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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Nallore
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Nallore RPG's Grope Master & Taco Hunter. :P

Member Seen 9 hrs ago

The Walking Dead:

Washington DC

Maria Smith

Location:Penn Social Bar

Maria had just gotten into Washington DC a few hours ago, she had just finished up her semester in college she was going to meet her girlfriend Alex, at Penn Social. They had been dating for about six months now as Maria sat herself at a booth in the corner of the restaurant. She lightly started to play around her hair as she watched some of the people of the bar talking and drinking, Maria had been on a train from the Pittsburgh Pennsylvania train station to the Washington Union Station. She looked outside it was actually a really nice day out. Maria took out her phone as she looked down at her phone to see what time it was, she had just gotten into the bar as Maria shifted slightly in her seat.

A bartender came up to Maria as she gave the woman a soft smile. "What can I get you?" The woman asked, as Maria thought for a moment. "I'll just have a beer please." The bartender smiled and nodded as the woman turned off towards the bar to get her drink, she had never been to DC before. She of course wanted to go out sightseeing with Alex as Maria continued to play around with her hair slightly bored, she sat there and watched as some of the patrons were playing darts.

Her mind started to wonder back to how were things going on back home, she had left her father instead of helping him at the farm to go to DC with her girlfriend. As well as her sister, Kristina as she remembered that her younger sister also had a play that she wanted Maria to go and see her perform. But tickets were already sold out for that, and Kris understood that though and Maria had promised her younger sister that she would get her something while she was in DC. Then the bartender came back with the bottle of beer in hand, Maria smiled as she took out her purse and handed a two dollar bill towards the woman,
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Ambiguity
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Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Alex Thompson

D.C. took a little getting used to, but the country's capital grew on her. Finished up her undergraduate degree last year, Alex took an internship out East in sports medicine. It paid decently well, and she'd already started networking with the people she worked with. It was amazing just how much you could learn simply from asking.

There was a spring to her step as Alex quickly navigated her way through the busy D.C. streets. Maria, her girlfriend was coming up to meet her. Though a little older than her, there was something about the lady that kept her fancy. There was some talk between the two of them of finding a place somewhere. Not set in stone whatsoever. Alex knew a bit about her girlfriend's conflicting emotions between family and her. As little as she was told. Alex didn't feel the need to pry into it.

The Penn Social soon came into view as Alex closed the remaining distance. Walking into the restaurant, she looked around. It was pretty packed given the time. Spotting some familiar faces, she had frequented this spot a few times before. Alex spotted the person she was looking for settled in the corner.

"Hey," Alex said as she took the seat opposite Maria. She leaned over and gave Maria a quick kiss before settling back. She noted the beer. "I could never stomach those. Scotch. How was the trip? Have you been waiting long? There was an incident in the metro. I had to take a different route or wait. Not minutes, hours. There were a lot of police there. Have you eaten? I sort of just got off of work..."
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Nallore
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Nallore RPG's Grope Master & Taco Hunter. :P

Member Seen 9 hrs ago

Maria Smith

As Maria sat there she turned to look at the tv on the other side of the room as a news story out in LA about someone taking a bite out of a person. Maria quickly turned her attention seeing the door to the Penn Social her face quickly lit up seeing Alex there, once her girlfriend took a seat in front of her Maria returned the kiss. "Don't be sorry, I actually just literally got off of the train a few minutes ago and just took a cab over here. The train ride was nice though." Maria said as she looked at the bottle of beer in her hand and smiled knowing that Alex didn't really like beer, she remembered having her first drink when she turned twenty one. "Well you can thank my dad for getting me into the stuff." Maria said with a laugh.

Maria was only three years older then Alex, though she did spend two years with helping out her father on the family farm since her parents were divorced a few years before that. Once Maria had enough money she went to college for a veterinary degree, since she had spent a lot of time with animals and she wanted to continue that. "So how has work been lately?" Maria asked as the same bartender from earlier came up with some Scotch for Alex.

"I didn't really have that much to eat really actually, just a small bag of chips on the train ride over from the food car but that's about it I'm actually pretty hungry." Maria said, she was kind of craving for something spicy but she didn't really know of any places in town since she was new to D.C. Maria did think about just simply moving up here to be with Alex now more and more. "So what did you have planned while i'm in D.C. for the next two weeks?"
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Ambiguity
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Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Alex Thompson

Alex nodded to the bartender that brought over her drink. On the rocks. She didn't have to even specify nor did she have to order it. Did Maria order for her? Perhaps she came here to often? It didn't matter. Alex took a sip from her glass before putting it back down. "So I work with a university that I can get on the line. Driving here sucks. Other than the smell of football players, it's fun. Right where I want to be, and it keeps me busy. I get to travel too," Alex said. "I've been talking to one of the head trainers. I'm told him I'm interested in exploring opportunities while staying with the university I'm at now. But that's still up in the air on what that'll be. He's very connected though."

So Maria hadn't eaten yet. Alex smirked. "There's this place I stumbled upon. Really hard to find unless you know where to look. I don't know if you've had it yet. Fish and chips with this really hot sauce. Hot but sweet. Interested?" When the topic of plans came up, Alex pursed her lips. "Well. I think I should show you my place. Get settled in. The Air and Space Museum has some really neat stuff. Exhibit change. We can go check that out! Maybe even walk the mall area."

Alex took another sip from her glass, then she reached over and rested her hand on top of Maria's. "I'm happy you're here, M. Texting is cool, but doesn't substitute this." Catching something from the TV, Alex turned around as she watched the news anchor report on the recent violence frenzy. There weren't too many cases, but the number of reports kept increasing. She looked at the caption. "M. That's not far from here." She turned around and looked at Maria. "That's a few blocks east. I'm not trying to sound insensitive, but what the hell?"
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Nallore
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Nallore RPG's Grope Master & Taco Hunter. :P

Member Seen 9 hrs ago

Maria Smith

"I'm really glad that I came here, FaceTime and texting just aren't the same as having a face to face conversation." Maria said with a soft smile as she leaned forward and gently pressed her lips up against Alex's and sat back down. She looked towards the bag of clothes that she had right next to her. Then she started to listen to Alex as she spoke about her job and smiled at her girlfriend she was glad that Alex was enjoying her job. "I'm really glad that you are enjoying your work aside from the driving and the dirty football players." Maria said with a laugh. Maria's face lit up she hadn't gotten to see Alex's place yet, and she was glad that she wouldn't be spending that time sleeping in some hotel.

Maria took a drink from her beer finishing about half of it down as her attention went to the news screen and saw the caption. "It's the same weird news stories back in Pittsburgh, another incident like this happened shortly after a Pirates game." Maria sighed slightly she wasn't sure what was the sudden surge of violence with the police recently and decided to change the subject to lunch to the place Alex had suggested. "That place sounds really good, and you already know me." Maria growing up always loved spicy food, she reached out to gently hold Alex's hand.

"I first want to see your place, and that I wont have to lug my backpack around so much." She got up finishing up her beer and then laid some money out on the table. She wanted to at least repay her girlfriend for the Scotch, Maria then felt her phone vibrate for a moment she looked down and saw it was a text from her sister Kris wondering if she had gotten to D.C. in one piece. Which Maria quickly sent out a reply telling her younger sister that she did make it safely and would see her in two weeks.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Ambiguity
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Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Alex Thompson

Alex's eyes widened in shock. "Pittsburgh? I never heard it on the news. I mean, I don't get to watch TV that much, but still." While Pittsburgh wasn't necessarily close, it was still in the region. There'd been reports in big cities mostly. Los Angeles. Chicago. D.C. Miami. Others that Alex didn't have the capacity to keep track of. Thankful for Maria bringing her focus back to food, she nodded. Alex bit her lower lip. "Let's go drop that bag off then. Freshen up, if you want."

About to offer paying for the drinks, Alex saw Maria already place money on the table. She arched an eyebrow. "I'll cover lunch then."

Giving Maria some time to respond to her text, she looked back at the TV. The scene where the close by biting was still being covered. A shiver ran down Alex's spine, her telltale 'oh shit' tell.

The subway ride took a little longer than expected. What was usually fifteen minutes to half an hour turned into an hour and a half.

Walking a past a few grocery stores and some odd stores, Alex led Maria towards an industrial warehouse like building. She looked at her lovely partner. "No, this is not some freaky cult meeting. Yes, I actually do live here. It's cheap." Taking out a fob, Alex scanned it at the door as it unlocked. She gestured for Maria to walk in. Some clothes were left out in the open folded while a makeshift boxing gym dominated a corner. The rest was a kitchen mixed in with her living room. The upstairs was where she slept. "Welcome, madame, to Alex's Urban Resort. Your stay is on the house."

She winked at Maria. She took off her shoes where the concrete ended for section for a car. That was where her boxing stuff was. "Why don't you put your stuff upstairs? Bathroom's over there. Got everything. No bath. Just a shower," she said. "Chop chop so we can get some yummies in our tummies!"
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Nallore
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Nallore RPG's Grope Master & Taco Hunter. :P

Member Seen 9 hrs ago

Maria Smith

Maria slipped her phone back into her pocket as she looked at the tv screen, the news was weird a lot of people biting into each other lately was weird it had been going on for the past day now. She shuddered slightly at the thought of being on the biting end of that, she quickly followed alongside Alex and held her girlfriend's hand. Maria was actually happy that she had met Alex they did get along really well together which she was really happy about. When they entered the subway Maria stood closely next to Alex, they didn't have any back home but it did feel like they were just simply riding a train. Maria had one of her hands in her pocket holding some concert tickets, it was a surprise for Alex and a reason why she wanted to come over to D.C. and also spend time with Alex.

The hour and a half later Maria followed Alex to the warehouse her eyes scanning the stores nearby as they stopped in front of the warehouse Maria raised an eyebrow slightly she actually wasn't expecting Alex to be living in a place like this. When the door opened Maria's eyes lit up, it actually looked really nice and roomie. "This looks awesome!" Maria said as she stepped into the warehouse loft, she turned around and smirked slightly at Alex. "I'll go and freshen up and get changed i'll be back in thirty minutes." Maria said as she moved over and kissed Alex on the cheek before heading up towards the bedroom and entered the shower.

Thirty minutes went by pretty quickly as Maria just did a quick shower, and then went through her bag pulling out a fresh set of clothes tossing them onto the bed. Maria looked down at Alex and smirked slightly as she simply put on a clean shirt and pair of jeans, she then grabbed her purse and then pulled out the pair of tickets. She headed back down the stairs and then handed Alex the set of tickets. "I bought some concert tickets for tonight front row to." Maria smiled.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Ambiguity
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Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Alex Thompson

Alex wore a smug look as she plopped down on her couch. Thirty minutes to kill. Finding the remote resting on the couch, she reached for it and turned on the TV. Instead of flipping to her go to sports channel, she instead turned it to the news. Catching the tail end of the weather forecast to the week, there was only one thing bigger than the current ongoing elections. The biting incidence that'd been sprouting up around the US.

The woman news anchor, someone Alex was accustomed to seeing on the news daily, looked slightly disheveled. "Good afternoon DC. We return to our report on scene on the most recent biting incident here in D.C ..."

The camera zoomed in on a very distraught looking man. From the caption and what words he could say, he was the father of the teenager who was bitten. Something about going to the hospital, which wasn't a bad move at all. Alex listened closely until the camera switched to one of the paramedics. Her jaw dropped open when a body bag started to move. "What the ... what?" Alex sat up and watched. The camera was cut off by a police officer. "Holy crap."

Hearing the water shut off, Alex turned down the TV volume. She was still trying to figure out what she'd just seen. It was too sick to be some sort of joke.

Seeing Maria looking down from her, her hair still wet, Alex decided to forget what she had just saw. Her eyes roamed over Maria. Unsubtly. When Maria came to join her on ground floor, she was about to ask if they were ready to head out. Maria surprised her yet again. Taking the tickets, her eyes widened. "No. Way. This must've cost an arm and a leg! Seriously? Oh we're going, M." Pulling Maria in close, she kissed her. Lingering as she closed her eyes. Maria's scent stimulating and moving her on an indescribable level. Pulling away, resisting the burning feeling in her body, she winked at her girlfriend. "Fish and chips. This time, I'm buying. I'll even throw in something extra to sweeten the deal. That, M, I'll keep as a surprise."
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Nallore
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Nallore RPG's Grope Master & Taco Hunter. :P

Member Seen 9 hrs ago

Maria Smith

Maria closed her eyes as Alex moved in to give her a kiss, she wrapped her arms around Alex's waste letting out a content and happy sigh into the kiss Maria really did love this woman a lot. When the kiss ended Maria frowned slightly she wanted to actually last longer she then smiled and giggled. "I sold a whole lot of hard drugs just to get those tickets." Maria said jokingly as she held Alex's hand and giggled softly, she actually just spent a whole weeks worth of rent to get the tickets for the two of them which she didn't even mind. As long as she got the time to spend with Alex Maria was happy and she knew that Alex liked going to concerts as well as sporting events. "Its the least I can do for you letting me come here and crash with ya." Maria said with a soft smile.

Her eyes then wondered over towards the TV screen seeing the news report of the same biting incident that was played earlier in the day. She quickly went over and turned off the TV turning her attention towards Alex smiling happily she was excited for going out and whatever Alex had planned to. "Does the sweet part of the deal involve with a happy ending at the end of the day?" Maria wanted to have her first time with Alex, though she didn't say anything about that.

"Anyway lets go and get some grub i'm starved." Maria said as she went towards the door and grabbed her pair of shoes and started to put them on. She knew that her hair was still wet, but it would dry pretty quickly once they were outside in the sunlight as Maria reached into her purse and made sure that she had everything ready to go.

The concert they were going to was one of Riley's she liked the girl's music for awhile now, it was actually her first concert as well and she wanted the best for both her and Alex. Even if the tickets were expensive as hell Maria stood by the door waiting for her girlfriend, though her mind started to wonder back towards the news of the people just eating one another. Something that was kind of scary and the police brutality as well made her start to worry what was going to happen if they were outside and in the streets.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Ambiguity
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Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Alex Thompson

Alex laughed and winked at Maria. "Like I said, it'll be a surprise," she said. Following Maria to the door, Alex pulled on her shoes. Any other day, she'd turn into a couch potato or even catch a few winks of sleep. This wasn't just any other day though. Maria was here. Though she wasn't terribly lonely, Alex kept herself quite busy when she wasn't working, this satisfied a longing that wasn't filled among others. Grabbing her things, she snaked her hand around Maria's hip. "Let's not keep those fish and chips waiting, hmmm?"

Traffic had gotten much worse since their earlier rendezvous. Certain streets were closed down as officers stood at 'Do Not Cross' signs. On a typical day, Alex would've chalked that up to the President traveling through D.C. That was what always happened. A train of cars zipping through the cleared streets that were normally busy. With the recent strings of violence, however, Alex couldn't shake off the feeling that something wasn't quite typical.

Sitting in the restaurant, wonderful smells assailing her till the point of overload, Alex waited with Maria as their orders were being made. It'd been too long since she had fish and chips. She couldn't wait.

"I hope they don't take too long. I could, well, eat," Alex said. "So for the concert tonight? What do you think we should wear? I think we should match. Well, I'll match you. I have my wardrobe here. You don't. You can always borrow my stuff too." A siren wailed beyond the restaurant's windows as Alex watched the blue and red speed by. She frowned and shifted slightly in her seat. "I know this is the capital and all, but that's not normal. That was probably the sixth police car we've seen.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Nallore
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Nallore RPG's Grope Master & Taco Hunter. :P

Member Seen 9 hrs ago

Maria Smith

Maria smiled feeling Alex's hands wrapped around her waist she looked towards her girlfriend and gave her a soft smile and leaned forward kissing her on the cheek. "I've been starving all day." She said with a soft smile as she followed her girlfriend outside of Alex's house, as they walked along the street she took notice of some of the street corners have been blocked off. She just assumed that it was the president moving on about the city, to some political crap she never really got into. Maria just leaned her head up against Alex's shoulder feeling comfortable and happy in her arms as they moved along the streets of D.C.

When they finally got to the restaurant Maria sat across from Alex their seat closest to the window, she looked out the window as she noticed another police car and ambulance driving past them. Maria couldn't help but get that same feeling that this certainly wasn't even normal at all. She then turned her attention towards Alex wondering what they should actually wear for the evening at the concert, she thought for a moment and smiled as Alex offered some of her own clothes for the evening.

"Hmm, not sure really I was just thinking of going with what i'm wearing right now, but if you are offering some of your clothes I wouldn't mind wearing at all." Maria smirked playfully she shifted slightly in the seat at the mention of the police and bit her lower lip for a moment. "I'm not sure that its normal either. I don't think our good ol' president is traveling anywhere big or have any foreign leaders coming through. And with all this news going on lately about these weird cannibal stories maybe they are connected somehow?" Maria asked just as their waiter came over and handed them their drinks and food.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Ambiguity
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Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Alex Thompson

Alex thanked the waiter as she started to nibble away at her order. She chewed and savored before swallowing. "You see, the president could go shopping, and they'd close down the whole place for security measures. Security's gone up too. With all the reports on the news, I'm not surprised." Alex took another bite of the fish after dipping it in tartar then ketchup. "You know, M? I wouldn't be surprised if the National Guard was activated. I have a few moments to spare, so I stay caught up with this stuff. These cases are happening quicker, you know?"

It was a bit over the top, but was it a stretch? What she'd just said. With the national fear rising, she listened when she went about her day, and doctors not knowing what was going on, security shown through military wasn't an outlandish idea. The Guard was always deployed for natural disasters. The difference was that this one wasn't concentrated in one spot. She could go on and on about this. Maria didn't need to hear this though.

Sighing, Alex clapped her hands together then pointed them at Maria. "Too much doom and gloom. Sorry. So what do you think?" She hinted towards the fish and chips. "You've gotta try that chili sauce. I like it, but I can't pass on tartar and ketchup. Nope. Outfits for tonight. I have some new eyeliner. You can use some. Some thickness would really jive for the concert. Are you feeling punk-ish? Yeah, punk-ish sounds fitting too."

Alex gave Maria a look over. She rose an eyebrow. "My clothes might be a wee bit big on you," she said.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Nallore
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Nallore RPG's Grope Master & Taco Hunter. :P

Member Seen 9 hrs ago

Maria Smith

Maria looked up at their waiter and gave a soft smile and nod as she accepted the plate of fish and chips from him setting it down in front of her. She grabbed her fork and knife stabbing it into her food and started to cut it into small pieces, which is what she always did, Maria's eyes went up towards Alex as she spoke. To her it didn't feel like it was over the top these cases of people getting bitten by others the stories just continued to come. "Ya know you sound like one of those preppers right?" Maria said with a light laugh just trying to lighten up the mood a bit. "But I agree with you these stories keep getting more and more frequent.. it just seems weird. What if it's some kind of weird fucked up version of rabies or something." Maria said softly.

She then took a cut piece of fish and did what Alex said and dipped it into the chili sauce and then took a bite out of it, Maria closed her eyes as she enjoyed the spicy kick to the chili dipped fish. "God this is really fucking good." Maria said and smiled as she then grabbed another piece and dipped it into the tartar sauce. "I did happen to bring my leather jacket with me, and a pair of old torn up jeans." Maria said as she reached over for some water. "You wouldnt mind sharing your makeup with me?"

"I'll make your clothes fit me anyway." Maria smiled playfully as she took a chip and started to eat it, she couldn't help but think about to the biting issue again. She then felt like she had to go to the bathroom taking a quick drink of her water she stood up and moved over to kiss Alex on the cheek. "I'll be back i'm going to use the restroom."

Maria stood up and made her way towards the restroom after looking around the restaurant for it, she entered and sat down in one of the stalls. After a few seconds of doing her business she stood up and flushed the toilet, and started to wash her hands when a woman entered. "Damn druggie asshole fucking bit me.." The woman said to herself Maria stared at the woman for a second before leaving the restroom behind and went back towards Alex.

"Sorry about that." Maria said as she went back and sat down in her seat and started to eat she looked back towards Alex deciding to not bring it up. She was here to have fun and spend time with her girlfriend as Maria reached over and smiled at Alex. "So after this want to hit one of the museums or something?"
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Ambiguity
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Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Alex Thompson

Alex laughed as she popped a chip into her mouth. She gave Maria a playful nudge with her foot and winked. "Loose fit, tight fit, whatever fit. You're perfect, M." Leaning forward to receive the kiss, she rose an eyebrow. "Don't keep me waiting too long."

Watching Maria head off to do her business, Alex's gaze lingered on the fine lady until she disappeared. Taking another chomp from her fish, she pulled out her cell phone. She missed a few emails, texts, and calls. Most were from her friends in D.C. while others were work related. About to pull up her Facebook feed, the door to the restaurant opened. Alex looked up. Her eyes widened. Two police officers walked in. One looked anxious while the other looked like the classic PTSD case. Not that she knew anything about that. All she knew about PTSD was what she read on Wikipedia and the stuff on the news. None of it at all good.

"I got to get home, brother," said an officer. He looked around and locked eyes with Alex. He looked away as they quickly ordered fish and chips as well. "Get the wife and kids out. This shit ain't normal...!"

"Keep your voice down," said the other officer. What they said after that, Alex couldn't hear. She was freaked.

Alex flinched as she felt someone touch her. The tension lessened ever so slightly when she saw it was Maria. "Shit, sorry," she said. "I was just ... Yeah, let's go to the museum. Something outside or inside?"

"Fuck!" The officer that talked about getting his family out. "No, no, no!"

"Sam? Calm down."


Alex blatantly stared at the officers now. Everyone in the restaurant was. Giving Maria's hand a squeeze, Alex fished into her purse and pulled out enough bills to cover the food and a tip. "Let's go," she said. "Please?"
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Nallore
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Nallore RPG's Grope Master & Taco Hunter. :P

Member Seen 9 hrs ago

Maria Smith

When Maria got back she noticed Alex flinch after she touched her, it really wasn't like Alex at all to be that jumpy. "It's alright Lex." Maria said as she went back to sitting down in her seat and looked over towards the pair of officers standing by ordering some food. Then she heard one of them start to freak the hell out. "Somewhere outside maybe?" Maria suggested as she eyed the officers some more, usually she never seen police officers freak out like this. Maria then felt Alex's grip on her hand once more looking down at her half eaten meal, she assumed it was to all these stories of bites going around was freaking Alex out.

"Of course, lets go." Maria said as she quickly finished up the last of her drink and grabbed a small handful of chips she started to head out of the restaurant with Alex. Once they were outside though Maria turned around to look at her girlfriend with a concerned look in her eyes. "Is everything okay Alex?" Maria asked softly gently giving Alex's hand a gentle loving squeeze to try and calm her down.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Ambiguity
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Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Alex Thompson

Alex breathed easy when they got outside. She took a deep breath and felt Maria's gentle squeeze. She forced herself to smile. "There's been a lot of bite cases around my area, M. Even more lately." She looked back in the restaurant. The officers were talking still, rather adamantly. "I didn't want to say anything. But when cops start freaking out? I'm overreacting. Maybe. I don't know... I'm sorry. You wanted to go somewhere outside, right."

Turning to the right, she pointed towards a large obelisk in the distance. "That's where we want to go. I haven't seen the WW II Memorial in a while." She started walking, she kept holding Maria's hand. "Can we stop by to get some flowers? It's for grand dad."
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Nallore
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Nallore RPG's Grope Master & Taco Hunter. :P

Member Seen 9 hrs ago

Maria Smith

Maria held Alex's hand lovingly to try and reassure her that things were alright, her eyes wondered back into the restaurant seeing the two police officers she then could see the woman she bumped into the restroom her hand bandaged up. "Honestly I am a bit freaked out to seeing officers doing that something big might be happening or something." Maria said softly as she tied her hair into a pony tail she wrapped her arm around Alex's waist. She could see the obelisk out in the distance and knew that it was the iconic Washington Monument which she always wanted to see up close and personal. "Anyway i've always wanted to see the Washington Monument." Maria said changing the subject and nodded at her girlfriend.

"Of course we can go, I don't mind at all." Maria said with a soft smile as she started walking alongside Alex until they made it to a nearby flower shop. She let go of Alex's hand to let her search for some flowers, Maria got an idea and smiled slightly as she quickly disappeared from Alex while she went to grab her own flowers. Maria decided to buy some roses for Alex and some white tulips to lay by the WWII monument. When Maria finished grabbing what she wanted from the store while Alex wasn't looking Maria paid for her own and then came back towards her girlfriend holding the roses behind her back. She then quickly presented them towards Alex and smiled at her girlfriend.

"Thought you'd like these." Maria said with a soft smile holding the roses in front of her, she was also holding the tulips in her other hand so that she could set it by the WWII monument as well.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Ambiguity
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Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Alex Thompson

Alex smiled as they walked on the sidewalk. She overreacted earlier, which was not like her at all. People called her the level headed one. Only with Maria was she so laid back and casual. It was probably why some people have hinted that she could be intimidating at times. Working with a whole group of male athletes who were probably thinking mostly with their balls, a bit of backbone went a long way. Did the officers truly have to act so panicked though? Her thoughts kept going back to the restaurant, then to the cases of the biting. Current events didn't seem normal at all.

Walking into the flower store, she split up with Maria and went to find flowers to lay at the memorial. Finding some orchids, she purchased a bouquet and went to find Maria. Near the front, she saw her lady. "Done! Orchids. Never thought I'd find them so deep in the city. You have to travel out usually."

Alex's eyes widened when Maria produced the beautiful, sanguine roses. Taking them, she gave them a whiff and smiled shyly from behind the rose's petals. "You're wonderful. Thank you." Leaning over, she kissed Maria on the lips before heading back outside.

Arriving at the monument, Alex looked at the row of names until she spotted her grand dad who fought and died for the United States of America. A hero. That's what he was. An American hero. She placed the orchids down and stepped back.

Wrapping and arm around Maria's hips, Alex leaned her head against her shoulder. "Thanks for coming. I try to come the first week of each month," she said. "I wonder what he'd say about the world today. I wonder ..."
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Nallore
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Nallore RPG's Grope Master & Taco Hunter. :P

Member Seen 9 hrs ago

Maria Smith

Maria smiled at Alex seeing her reaction to the roses that she had given her and returned the kiss she always wanted to spoil those that she loves with affection and gifts whenever she got the chance to. "You're welcome Lex." Maria said with a soft smile as she followed Alex out of the flower shop and let Alex lead the way towards the memorial. She looked a the group of people standing by the memorial looking around at the various names that were put onto the walls. Maria wondered if they were just tourists or they were actually people who came out to visit the wall if they lost someone during the war.

When Alex eventually found her grandfather's name on the wall she leaned next to her as she wrapped an arm over Alex's shoulder in a loving and comforting way. "I'm always there for you Alex no matter what." Maria said with a soft smile as she gently ran a hand through Alex's hair as she stared at the name etched on the wall.

"I'm sure that he would be proud of what has been going on, and i'm sure he would be really proud of you as well." Maria said with a soft and gentle smile as she turned around and stared at the large obelisk that was in front of her seeing the Washington Monument for the first time. The tower was much larger then she had actually thought it was before.

In the distance she could hear more sirens going off both police car and ambulance going through the streets of DC, she was curious where the recent bite victim that she saw back at the restaurant and if the woman was alright or not.
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Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Alex Thompson

Her heart melted in her chest as she repeated Maria's words in her head. Careful who she showed it to, Alex fantasized about a romantic relationship. About boys when she was younger, but girls when she was older. Luckily her coming out wasn't at all like the horror stories she heard about others. Some parents disowned their kids while others simply pretended what they heard wasn't true. She was lucky indeed.

Sirens in the background faded away. It didn't matter where the police were going. What did matter was the here and now. Her head leaning against Maria's shoulder. Whatever happens will happen.

Jessica Bosch

Jessica swore so loudly the other scientists turned to look at her. She didn't care. The past month had been one blood sample after blood sample. Nothing in the database, the CDC database, hinted to whatever coded the deceased patients. There was a caveat to the whole deceased thing. The media hadn't caught wind of it yet, but the corpses didn't stay dead. No one was allowed to speak of it. Official type people, the dangerous kind, made sure they stayed compliant.

She needed a cigarette badly. Jessica felt too tense and needed something to take the edge off. Nicotine was going to kill her one day, but she had one life. And that life was anything but a smooth ride. It was a series of shit and more shit.

"Swearing's not going to help things." Jasper walked over and looked at her bacteria dish. "You finish that coding yet? This phantom killer's one nasty piece of work."

Jessica rose an eyebrow. "What the CDC's asking for is what CDC scientist should be doing. Christ, Jasper! We look for diabetes. Lymes! All that fun, good non-lethal shit," she said. "Whatever this is? This belongs in a containment IV lab. Not a general hospital lab."

"Take a deep breath. You're scaring people, Jess."

She did just that. Biting the inside of her lip, that cigarette craving just increased tenfold. "Shit. Sorry. Sorry," she said. "Things are getting hairy."

"I know."

Looking at the door, Jessica pulled off her gloves. In her near decade of working in MLS, she'd never encountered something like this. This ... bacteria was something else altogether. After washing her hands thoroughly, she grabbed her jacket. "I need to step out. Can you take over?"

Jasper nodded. "See you then."

Walking out of the lab, she eyed a government type. Passing the man without a word, she found her way out to a secluded spot that few knew about at the hospital. Taking out a cigarette, she chewed on the end before lighting up. She inhaled deeply then exhaled. Her nerves screamed, but the cancer sticks did their job.

Pulling out her phone, she checked her messages. There were a lot of them. She put her phone on sleep. She wasn't in the mode to talk. She just wanted to be alone. Detached from current events.
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