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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Todd Howard

Todd Howard States facts, makes fiction

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Yes. That whole thing was only, like, three or so minutes long, but made me feel worse than Papyrus' original death scene.

4a sounds like the answer, then. Because the worst it seems, the more likely we should post it in the IC thread.

Sneaky Mr. L, being the big man of the entirety of the Village's Mushroom Kingdom food economy.
Aside from Koopa meat. Which I'm glad you seconded how wrong that shit is.
because it's wrong.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by ModeGone
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ModeGone Legitimate Satanspawn

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Not exactly wrong per say. Genetically they might be at least a near-match but intellectually they're probably little more than animals.
Plus when someone is starving and there's no other options but fellow self-aware beings... sometimes it could be a viable choice.
But Mr L ain't no Yoshi so screw that noise.

Canon Papyrus death scene just had me staring. "You. What. One blow. What. WHY THE HEAD STILL. NO!"
As for worst, there's also the rule of funny rather than the rule of drama.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Todd Howard

Todd Howard States facts, makes fiction

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Now we just have to wait for one of them to end up consuming Turtle Soup.
I am not comforted by the fact you consider Goombella a viable food source, however. She already has to deal with Kled, she doesn't need more stress that that.

I was absolutely floored when Undyne was such a tough fight but Mettaton just gets decked in one attack. I was really expecting a fight there. Similar experience with Asgore.

Asgore technically survived a -999999 hit, and Flowey finished him off. I have a feeling Goat Dad could have been very, very badass.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by ModeGone
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ModeGone Legitimate Satanspawn

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People are made of meat. Therefore we are edible. It is only in extreme circumstances that it is even possible to consider but even then it'd be a huge problem.

Undyne... oh man. That was just difficult. Good job on being the toughest hero in the Underground, my dear.
Mettaton is all show and no substance. You knew that.
Goat dad if he would actually fight would had been amazing. But Sans took up the epic final boss fight position in that path so...
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Todd Howard

Todd Howard States facts, makes fiction

Member Seen 3 yrs ago


Undyne was actually more difficult for me in pacifist because i sat there dodging her life after life, never realizing I had to run.
rip showbiz robutt
tfw I play too much Touhou for Sans to be a huge threat. His attacks still throw me off when I replay the fight tho.

*Birds are sin*

Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by ModeGone
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ModeGone Legitimate Satanspawn

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Look at my title.

Pacifist run I thought I had to challenge her to go fastest to get her to stop. It took dying a lot and then resorting to internet to figure out that trick.
Never Bullet Hell'd outside of Bangai-o so I was poorly prepared for Undertale. Even though I played the demo way back and waited about three years for release. Naturally the internet spoiled everything within a week. I was so angry you have no idea.
Why you replay the fight? Do you hate Sans that much?
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Todd Howard

Todd Howard States facts, makes fiction

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Insert *Sinspawn* joke here.

> resorting to internet


I have an odd addiction to stabbing people (in fictional worlds anyways) I always play the good guy the first time through, but, then...

I tend to commit murder in roleplays, too. I've ran this super mellow serial killer character of mine multiple times. I've only ever killed a PC once, however. Never got another chance.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by ModeGone
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ModeGone Legitimate Satanspawn

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Not sinspawn. Satanspawn. Dad claimed (jokingly) to be Satan and had this whole litany of lies to explain it.

Hey. I don't do it often. In fact I hate doing it. But I was out of ideas.

*eases the skeleton away from the stabhappy player*
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Todd Howard

Todd Howard States facts, makes fiction

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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by ModeGone
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ModeGone Legitimate Satanspawn

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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Todd Howard

Todd Howard States facts, makes fiction

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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by ModeGone
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ModeGone Legitimate Satanspawn

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[ * You nope away so hard you go back through the hole on Mt Ebott. ]
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Todd Howard

Todd Howard States facts, makes fiction

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Like I said though.

Should totally stop destroying the OOC and switch to a PM instead. >_>
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by ModeGone
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ModeGone Legitimate Satanspawn

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

We did kind of eat up a couple pages by ourselves.

Everyone else.
Character's favorite color?
Favorite food?
Favorite musical genre???

What do you think they'd do if the 'grand royal party' is canceled?
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Vocalia
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Vocalia I'm craving boba

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Lunch hour ahoy!

@ModeGoneJibanyan and SG Jinx both go with red as primary theme. Jinx's favorite colors would be shades of orange, red and yellow ("Hey, explosions are pretty, you know!")

I'm personally partial to Japanese food and steak. I don’t have any favorite music genre, but I've been listening to Slipknot lately.

As to what they would do... Jinx would probably just go off somewhere while Jibanyan goes back home to sleep.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Todd Howard

Todd Howard States facts, makes fiction

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

"No, Shiro. We’re not using him as forest bait again. Last time we tried doing that, Sans gave me a timeout."

the badtime corner
1x Laugh Laugh
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Vocalia
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Vocalia I'm craving boba

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@RaddumSwap!Sans does strike me as someone who prefers discipline over punishment. Jinx just pouted and sat through her timeout, grumbling all the same, while Kuro and Shiro napped until her timeout was over.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Todd Howard

Todd Howard States facts, makes fiction

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Oh, yeah. The only reason anyone would get hurt during timeout is if they hurt themselves walking into the bones.

"I know you like to have fun, but, well... Mwehheheheheh- Okay, it was funny. Just don't hurt anyone, okay?"

Hell, a few of the things she does he'd probably join in on. He'd keep it on the down-low however, and tell her to not...

Tacoabout it
1x Laugh Laugh
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Vocalia
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Vocalia I'm craving boba

Member Seen 1 yr ago

@RaddumI'd say that's one of many reasons why Jinx still has respect for Sans.

Also, teach me your ways, punmaster.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Todd Howard

Todd Howard States facts, makes fiction

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

He's a cool dude, just focused on making sure everyone gets along a little.
Now, he's of course not gonna blow up someone's house. And unless you want a bad timeout, you better not, either.

Be careful. If you say I'm a punmaster too much you might jinx it.

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