For anyone who was a part of my previous Naruto Rp, I apologize for not paying attention to it and letting it die. There were a couple of issues I had to deal with and again, I am sorry. There were also some issues with the Rp that I should have foresighted, but this one I will be trying to stop that by having everyone start in the same location.
Co-Gm - Hirothelegend
Japan, 1960
The Sengoku period, a time of social upheaval, political intrigue, and nearly constant military conflict. Warring States controlled by Daimyo's are at war for a common goal; the unification of Japan. Each Daimyo, however, dreams of a different unified Japan. The three most influential were Toyotomi Hideyoshi, Tokugawa Ieyasu, and the one man considered to be the most ruthless ruler in Japan...The Initiator of Unification, the Strongest Samurai, the Demon King of the 6th Heaven, Oda Nobunaga. This is the story of Japan's bloodiest time in history...our tale begins in Edo, Nobunaga's capital, where he plans to attack a nearby village in another province in order to gain control of the area. With province after province becoming subdued by his iron fist, his ambition is close to becoming realized....the fate of Japan's future will be decided...
~Rules~ 1. Don't kill off another players character without their permission....however, if they go godmode, I give you permission! 2. Don't go and do things that would usually kill a normal person, like jumping off a high cliff, unless you really wanna die! However, if they skilled in a certain area, they could perhaps pull some extreme things off. 3. You don't have to be a Samurai. You could be a Shinobi, a Geisha, whatever you choose! Just give me a good bio. 4. Not everything will be following real history in Japan, only certain events. 5. No arguments in the OOC section unless they are constructive! 6. I expect everyone to be Japanese. I may allow one or two foreign characters, but this is the Sengoku era. 7. Romance is allowed, but 18+ is to your PM's. 8. My word is law, I am the GM. I am open for suggestions, though. 9. Put 'Sengoku' in your password so I know that you have read the rules. 10. Everyone will start in Edo, Nobunaga's capital. At the end of your biography, please put what they are currently doing in Edo. 11. Have fun!
~Character List~ Oda(???) Masamune(CorruptedShadow) - Page 1 Post #1 Hideniyo Misako (ReaptheMusic) - Page 1 Post #7 Oda Nobunaga(HirotheLegend) - Page 1 Post #9 Akechi Mitsuhide(HirotheLegend) - Page 1 Post #9 Sanada Sora(Collector of Rarities) - Page 1 Post #16 Adachi Yorimasa(Nytem4re) - Page 2 Post #24
Appearance(I would prefer an anime picture, but whatever works.): Name(Put your Last/Clan name before you First name.): Clan(Please ask someone to join their clan first if they are already a part of that clan.): Age: Gender: Nationality: Family: Relationship: Classification(Peasant, Samurai, Geisha, Shinobi, whatever it is that you classify as.): Weapon(s): Personality: Hobbies: Likes: Dislikes: Srengths(Not everyone has a strength, but that is your choice.): Weaknesses(You MUST have at least two.): Biography(At least a paragraph.) Other(Any extra info about that character we should be aware of.): Theme song(Optional and I prefer something from an anime or traditional Japanese.): Password:
Weapon(s): A katana named Ryū no kiba, it's blade is crafted so well that it is claimed to cut through steel easily, though this is just a legend crafted in order to praise the weapons durability. The handle of the blade is designed into a dragon coiling around handle, with the dragons head on the end of the handle. Inside of the dragons mouth is a emerald ball.
Personality: Although mostly a kind and gentle soul, he has a tendency to become a bit hotheaded when someone doesn't act serious enough. His training under Nobunaga has made him a strict and hardened Samurai. His most noteworthy characteristic is his determination, however, this can be a disadvantage seeing as he will not quit until he gets what he wants.
Hobbies: Kenjutsu, painting, gardening, and writing historical books.
Likes: One on one duels, art in all forms, gardens, cherry blossoms, and music.
Dislikes: Cowardice, disrespect towards art, mindless destruction(especially for nature), and Nobunaga's Ambition.
Strengths: A talent for Kenjutsu, his gentle nature towards others has acquired him many allies, an undying will to reach his goals, and an excellent artist.
Weaknesses: A missing eye which is covered with an eyepatch, his determination can get him into trouble, and often gets into arguments with Lord Nobunaga over his amibtion.
Biography: In the beginning, Masamune was just a baby when he found floating down a river on a basket. Oda Nobuhide, the father of Oda Nobunaga, had found him floating down while taking a peaceful stroll. Swiping the child quickly from the basket, he took him back to his castle and adopted him as one of his own, naming him Oda Masamune. Through ought his childhood, he grew a fascination for painting, gardening, and writing. While he practiced these arts on his own, his older brother, Nobunaga, taught him Kenjutsu and Bushido. As he grew older, his swordsmanship became more and more better, but always fell short to Lord Nobunaga, who had became the new head of the family. One day, Nobunaga assigned Masamune as one of his head Generals, and began to conquer the land together. Nobunaga talked so much about his ambition, to unite Japan under his rule...but much to Masamune's horror, it was a tyrannical rule that Nobunaga dreamed for. Every day, he hated Nobunaga's ambition more and more....and he never forgot. Today, Masamune helps the locals in Edo, the capital in which Nobunaga resides in, with their daily tasks.
Theme song:
Other: He has a small tattoo on the back of his neck.
Hmm... this could be interesting. How much of a supernatural element is there going to be in this game? Also, how strictly are we going to be keeping to the gender roles of the time? Would it be too much for me to play a swordswoman?
Seeing as Nobunaga is a nearly god-like character in most stories he is portrayed in, I'm slipping in some supernatural appeal. And yes, you may be a swordswoman, there are no restrictions on your gender with the role.
Name: Hideniyo Misako Name Meaning: Elegant Child, Rain of the Sun
Alias/Geisha Name: Shidiro Ai Name Meaning: Great and Honest Love
Clan: Hideniyo Clan, A large Shinobi clan that resides in the west.
Age: 19
Gender: Female
Nationality: Japanese
Family: Father: Hachiro Hideniyo. Leader of the Hideniyo Clan Mother: Akane Hideniyo Four Brothers: Isamu, Jirou, Hotaka and Kichiro Hideniyo
Relationship: Engaged in a Arranged Marriage to Hideki Kazuo, a prince from the neighboring Shinobi clan
Classification: Shinobi Princess
Weapon(s): Throwing stars, daggers, Chains, two small Katanas, poison darts, smoke bombs
Abilities: Taking the appearance of whomever she has come into physical contact with at will; making it a good asset especially for spying.
Personality: Regal, very proud of her heritage and competitive. She strives to become the leader of the Shinobi clan over her four, far more qualified older brothers when her father passes in hopes to become the first woman leader of her clan, or of her future husband Kazuo's. Kind hearted, Level headed, and loves to learn. Her passion is the arts, cooking, dancing, and singing. She has a fascination with animals and has on more than one occasion nearly failed a mission from a deer getting in her range. She has yet to let down her father and mother on a mission, and she hopes to keep it that way. She is aware of her status and calls it to action when she feels her or her family have been dishonored, either in bloodshed or political matters. When necessary, she is deceitful, having become quite an actress over the years.
Hobbies: Sitting at the garden, watching the koi fish swim and the birds play, while practicing Ikebana; Flower arranging. She enjoys training, taking walks throughout the city she and her family hold residence in. She particularly enjoys playing games with the children, to set good examples of the Clan Family. Misako enjoys to perform at the local theater when there is downtime or dancing at festivals. To be one with the people is her greatest desire. She loves to shop and obtain new items be it new blades or new kimonos. She is particularly girly some days and serious about her training others.
Likes: Cooking, Food, Dancing, Singing, Training,, and the Arts.
Dislikes: Dishonor on her family, Disrespect, Inequality, and Impatience.
Strengths: The Art of Transformation; being able to take on the appearance of someone if she has made physical contact with them. Basic Shinobi Skills, dancing, singing and Ikebana.
Weaknesses: No matter what, on every mission, she seems to give away her location by the tiniest of noises at least once. Has a problem hurting animals even for her own survival; can only hold the Transformation for 4 to 5 hours depending on the details of the transformation.
Biography: Growing up in the Hideniyo Clan as the youngest and only female daughter of the Leader has been no cakewalk. From the time she could stand up on her own she has been put through treatments to desensitize her to bloodshed. Trained since she was four, she quickly excelled as a ninja and in her teachings to be a representative as the Princess of the Hideniyo Clan. Her brothers always teased her, pushed her around, which only made her stronger in the end despite her distaste for it. She is very close with her siblings and mother while maintaining a strained and professional relationship with her father. When she was but fourteen, her father began to send out all four brothers to eliminate a single male target. Misako pleaded to be allowed on this mission, but her father quickly deemed it too dangerous for a woman. Enraged by her father holding her back simply because she was a woman, Misako stole to her dressers room where she spent every morning being put into her Princess attire, and gave herself the look of a geisha. She tracked down the male target, whom all her brothers had failed to assassinate, to a seedy geisha house full of underage women. She snuck in, got him to choose her for the night, and killed him in the room he took her back to. She returned to her father that morning, covered in blood, and tossed the head of the target on the floor. "My handicap is not that I bear womanhood," She said to him. "My handicap is a father who only sees the womanhood that is beared." She left to her dressing room after that. She was earned new respect from both her father and her peers, who never held her back from a possible mission again. From then on she honed in on her disguise skills, sometimes going as far as kidnapping a woman she needed to be disguised as, holding her hostage and changing to take their appearance. Now that she is older and being put into an arranged marriage, she has her entire system figured out and uses it to her advantage.
Other: Nervous to meet her betrothed, as she hasn't met him yet.
Theme song: Bad Apple!! Music Box Ver.
Password: Sengoku
If anyone would like to be Hideki Kazuo, her arranged marriage, that'd be cool, plus it'd be a second clan. If not, i'll make him myself.
Appearance: Casually, Outfit during Political Affairs. During Battle(Non-Serious Battle, Casual Warfare) During Battle(Serious Battle, Battle needed to win) Name: Oda, Nobunaga Clan: Oda Clan Age: 33 Gender: Male Nationality:Japanese Family: Oda Masasune(Adoptive Younger Brother) Relationship: N/A Classification: Daimyo Warlord Samurai Weapon(s): 神滅第六天(Dai-Rokuten) Personality: He acts cold and indifferent to the suffering of innocent people and of others' opinion of his methods. Boldly declaring that he is predestined to rule as a part of heaven's and the land's design, he therefore sees any resistance to his conquests as useless pursuits. He aims to continuously shock people with his campaigns, forcing them to continuously grow past their dated expectations by destroying the old. He adopts a devil's advocate motif, often asking others their desires and a way for him to grant them. An ingenious individual with sadistic traits, he also presents poetic barbs for his opponents in a quizzical and superior manner. He enjoys the prospect of facing death, believing that all battles should be fought to conquer one's fear of dying. Though he may seem callous, he's depicted with a shred of sympathy in his recent appearances. He trusts his generals to carry out their missions and is seen forgiving them in select scenarios. Hobbies: Warfare, Political Affairs, Reading Poems. Likes: Poems, Conquering areas of Japan. Dislikes: Losing(Hasn't yet), Betrayal. Strengths: Warfare Weaknesses: His arrogance and His Trust towards his allies. Biography: Nobunaga is an eccentric conqueror who believes he has the heavens on his side. Threatened in his home territory by the invading Yoshimoto, he lures his target to attack him. Leading an ambush during a fierce rainstorm, Nobunaga beats the odds and slays his stronger opponent at Okehazama. With this momentum, he leads a campaign to conquer the neighboring domains around his home. His greatest threat at present is the Honganji Rioters, who defy him at Ise-Nagashima. He tells his army to completely obliterate the peasants who raised their arms against him. Other: Due to his actions during War and his occasional personality, he's known as the Sengoku's demon king Theme song: WIP Password: Sengoku
Appearance: Casual Warfare Name: Akechi Mitsuhide Clan: Akechi Age: 25 Gender: Male Nationality: Japanese Family: N/A Relationship: N/A Classification: Samurai Weapon(s): 羅刹刃金狼(Rasetsu) Personality: Normally collected and witty, Mitsuhide is a modest gentlemen who genuinely cares for the common man. He speaks in a polite manner and tries to practice humility when facing conflicting interests. Hoping to see the end of the wars and cruelty, he desires to someday see his dream become a reality. Striving to protect chivalry at all times, however, he has a nearly black-and-white perception of the world; he is quick to judge others based on their capabilities, actions, and status. If a person acts with what is commonly perceived as lowly or underhanded, he often cuts them down without question. Hobbies: Reading Books/Poems Likes: When Nobunaga is peaceful, silence, and a lean environment. Dislikes: Warfare, chaos. Srengths: Negotiations Weaknesses: Almost Pacifistic, and quick to judge. Biography: Mitsuhide is a venerable general who desires to see a peaceful land. He is Ranmaru's mentor and a vassal of the Saitō family. Losing faith in their current master, both he and his pupil desire to join Nobunaga at Inabayama Castle. Proving their worth through combat, they join the Oda ranks and enter the front lines at Ise-Nagashima. Unprepared for the sheer brutality towards the Honganji Rioters, however, Mitsuhide is devastated by Nobunaga's strategies Other: N/A Theme song: WIP Password: Sengoku
Ontos said
I sort of want to play an Imagawa survivor. Or a Portuguese explorer.
I will allow either one.
ReaptheMusic said
Hideniyo Misako
To a certain degree will supernatural abilities be allowed, but don't put up any skill moves or anything like that. Just most things will be somewhat out of the norm. Kinda like Dynasty Warriors. For now, from what I see of your CS, accepted! Masamune and Misako both have a love for the fine arts, so they might form a friendship quickly. I'm hoping in the army that we might get to know more about the Hideniyo clan and her arranged marriage.
Collector of Rarities said
I'm thinking of playing someone who does not belong to a clan. Would I just not list a clan name in that case?
Sure, not everyone belongs to a clan, but they would still have last names.
ReaptheMusic: A Bastard sword is hardly a weapon that a ninja would use; most specifically because it's a European weapon that originated in Germany and really didn't show up all that much, if at all, in Japanese history. There's a reason why the katana is such a prolific weapon from Japan: that's the style of sword that they used. On top of that, the technique for fighting with a katana is VERY different from the technique used when fighting with a straight sword like a bastard sword. You might as well wear full plate armor and carry a kite shield into battle along with everything else. Where did she learn European fighting techniques?
Collector of Rarities said
ReaptheMusic: A Bastard sword is hardly a weapon that a ninja would use; most specifically because it's a European weapon that originated in Germany and really didn't show up all that much, if at all, in Japanese history. There's a reason why the katana is such a prolific weapon from Japan: that's the style of sword that they used. On top of that, the technique for fighting with a katana is VERY different from the technique used when fighting with a straight sword like a bastard sword. You might as well wear full plate armor and carry a kite shield into battle along with everything else. Where did she learn European fighting techniques?
Maybe she learned from some Portugese explorers....? Not sure. That and the Rp is gonna kinda be a bit strange since we're going to be dealing with some pretty crazy "Dynasty Warriors/Samurai Warriors" stuff. HirotheLegend is even basing Nobunaga on his Samurai Warriors depiction....but you do have a point, Bastard sword is a bit strange for a Shinobi, but there could be many ways to explain how she got it. Maybe foreigners left it as a peace-giving gift considering she is a Princess, you never know.
Right, but why would she choose to start training in an entirely different style of swordplay that necessitates a sword that is not at all forged in her homeland? If she doesn't have a European smith to repair her bastard sword, she's not going to get another one once it gets damaged.
Collector of Rarities said
Right, but why would she choose to start training in an entirely different style of swordplay that necessitates a sword that is not at all forged in her homeland? If she doesn't have a European smith to repair her bastard sword, she's not going to get another one once it gets damaged.
Edited my post, kinda applies to what you just said here lel.
Name: Sanada Sora Clan: Sanada Age: 25 Gender: Female Nationality: Japanese
Family: Father (Adoptive): Sanada Yukimora
Relationship: N/A
Classification: Princess
Weapon(s): A daisho (katana and wakizashi) which she forged herself, bow and arrow, naginata (only used when she's expecting to go into a fight)
Personality: Sanada Sora is a very focused and determined woman, living every day to prove her worth to her adoptive father. Sora is a perfectionist and is very hard on herself if she is anything less than perfect for her father. This perfectionism can extend to others, though she views herself as benevolently trying to help others actualize their potential. Sora tends to be a lot more relaxed and friendly when not around her father or carrying out a task for her father. Part of her wonders if there is anything outside her duty to her father, but she has been dedicating herself to his service for her whole life, so she does not know anything else. She claims that her service will pay off her debt to him, but she honestly has no idea what she'd do with herself if that day ever comes.
Hobbies: Blacksmithing, Calligraphy, Iaijutsu, Hand-to-hand Martial Arts (I'm not particularly familiar with Japanese martial arts), studying historical battles
Likes: Praise from her father, competent people, good food, fine art, music
Dislikes: Incompetence, failure, laziness
Strengths: Sora is both an expert swordswoman and an expert smith: weapons forged by her are said to never dull or break. Furthermore, she knows her own weapons inside and out and can recognize her own craftsmanship. Her familiarity with weapons and armor allows her to exploit weaknesses in her opponents' gear; she is known for shattering her opponents' blades and slicing the armor from their bodies
Weaknesses: While Sora is a very determined woman, her determination is single-minded and can sometimes cause her to miss fairly obvious details. Furthermore, her honor is very important to her and she would gladly walk into an obvious trap in order to protect it.
Sora was nearly dead from starvation when Sanada Yukimura found her. She had either been abandoned by her family or her family had died; she cannot remember. Her first memory is of Sanada Yukimura lifting her out of the street and onto his horse, shortly after which he officially adopted her. Eternally grateful for his kindness, Sora pledged to repay her father by being an exemplary member of his household. She insisted that she be trained in the arts of swordplay and smithing, followed shortly by hand-to-hand combat. By the time she was sixteen, she had been trusted with a unit of her own soldiers and by twenty she had earned the rank of general. Still, she felt she had not done enough to repay her father. She has continued to hone her skills to this day, both slaying her father's enemies and acting as a diplomat to his allies, hoping to one day repay his kindness in full.
Other: She knows that she will likely be instructed to marry at some point, but she would much rather spend her life on the battlefield than acting as a wife Theme song: Password: Sengoku