
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FallenTrinity Prying Open My Third Eye

Member Seen 2 yrs ago


She listened carefully to the man, her eyes unwavering as she took in what he said, nodding quietly to herself, her gaze hardening before raising a hand to stop him. So I am the one who slays you? I do assume that this is not a jab at the magic that I use as I understand its controversial usage. You claim that I am this woman...Why me?

She leaned back in her chair, still shocked at this revelation. Another question popped into her head as well.

You are basicly saying I caused the end? Her hard look remained on her face as her subordinate gave her a sidelong glance and then back to the tall man.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Thinslayer
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Member Seen 17 days ago

Solomon bowed his head. "I know not whether you are a cause or victim of the events I have witnessed, only that you are intimately connected to them. Judging from past experience and from the grotesque nature of the events, I am more inclined to believe that you will be a victim who became an unwitting cause, unless you are fond of wonton destruction. Given the importance of your role, it is likewise possible, even probable, that you can single-handedly prevent the apocalypse. But prophecies have this nasty habit of being right, and it takes tremendous effort to avert them. I have seen thousands of prophecies in my lifetime, some great, some small. All but one came to pass exactly as foretold."

He turned away. He seemed reluctant to tell how the one prophecy was averted.
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