-=+[ Faction Info ]+=-
Imperial Guard Infantry Regiment | 36th Londor Union Guard Regiment | 2,468 Personel and 198 Vehicles |
-=+[ Leadership/Characters ]+=-
- Major Branton Rendel
- Branton is a child of a noble house on the Hive World of Hilgoth, born with great charisma, he spent his youngest days charming adults for candy before growing up and charming women to get in their panties. Even while he was studying to be a commander on Londor as is common practice in the Londor System. His appearance betrays his true age, appearing no older than his late twenties despite being well over sixty and full of vigor, no doubt rejuvenation treatments thanks to his noble status are helping it. In battle he is known for his rousing speeches and surprising wit and cunning, able to look surprisingly deep into situations, not exactly what one might expect of a former playboy.
- Lord Commissar Victorius
- A rare lady commissar whose name is truth for she has lead many a regiments to victory. Her record is surprisingly bloodless (in regards to the executions). Adopting the regiment’s culture, her own outfit is much more reserve than the traditional red and black of striking commissariat uniforms, now largely more khaki and has forgone the hat, showing off her blond braids, although she still has a red sash over her body. The rest of the Commissars in the regiment have similarly changed their uniforms into a much more reserve color scheme with sash, letting their hair loose. Its theorized that such behavior has allowed the Commissars assigned to the Londor Regiments to be much more embedded and feel more apart of the regiment instead of some random outside officers.
- QC Jethero Langly
- The Quartermaster-Chirurgeon is a fairly unique position found in the Londor regiments. Born of a desperate need after Chief Chirurgeons kept dying in combat, it was ultimately decided that it would be the Quartermaster who would take on the role. The Quartermaster already looks over all of the logistics and supplies of the regiment, including the medical equipment. However, the QC as its commonly called simply directs medics and Field Chirurgeons as they often lack medical knowledge.
QC Langly however is not one of said people, his years of warfare and his family’s medical knowledge letting him operate on the wounded with little qualm. He even has a bionic arm which has various medical and surgical implements to assist him in this. He’s always stressed out about the resource situation and worries about a lack of enough stockpiles of gear.
- The Quartermaster-Chirurgeon is a fairly unique position found in the Londor regiments. Born of a desperate need after Chief Chirurgeons kept dying in combat, it was ultimately decided that it would be the Quartermaster who would take on the role. The Quartermaster already looks over all of the logistics and supplies of the regiment, including the medical equipment. However, the QC as its commonly called simply directs medics and Field Chirurgeons as they often lack medical knowledge.
- Sargent Gilden Lancelot
- Distinguished veteran of innumerable battles; he was actually transferred from the remains of the 23rd when they fell in battle. He’s a very down to earth and pragmatic guy although prone to fits of rage as he snaps somewhat easily. Lancelot is well known for both his stubbornness and his embleshment of the past. Although he will often claim he’s out fisted an Ork or slew a Carnifex with a knife, his ability to lead charges is without a doubt one of his most appealing features along with his refusal to die that gains him the attention of both the rank and file and the officers.
-=+[ Troops ]+=-
The troops of the Union Guard are a mixed force, requiring to be able to storm enemy positions while also holding out in defensive positions. Support and Heavy weapons tend to lean on the simpler side given the mass production quotas for anything not a "vehicle-idol of the Omnissiah" on the Forge World with things such as Heavy Bolters, Missile Launchers, Mortars and Flamers; the Melta gun is about the most complex hand held weapon produced and even then its only in small numbers and given exclusively to more elite and experienced troops.
As a whole, the Union Guard are renowned for their stubbornness and determination fueled by grit and faith. They've faced down more than a single dire last stand and they'll surely see more, fighting to the last with their lasguns and grenades, even with pistols, knives and fists if they must. The bravery of the soldiers are often attributed to the complete lack of danger sense their officers show. Even though the officers are typically recruited from various wealthy or influential noble families, there is a high degree of apathy to danger, officers brazenly walking about on the field of battle like they're on a stroll in the park. Of course, such habits of apathy tend to get people killed but there is nothing quite like seeing an officer with a sword and a fine metal chest piece calling you to arms.
*Heavy Snipers are a unique weapon of Londor, capable of accurately placing an autocannon shell on target over hundreds of meters. These specialized marksmen are given special training and gene therapy in order for them to be able to use these armor piercing precision rifles.
**Veteran Platoons and Sections are identical in layout to normal infantry sections/platoons but boast Meltaguns instead of Grenade Launchers; all Veterans are trained with Grenadier Doctrine and as such are often referred to as Grenadiers.
As a whole, the Union Guard are renowned for their stubbornness and determination fueled by grit and faith. They've faced down more than a single dire last stand and they'll surely see more, fighting to the last with their lasguns and grenades, even with pistols, knives and fists if they must. The bravery of the soldiers are often attributed to the complete lack of danger sense their officers show. Even though the officers are typically recruited from various wealthy or influential noble families, there is a high degree of apathy to danger, officers brazenly walking about on the field of battle like they're on a stroll in the park. Of course, such habits of apathy tend to get people killed but there is nothing quite like seeing an officer with a sword and a fine metal chest piece calling you to arms.
- Infantry Platoon - (3 Rifle Sections and 1 Heavy Weapon Section) - [40 Soldiers]
- Rifle Section - (10 Guardsmen with Vox, Flamer, Grenade Launcher and Sargent) - [10 Soldiers]
- Heavy Weapon Section - (3 Heavy Bolters, Mortars or Missile Launchers teams with 3 Spotters/Spare Gunners and Sargent) - [10 Soldiers]
- Platoon Command - (5 Guardsmen with a Lieutenant, Vox, Medic, Standard Bearer and Flamer) - [5 Solders)
- Infantry Company - (1 Company Command, 5 Infantry Platoons, 1 Veteran Platoon**, 3 Sniper Sections) - [237 Soldiers]
- Company Command - (6 Veterans with a Captain, Vox, Medic, Standard Bearer, Master of Ordnance, and Melta Gunner) - [6 Soldiers]
- Sniper Section - (2 Heavy Snipers*, 2 Spotters and 3 Ratlings) - [7 Soldiers]
- Infantry Regiment - (8 Infantry Companies and Regimental Command) - [1,904 Solders]
- Regimental Command - (Major Branton Rendel, Lord Commissar Victorius, Primaris Psyker Lenida (Divination), Standard Bearing Vox, Medic, 2 Veterans, 1 Bullgryns) - [8 Soldiers]
*Heavy Snipers are a unique weapon of Londor, capable of accurately placing an autocannon shell on target over hundreds of meters. These specialized marksmen are given special training and gene therapy in order for them to be able to use these armor piercing precision rifles.
**Veteran Platoons and Sections are identical in layout to normal infantry sections/platoons but boast Meltaguns instead of Grenade Launchers; all Veterans are trained with Grenadier Doctrine and as such are often referred to as Grenadiers.
A symbol of an enduring friendship and cooperation, the Ogryn Sections are often used as loyal body guards and dutiful protectors who lay down their lives to repay the debt they bear to the former Union even if they themselves don't remember what it is exactly. While not an "official" part of the regiment, it is rare to ever see a Londor regiment without some Ogryns in some capacity.
- Ogryn Battalion - (4 Ogryn Companies) - [160 Soldiers]
- Ogryn Company - (4 Ogryn Platoons) [40 Soldiers]
- Ogryn Platoon - (1 Ogryn Sections and 1 Bullgryn Squad) - [10 Soldiers]
- Ogryn/Bullgryn Section - (5 Ogryns/Bullgryns* with a Bonehead) - [5 Soldiers]
Listed here are the people who are basically notable support staff. Their work is generally less about going to the front and more about ensuring that the regiment stays motivated, dutiful, equipped and in fighting condition. They tend to float about to whatever company or platoon are in need of their services.
*List does not include administrative and miscellaneous staff such as Scribes, Logisticians, Ratling Cooks, etc.
**The QC's Staff is primarily a back line unit, operating out of field hospitals and small tech shrines, while capable of defending themselves, should they be in open combat, its a sign something has generally gone wrong.
- Regimental Staff/Advisors*
- 3 Commissars
- 5 Priests
- 2 Masters of Ordinance
- QC's Staff**
- 12 Engineseers
- 30 Mechanicus Servitors
- 9 Field Chirurgeons
- 3 Medicae Servitors
*List does not include administrative and miscellaneous staff such as Scribes, Logisticians, Ratling Cooks, etc.
**The QC's Staff is primarily a back line unit, operating out of field hospitals and small tech shrines, while capable of defending themselves, should they be in open combat, its a sign something has generally gone wrong.
-=+[ Vehicles ]+=-
Curtsey of the Forge World Ymir V, the regiment is blessed with a good stock of vehicles to use, most of them based on the Chimera or Macharius Chasis. The scout vehicles are somewhat unique as despite their delicate and frail nature, the Union Guard uses them as vehicle hunters, mounting autocannons, missile launchers and the only lascannons to be found in the regiment.
The slightly heavier vehicles (the Chimera derivatives) are used to support advancing infantry, even firing while moving. Hellhouds destroy cover and burn anyone foolish enough to be caught in its burning gaze while Chimeras mow down enemies with blasts of its multilasers; the Griffons are an interesting case as they can bombard and area while on the move (with accuracy to be expected of such acts). However, even though crews of Griffons are able to get off an impressive volume of fire, Londor crews are drilled in something known as the "Mad Minute", letting them release massive amounts of mortar shells while stationary. More than one enemy has been surprised to discover that the rain of death they suspect was from an entire detachment worth of artillery pieces came from a single battery of Londor Griffon Carriers. Amusingly enough, all Londor vehicles have in built tea makers so the troops can safely make tea on the go. It seems that even the local Mechanicus enjoys their natural beverage, somehow.
TOTAL: 198 Vehicles and 340 Crewmen
*Crassus has been modified into a command vehicle complete with communications suite and a small arsenal
The slightly heavier vehicles (the Chimera derivatives) are used to support advancing infantry, even firing while moving. Hellhouds destroy cover and burn anyone foolish enough to be caught in its burning gaze while Chimeras mow down enemies with blasts of its multilasers; the Griffons are an interesting case as they can bombard and area while on the move (with accuracy to be expected of such acts). However, even though crews of Griffons are able to get off an impressive volume of fire, Londor crews are drilled in something known as the "Mad Minute", letting them release massive amounts of mortar shells while stationary. More than one enemy has been surprised to discover that the rain of death they suspect was from an entire detachment worth of artillery pieces came from a single battery of Londor Griffon Carriers. Amusingly enough, all Londor vehicles have in built tea makers so the troops can safely make tea on the go. It seems that even the local Mechanicus enjoys their natural beverage, somehow.
- Recon/Reaction
- 14 Scout Sentinel Pack - (3 Sentinels and 3 Crewmen) - [42 Sentinels and 42 Crewmen]
- 20 Tauros Venator Patrol - (2 Venators and 4 Crewmen) - [40 Venators and 80 Crewmen]
- Total: 82 Vehicles and 112 Crewmen
- Fire Support/Transport
- 24 Chimeras - (3 Crewmen) - [24 Chimeras and 78 Crewmen]
- 4 Griffon Heavy Mortar Carrier Battery - (3 Griffons and 12 Crewmen) - [12 Griffon Carriers and 48 Crewmen]
- 10 Hellhound Pack - (2 Hellhounds and 6 Crewmen) - [20 Hellhounds and 60 Crewmen]
- Total: 106 Vehicles and 186 Crewmen
- Super Heavy Detachment
- 3 Macharius Vanquisher- (8 Crewmen) - [3 Macharius Vanquisher and 24 Crewmen}
- 2 Macharius Vulcan - (8 Crewmen) - [2 Macharius Vulcan and 16 Crewmen]
- 1 Modified Crassus Armored Assault Transport* - (12 Crewmen) - [1 Crassus and 12 Crewmen]
- Total: 6 Vehicles and 42 Crewmembers
TOTAL: 198 Vehicles and 340 Crewmen
*Crassus has been modified into a command vehicle complete with communications suite and a small arsenal
-=+[ The Londor System ]+=-
The Union Guard are unique in that they do not technically hail from a single world in their eyes, but a single system, the Londor System that contains the following planets:
Hive World Hilgoth is were the vast majority of recruits are drawn from although its not uncommon for the other planets to pitch in their own volunteers or conscripts. Many rank-and-file soldiers are a mix of drafted ex-gangers and volunteers while the noble families of the Hive World send their children off the military academies to become officers for the regiment and is seen as a great honor and even a duty of the noble houses to lead the regiment’s soldiers to glorious victory.
Forge World Ymir V is the obvious producer of the weapons and gear of the Union Guard and has a very interesting dimorphism in production thought. While they churn out thousands of lasguns and grenades and the likes, the tanks and armored vehicles are painstaking built with extreme care, each step being blessed and inspected throughly.
As such, many of the Chimeras and Leman Russes built for the Union Guard work remarkably well and are hailed as some of the best vehicles in the Imperium but the true crown jewel is the Macharius heavy tanks, typically of the Vanquisher or Vulcan variant, that are seen as the best example of this loving care the Forge World puts into its vehicles.
As such, many of the Chimeras and Leman Russes built for the Union Guard work remarkably well and are hailed as some of the best vehicles in the Imperium but the true crown jewel is the Macharius heavy tanks, typically of the Vanquisher or Vulcan variant, that are seen as the best example of this loving care the Forge World puts into its vehicles.
Agriworld Lumarine produces vast amounts of edible plankton that are processed into Soylens Viridens rations although not quite as bland and tasteless as there are some species of plankton which farmers have managed to breed for some extra zing on occasion. The world also produces a good part of the foodstuffs for the system itself and thus also has grox farms and industrial, multi-level grain, corn, fruit farm facilities. This is also where the Londor's all important tea rations come from where industrial plantations grow Erral Bushes and harvest their leaves to be turned into Erral Tea.
Qork’s Rest is named after a famed Ogryn Bullgyrn who held a bridge from a swarm of Orks by himself for over a day before finally dying to his wounds. Its population is primarily that of the Ogryn variety which provides the Ogyrn Auxiliaries to the regiments of Union Guard. the moon isn’t actually the “homeworld” of the Ogryns in the Londor System; the true homeworld was actually an even more distant rock that was destroyed by a rouge astroid. The Union managed to rescue 98% of the abhuman population and transporting them to the moon that would become Qork’s Rest, earning the loyalty and trust of the tinier humans and have dutifully served as their auxiliaries.
The moon is also something a bit of a holy world to the Ogyrns who live on it as they see it as a bit of a Shrine World to an “Ogryn Saint” and have even come to remember bits of the tale due to countless retellings of it by the Priests to inspire zeal and duty in the abhumans. In addition, the harsh terrain of the moon makes it an ideal training ground.
The moon is also something a bit of a holy world to the Ogyrns who live on it as they see it as a bit of a Shrine World to an “Ogryn Saint” and have even come to remember bits of the tale due to countless retellings of it by the Priests to inspire zeal and duty in the abhumans. In addition, the harsh terrain of the moon makes it an ideal training ground.
Londor is just a relatively normal civilized world that acts as the figure head of the entire system. Back in the Union of Worlds, the capital was located on this planet but now it plays a much more administrative role, housing the primary HQs of various Imperial organizations in the system like the Arbites and the Munitorum. Its a jack of all trades and assists where ever is necessary; if the Forge World is falling behind in production, it’ll help pick up the slack, if the Agriworld needs more hands, a group will be sent over.
The planet also has small populations of Ratlings who often find work all over the system as cooks for nobles, specialized industrial workers and of course, regimental snipers.
The planet also has small populations of Ratlings who often find work all over the system as cooks for nobles, specialized industrial workers and of course, regimental snipers.
-=+[ History ]+=-
To know the history of the Londor Union Guard, one must first know about the Londor System comprising of the Hive World of Fertach, Forge World Charon V, agriworld Lengrowth, the Ogryn world of Qork’s Rest and the imperial world of Londor. In the days of the Age of Strive, the system was lucky enough no to regress too much and still stay someone interconnected as a loose confederation of plants called the “Union of World” lead by a high King.
When the Great Crusade kicked off, the Emperor resorbed the Union of Worlds who had joined without a fight under the sole condition that for the purposes of the Imperial Tithe, the system as a whole would be considered a single planet and was willing to pay additional in the Tithe to make up for this treatment and their request was accepted by the High Lords of Terra and the Emperor at the time.
Of course, at this time the system looked little of what it does today. It was once an incredibly flashy unit of drilled line infantry known as the "Londor Foot Rifles". The Foot Rifles marched into battle with colorful banners and loud drum lines and horns. Many of these regiments where sent to battle and many were sent to die aimlessly with the System soon coming to the conclusion that the Foot Rifles were becoming of less value as the war they thought they fought was not like anything they thought. They would issue sweeping changes and reforms to the Foot Rifles, but the men on the ground had long since changed their ways.
Those who survived had long abandoned the ways of square formations and the Thin Guard Line, having become accustom to getting their proud uniforms dirty not because they were careless while digging trenches, but because it would prevent their bright uniforms from standing out. There was already a shift in battle thinking and doctrine on the field and many veterans rejoiced when they learned that newer regiments would be free of such ridiculousness. After many centuries of going under the name of "Foot Rifles", the Londor regiments were rebuilt with new tactics, more practical uniforms and flexible tactics and was named the "Union Guard". In addition to the new infantry, newer tank regiments where raise with the local forge world being given the STC to the Marches Vanquisher and Vulcan, both of which have seen use in almost all regiments regardless of designation.
The system as a whole is renown for its unity and cooperation with each other with several recorded instances of the Magos of the Forgeworld Charon V actually doing more than staring at old kitchen appliances everyday. As such whenever a regiment of Union Guards are raised, it is considered a system wide affair with each world providing something to the newly created regiment.
Raised recently the 36th is by no means a veteran regiment of elite warriors but they are no strangers to war, hardened and toughened in the heat of battle. They faced off against many a foe such as the Ork Warboss Razkill God'unta, the Tau Commander Shas’ka Jien’Un (Star Soul) as well as various traitor forces such as the renegade 49th Talus Regiment, the Yangorn 81st Armored Regiment and the 402nd Miltri Rifles.
When the Great Crusade kicked off, the Emperor resorbed the Union of Worlds who had joined without a fight under the sole condition that for the purposes of the Imperial Tithe, the system as a whole would be considered a single planet and was willing to pay additional in the Tithe to make up for this treatment and their request was accepted by the High Lords of Terra and the Emperor at the time.
Of course, at this time the system looked little of what it does today. It was once an incredibly flashy unit of drilled line infantry known as the "Londor Foot Rifles". The Foot Rifles marched into battle with colorful banners and loud drum lines and horns. Many of these regiments where sent to battle and many were sent to die aimlessly with the System soon coming to the conclusion that the Foot Rifles were becoming of less value as the war they thought they fought was not like anything they thought. They would issue sweeping changes and reforms to the Foot Rifles, but the men on the ground had long since changed their ways.
Those who survived had long abandoned the ways of square formations and the Thin Guard Line, having become accustom to getting their proud uniforms dirty not because they were careless while digging trenches, but because it would prevent their bright uniforms from standing out. There was already a shift in battle thinking and doctrine on the field and many veterans rejoiced when they learned that newer regiments would be free of such ridiculousness. After many centuries of going under the name of "Foot Rifles", the Londor regiments were rebuilt with new tactics, more practical uniforms and flexible tactics and was named the "Union Guard". In addition to the new infantry, newer tank regiments where raise with the local forge world being given the STC to the Marches Vanquisher and Vulcan, both of which have seen use in almost all regiments regardless of designation.
The system as a whole is renown for its unity and cooperation with each other with several recorded instances of the Magos of the Forgeworld Charon V actually doing more than staring at old kitchen appliances everyday. As such whenever a regiment of Union Guards are raised, it is considered a system wide affair with each world providing something to the newly created regiment.
Raised recently the 36th is by no means a veteran regiment of elite warriors but they are no strangers to war, hardened and toughened in the heat of battle. They faced off against many a foe such as the Ork Warboss Razkill God'unta, the Tau Commander Shas’ka Jien’Un (Star Soul) as well as various traitor forces such as the renegade 49th Talus Regiment, the Yangorn 81st Armored Regiment and the 402nd Miltri Rifles.
-=+[ Misc. ]+=-