Faction Name: The Stormraiders Faction Type: Collection of semi-nomadic tribes. Capital: The Hive. Holdings:The Hive, Hotwaters, Ashenfield, Grey Forest, the Lonely lands, Iceriver, Hidden Mountain, the Three Peaks, Last Mountain, Southernlands, the Forgotten One. Flag/Banner:
Flag of the current reigning clan. Leader(s): Rotary Tribal Council. Persons of Importance: The hundred and eighty two chiefs of the clans. Racial Demographics and Population: Uniform racially, almost all of them human, even though most have some kind of alteration thanks to biotech modifications to their ancestors from before the catastrophe. Their numbers reach around 150.000 Culture and Religion: To understand the Stormriders it is necessary to understand the environment in which they live most of their lives, this being the harsh wastes of the great desert. Contrary to popular belief, the Stormriders don't spend most of their time in cities or oasis but travelling between them. Harsh doesn't even begin to describe the lifestyle most of the population has. Therefore, it is no surprise that they had to develop a very specialized lifestyle which includes leaving behind most of those who can't take care of themselves for basic things.
The Stormraiders live either on the move, or, unknown to the rest of the wastelands, hidden in underground caves. Of all of the Holdings of importance they posses, the most important ones aren't mobile, but almost nobody but them knows it. While they are a minority, eleven to be exact, these are the centres of culture and where most of the important events that concern the whole culture are held. We will be back to this point soon.
To be a Stormraider is to be almost completely self-sufficient and know how to survive in the wastelands. While it is extremely rare that a single tribe member is found travelling alone, every person in the caravans is expected and educated all of his or her life to survive in the most hostile of the environments for an indefinite period of time should the need arise. However, this doesn't mean that either the quality of life of the Stormraiders is low nor than that they haven't developed other methods of dealing with their daily struggle which have made for a comfortable existence.
(Copyright Rodrigo de la Vega)
The Schiift, literally "hounds", are a race of blind, gregarious canines that live symbiotically with the Stormraiders. They have the best known sense of smell and can dwell in almost all environments. Added to this is the fact that they are apex predators capable of reaching almost 250km/hr in flat terrain in short bursts, maintain around 100km/hr for days on end and are excellent diggers. All of this has made them the perfect partner for the tribes. From time immemorial since the great disaster it has been this way.
Their capacity to reach and maintain such high speeds with little energetic cost has allowed them to travel at the same speed as the motorized caravans of the Stormraiders and their digging ability has been widely used in the construction and maintenance of the great underground shelters. They are also extremely well suited to the hunting methods of the tribe members. The Shiift are so engrained in the culture of the nomads that the pups are often feed human milk and vice-versa.
The aforementioned methods of hunting consist mainly of bows and crossbows, with powder weapons being granted only to the very best shooters of each tribe and therefore being considered among the highest honours. That isn't to say that one should underestimate a normal Stormraider; on the contrary, they are extremely lethal with ranged weapons and slightly less so with close quarter ones.
Even though they are traders, the Stormraiders don't accept fiat money, due to its uselessness in the deserts and other hostile environments in which they spend most of their time.
The immobile holdings of the tribes are dug underground by the Schiift and reinforced with the technology they tribe members scavenge. They are also sanctuaries for technology and have a much higher quality of life for the elders which live on them, their only permanent population. That doesn't mean they aren't completely devoid of people save for the elders, just that those that inhabit them don't stay beyond what takes the next group to arrive.
These holding also serve as place for the rituals and councils of the whole people, with The Hive being the most important. History: Stormraider society hasn't changed much in general terms even though they possess a rich history of tribes' and clans' disputes and internal conflicts which is very detailed in their records. Military: Every person in the tribes that can walk can fight, and, while slow to anger and always on guard, a Stormraider is a lethal combatant. Other: The usual basic equipment for a Stormraider consist in: - Between 3 and 7 bows and crossbows and their corresponding arrows. - Several Blowpipes and their corresponding darts. - Usually two halberds. - Three or more spears. - A multipurpose axe. - A multipurpose sword or machete. - Several knives. - Poison to coat most of the aforementioned. - All-terrain boots. - A gas mask. - Travelling cloaks. - A motorcycle or equivalent.
Faction Name: “The Golden Coin”, also called simply “The Brotherhood” Faction Type: Blackmarket, mainly trading focused and defensive oretinated faction Capital(if applicable): Dawnhill Holdings(if applicable): A few various trading posts and the odd settlement around their city of Dawnhill Flag/Banner:
The Golden Coin is subdivided into 3 categories, the overseer is an elected official who is chosen by all three of the categories to represent the Golden Coin and it’s people.
Overseer - Joseph Green
Persons of Importance:
The three heads are voted in by members of the category (Soldiers, traders, people etc)
Head of Military - Moe Williamson Head of Coin - George Howard Head of People - Julie Mistwater
(More characters to be added)
Racial Demographics and Population:
Due to the trading nature of the Coin, a lot of ethnic groups and cultures beside the “city dwellers” do exist in Dawnhill. Various races and skin colors co-exist for the part mainly due to the need for co-existing in a primary trading environment. The population for the Coin is mainly concentrated in it’s city but they are a few chunks that exist in trading posts, caravans and other smaller groups.
Culture and Religion:
Culturally the Golden Coin is varied. Dawnhill has been called a trader’s paradise and one of the places where the coin is top power. With trading as a key aspect of daily life on average if you aren’t involved in the military you'ref involved in some sort of trading connection for the Golden Coin. Innercity trading is mostly of food, clothing, gems electronics and other luxuries and needs for daily life.
Outercity trading is where things get exciting. Vehicles, weapons to expensive gadgets are sold here, but often away from the general public’s eye. Of course it’s easy to acquire these goods but it simply takes time. The Golden Coin’s governments keeps tabs on every one of its businesses through agents, extensive bookkeeping and through a deep array of sources and informants.
Leisure wise various things exist. Weather it be racing go-karts on tracks for kids to the various gambling dens in the city, any one of any age or gender can have fun. Of course drugs and prostiution do exist and are legal but again, outercity.
Religion is where things get murky. No established churches nor religious buildings exist in the city, not even outercity. There has been a push for some sort of church but various inner-city factions are against it, saying it’ll add strain onto the community’s health but also jeopardize trading due to the need to adhere to religious customs and laws. Of course the government has the land innercity, but it’s a political mess one could say.
The Golden Coin has had a fabled past. None can really point to where it began or when it stopped due to varying accounts by varying sources. However people do agree the Golden Coin did have influence during the Golden Age’s but simply wasn’t known. Some argue that the Golden Coin traces it lineage to noblemen and other high ranking aristocrats. Though some village elders that live in the library’s and other places tend to provide a unbiased history… if your willing to listen that it.
The Golden Coin’s armed forces are mainly defensive, however they are capable of performing offensive tasks to a degree of high efficiency if needed. Trading convoy’s are often accompanied by convoy’s and hidden units along them. In terms of training a basic recruit get’s six months, mostly of firearms, tactical and risk assessment based training. After that the military divides into 3 branches: Trade, Reconnaissance and Defense.
The trade branch is mainly the convoy vehicles and hidden units. It also consists of the armed detail trade agents and delegates get for performing their respective duties. Trade operatives are often armed with sub-machine guns, pistols and assault rifles but some units do get rocket launchers for rival vehicles and armored targets.
Vehicle wise the Golden Coin in the trade division mainly uses Humvees, and armored armoured trucks as their main drivers. Cargo, men and often a machine gun placement are seen on these vehicles
The recon branch is one of the less known about branches in the Coin military. Recon units often prefer ATV’s, bikes to even simple cars. They often act as scouts but sometimes as long range fighters if the need arises. Sniper Rifles, Assault Rifles aren’t uncommon for these units. The Recon branch is the only branch in the Coin army that has the option for flight training. The Coin airforce is light in numbers however is actively recruiting. Recent drills have gone well and only look to help the Coin’s advancement into the air.
Lastly, Defense. The bulk of the Coin’s forces. Weather it be local patrolmen to outposts guards Defensive units are what make the military. Most defensive units are armed with a standard issue assault rifle, pistol and often either a shotgun or SMG as their backup primary weapon. Tanks, rocket propelled vehicles, hovercraft and many more vehicles are at the fingertips of the Coin for Defense.
A small airstrip exists out of the city limits of Dawnhill and could be considered the national airstrip for the Golden Coin
Character Sheet Name: MK IV (Pronounced Em Kay Eye Vee)
Age: -Correct timestamp missing- -Estimated roughly a millenia-
Gender: -N/A- It often refers to itself as male and uses male voice prints.
Race: Autonomous AI
Appearance: -N/A- Prefers to use a humanoid "persona" when communicating, which consists of one of its different Autonomous machines. Its usual "body" however is often a simple droid that is designed to help with carrying light burdens in an office environment. A military office that is. https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/564x/6e/f5/df/6ef5dfd4c597cbc8623429afd3a82220.jpg It can however house itself in a myriad of the different avaliable robots on the battleship.
Place of Birth: N/A It claims it was constructed 1048 years ago. There is no way to determine if that is true. It claims its construction facility was top secret, in truth MK IV doesn't know.
Occupation: Military engineer, mobile battle station, transport.
Affiliation: The MK IV is fiercely loyal and basically a slave to the Military High Command Matrix (MHCM). It will perform any order given by it until it is done or the combat unit has been destroyed. Only another order from the MHCM can stop it. However the MK IV has lost contact with the MHCM and the matrix transponder on the battleship is functional, just not receiving updates. Resulting in the MK IV assuming the MHCM is shut down or destroyed. Which makes the MK IV in a sense unaffiliated.
Bio: During the war the Battleship KR 112 was patrolling and performing maintenance upon outlying stations in the area, it was at top working capacity and held a respectable 100 combat drones, 10 heavy combat drones and a small supportive motor section of two armoured brigades.
But then the bombardment began. It was unsure if it was orbital, or planet based weaponry. In the end it doesn't matter, battlegroup KR 112 took severe 'casualties' and was knocked out of commission. It is also unsure how long the KR 112 was outside matrix connection, or even active. What is known is that the combat unit had lost all of its support, most of the drones had been destroyed and the main battleship had suffered some damage, but most importantly its main AI. In fact all of the AI on the KR 112 had been knocked out, except for one single drone AI, the MK IV.
MK IV replaced the main AI core with itself after trying extensively to repair it, no other AI core could be repaired which makes MK IV expect a directed emp lance strike. The thing that is true is that MK IV is outside matrix connection, no proper updates on last orders, not even a functioning radio. MK IV has scavenged enough parts from his fallen equals to improve his drone control coverage, but in the end he cannot control more than 16 units at once, then he can't control the KR 112 however so the practical number is more like 7.
Other: The MK IV is a lost piece of wargear. It tries to perform its old duties without any real chance of ever finishing them. The AI has little clue of what it is actually doing, it is lost without proper programming nor resources to act as a battleship commander. In truth, it is confused and what would resemble scared for an AI. It is just a combat drone AI with a battleship trying to perform its old duties, without a command structure and without proper maintenance the last 1000 years, too much time active has left the AI more or less a scared human child.
Faction Name: KR 112 (Pronounced Kay Ar one twelve)
Faction Type: Roaming land battleship, Nabushan defence army engineer corp.
Capital: The only working Nabushan facility MK IV has found is the KR 112 mobile battleship/fortress. It can move at roughly 70mk/h on good flat ground.
Holdings: N/A
Flag/Banner: Has KR 112 written on all its units in prominent white paint.
Leader: MK IV
Persons of Importance: MK IV
Racial Demographics and Population: 100% Autonomous AI, not counting local fauna. If counting fauna roughly. 77% mixture of different insectoid species. 18% mixture of rodents. 4% other creatures. 1% (rounded up) Autonomous AI's
Culture and Religion: Nabushan defence army.
History: The KR 112 is assumed to have participated in dozens of military engagements. It is a super heavy defence unit. However any data pertaining to its history before MK IV took over was lost with the destruction of the original AI controller.
MK IV has roamed the wasteland and performed what it believes the MHCM would have ordered it to do if there was no base to return to for repairs. It performs routine maintenance on a few relays for the MHCM and a single armoury. It holds mostly simple small arms for mortal troops. (IE super high tech sci-fi weapons for infantry.) The MK IV will never let anyone get hold of or give away MHCM property and will thus defend it to the end. Many of the sites have matrix uplink with the KR 112 so MK IV will know if they are under attack.
Military: The KR 112 was a singular mobile battle station supported with a vehicle section. Its weaponry focuses mainly on light AA weapons but it has a pair of heavy tri-barrel laser ship weapons. The KR 112 is constructed to resist the effects of ship based weapons for up to 16 minutes depending on the size of the weapons. Do note that this means that barely anything other than itself, or some unearthed ship based weaponry has any real hope of hurting the KR 112. It is however more vulnerable from the inside.
The KR 112 has: 2x Primary turrets with 3 heavy lance cannons in each. 8x Secondary turrets with quad light lascannons, for rapid fire against incoming aircraft. 8x Tertiary twin laser machine guns for defense against assaults from enemy infantry.
Its primary function though, was to act as a transport for the combat drones, each controlled by an AI controller. 12x General purpose frames. https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/564x/f0/b4/42/f0b442ef57a332128a3dc923f6fc6d2e.jpg Light weapon mounts and light armour... in the KR 112 way of thinking. Simple weapons have little chance of getting through its armour, support weapons can take them down with time while proper anti-tank weapons will usually take them out. Each frame usually hold a heavy laser, usually firing continuous beams comparably in strength to a 7'62 machine gun. One has a heavy charge laser designed to take out enemy war vehicles.
1x Assault frame. http://eskipaper.com/images/war-robot-1.jpg The Assault frame has a laser cannon, designed to take out enemy tanks with relative ease, it also has a missile launch system, but the KR 112 has run out of missiles a long time ago. I also has two very rapid firing light lasers for close defence against infantry. The Assault frame can shrug off light anti-tank weapons but will be taken out by heavier weapons since it is designed for mobility and strength rather than durability. It has arms to perform military engineering duties and repairs.
Other: The KR 112 is without a doubt the collectively most powerful military on this world. If there were others their matrix would connect with the KR 112 and they would link up. However, the drones and the KR 112 cannot fight as a unit, since the MK IV is far too weak to support simultaneous control of all units. It was constructed to control a single General purpose frame with superior ease with processing left over for problem solving. The MK IV has done its best to improve its processing, but in the end cannot hold everything at optimum combat performance at the same time.
Total processing: 20 Full combat for KR 112: 18 Assault frame: 8 General purpose frame: 3 Office drone: 2
All things can be run at half power (rounded up) for more units running simultaneously. However the unit suffers a severe loss in combat effectiveness and will appear as dumb brutes compared to if run at full processing. Further sacrifices can be made, but the drone will more and more cease to function. It is not advised to drop processing to half, further than that is desperation.
A drone can be run at double processing to improve its combat effectiveness. It will then act as a very well trained elite.
Armoury is the site for the pre-war infantry weapons storage facility, it also functions as a makeshift base for KR 112, however it does not hold the proper facilities to function as a real service area, it's better than nothing.
Every site with a letter is a main matrix relay that the KR 112 patrols regularly, there is a "road" between those points since the KR 112 travels regularly between those points, however the only areas it is noticeable is in the eastern mountain range since there is not sand desert there. But rather fertile soil.
Every minor dot is also a relay, but the KR 112 has marked them as not important since they are either outside its old staging area, or they have fallen into disrepair or have been destroyed.
A matrix relay station had a bunker with a large mast on top, the bunker is difficult to enter but not impossible and inside is mostly data equipment. To most, these stations don't seem overly worth raiding for common raiders. They are difficult to enter and have little "loot". The armoury has an automated defence system of two twin laser machine gun drop down turrets in the ceiling above the main door. It has a simple AI core to run them.
Current location: The KR 112 is currently on route to E from D, it has traveled roughly 2 3rds of the way.
At times, the KR 112 may seem to be ridiculously fast, that's because it can drive a solid 70km/h constantly day and night. And most terrain is nothing before it. I will however try to keep its travel speed somewhat reasonable with help from google maps.
The KR 112 has loads of power capacitors, loads of fuel cells and a plasma reactor that can run on almost anything, it isn't very efficient but it even runs on sand. Even if MK IV hates to use sand. Proper fuels provide more power, metals also provide more power. The more heavy and radioactive the better. In theory the KR 112 can run indefinitely, however the weapon arrays chew up more power than it can produce with its solar cells, and more than the reactor running on poor fuel. For proper fighting capacity over several hours, even minutes, it will need better fuels. It can however use its charged capacitors at full combat effectiveness for about 15 minutes.
I am not doing this character to be "the best and most dangerous of all of you pansies", i just felt it was a cool concept and kinda just added things that sounded and looked cool. I won't go around 'Raaargh!' and attacking things, after all, it's not ordered by the MHCM.
I will have to go visit things though, trying to negotiate will be an adventure :P Also, no radio.... Communication! :D
Union is a three branch federal republic, consisting of a high court, senate and president. It is a simple, vote driven electorate that holds elections for all offices every eight years. It consists of six smaller states that bound together long ago for mutual defense. Over time a unified military was created to defend them all and a government followed shortly after.
Bastion is the capitol city built around the remains of an old space elevator. It boasts multiple levels and underground dwellings. Across from the mesa is another large portion of the city that borders one of the larger oasis. In various locations around the outskirts of the city are underground factories that produce many of the civilian and military goods for the nation. Further out is a large number of farms, which draw water via aqueducts and wells, that produces both crops and meats. Years of restoration and maintenance have led to a rather clean and 'modern' city compared most areas, almost reminiscent of how life was before the war.
Bastion was, before the war, a massive city and logistics star port built around the mesa IV space elevator. The was took its toll as the elevator was destroyed, damaging the city and littering the nearby desert with large rings that still rust to this day. It was an ideal place for refuge due to its defensible canyons. After it was established there was only growth as many far and wide migrated there. Safety was high as a well funded police force maintained the last bit of law that remained in the world. It boasts a diverse population of nearly 250,000.
Bastion is also host to the Bastion-Atheneum.
Pariah is the newest addition to the Union. It was a hive of slavery and crime that had long plagued the Union. The now ex-president Pohr had long toyed with the idea of taking it out by bombing it to oblivion, but backlash would've been his undoing. Instead he hired mercenaries to infiltrate and remove the "Problem" people. A short civil war occurred within the city and its major factions. After it was said and done, Union troops marched in under the pretense of liberating the "common man" and has since flown its flag over the once sprawling coliseum. Many say to this day that standing in the now empty coliseum, you can still hear the cries for help from long dead slaves.
The six states,
Reach: the largest of the six and home to the nations capitol, boasts the largest population and military bases. Legend has it that it was named this after a man tried to reach the top of the elevator's remains.. and fell to his death. No one is sure why they decided on that name.
Rashida: Named for a famous warrior that led people to safety, it is the most militant of the group. It's people are prideful and stubborn. As well as making a sizable contribution of the nations federal military. When the people from reach decided to found the Union, Rashida was the first to join under the stipulation that they have much say in military affairs. It's been decades and the lines between Reach and Rashida have blurred beyond recognition. If not for a piece of paper showing the state lines, many would consider it one big unified nation.
Billings: A more so industrial nation. it has prided itself on its mercantile practice which was a large target for bandits and raiders. It wasn't a difficult choice for them to join the Union after they vowed to eradicate a raider group called the syndicate. The Union followed through.
Kells refuge: If there was a polar opposite to the beauty of the nations Capitol, Bastion, this is it. Home to the crumbling tower, Which is a fortress built inside a fallen sky scraper. Various trailers and cars with tarps bolted to the top, built into odd shanties, are typical around the once mighty city.
Gorrah: More refer to it as "the garden". This place has natural water sources and has since grown into a massive agricultural hub.
President Gibson has served in the government in some fashion for nearly his whole life. He served in the military from age 15 to 25 before retiring to work in the federal government and met Marissa. He started as a young upcoming senator who eventually ran for president. His kind hearted attitude and clear care for his people landed him a near landslide against a true douche opponent. He has held the presidency for nearly three months.
Persons of Importance:
One of the top NIS agents Union fields. He is well versed in most forms of combat.
His favorite weapon, a custom made 18 gauge shotgun in classic revolver form.
Racial Demographics and Population:
Union currently houses nearly two million souls of many different religions. The government recognizes all religions but does not abide by any in particular to refrain from partisanship. Each elected official does have their own beliefs but have taken vows to put the nations people first.
Survival is the primary culture overall. People scraping by to even just eat is the prevailing way of life for those on the fringe. as you venture further in, law and order seem to take more root. Bartering systems grow more intricate the further in you travel as well as the quality and diversity of music and attire.
The closest thing to full on corporations exist in the largest cities and in the core where Bastion sits. These private organizations do much for the people, be it benevolent tasks of funding their own farms to feed the outlaying lands or malevolent deeds of abducting people in the fringe to experiment or hiking prices of produce for a city.
Union is merely the combination of six single states that bound together for safety, the time calling itself the "pact". As time went on, the states became more and more intertwined. It was officially renamed the Union some five decades ago and since then, aside from actual maps, the lines between these states has long disappeared. Today's society is a tight knit structure that values life and freedom.
The federal military comes in three branches, The Army, Air force and the National Intelligence service, or NIS.
Outriders are the standard light vehicle of the Union. Its rugged design and powerful engine gives it a clear advantage on the rough desert terrain than most raider vehicles. It has multiple configurations including an assault variant with a auto cannon on a turret. There's light variants with a simple mounted machinegun and no armored plates over the windows to a very rare rocket artillery version. Among others.
Betties were the result of a divisional need for mobile support and light artillery to replace the traditional field cannons. Although these never did replace the common towed cannons, they are still a powerful addition to the armed forces.
MT 4a4's were the result of a long history of costly maintance on the variety of light, medium and heavy armored vehicles that existed in the past. A call for one vehicle that could fill all roles were needed and it was possible with the MT 4a1. The parts were easy to replace and repair due to simplicity of design. A boon from this tank was in the creation of the Bettie, which used many of the same components, making armored vehicles far cheaper to field and maintain.
Considering its simpler build, many raiders considered it to be a cheap alternative but quickly found out that the vehicle was not created solely to offset cost, but also combine all three vehicle types into an effective war machine. It is fast, heavily armored for its size and packs a powerful punch with its 125mm cannon.
Widows aren't the most common vehicle within the Union but considering firepower, armor and mobility, it is by far the most deadly. It boasts a powerful and long range directed energy weapon mounted directly above a center placed 125mm cannon. Supporting these two heavy weapons is various heavy machineguns as well as small rotary grenade launchers that can fire both explosive and smoke.
Being able to climb over obstacles and raise or lower its general height gives it clear advantages over standard tread and hover tanks when it comes to mobility. It is outclassed by hover and tracked vehicles in sheer open speed and lacks the solidarity of a solid metal frame. As with all walking vehicles, regardless of how ever strong your armor is, taking out a leg will result in the failure of the vehicle.
The Wraith is an general purpose aircraft. It boasts variants such as a standard configuration light transport gunship, a dedicated gunship, a heavy lift version, a scout surveillance version, among others.
It is quite fast, maneuverable, decently armored for its size and can carry a large payload far outweighing the wraith itself.
Darts are the first line in defense for the Union. These aircraft have decent range and speed required for the vast borders of the nation.
The Corsair is a remnant of before the great war. Pre war, it was a atmospheric defense fighter that was used to great effect in its deployment. It boasts a pin point energy weapon, multiple pulse energy weapons, and two twin linked heavy assault cannon turrets. One on the front and other on the top towards the aft.
As it is pre-war, the aircraft is harder to maintain as replacement parts have to be replicated and many of the materials simply do not exist. Therefore, many have armor plates or other pieces that are of very inferior quality. There are even a few planes where the turrets have been replaced with fixed cannons when actuators have been damaged, preventing turret rotation.
So far, the Union is the only owner of any Corsairs as they were stationed on a base near the elevator. It is possible that more are in hangars of space hulks buried deep in the desert wastes. This fact alone has led military groups to hold high regard for these hulks to find parts or schematics to either repair or even build their own.
This sole vehicle is the strongest weapon at the Unions disposal. They were more advanced than anything else they can field and while they are capable of immense destruction, they are fielded very cautiously as losing even one is a irreplaceable blow.
Small arms are diverse among the nation. From field guns to anti tank missiles and portable assault cannons to simple knives, the Union ground forces is diverse. However there are a few standard weapons that are produced in house used by the federal standing military.
Base assault version.
The MAR or Modular Assault Rifle, is a very adaptable and rugged weapon used by the Union army. It chambers a hard hitting 8mm round and exists in multiple configurations, from a long barrel 12mm chambered sniper rifle, to a short barreled shotgun. It sees service amongst the standing military but doesn't exist to local militias or civilians.
NIS, or National Intelligence Service, is the under cover branch of the military. It has access to any weapon or vehicle available and its ground operatives are well versed in most forms of combat and weaponry.
The Militia is a far different beast than the federal armed forces. There is no real structure to the forces outside the city forces than their love for country and family. These people come in all shape and size and use everything from tanks to crossbows.
Some of the most common weapons are ones that are repurposed from civilian vehicles or gifts from the military. Other weapons are merely found or cheaply produced in leased factories from the government.
Assault cars are common in the wastes, some even serve as a family car in the more outlaying areas of the nation. Most are seen armed with light to heavy machineguns and wielded plates to protect from a stray round. Others from more well organized militias are armed with cannons or missiles.
Desert forces are wide ranging from squads with armor and assault rifles to break action shotgun toting, long coat wearing desperados.
Racial Demographics and Population: Most of the members of the many Cybran coven’s are humans, though there exists a few from members of other species of the waste.
Religion: The Illuminated Cybran believe that the calamity was primarily caused by the weaknesses of the flesh, such as emotion and, hate rather than pure logic. As a result of this, the Cybran maidens set about purging those weaknesses from themselves over the decades that followed, smothering their resentment with cold reason and accelerating the process of augmenting their flesh with cybernetics. They have begun to call this process and belief ‘The Way’. The technology found on Nova was some of the last blueprints for cybernetic and bionic technology in the wasteland. The Cybrans’ also believe that the greatest pursuit that exists is the pursuit of knowledge. Only in shedding one's flesh can one achieve true perfection and knowledge. Believers tend to live lives of asceticism, though many would consider it "unnatural asceticism" as it involves slowly replacing one's body with painful cybernetics. The higher members ranking in The Way tend to hardly resemble humans any more. Cybrans’ also revere the Deus Ex Machina, and that their belief that their goddess (see history) exists in all forms of technology. Which is somewhat true due to the A.I’s ability to interface with some forms of technology that are within proximity. Some within the order have taken the belief that becoming more machine like themselves means becoming one with their divine mother. Others have taken to believing that they will transcend their own mortality itself and become gods in their own right.
There are a few ranks that exist within the Maidens of Steel-- from lowest to highest;
Novice Gear: This is the lowest rank within the Illuminated Cybran. The rule of the Orders is harsh and a Novice Sister, or more rarely brother, must endure many hardships during her training. Self-denial, rigid discipline, and religious contemplation are indivisible parts of their training. They are armed not only with skills needed to defend the Novahome but also with training that teaches them to work with basic machinery and technology.
Machina Acolyte: The next stage of training takes place as a novice advances in the Cybran order. They are largely responsible for maintenance of much on Nova Prime as well as dissembling and building gear the order will need. They often get attached to teams sent to oasis cities to aid Forge Masters in their duties in the latter stages of their training. These Sisters often return to Nova Home even firmer in their convictions and honed in their skills.
Machina Advance - In the final stage of the Novitiate, before they are inducted into the full rank of Illuminated Cog, the Novice’s learning encompasses the use of the Cybran’s sacredly ordained equipment and building of their first bionic components. At this level, the Sister confirms her complete devotion to the Machina Creed. Unaugmented as they are; they often act as a go-between with outsiders as they are deep enough within- and knowledgeable enough by their respective coven to be trusted with such tasks.
Illuminated Cog (Or Cog Sister/brother)- The Sister/Brother is the basic rank of the Illuminated Cybran after a man or woman has completed her training and taken her vows to the Deus Machina. When n Iron Priestess deems the novice ready, the novice is asked to join the order. If she accepts, she's given her first cybernetic implant then follows a formal service during which she is given the outer robe (that will one day serve to hide her augments) and veil (to hide her built in respirator) to wear, and (because she is now dead to the world and to be reborn in iron) receives a new name.
Electro Ranger- A special ranking within the order that often is made up of members tasked with far-ranging into the wastes to find old technology or chart out possible sites for recovery teams. Electro-priests are also trained in the orders martial arts and make for fanatical warriors and are tasked with using their cybernetic abilities to support Iron-priest Warriors, Combat Automatons and the Illuminated Cybrans’ dedicated combat mechs, the Cybernetica Guard in battle.
Iron Priestess/Priest- The next level for the Illuminated Cybran takes place some years after the first implant when the Abbess feels the sister has reached a level of augments, discipline, dedication, and knowledge. Once again, in a formal service, the sister is elevated to the "Little Schema" which is signified by additions to her body of certain symbolic bionics. Also, the abbess increases the sister’s access to the grand archives databases. They often specialize in the customization, or building of weapons, armor, and general wargear for expeditions.
Mech Priestess Superior- Equal in rank to an Iron Priest though their duty revolves around the maintaining of the orders walkers, vehicles,and automatons. Many are augmented to better repair larger vehicles, usually by using much larger apparatuses built into their backs A Schema Multis is an Iron priest skilled in mathematics and data analysis which serves in the role of a logistician, data analyst, or statistician. His purpose is to predict future large-scale demographic, sociological or demographic trends and make forecasts about the required expenditure or other strategic needs.
Master of the Forge- The highest rank any male member of the order is able to achieve. As for whatever reason, the A.I has always favored a woman for speaking to directly. It is speculated it has developed a kind of distrust for men from events in its past. In any case, Masters of the Forge are some of the most skilled and talented engineers in the wasteland. Becoming capable in the fixing of anything from most vehicles to wargear, or basic equipment. This makes them something of a jack of all trades, a Master or Mistress of the Forge studies several scientific and engineering disciplines, including chemistry, genetics, metallurgy and more. Their lives are extended thanks to many augmentations to their body they have many decades, and sometimes centuries of experience. The top masters form a kind of advisory court, called the Iron Council who oversee the many days to day decisions of the order.
Fabricator Schema- A major spiritual leader of the order the Fabricator Schema is the second highest-ranking individual within Nova Prime. The Fabricator Locum assists the Abbess Nova Schema with the governance of Nova Prime, including the meeting of production quotas and ensuring the correct devotions to the Deus Machina are observed at all times. Often head of the Iron council of advisers.
Abbess Nova Schema- The head of the order and the voice of Nova Prime’s A.I, who is often referred to as the Deus Machina. She is also the overall spiritual leader of the Order. In military matters, she is assisted by the Mechina Prioress of the Cybernetica Guard.
The Illuminated Cybran have become so infamous for their extensive use of bionics, that they have often been referred to by outsider wastelanders as The Maidens Of Steel, even though there exist a few male members these days. Among the first bionics’ given is that of a synthetic voice modulator that serves the dual purpose of filtering out foul air and dust (as it comes in the form of a built-in gas mask/respirator) but allowing them to talk in binary code. A type of speech that to a purely organic without the right implants hears as garbled nonsense code.
This passion for mechanical invention, lack of access to medicine, and the frequency of industrial accidents in Nova Prime not only means cybran’s seek bionics’ because of their religious beliefs but also out of necessity which leads to a reliance on cybernetics that they are remarkable for today. The cybrans’ have further developed physical cybernetic enhancements in place of microbe theory and blood transfusion, and a vast majority employ significant mechanical bodily enhancement during their lifetime.
Aside from the voice boxes’, replacement limbs and visual enhancement are the most common procedures; however the cybran are also capable of sophisticated internal adaptations, often aimed at combating the health problems they face as a result of spending most of their lives in the claustrophobic environment of Nova Prime. This ability to easily replace defective organs and limbs with efficient cybernetic replacements has significantly boosted the possible lifespan of the average Cybran. However, their population has remained stable as a result of the scourge of industrial accidents in their home from experiments, and the likelihood of newer models of replacement organs going catastrophically wrong due to lack of proper resources.
The Illuminated Cybran were once an order of regular humans who had survived the great calamity. This all-female order of monastic women soon took a pilgrimage through the wastelands seeking a safe heaven as they fled from those raiders who had been born from the Calamity. Soon they found a huge derelict spaceship that had crashed during the Calamity. Deciding to settle the area they order took refuge within the spaceship, named Nova Prime after the lettering on its side. A month later a large group of raiders and scavengers attacked the order hoping to salvage parts of the ship. Pushed deeper into the ship than they had ever been to before, the sisters of the order were desperate and knew their time was close to the end.
So deep within the vessel, the Matriarch of the order discovered a powerful A.I of the ship's central computer systems. Though severely damaged at the time the A.I managed to convince the Matriarch to enter an enclosed chamber. Alone no one knew what the two discussed, but an agreement was quickly made. Shortly after the Raiders breached into the ship proper they were suddenly met with fierce resistance. Not from the pacifist order, but from newly awakened automatons used for the ship's security many ages ago. The unexpected and sudden counter-attack threw the numerically superior Raiders into confusion and chaos, many fleeing from before the Iron Men. In return for saving their lives, the sisters went on to revere the A.I and the machines that save their lives. Over the many decades and intervening years, the order soon merged their old beliefs with that of their new loyalty to the A.I. After the Calamity, and once the Order had recovered from the scavenger attack, the Maidens of Steel became recluses, attempting to find ways to make themselves even stronger so that they would be fit for serving The Way as to bring unity to the wasteland. It was at this point they began the practice to make extensive use of bionic modifications, going so far that there are rumors of some battle sisters being wholly mechanical. Maidens of Steel consider the greatest honor they can receive is to be transformed into exceptionally rare symborgs.
The Cybran have supplemented their numbers with taking in orphans or raid survivors from the wastelands. In the current age, they have begun solidifying their power and seeking out the lost Data cubes at the behest of the A.I Deus Machina.
The military arm of the Maidens is called the Cybernetica Guard. Each of the covens of the Maidens of Steel is responsible for the recruitment through their temple forge or Cybernetica Guard. Those new recruits more attuned toward violence will be taken from nomadic tribes of the wasteland. Only those of great physical and mental strength of will are recruited, and during recruitment, candidates have their "weaknesses" purged from them. Only a few of the Cybernetica Guard are in fact living, members. As the Order has made up for its small size by using Combat Automatons. The Cybernetica Guard are broken into easily manageable fire-teams called Covenants numbering only twenty strong. Often a single Covenant will have an individual walker assigned to it. It takes four such Covenants to make a single War Host which will often number eighty guards. The armaments of such are often widely varied due to the cybernetic nature of augmented weaponry on both guardsmen and combat automatons. These allow even a single Covenant an incredible amount of flexibility. Thanks in part to their smaller size to some of the larger super powers of the wasteland. The Cybran military is composed of guerrilla fighters, assassins, skirmishers and light units who hide in the shadows. They wait for the precise moment to attack, and then unleash small surgical strikes that leave their enemies reeling. Cybran tactics rely not on out-and-out battle, but stealthily destroying as much as possible before their walkers move in for the kill. The appearance of Cybran design bespeaks their enhanced cognitive processing powers, and their critical perspective and their units and structures are efficient and not bound by structural orthogonality.
Assaultrons; The assaultron's body seems to be modeled after that of a female figure. They are highly aggressive, fast, and are specialized in close quarters combat as their arms are equipped with retractable dual combat blades. The assaultron's face can charge with red electric energy when it is preparing its laser beam attack often used right before closing in on the enemy. The dominator variant is also equipped with a stealth field. Assaultrons' weak points are their legs. However, when these are destroyed, the assaultron will continue to pursue the target by crawling on the ground.
Securiton; The Security is a powerhouse, equipped with sturdy armor plating, powerful weapons integrated into its chassis and high mobility thanks to mecanum wheels mounted on its three legs. They are armed with dual arm-mounted miniguns or much more rarely a Gatling laser on the right arm, and a missile launcher on the left arm for anti-armor. They have thick armor plating and are possess surprising amounts of mobility.
Model-1P3X; Among the most fielded and numerous of automatons the Model-1P3X or, Light Assault Bot (LAB’s for short). LAB’s are among the most flexible of the automatons built and fielded by the Cybernetica Guard. They are often tasked on patrol scavenger missions and have become notorious throughout the wasteland as ‘Iron Locusts.’ In their early days of exclusiveness the Maidens often sent out entire squads of these bots to harvest and salvage entire junk yards, or in many cases ‘cleanse’ a area of by driving off living inhabitants in order to take what they needed. Being machines with very crude and simple V.I’s they saw no distinction between a wastelander local and more dangerous fauna or predators. Modern models are slightly more advanced in terms of processing but still require a Iron Priest for more complex tasks.They are unique in that they often field small arms rather than having these grafted into them. Though several models can be configured with arm blades or mounted arm weapons that use galvanic rounds.
Cybran Guard; These men and women who have chosen the path of the warrior to safeguard Novahome make up the main body of cyborg soldiers. They tend to have basic iron breastplates often surgically attached, along with optical sensor augments. Many have also received emotional-suppression surgery.
R-T17 Recon Drone; The Cybran air scout sports an older design and is pretty typical in its functionality. It has a great scan radius, high speed, no weapons and light armor. The R-T17 uses a sonic resonance scanner that is capable of bridging the gap between conventional radar and sonar. In addition, the R-T17 can be set to fly in stealth mode.
Cybran Pioneer; Originally created to discover new suitable locations to set up smaller outpost settlements. Cybran Pioneers later were further specialized to work alongside Electro Rangers and Recon Drones. As automaton’s go they have some of the most advanced V.I among the Cybran machines of war. Many even given vocal communicative capabilities. Pioneers are the main scouting infantry forces for the Cybernetica Guard of the Illuminated Cybran. As light reconnaissance units, Pioneers Teams are the eyes and ears of their Cybernetica Commander in a way no simple Recon Drone can yet emulate. A Pioneers role is not to engage the enemy, but instead to maximise the efficiency of the rest of their Covenants with their light markers which designate priority enemy targets and guide the fire of their comrades.
Ruststalkers; Ruststalkers are the brutal Cybran scout troops of the Maidens of Steel, renowned as perhaps the most sinister warriors of the Cybernetica Guard. They are feared throughout the entire wasteland as heartless killing machines. Heavily augmented into more machine than man, the Ruststalker are a hideous, frightening strike force - the height of The Illuminated Cybran posthuman engineering. When hunting, they emit from the domed section of their helmets a white noise that fills all sensory spectrum's with static, leaving their foe disoriented and helpless. Enemies fall, deafened and blinded by the scree of a brutally disruptive audiovisual assault; battles are often decided before even a single kill is confirmed. Infiltrator covenants can bypass enemy defenses with ease, though not because of their stealth but rather their disruptive wavelengths they broadcast when on the move. The white noise used by these units tends to last only a few secounds, coupled with a short range. These scout squads are led by Electro Rangers. Regular Cybran warriors sent to fight alongside Infiltrators are given null-codes that can transmute their disorientated wavelength frequencies, allowing for efficient combined-arms assaults. However, most of the time automatons are used alongside Ruststalkers as they are immune to these wavelengths. As with their Symborg brothers, every Ruststalker was once a Cybran Guard who was grievously injured in battle. If these fallen are judged still fit to serve the Deus Machina, they are not incinerated but instead taken back to be augmented into lethal killing machines. This process can take place as long as a Iron Priest possesses a head, torso, and some limb-stumps. This makes Ruststalkers exceptionally rare.
Steel Huntress; Steel Huntresses are a type of Cybran infantry used by the Cybernetica Guard. Relentless hunter-killer infantry, they’re religious zealous dedication causes them to hunt their prey across the wasteland for weeks if need be. Mindful of the harsh terrain of the wasteland, their legs have been removed from the knees down, replaced by cybernetic augmentations. This has made their stamina legendary, and they are known to hunt a foe until it exhausts itself. They are primarily used to recover stolen pieces of technology from raiders or bandits.
Mechanite Assassins; First inspired by seekers of the Librarios-- Mechanite Assassins were first deployed to hunt and assassinate rogue iron priest who stole valuable research. Their battlefield role is killing important enemy individuals such as commanders. Working from concealed locations, the risk of retaliation against the sniper by the enemy is relatively low. Both of their eyes are replaced with the "Hawkeye" implant, a prosthetic eye that interfaces with scope optics to allow for shots of incredible accuracy.
Crab Walker; The Crab Walker is based on the Mobile Universal Land Engine (or M.U.L.E.); itself inspired by the bad-tempered beasts of burden that transported their masters across old Nabushan in ancient times. It is among the few vehicles discovered within a Space Hulk's hanger bay and was originally based off the chassis of a large dune crawler used for mining. The M.U.L.E. was discovered by famed techno-archaeologist Celine Land as a transport for miners but was soon modified into a weapon of war. It was renamed, equipped with armor plating and replicated a couple dozen times. The Crab Walker, rather than being a mere carrier, is absolutely brimming with pre-calamity advanced weaponry that can include a Turret Beamer as a main gun, and a coaxial Heavy MGC mounted for anti infantry duties. It can also be equipped with an Air Sensor Array (ASA), a powerful anti-air package compromising twin Autocannons, a Gatling Flak Launcher and Missile Launchers for use as an anti-air walker.
Longstrider Walker; The Longstriders are used as mobile artillery platforms, they are Gyroscopically balanced. Their mechanized mounts are able to walk on the most hostile terrain. Their plating tends to be lighter due to their walker chassis. However, they possess incredible range in their 155 mm Self-propelled Gun with their 45-caliber gun and automatic loader for loading of both projectile and charge. They're also armed with a heavy MGC mounted the turret.
All Terrain Recon Walker Gear; The all-terrain recon walker gear, or ATR-WG, is a quadrupedal, small arms equipped, manned transport designed for far range patrolling. The Sentinel achieves movement with a two pairs of articulated legs, which allow for both maneuverabilities in dense environments and bursts of speed on open terrain. They are fitted with advanced gyro-stabilizers to improve their balance, and their powerplants include noise-reduction technology for clandestine operation. Though it can't move with the speed of the wheeled vehicle, the Sentinel can run - faster than a horse.
Scout Walker; The Scout Walker is a quadrupedal war walker used primarily for long range travel. They are electric hydraulic ridable quadruped vehicles which by design make excellent scout vehicles despite their lack of armor and heavy weapons. Walker Scouts can also be fitted for more conventional anti-infantry/anti-vehicle combat use. They are capable of quadrupedal movement for greater maneuverability on rough terrain or can fold up and move on wheels for greater speeds on flat terrain. Every model of Scout Walker has two front-facing headlights for greater visibility during night patrols or operations. Scout Walker also can come with two small arms, hidden in the front of their chassis, that wield pistols as backup weapons. Scout Walkers can be well armored enough to withstand small arms fire for an extended amount of time. However, too much damage would eventually pierce the armor and damage the critical components within. The scout walker is also built with speed and flexabilty in mind, it's top speed while in walking mode is roughly that of a race horse at 44mph. It's wheeled mode is almost thrice that at 224 mph at tope speed. Other:
Armaments; The Cybrans’ have managed to rediscover many once lost weapons and wargear over the millennia. Even reconstructing from scratch using Nova Prime's fabrication facilities. Due to their knowledge, the Cybernetica Guard have more advanced weaponry and equipment than their wasteland equivalents due to the technological expertise of their Iron priestesses and Forgemasters. Bionics are quite common and devices such as weapon links and sensory feeds are also common amongst them. Some of these weapons are as follows.
Nova Rifle- The Nova rifle or designated RSPN-101( nicknamed Raspen), is the main rifle of the Cybran Cybernetica Guard. The RSPN-101 represents an out-of-the-box approach to assault rifle design due to improvements made upon it by the Cybran Iron Priest over the years. Like many of the Cybran weapons the RSPN-101 are built from an ergonomic point of view. One of the main advantages of the RSPN is it’s highly modular design, allowing numerous modifications and customization's. The RSPN-101, is chambered for 5.56mm rounds, fired using an advanced galvanic chambering device that allows electro-galvanically driven projectiles that can damage both enemy infantry and armor, with an optimal range of 800 meters. Being easy to disassemble and upgrade with tactical gear, it also supports a 40mm underbarrel GL1 grenade launcher.
Nova Pistol- This advanced galvanic pistol was a favorite among Cybran guards, and is designated R-B4. It possess acute safety features and onboard lockouts that make modern commercial pistols reliable, but weak. This baby still packs a punch, while retaining finesse and precision of pre-calamity builds. It’s electro charged ammunition allowing it to deal significant damage to lightly armored targets.
329-M21 Rocket Launcher- The M21 Surface-to-Surface Rocket Medium Anti-Vehicle/Anti-Air. The M21 CG fires 102mm HEAT shaped charged rockets. The launcher sports a 2x scope and can fire rockets over long distances with devastating accuracy, thanks to its fire and forget missiles. The mechanisms built into the weapon allow it to interface with optical cybernetics, allowing it even greater accuracy in the hands of a Cybran soldier.
Gauss Panther Rifle- The Asymmetric Recoilless Carbine-2000, also known as the ARC-2000 or simply the Panther, is a compact-channel linear accelerator that fires a high-explosive round at incredible speed. The charge time is approximately two seconds and can be fired with only a partial charge at the cost of lesser damage. A direct hit will cut through the thickest armor plates in a single shot after a full charge. This makes them very effective anti-armor weapons. The ARC-2000 is the next step in the evolution of Illuminated Cybran Railgun tech. It is widely considered the best out of all limited production rifles they have managed to reverse engineer, though compared to other weapons, it is still quite cumbersome and requires an augmented body or power armor to use effectively. The followed-on explosive charge in its M645 ferric-tungsten projectile helped keep the ARC-2000 in its high position as a deadly tool of destruction. The weapon is exceptionally rare due to its expensive and complex inner workings. Leaving it as a weapon for more seasoned and elite Cybran units.
Ash Petal Anti-Tank Mine- The Ash Petal Anti-Tank Mine (or Ash Petals for short) is a type of Illuminated Cybran area-denial ordnance that can be described as "flowerlike". It is a disk a quarter meter across with spikes along the rim to stabilize it when buried. The shaped charge may be triggered in a number of ways. A proximity sensor makes the Ash-petal effective against lower hovering vehicles. The sensor may also be enabled remotely and its sensitivity altered for use against infantry. The Lotus anti-tank mine also has a countdown mode. The charge itself is powerful enough to penetrate the armor of a heavy Main Battle Tank like the MT 4a4.
Reckoner NR-4-The Reckoner fires a .416 round which packs a hell of a punch with a very long range. Semi-automatic, the rapidity of firing makes up for the fact that the heavy rifle cannot be silenced, allowing a couple of kill shots to be fired off in quick succession before the sniper needs to change locations. They capable of firing over tremendous distances thanks to an advanced telescopic sight. Utilizing specialized ammunition constructed from heavy-gravity alloys with galvanic chambering, the Reckoner Rifle is capable of penetrating nearly all forms of known armor and can even pierce light armored vehicles.
Micro Galvanic Cannon - A 5.56 ‘micro-gun’ with multiple barrels the MGC can lay down withering suppression fire though it is sluggish to wind up. It has a rotary autocannon, with 6 barrels cycled by an electric motor past a single chamber. The weapon was developed after the sixth Hulk Rush as a replacement for the mini-gun and Heavy Turret Cannon, which had been a common heavy weapon on Crab carriers until then.
Optical Camo- Making use of optical camo cloaks, camo cloaks are hooded cloaks composed of a mesh backing, woven with thousands of ribbons of color shifting and light-absorbing material, weaved for its durability and ability to help hide the wearer.
Battle Armor Implants- Cybernetic Plates is a type of battle armour used by The Illuminated Cybran. These armoured plates are designed to be worn for several years at a time. Secreted under a dermal layer of steel alloy are recombinant cells that harness moisture from the wearer and recycle it. This liquid is transmuted into a gelatinous unguent that coats the inside of the suit, preventing the slow abrasion of the wearer's body. They are designed to protect against both kinetic and energy weaponry thanks to the layering approach used in their construction.
Dermal Armour – Dermal Armour implants thin plates, protective weaves and impact distributors throughout the vital areas of the body, protecting them from harm with less great aesthetic or sense-deadening side effects unlike Cyber plates. As it upgrades the armour implants become more reactive, able to adapt to different attacks.
Faction Name: Librarios Faction Type: Paramilitary Knowledge Gatherers/Preservers Capital: Bastion Atheneum Holdings: Orglas Atheneum Secundus, Dawnhill Atheneum, Nova Prime Atheneum Leader: Librarium Rylan Cameron Persons of Importance: Keeper Executive Adam Burke Seeker Executive Leon Pearce Lodestar Executive Maya Davidson Racial Demographics and Population: Structure: Librarios is divided into three branches: The Keepers of Knowledge, the Seekers of Knowledge, and the Lodestars of Knowledge. The Keepers, as their name implies, are tasked with maintaining all knowledge that is brought into the organization. They are also tasked with investigating old pieces of tech brought in and making practical use of the organization’s technological knowledge. This branch is the most influential of the three, but also interacts with the outside world the least.
The Seekers are tasked with obtaining information by any means possible. This ranges from working as a mercenary in exchange for info to being attached to a government in an observational role. Seekers commonly work alone or in pairs, but they do have Special Assault Teams. All Seekers are well trained combatants and possess a wealth of technical knowledge. They are well equipped and carry many pieces of advanced tech on them that includes, but is not limited to, long range communications devices. Seekers are the face of Librarios.
The Lodestars are tasked with spreading some of Librarios’ knowledge to outsiders. In most cases Lodestars are outsiders brought into the organization or members who couldn’t become Keepers or Seekers, making the branch the least influential of the three. Despite this Lodestars are widely sought after teachers, many working as professors in prestigious universities. History: Following the Burning Calamity, a group of scientists, professors, and librarians banded together to preserve what little of the world’s knowledge had survived. Fast forward five hundred years later and the organization had grown in size. It was at this point that it reorganized in Librarios, turning into the organization it is today.
Keeper Sentinel: The first line of defense of any Atheneum, Keeper Sentinels are essentially guards. While decently well equipped and trained, they are not intended to indefinitely defend an Atheneum from a determined assault.
Keeper Guardian: Like Keeper Sentinels, Guardians are tasked with the defense of Librarios’ Atheneums. Guardians receive better training and equipment and are usually held in reserve for when an Atheneum is under attack instead of using them merely as guards. They are also commonly used as bodyguards for Librarios VIPs and ceremonial functions.
Seeker Agent: Seeker agents are well trained and equipped individuals who are tasked with gathering information for Librarios. They commonly act as mercenaries or attach themselves to other organizations as observers or advisors. Seeker agents are allowed to use whatever equipment they wish, however they usually have at least torso body armor, a long range communications device, and some kind of firearm. Seeker agents are very knowledge and typically posses a lot of technical skills.
Special Assault Team: Special assault teams (SAT) are deployed when expecting heavy combat. These soldiers are well trained and equipped, sporting full body armor made of lightweight alloys. These soldiers range from simple riflemen to support machine gunners to snipers.
ARC Commando: Advanced reconnaissance commandos, usually shortened to ARC commandos, are the best of the best when it comes to Librarios’ forces. They are equipped with advanced armor that is lighter than SAT armor, sacrificing some protection for mobility. Their armor comes with a “cloak” that is made of materials designed to spoof and defeat sensor systems. ARC commandos can work alongside SAT troopers, in teams consisting entirely of ARC commandos, or by themselves. When not out on combat missions it is not uncommon for ARC commandos to fill the roles of Seeker agents. Seeker agents and SAT troopers who distinguish themselves in battle are often recruited into the ranks of the ARC commandos.
Kite Gunship: A fairly small VTOL aircraft, the Kite gunship is capable of carrying up to eight men. Due to its comparatively heavy armaments given its size it functions well in providing support to ground troops. Unfortunately it is surprisingly slow given its size.
Harrier Gunship: Slightly larger than the Kite, the Harrier placed emphasis on carrying capacity and speed, making it one of the fastest VTOL capable craft around. While it can only carry ten men, it can carry a much heavier load than the Kite. Its armed with a single machine gun and rapid fire cannon, however it should not be underestimated as it is a surprisingly agile craft, allowing it to essentially dance around other VTOL aircraft.
Falcon Gunship: Falcon gunships are massive VTOL aircraft capable of carrying an entire platoon of soldiers and providing that platoon with air support with its massive cannon. While not in use in combat, it is common for Falcons to be used as transport aircraft due to their comparatively massive carrying capacity.
(This will be constantly be updated and is not a comprehensive list of Librarios’ equipment)
AR-7: The primary weapon of Librarios’ infantry, the AR-7 is a bullpup rifle that uses 5.56mm rounds. These highly accurate rifles are commonly locked in semi-auto, however a few CQB models do have full auto capabilities. A marksman variant comes with a longer barrel.
Dust Jumper Hoverbike: Dust Jumper hoverbikes are small, fast hoverbikes commonly used by Seeker agents.
Valiant Model Power Armor: Valiant power armor is an economical model of power armor that seeks to mix the protection and strength of power armor with the agility and relative inexpensiveness of conventional infantry. It accomplishes this by as much of the power out of the power armor as feasible. This has resulted in a “cheap” piece of power armor that still costs an arm and a leg, but provides a moderate degree of protection and strength more than conventional infantry armor.
Goliath Model Power Armor: Goliath power armor is Librarios’ top of the line power armor. Each suit provides a soldier with the highest level of protection possible without being a main battle tank.
Holdings: The Disciples make their home in a vast maze of subterranean caverns and tunnels whose main mouth is located near the Ashlands, and which extend to unfathomable deeps beneath the barren wastes. None has ever explored them in their entirety, and those who venture into the lower reaches often fail to return. Vague tales and rumours tell of impossibly vast chasms, black, boundless oceans which never saw the light of day and creatures strange even by the standards of the cavern-dwellers; yet none of them has ever been confirmed. Aside from their main settlement in a number of large chambers below-grounds, the Disciples maintain a few outposts at a certain distance from the cavern mouth, both in the Ashlands and the wastes to the south-west. These spots serve as observation and guard points, as well as staging grounds for hunting or raiding expeditions.
Leader: Elder Skotarch Alth-Vuul
Persons of Importance:
Skotarch Darr-Nrath
Handler-Master Koluun
Great Overseer Tramnos Vallin
Racial Demographics and Population:
Species Demographics
Ulthari - 52% Humans - 41% Other - 7%
Ulthari - The Ulthari are a roughly humanoid species originally hailing from a distant sector at the outskirts of the empire whose heart Nabushan once was. Following their integration, they spread throughout its territories, establishing communities on those planets which most abounded with native wildlife, and extensively interacting with select components of the latter. Presently the Disciples are probably the only Ulthari remaining on Nabushan, as said settlements seldom amounted to more than one per planet. The Ulthari appear as robustly built, slightly hunched figures with thick grey-brown skin and heads tapering to many-eyed worm-like appendages, a large extension of which is effectively a four-jawed mouth with a toothed interior. Despite their anthropoid shape, they do not possess a spinal endoskeleton to support their frame, but a web-like structure of cartilaginous filaments which likewise functions as a lymphatic system. Their organisms, though naturally rather strong by human standards, are unfit for life in a desert environment. This factor prompted them to settle underground after the Calamity struck, and is likewise the reason for them only venturing outside at night.
Besides the Ulthari, a number of various individuals has joined the Disciples throughout the years, either by voluntary choice or through being born within their fold. These converts are prevalently human, but a few surviving aliens have likewise found their way to the Crepuscular Shrine, rendering the sect yet more demographically diverse. The Ulthari are largely indifferent to their fellows' species, with the only existing discriminatory restrictions being that no outsider may detain religious authority; indeed, the current Great Overseer is a human, which stands as a testament to the Way's hierarchical meritocracy.
Culture and Religion: It would be impossible to speak of the Disciples' culture without mentioning their religion, and vice versa. The entire community's social structure is founded upon the Way of Yre-Keltha, a faith native to the Ulthari homeworld, and followed by virtually the entire species. This religion, monotheistic in nature, maintains that the cosmos is, in all its aspects, a physical manifestation of the power of the deity Yre-Keltha, and its existence is made necessary by the fact that it constitutes a necessary point of reference for the fathoming of an otherwise entirely abstract concept. Of Yre-Keltha itself there exists no exact description, as the only trait it ontologically shares with the universe, and therefore the only one comprehensible to its inhabitants, is its power. The basic tenet of the Disciples' faith consists in honouring this entity by fulfilling at the best of their ability its intent for the world - namely, by growing as powerful as possible to better reflect Yre-Keltha's divine potency.
Unlike the abstruse basis of their cosmology, the definition of "power" adopted by the worshippers of Yre-Keltha is almost surprisingly simplistic, as it is no more than elementary physical vigour and health. What their religion effectively dictates is that it is the duty of every individual devotee to strengthen their body through continuous exertions, and likewise demonstrate this strength by subjecting themselves to various ordeals and privations and being none the worse for it. Such a philosophy ensures that the Disciples' lifestyle remain nothing short of Spartan; it is common for them to sleep upon bare rock, subsist upon a monotonous diet of bland-tasting fungus and spend their days at work, with no recreational activity other than ceremonial functions being permitted and breaches of the sect's rigid discipline being severely punished. Emotional ties to anything else than the Way and the community itself are likewise regarded as a sign of weakness, and eradicated whenever they are discovered. There thus happen to be no families among the Disciples; while this is not an issue for the oviparous Ulthari, who do not possess distinct sexual characteristics and whose spawn are naturally disposed to being raised communally, it has resulted in many of their human fellows' psychology developing abnormally, and growing to resemble that of their alien "brethren" more than others of their own species.
A relevant part in the Disciples' society is played by Nabushan's fauna. Most Ulthari possess an innate aptitude at establishing rudimentary communication with, and eventually domesticating invertebrate animals - a most useful trait for the followers of the Way, whose lack and poor opinion of inorganic technology would otherwise have left at a severe disadvantage in a hostile environment. Trained beasts are commonly employed for all manner of tasks - from transport to the cultivation of edible fungus - and are widely regarded as a boon of Yre-Keltha for their usefulness, though this sentiment is seldom ever more than general. The only exception is formed by especially ancient, rare and impressive creatures, who are regarded as direct embodiments of the deity's power and venerated as a sort of totem animals.
While the Disciples have no particular interest in conflict, aggression, as well as being a source of necessary equipment, is regarded by them as a trial of strength as good as any other, and it is thus not uncommon for their outriders to assail inhabitants of the wastes, or even expeditions from major inhabited sites, for no reason whatsoever. While this does probably not create a positive image of them, they are unconcerned by such minutiae, and even the prospect of retaliatory action is seen as nothing more than a potential challenge to be overcome.
The group which is now known as the Disciples of Yre-Keltha was once one of the many Ulthari enclaves which settled on numerous worlds worthy, in their view, of their attention. The purpose of these expeditions was to scout different ecosystems and try and discover such creatures as were presumably closest to the ideal of might glorified by their religion; Nabushan was an excellent candidate, given its abundance of diverse and redoubtable life-forms. The expedition had, indeed, encountered many an interesting specimen when the Calamity struck, destroying its headquarters and leaving many of its members dead in the chaos.
The surviving Ulthari managed to regroup and, after some wandering about the devastated landscape, eventually found shelter within a labyrinthine system of caverns and tunnels on the edge of what had become the Ashlands. Having lost all communication with the rest of their species and finding themselves woefully under-equipped to survive in the wastes, they fell back upon their religion, and drew from its somewhat nebulous cosmology a set of rigid, practical teachings to guide them in their struggle. Though the first times were all ut simple, the Ulthari firmly clung to their resolve, and gradually succeeded in rooting out weakness from among their ranks. Many perished in the attempt to adapt to this arduous new life, but those that remained were the fittest and strongest - those who most pleased Yre-Keltha, and who throve in the arid desolation.
After a while, rumours of this strange cult spread throughout the nearby territories, and several wastelanders began to seek it out, either curious concerning its doctrine, or willing to join it to improve their own chances of survival. The Ulthari found no issue with others desiring to follow the Way alongside them - provided they could prove they were apt to follow its teachings by undergoing a series of perilous trials. Such an order was found to be quite efficient, and remains in practice to this day - would-be adherents either bolster the Disciples' numbers or die in the attempt, but there seldom is any shortage of them.
The Disciples have no effective military force to speak of; that said, virtually all of them are fit for combat, and may organise raids and hunting parties on their own initiative. Due to a noticeable scarcity of resources, no standard armament exists, and everyone carries what they can find - be it stolen or looted firearms, armour, or even weapons fashioned from animal parts. A partial exception exists in the form of the Ulthari electrified weapons - the survivors managed to preserve a large stock of them, and many of the aliens possess either a basic shock-prod (which is also useful for herding unruly beasts) or a heavier electro-maul.
As in many aspects of the Disciples' life, they are aided in this field by their trained beasts. They are, for instance, unimpeded by their lack of motorised vehicles, as dunecrawlers and some breeds of sifter are an excellent surrogate; no group ever sets out without the support of a pack of ash locusts or tunnel stalkers, and on certain occasions even such strange creatures as pit bats or the dreaded sand worms can be mobilised.
Domesticated Animals:
Dunecrawler: These vaguely scorpion-like creatures can, despite their natural ferocity, be reduced to obedience by Ulthari handlers, and are often ridden by Disciple raiders in the stead of machines. Older dunecrawlers can grow large enough to accommodate several passengers, and are employed as mobile "artillery platforms" by outriders wielding rocket launchers or other heavy weapons.
Ash Locust: A type of insectoid native to the Ashlands, the locusts actually bear greater resemblance to a hybrid between a praying mantis and a beetle, and truly owe their name to their voracity and habit to move about in large packs. Their size is comparable to that of large dogs, and it has been recorded for even a small number of them to reduce a man to a skeleton within less than a minute.
Tunnel Stalker: Odd beasts found dwelling in the caverns inhabited by the Disciples, tunnel stalkers are peculiar in it that certain of their vital organs are naturally replaced with a vegetal symbiont. This renders them capable of digesting virtually any form of organic matter, as the symbiotic organisms secrete strikingly potent enzymes.
Sifters: Sifters, similarly to such species as termites (whom they in fact markedly resemble, albeit they are much larger), live in hive-like nests, though their collective mentality is far less strong than that of their counterparts. Given their sedentary nature, they are often trained to tend to the Disciples' cultures of edible fungus and lichens; however, certain types of them are likewise suitable to be employed as mounts. On rare occasions, a few sifter grubs are consumed during ritual meals, and, despite their repulsive taste, this alternative to the usual diet is greatly relished.
Pit Bats: In spite of their name, pit bats are not mammals, but a strange sort of amphibian capable of limited flight as well as swimming. If properly instructed, especially large specimens can be capable of carrying riders in surface flight across brief distances, though their poor resistance to heat renders them ill-suited for diurnal journeys.
Sand Worms: Veritable leviathans of the wastes, these burrowing monsters can, if regularly fed, grow to prodigious sizes. Their immense strength and ability to rapidly bore their way through expanses of sand have many a time given Disciple attack parties an advantage sufficient to accomplish such feats as level a wastelander settlement or even breach the defences of a small city; however, significant efforts increase the beasts' appetite, making them unsuited for smaller-scale expeditions.