Oooh, I look forward to it :D I think I'm gonna be messing around in the pp tonight just stirring up some aimless narative, getting ideas for my next post and future use, and what have you.
Again I appologize for the inactivity. I can't for the life of me figure out why an asexual basement dweller with a full time job, an affinity for everything computer related, and an utterly disturbing sense of humor keeps attracting people who are emotionally unstable, needy, and socially demanding. Its like really, I'm no good for your mental state, and you're squandering what little free time I have. I don't mind you hanging out and studying in my room while I'm working, but if you interrupt me to ask my opinion on something frivolous or something I have already explained I don't understand/don't have an opinion on... Uhg I swear to the gods.
Anybody know how to send a clearer message to roommates than a locked door and noise cancelling headphones?