Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Phoenix


Member Seen 6 mos ago

Pokemon: Hoenn – Make a Wish

The Hoenn in this RP will be an Alternate Universe to that of the game, anime, and manga.

Natural sources of energy (wind, hydro, compression, heat, etc.) are gathered to power all of Hoenn. Mauville City oversees all collections and distributions of energy but also reports to the Fairfax Association. This allows all of Hoenn to be largely pollution-free.

The culture of this RP’s version of Hoenn will be considered liberal (socially, sexually, morally, whatever.). Most believe technology and nature can work together in harmony and that if technology negatively impacts nature, it does not belong. Consider this the baseline for your character’s involvement/opinion/role in this RP.

There are 18 Gyms, one of each type. The Gyms do not reside in the same places as the game/anime and they do not reside only in towns or cities. All 18 badges are required to challenge the Elite Four, which are stationed on Victory Road. The Pokemon League is where the Championship takes place, which is held in the summer each year. Participants are only required to have "successfully" defeated their region's Elite Four to compete in Hoenn’s Championship.

Mega Evolution has not yet been discovered, though there may be those investigating the possibility of Mega Evolution. I'd like to explore this mechanic throughout the RP where appropriate.

There is no maximum to the number of Pokemon to which an individual has immediate access. All are stored in one’s Gauntlet or carried on their person (should they not wish to have a gauntlet). There is no PC system and trading is performed by hand.

You may create any type of character you wish, there is no restriction (this includes age, occupation (Gym Leader, Scientist, Breeder, etc.), race, nationality, or even religion). Whether they interact with Pokemon is up to you. I only ask you keep in mind that there is intent to interact with the plot (which will be introduced ICly when the time comes).

The nature of this RP will work like a D&D campaign mixed with Sandbox. No two characters are required to interact with each other. You may decide to start the RP together or meet at a designated location along the way. I, as the GM, will be interacting with each player individually, however. I will introduce NPCs and plot points. I might guide certain characters together, but you all decide how your own story plays out, ultimately. I encourage collaboration (privately or publicly is fine) with each other as well as with me.

- No God-modding, power-playing, meta-gaming, etc. etc.
- There is no minimum or maximum post length. However, it must add to your plot or the plot of others should you be interacting with other players.
- Please be conscious of grammar. Ironically, my reading comprehension is lower than average and good grammar will help things along tremendously.
- Criticism, from all parties, should be constructive and respectful. Over PM is always best.
- Character Sheets should be PM'd to me before posting in the Character Tab. I do not want to see CSs in the OOC. I do not want to see WIPs anywhere in the thread. Make a PM for yourself to work on or send the WIP to me and I'll help you finish it if you have concerns/questions/etc.
- There is no limit to the number of characters you may employ. However, if issues occur, you will be asked to let any number of them go.
- Posting will be once after each of my own posts. Exceptions to this rule may occur.
- Contributing to aspects of technology, landscapes, and landmarks is encouraged.
- This list may change.

Noteable Technologies
Trainer Gauntlet
This light metallic devise wraps around the user's forearm when a Gym Leader or Professor acknowledges you have obtained your first legitimate Pokemon (ultimately up to the individual). The touch screen wraps around the arm and does not glare from the sun and cannot be scratched or smudged. It is fully waterproof and virtually indestructible. It comes in a variety of basic colors. They can materialize stored items, including but not limited to money, berries, Pokeballs, and bicycles.

Standard Applications
Pokemon Encyclopedia
Pokemon Storage/Trading
Item Storage

Applications for Purchase
Training System
Pokemon Rentals
Customized Skins

These have replaced Pokemon Centers and Marts. They connect with the Trainer's Gauntlet to heal Pokemon and make purchases that will be digitally transferred from the station to the Gauntlet. They are unmanned and about the area of a phone booth but half the height and open. They are completely weatherproof.

Pokemon Mechanics
  • Pokemon can know and use any number of moves. They are not restricted by the game mechanics, canon from the anime or manga or any other forum. However, there will be other restrictions.
  • Moves must align with the Pokemon’s type and species (Starmie cannot know Thunderbolt or Gyro Ball, but can know Water Spout and Extrasensory. Bisharp can learn moves like X-Scissor and Guillotine, etc.).
  • TM’s and HM’s don’t exist. Teaching/Tutoring/etc. is enough to teach a Pokemon a new move, but it takes time.
  • Waterfall/Rock Smash/Cut/etc. are literally field moves. Surf does not create a tidal wave. Fly does not crash into the opponent. Strength does not throw the opponent around. Either other maneuvers should be utilized or new moves can be created for the same in-game effect.
  • Moves may be combined, but their power/effectiveness does not stack or add onto each other. They meld together to an average between the two.
  • Pokemon will perform the same move differently. One Butterfree uses Double Team and creates 3 free-moving forms. Another Butterfree uses Double Team and creates 20 mirror images that imitates the real one. As per this example, make sure to make maneuvers scale in ability to a reasonable level. However, this level will differ when certain techniques are trained to become more superior than the average.
  • Abilities are not limited to the games' discretion. The Ability should match the species/type of the Pokemon and Abilities of Legendary Pokemon are off-limits.
  • Pokemon have their own strategies and techniques upon which they rely. One Butterfree uses more passive/defensive methods and has a strong Light Screen, Poison Powder, Sleep Powder, and Stun Spore but has a below-average Bug Buzz, Silver Wind, and Aerial Ace. Another Butterfree can be the opposite, with above-average offense and below-average defense. Keep this in mind when creating your Pokemon.
  • Battle is real-time. Stats are largely irrelevant (no Pokemon is held to a max or min of any stat). Typing is somewhat irrelevant (any type can learn to withstand any weakness, but this must come at a cost). Of course, where a Pokemon exceeds others, there must be areas where they do not meet the standard. Feel free to min-max as much as you want. There will be no mention of stats in this RP, however.
  • Winning a battle is not always determined by knocking out the opponent. There are skills and behaviors between Pokemon and trainer which may be judged when considering a victor or deciding whether a badge has been earned.
    Example: The Gym Leader of Petalburg looks for grace with precision in both the trainer and their Pokemon. Perhaps the challenger's Pokemon are knocked-out, but they are awarded the badge because they showed precise grace. Perhaps the challenger completely overpowered the Gym Leader, but they are not awarded the badge because they did not exhibit precise grace.
    The expectations of the Gym Leaders may range from utilizing a specific move, utilizing a specific type or species of Pokemon. This may not be consistent with all challengers or the expectations may shift slightly or be thrown out all together as it is completely up to the discretion of the Gym Leader.
  • Pseudo-legendary Pokemon will be restricted and Legendary Pokemon are off-limits.
  • Pokemon may have and additional type added to their species. They may also have types omitted. This goes for Pokemon moves, as well. This is largely for the sake of flavor.

Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Imperfectionist
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Imperfectionist Pathological

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Ah, I've been playing Omega Ruby, and I have a hankering for some Hoenn action. It's probably my favorite region, and I'm interested to see your interpretation...

Character forthcoming, probably a Pokemon researcher or some sort of futurist studying the possibilities of Mega Evolution. Hoenn is certainly the place to do it.

- A native of Hoenn, raised on both the ancient stories and the many triumphs of modern technology
- A researcher of and friend to Pokemon; less interested in challenging Gyms, more into discovery and exploration
- Focuses on quirky Pokemon and useful field moves

I'll mock up a CS with some hard details and Pokemon descriptions in a PM, as you suggest.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Phoenix


Member Seen 6 mos ago

That sounds awesome! :D

A couple questions:
Are you okay with an unknown plot and my interacting with you through NPCs?
Are you comfortable with this being in Advanced? My idea of Advanced is 2-3 paragraphs (3-7 sentences). It also drives the plot forward as well as your own character (as per the rules).
At what frequency would you be most comfortable posting? At my most frequent, I could post 3 times a week. At my least frequent, it might be 2-2.5 weeks.
Are you intending to keep dedication to this RP? Are you willing to stick with it over a long period of time? Are you willing to notify me should your interest wane or your availability change?

I don't mean to grill you. I just want to make sure everyone's intentions are at least known so we have a better feel of the individuals within the group.

About the character, I've made up a list of notable landmarks (just scroll down to the "Notable Landmarks" section) that I'd like to establish. If you had a different idea or wish to change or add something, let me know. I'm all for others contributing to the environment. ^^
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Imperfectionist
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Imperfectionist Pathological

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

- Unknown plots are lovely, I'm a big fan of mysteries and I play a lot of tabletop.

- Usually in Advanced I like to do lengthy collabs, and since you mentioned that being a possibility, then I'm all for it. I like dialogue and asking questions in posts, so... When not collabing I'll probably focus on interacting with my Pokemon and the environment.

- Frequency, at least once per week. If I can't do once a week I will let you know. I've got work and school responsibilities, so there
might be times when I'm writing a paper or something and can't get in the mindset of Pokemon, but again, I'll let you know. If I can set up a regular time to get together with you and other players to collab, that will do a lot to help me stay engaged.

- As for dedication, I will say that text RPs are tough for me to stay interested in if there isn't a driving plot. You seem to have a direction you want to go in, so all I can say is that I enjoy Pokemon! I'll give you a character to work with, and we'll go from there, eh? I will certainly notify you if I cannot continue to take part, or if my interest wanes.


I have a couple of questions of my own:

Trawling the first post of the OOC, is the mass PokeStation failure still part of the plot? And the villainous team mentioned there? Or are we starting fresh, with a different sort of thing from that original OOC?

Is it possible to be officially associated with the Prof. and his organization?

Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Phoenix


Member Seen 6 mos ago

Alright! Excellent :D

No, you can ignore all those things. I just wanted you to take a look at the landmarks and get an idea of the direction I was going and consider other directions I haven't. I might introduce the team, but that would be a second arc. I have something else in mind that I wanted to explore. I like the idea of the team, but if rather get everyone stable in their characters before adding mass chaos. xP

Speaking of PokeStations, I forgot to add that to the technologies list here. Those will be present unless we come up with something better.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Imperfectionist
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Imperfectionist Pathological

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Cool, I'm glad. It'll be nice to get at least a little bit invested in the status quo before things go to shit.

As for landmarks, I like what you've got. Other places I can think of would be the Mossdeep Space Center and Pacifidlog as a sprawling, floating eco-utopia (since you seem to be going for something of a future-of-the-games vibe)...

EDIT: Also, you say that our teams basically unlimited. Would multiple fully-evolved Pokemon be a no-go? I'm thinking of her as an experienced trainer with a main "field team" of fully-evolved or single evolution Pokemon.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Phoenix


Member Seen 6 mos ago

Oh yeah! I totally forgot about the space center!

As for the cities themselves, I wasn't going to go to far into describing each one since I wanted the players to explore those as they came across them ICly. Regardless, I like that idea for Pacifidlog. You're more than welcome to take that idea further by having your character stationed there and/or having grown up there. ^^

But you don't have to if you don't want to. Just a suggestion. :)
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Imperfectionist
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Imperfectionist Pathological

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Mm, I was thinking of more of a military/Ranger brat, living in multiple different places in her childhood, always on the move. Maybe originally from Pacifidlog, though, I always liked that town.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Phoenix


Member Seen 6 mos ago

Yeah, that's cool! However, I've also done some work establishing the rangers as well. It wouldn't affect them, personally. And if you rather to develop it yourself, you're more than welcome ^^
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Imperfectionist
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Imperfectionist Pathological

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Yeah, I saw the little write-up. Looks good to me, no need to develop it more on the concept level.

As for "power playing", would this be an acceptable list for a main Pokemon party?

Main Field Team
- "Hermes", Flygon (M, Hatched from Egg / First Pokemon)
- "Delphi", Gardevoir (F, Met in the wild, as Ralts)
- "Orpheus", Ludicolo (M, Met in the wild, as Lotad)
- "Cassandra", Absol (F, Last Pokemon met during her childhood in Hoenn)
- "Alexander", Ampharos (M, Met in the wild as Flaafy during her journeys through Johto)
- "Lethe", Quagsire (F, Met in the wild as Wooper during her journeys through Johto)

Most interaction would be between these Pokemon and her "research projects", such as Castform, Spinda, Shedinja and Mawile (also Dunsparce).
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Phoenix


Member Seen 6 mos ago

"Power-playing" more has to do with how Pokemon are portrayed/written. So that team looks fine to me. But it would more depend on how you intend to use them and what their strengths are and if you describe any weaknesses.
So, yeah, that sounds good. It'll be interesting to see why you're referencing those particular Pokemon, though ^^ (don't tell me, I want it to be a surprise ;D)
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Prints Avoid
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Prints Avoid Disgusting Loser

Member Seen 10 mos ago

Still interested if you'll still have me. I still have my old WIP character info.

Quick question, what do you plan to do once Sun and Moon are released? I ask in general question cause Im trying to go into the game with no previous information, so I have no details and hope you'll answer with as few details lol. Basically, will the changes introduced in that game play into this RP?
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Phoenix


Member Seen 6 mos ago

The Pokèmon can be introduced retroactively, yes. By that, I mean you can add/edit your roster to introduce any Pokèmon from that region that you think are really cool or that the character might have, add moves that you like, etc. I'm not against referencing the region should that be off importance. I might do any of that myself.
Some of the mechanical things will either remain with that region unless we all agree to add something.

And I don't really have a problem with you joining (again? You never submitted your character or anything). I just ask that you intend to follow through (actually play). xP
And just tell me if you're dropping or are leaving for an extended period of time.

But I want to see the WIP of your character in a PM and actually finished, b!tch. ;D
1x Laugh Laugh
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Prints Avoid
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Prints Avoid Disgusting Loser

Member Seen 10 mos ago

Will do!
...next week. I got no computer access this week until tomorrow and I can't work on mobile
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Phoenix


Member Seen 6 mos ago

@Prints AvoidYeah, whatevah ho. >P
@Imperfectionist is all ready to go, though. So we might start without you. xP
Speaking of which, I've read the PM and will get back to you when I get home. I'm not ignoring you. ^^
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Imperfectionist
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Imperfectionist Pathological

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

:) It's all good, I'm patient. If you want, I can come up with a secondary PC as well, so that we aren't starved for human characters...

I had an idea for a young Ranger, because I liked your write-up about them so much.

EDIT: Especially because Noor is such a hermit, maybe a second, more outgoing human would be appropriate.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Phoenix


Member Seen 6 mos ago

@Imperfectionist You're free to do so, but I don't want you to feel like you have to. I have an NPC marine ranger if you're interested to reference that (though everything you need is in the write up).
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Imperfectionist
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Imperfectionist Pathological

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Hm. Which division would a techie fit in? Probably Land? I was thinking the Porygon line for his partner, probably PorygonZ, because I love the idea of a glitchy Pokemon. Tried to upgrade it with cutting-edge code he bought off of a shady former Silph employee, but something didn't go quite right... (the PokeDex even says it was invented to travel in alien dimensions, but it can't, because it's glitched to hell)
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Phoenix


Member Seen 6 mos ago

Probably air, in my opinion. Porygon can Hoover/fly, so it wouldn't be unusual. Information is a major aspect of the air division, in this iteration. Land is also just add viable. So, for me it's between air and land (air land doesn't much make sense in this too me because their like the bomb division, in the simplest of analogies).
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Imperfectionist
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Imperfectionist Pathological

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Air makes sense for information, and I was thinking an intelligence-gatherer or hacker rather than a battler. And I was thinking about making his PorygonZ large enough to carry him... And also, you know, insane.

So, Keeper Max the woobie hacker coming right up.
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