Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Dinh AaronMk
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Dinh AaronMk my beloved (french coded)

Member Seen 3 days ago

The winter snow thaws in the north. The rivers run swift, impregnated and gorged by the spring melt and the spring rains. Leaves bud anew as the bone-chill of winter gives way to the wet snap of spring. A world uncoils anew for the fresh year ahead.

On the north shores the ice pulls itself from the gravel sands into the cold northern ocean, uncovering to the sun the once frozen whale carcasses dragged ashore by the northern fishermen. In the mountains ice packs burst, filling valleys with fresh waters and the streams and springs recoil from their winter suppression. The mountain rivers of the north, freed from the alpine ice are flowing free again to cascade down rough rocks and narrow ravines. To burst over the ancient walls of sea-side fjords to the cold gray ocean below. The broken coasts are alive again this spring, and so too are the men and wise-folk.

From the pastures and forests of the southern great plains to the northern mountains and cold north ocean the world around the Aeldarsee wipes winter from their eyes and casts aside the sleep for a renewed vigor, renewed adventure. The warm southern winds blow and throw open the gates of ambition with the retreat of the ice packs and bergs.

It is spring on the Aeldarsee.

Age of Iron is a fantasy NRP, set in the deep north of a fictional world. It is spring and winter is beginning to wane in the south. Here the people have been living nearly as they have for centuries, though slowly the ideas and concepts of the far foreigners are beginning to work their ways in as raiders and traders from these distant kingdoms return from their long voyages, braving winter ice or summer weather to obtain loot or trade from fat, wealthy soft folk.

The world is as it would be in iron age Northern Europe or early Medieval Europe. The old gods – whomever they may be in whatever name – reign supreme still. While this world may be fantasy, magic is a source of explanation for what happens outside the control of man or beast. Men pray to their gods for fortune or to defend the lands they hold as being their sovereign, divine right to reign over. But while magic may be the unknown, the north is not inhabited strictly by man and in the deep wilds strange beasts still lurk and prowl. And apart from these still are those races like man, but unlike them in their own ways.

So come ye adventurers, ye kings and king wannabees. Where is your tribe?





“Expectations” going forward:

I believe we all know the rules, so I won't stress those. Instead I'll stress some expectations going ahead.

I'm not a big stat buff. I was in-fact attracted to the original RP because it wasn't science fiction, nor was it big on stats and table-top rules. I like narrative exploration and the blank-slate of a world that was this RP had me inspired. I'm not going to go into much detail, because the creativity of the world is in our hands as writers and narrative pilots.

That said, when joining this I will not tolerate a WIP existing for too long. I am fine with preliminary land claims but I don't want things to be hung up in the eternal limbo of never being finished. I design my applications to be simple. I do not expect every little detail of daily living to be explored in the app; I will not read it. This is something that should be done in IC-posting. Do not put so much effort into your application that when it comes time to post you realize you explored everything in your app, and thus have no reason to continue posting after. There are things better left open-ended to handle as they arise. Please, treat your application as a primer with a basic history. Fill in the details later.

I am also allowing alternate races to exist in this world. But the last thing I want to see is something so abstractly strange it's difficult to gauge how to approach it. I've seen people sign up as such alien things as men made entirely out of light, I don't want this. Keep your non-human races grounded to some sort of reality. Thank you.

Claimed territories:
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Little Bill
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Member Seen 10 mos ago

The Seolhi


The Seolhi are notoriously poor at keeping land that is not coastal, and prefer to spend their winters living on ice floes where food is more plentiful and Dryfolk are further away. Their reliance on the seal as a hunting animal and sailing as a method of travel also leads them to stay as close to the ocean as possible. Because the Seolhi have no true "homeland", many travel nomadically between the Seolhi islands and coastline depending on the fishing season.

Each faction of Aeldarsee fancies themselves the chosen people of their faiths, and the Seolhi are no exception; They were supposedly borne from the sea and lived for some time as seals before being given legs by their moon-goddess Eshkag and being sent to the land by her will. Early Seolhi legends are recorded in little more than drawings on cave walls, though otherwise the Seolhi have recorded remarkably little of their history. The Seolhi generally prefer to pass down their history and culture with storytelling and depictions of events carved into ivory.

Approximately five centuries ago, the Seolhi developed a written alphabet to mark territory and ownership over property such as livestock, weapons, or boats. Since this development, the Seolhi have changed very little. They follow a Sea King chosen by divine right as they always have, and will one day follow his son. Of the generations of Sea Kings, few have contributed to Seolhi innovations outside of fishing and sailing techniques, leaving the Seolhi on a comfortable stone-age plateau of technology.

That being said, the Seolhi are not without their talents. Through time immemorial, the Seolhi have hunted, fished, and travelled alongside seals. The animal is so crucial in their culture that it has become a de facto symbol for the Seolhi, featured in every facet of their life; A man's belongings are guarded by his seal, hunting is always accompanied by a team of seals, and canoes are pulled by seals to make sharper turns. The Seolhi breed fat seals to eat, wrinkled seals to wear, and docile seals to ride in warm, shallow waters. As such, it is considered a grievous sin to abuse a seal, leading to a culture of reverence around the creatures -- Rather than as masters and servants, the Seolhi view the dynamic between themselves and their seals as those of mutual beneficial equals.

Currently, the Seolhi are seen as the savages on the outskirts of Aeldarsee society -- Viewed as less of a society and more of a factor in the danger in travelling alone. Seolhi warriors tend to rely on ambushes, traps, and by travelling in large numbers to make up for their inferior weaponry and armor, and though they typically fight swordsmen with clubs made from jawbones and spears of sharpened stone, the Seolhi are typically viewed with a level of fear for their savagery and preference for taking prisoners to use as slaves.

Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by The Dow Dragon
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The Dow Dragon May The Good Blood Guide Your Way

Member Seen 8 yrs ago


This Goblin Kingdom is located just under the 65 North line, in that mountain range.


Some say that the Goblins of the North were the product of a warlock mad with power, who corrupted the hearts of the innocent to turn them into creatures of darkness and snow. Others say they were birthed out of ice bergs, fully formed and ready to go. Wherever they're from, the goblins of Golianzok have certainly thrived in the harsh, steep, arctic mountain climate of the Golianzok Mountain Range.

An example of very early settlement building by a large goblin family.

The first goblins began by making caves in the cliff faces their homes, cozy little dens away from the bitter cold and wind storms. They became experts at climbing in order to catch all sorts of creatures as their food and the frozen streams proved quite drinkable once broken off and melted over a fire. It was a meager life in the mountains, but it was all they had. Until the griffins came. The griffins are an even bigger mystery than the goblins themselves and how the goblins tamed them is the people of Golianzok's most guarded secret. Within 5 years, the Goblins of the Northern Mountains were Griffin riders, soaring through the sky. All of a sudden, Goblins were connected, a whole world of possibilities opened up. The goblins got organized, arranging hunting parties, retrieving water and mapping out routes and place safe to build structures. These people were no longer creatures cowering in caves by the warmth of a fire, they were masters of the sky and the griffins were their trusty partners for which to take on the world.

Decades passed, and several major Goblin cities sprouted up. Smaller settlements and estates were peppered through the mountains, but all trade and activity centralized around these cities. This gave cities power and influence and soon these large cities in the peaks became city-states and the goblin unity of decades passed was replaced with suspicion and greed over food and stone resources. The first major goblin war erupted between three city-states, it was free for all. Griffins and goblins alike fell out of the sky in a shower of blood, settlements were destroyed and innocents slaughtered. This free-for-all war would be referred to as The War of Ignorance, because the Goblins thought they were the masters of the mountains. Little did they know, they were simply residents.

In the third year of the war, the entire griffin population revolted against their masters and flew to the tallest peak in the range, now christened 'Mount Gol' where the goblins discovered that the mother of all griffins, an enormous griffin oversaw her range, she was four times the size of any Griffin anyone had ever seen and was estimated to be the oldest griffin alive. The goblins quickly realized that she had sent her children to help them out of that dark and depressing age all those years ago, when they curled up in their caves next to a dying fire, hoping to survive the night. It was only by her mercy and kindness did the goblin race survive. So the goblins stopped their war and made amends and began to rebuild. They paid tribute to The Mother by building a shrine on Mount Gol in her honor, which was a Goblin and Griffin standing side by side, as equals. The griffins returned a year later and a new respect was exchanged between both Goblin and Griffin.

The Goblins built more cities and settlements and united them under the new nation of Golianzok, where a Griffin flies on a green banner, just as they fly in the skies if the mountains.

The goblins themselves are ice blue in coloration with burning red eyes, though some have been known to have blue. Males are usually taller and broader than the females, averaging at around 5 foot 11 inches in height. Females tend to be 5 foot 6 inches. They're typically slim yet strong and well versed in mountaineering and hunting. They have long pointed ears, which helps them navigate the skies, on a griffin or not. Their ears shrink with age as well as their hair (Which can be Black, Brown, or Red) turns white and they wrinkle. A healthy goblin can live to be 115 years old, easy.

An elderly goblin, most likely around 100 years old.

Golianzok itself is governed by a council of 10, with a Grand Elder making 11. This council makes all major decisions regarding Golianzok as a whole and controls its military. The large cities are ruled by Governors, who are approved by the council. Though they can command the city security force, the council can ultimately pull out as many men as it needs in the event of war. Its military comprises of many armed griffin units and few land units. Surprisingly, Goblin have a good grasp on machinery and have been making strides towards siege and war equipment such as trebuchets and battering rams. The recent discovery of precious metals within the mountains have greatly increased the quality of virtually everything in Golianzok.

Arms, armor, equipment, structures, this is a technological leap and new towns are sprouting up on the edges of the mountain range at the order of the council to harvest as much of it as possible. However, the humans to the east could prove troublesome should they stumble upon the goblin's paradise of metals...

Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Dinh AaronMk
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Dinh AaronMk my beloved (french coded)

Member Seen 3 days ago

@The Dow Dragon

Your app is good, but I'm worried about the griffon aspect. The last thin I need is the dimension of air attack and battle in an RP such as this. And if I let one in and allow people to counter then the RP becomes less "Age of Iron" and more "Warhammer". So I can't in good judgement permit a player to join who has the massive benefit of air superiority, implied or otherwise or even set the groundwork down from whence I will have to let everyone else somehow obtain air-superiority.

However, if you really want to have them I'll meet you in the middle: tamed griffons but only super rare novelty pets. Akin to some kings of India have pet cheetahs or tigers in their menagerie. But large-scale domestication should be out of the question (if for reasons obvious according to the laws of domestication).
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by gowia
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gowia Buried in a Book

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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Lucidnonsense


Member Seen 2 yrs ago

I think I am interested in joining I have a few ideas for nations but Im still deciding on which one to choose

Something akin to mordor...except underneath all the darkness it really isn't that bad.
Monks from the south, some with knowledge of magic, and the warriors that protect them, Trying to bring civilization to barbarians.
Creepy Tribal Dark elves.
Dwarves/Dark elves who are interested in trade and conquest in order to gain resources to fuel industry.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by gowia
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gowia Buried in a Book

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

My WIP is up
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Bluetommy
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Bluetommy Disastrous Enby

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I'll think something up soon maybe.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Dannyrulx
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Dannyrulx Don't. Call. Me. A. Goat.

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

No flag ATM, so ideas appreciated.
I present to you the Kingdom of Irea and it's two fiefdoms; Nahret and Marecam (Names may be fiddled with a little bit.)
Map FINALLY working, thank you @Golem

Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Dannyrulx
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Dannyrulx Don't. Call. Me. A. Goat.

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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by gowia
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gowia Buried in a Book

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Unfortunately, something has come up that means I cannot safely say I would stick this out
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Dannyrulx
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Dannyrulx Don't. Call. Me. A. Goat.

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Unfortunately, something has come up that means I cannot safely say I would stick this out

Why so...
1x Laugh Laugh
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Dinh AaronMk
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Dinh AaronMk my beloved (french coded)

Member Seen 3 days ago

Monks from the south, some with knowledge of magic, and the warriors that protect them, Trying to bring civilization to barbarians.

Dwarves/Dark elves who are interested in trade and conquest in order to gain resources to fuel industry.

Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Dinh AaronMk
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Dinh AaronMk my beloved (french coded)

Member Seen 3 days ago


trained magicians ... innate magical talent ... mage-wrought armour

full steel enchanted armour

It's like you're not taking me seriously.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Dinh AaronMk
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Dinh AaronMk my beloved (french coded)

Member Seen 3 days ago


You look good but I would like some clarification on your part about feeding on stories and fears. Like-wise while I'm fine with your having lizard people, the RP is set pretty far north and I have personal doubts that such large lizards could thrive in a relative location further north than Helsinki, Finland.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Vinsanity

Vinsanity Gunbladeslingin' Mad Man

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

@Dinh AaronMk

Yeah you are right, reduce the weight to 300lbs - 350lbs, would this work?

These big lizards are not thriving, they are trophies to the Osai. Defeating one holds bragging rights, and taming one transcends an Osai and how they are perceived by other Osai.

On the other hand, I am not set on having them if you are against them even existing.


The stories and fear, are you talking about humans running from the mountains because the Naga preyed on their fears?
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Dannyrulx
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Dannyrulx Don't. Call. Me. A. Goat.

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Mages and armour removed. The armor is now essentially wrought iron, which is very similar to steel although not as tough, and with no extra magic.

The pegasi are basically a near-extinct species that very few people have access to; the Winged Hussars are literally the cream of the cream of the crop. Plus, because of all the amour they wear it severely limits their flying range.

Also removed all references to magic/alchemy of all kinds. I assume the crossbows and standing armies are OK?
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Kassarock
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Kassarock W O R L D E A T E R

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The Skrælingjar Isles

To know of the Skrælingjar is to know of the Two Great Gods that made the world and how it was the land and sea came to be.

First there was nothing, only the dark. Then came the Twin Gods, Sara and Sil. They burst from the womb of the dark and in its opening, came forth the light. This light fell upon the faces of Sara and Sil, and they did become lovers and did wed.

Then Sara did make the lands, and did make the plants, and did make the animals, and last did make the people - who were Her children and She did love them.

Sil became wroth for Sara’s love, so He did make the seas, and did make the storms, and did make the predators, and last stole a child from the breast of Sara – whom He took unto the sea and did punish cruelly and did remake in His nature.

Thus the Skrælingjar were created.

- Skrælingjar Creation Myth

Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Little Bill
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Little Bill Unbannable

Member Seen 10 mos ago

Seolhi are pretty much done. :B
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Red Wizard
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Red Wizard Maroon Magician

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I'd like to join. Here's a
until the NS is completed.
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