This game was greatly inspired by the anime Nanatsu no Taiza a.k.a. The Seven Deadly Sins. You do not have to have seen this anime to participate in this game for this game is running on its own original setting. Other inspirations are: Final Fantasy Brave Exvius and Fire Emblem.
This game will be high fantasy, which means majority of the creatures found in this game will be entirely of our imagination, and if they are creatures we want to keep in this game as common knowledge, then there will be a Beast Log to record them.
The technology level of this game is mostly magic and medieval but some kingdoms have access to steam technology as well as magic-operated/magic-producing machinery called Arcana or Arcs if it is a weapon. Arcs are rare weapons that are beyond expensive and are greatly desired by any kingdom, military, crime element, and individual due to their immense power.
This was the basic synopsis of the game. If you are interested, then please continue to read and instead of announcing "interested" in the Interest Check, please reserve a role. This will let me know that you have read this line and are capable of reading comprehension as well as following directions.

There are two gods in this world. The White God and The Black God, although, not much is known of the Black God. The most active god has always been the White God. However, the story goes that between the gods Man was created as a balance. Man was neither good or evil and leaned, whichever way Man desired. Some chose the path of the White God and gave up their freewill in service to It. They were called Holy Knights. These powerful knights were angelic in appearance with their power granted by the White God they dedicated their lives to bring justices to the masses. No kingdom could ignore a Holy Knight's audience. They are the wandering judges in the land, but that didn't make them good. Self-righteousness could be an evil thing, and many kingdoms and villages were wiped out if ever a Holy Knight deemed them to be wicked. The White God is praised to be an inspiration of hope, salvation, and purity - everything that humans desired in a true god, but perhaps the god's light shined so brightly that they were blinded?
The Black God faded from history, and is imagined to be a fairy tale. It has become the shadow of the White God. Some even question if a Black God even exists. There were seven warriors who opposed the Holy Knights. Seven who strangely bore the strength to ward off the power of the White God. This disturbed the god, and while the seven warriors gloated over their powers and victories, their complacency left an opening. The White God personally attacked the seven warriors and branded each warrior with a curse/sin. They were banished across Gaea, and their minds shattered so that they could not remember who they are and what they did. The Holy Knights hunt them, seeking to destroy them while they're vulnerable. Time will only tell when they succeed.

In this game, the seven deadly sins are: Pride, Greed, Gluttony, Lust, Envy, Wrath and Sloth. They are equal in might; however, some may be physically faster or stronger than the others depending if they invested in a certain ability. The Sins are extremely powerful to demigod level and sometimes tipping into god level. The Holy Knights are comparably powerful, but not as powerful thus they usually take on a Sin in numbers. There are only few Holy Knights in existence that can take on a Sin one-on-one and those Holy Knights are not to be taken lightly.
The Sins before their curse were good friends and were quite a colorful bunch with all of their interesting personalities making them quite the dysfunctional family. Since they were scattered by the White God's phenomenal curse, the White God has taught Man that the Sins are evil. Any being bearing the Brand of the Seven is an evil person to be turned over to authorities immediately. Because of this social stigma, the Sins with their fragmented memory believe themselves to be evil. Their crime? They cannot remember but figure it was something awful. Wherever you place your Sin in this world, in whatever situation, is how they will be found. Dead? Alive? Imprisoned? Working at a bar? Whatever you choose.
Each sin has one ability. Not three in one. Just one ability. This ability is not to be confused with their already freely given demigod physical abilities. There is no point in listing what's automatically granted to your character when you do your profile. I should only see one ability listed under ability. If you want super speed to be an ability that makes them the fastest Sin, then you can do that but be warned that is your ability. Likewise, for strength, durability, etc. We will see who follows these directions.
As the game states, there are only seven sins. I will not be accepting more than seven people. I, the GM, have chosen a Sin so there are six openings for Sins and one opening for The Girl. The Sins can be male or female. They do not have to be all male or all female and there doesn't have to be an equal amount of either.
You can use this site to get fancy fonts for decorating your profile: 1001fonts.com You just treat the link to each font banner like an image.

The girl [to be named by the player (TBNBP) or if no one claims her by game start, the GM will take her] is secretly the daughter of King [TBNBP] and Queen [TBNBP]. The Holy Knights have taken her kingdom, claiming that they are protecting it from a resistance that has arisen to chase the Holy Knights out. The Holy Knights, however, twisted the goals of the resistance around, telling the royal family that the resistance was raised to oppose their rule and not the Holy Knights. The girl's family was thus contained, placing the Holy Knights in complete power over her kingdom. The girl's mother helped her escape before she was taken and the girl has since traveled the world in search of the Seven Sins, who she feels will end the Holy Knights reign and return the world to peace.
The girl is unaccustomed to life outside of her palace where servants waited on her hand and foot, and so she has a lot of character development to go through. There is a secret divine power within her, and it's not of the White God, which can be revealed in certain situations in game. The biggest revealing is how she is able to restore the memories of each of the Sins. Her "kills with kindness" personality makes her a princess that the Sins are eventually all willing to fight for and protect. The girl will learn to be the monarch she is destined to be.
You can use this site to get fancy fonts for decorating your profile: 1001fonts.com You just treat the link to each font banner like an image.
If more than seven people show interest in this game, then selection for this game will be based on your character's concept. It'll be completely subjective and based on what the GM deems is good for the game. This does not mean if your character isn't selected that you are a bad writer, you can't come up with interesting ideas, or anything negative along those lines. I will merely be making a selection based on what I think is good for the story. So if you're confident, you really like this idea, and you want to give it a shot, then you're good to go. Note: That this subjectivity will only be used if the role you chose is being contested by another player. If no one challenges the same slot you wanted, then you are good to go.
1. No drama. You think this rule wouldn't need to be up here, but unfortunately, there are some immature/moody folks who like to air out their dirty laundry. If you think I'm going to put up with it, you're wrong. You will be removed from the game in a heartbeat. "I had a bad day," is not an excuse. If you're having a bad day, then you better go find something to do that makes you happy because if you're letting your bad day create a toxic environment in this game, you will be removed without mercy.
2. Communication. I understand how college is. Been there. Done that. I know it can be busy and exams take up your time. HOWEVER, you are completely capable of spending not even 1 min, coming online and saying, "Hey, I'm going to be busy with exams for the next "x" amount of days." That's all it takes. Very easy. Or even, "Hey, I'm going to be on vacation from [blank] date to [blank] date. Again, too easy. If you disappear without telling me where you went for 7 days, I will have everyone move on without you. If you're gone for 14 days, then you will be removed from the game.
3. Activity Level. I want this game to be fun and to move as we make it move. So I don't expect the activity level to be anything extreme unless we're all having a good time. I guess what I'm saying is, this will depend on us. No one will be posting over anyone in this game. If someone hasn't responded, then we will wait for them to respond. If there's a 1 on 1 dialog between characters that has nothing to do with other characters, then those can be collaborated using Pirate Pad or PMs. What most certainly won't happen is people posting 10 times per day. That's not going to happen.
4. Have Fun and Story Weave. If you haven't noticed, this world isn't in depth because I want us all to move this story and create plots together. I, the GM, will be the overall guide for the plot and I will make some exceptions for side stories, but the amount of imagination you put into each post is all you. Try to make a character that you can feel and love. Do not just try to join this game because it seemed cool and you're jumping on the bandwagon with everyone else. Your character, and the love you have for him or her is going to decide how long you stay in this game. No lie.
Holy Knights
I only want 2 Holy Knights that were bad gone good. They can know each other. I'm sure they would know each other to begin with. They can even be siblings. Whatever the two Holy Knight players decide.
Interested Players
General Scales - Holy Knight
Zetsuko - Holy Knight
Approved Players
Anastasia Winslet - The Girl - HowlsOfWinter
Tyrena Sekhmet - Wrath - GreenGoat
Grimjet Clermont - Gluttony - Holy Soldier
Feras Almeria - Greed - The ghost in black
Shakita Tallborn - Pride - DeathXtheXTree
Morgan Mason - Lust - Aether Spawn
Kieamiera Drox - Envy - Gowi
Maria Didacus - Sloth - Jay Kalton