Hello all, welcome to my spit-balling arena!

I have a few (and by a few I mean absolutely nothing other than some "world settings") ideas in my head, but other than that I have nothing other than a wish to have a Fallout RP to play around with. I'll leave a list of the ideas I had (is only like 3) below, and after that feel free to just throw ideas around! I'm not sure how big I want this to be, but I'll save that for last. Idea time, go!
- The Minutemen are on the road to recovery, having selected a new General and retaken the Castle, as well as making a network of connected settlements. (If need be, I can make layouts for settlements in-game and create short tours to post up and have as "maps")
- The Railroad are becoming more daring against the ever-evasive Institute, and have been rumored to be taking on new members.
- The Brotherhood of Steel have appeared in the Commonwealth, filling everyone with some sense of uncertainty. They haven't done anything against the people of the Commonwealth yet, but that giant airship...
- The Nuka World Raiders have begun moving into the Commonwealth, taking territory and enslaving settlements. (Edit: 10/27)
Right, I did say it wasn't much. Anyway, if anyone is interested, feel free to speak up!