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Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Jazz
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Seeing Djinn appear next to him in a full colored form, Yami felt a bit of relief, also feeling Yugi's as if Yugi was responding to Yami's in some fashion. He didnt how but at least Yugi wasnt as upset as before. He seemed worried after seeing Djinn looking injured like she was. Yami was still mad at the fact that Kaiba made Yugi upset.

Kaiba looked smug as he watched Yugi's stony face. But he had noticed him rub his eye. "Awww. Does the little kid need his mommy?" Kaiba teased. Yami's expression didnt change. He still needed to win. For Grandpa. "I havent lost yet Kaiba." Yami barked. "And im not finished." Kaiba told him. "I play monster reborn to bring back my Blue-Eyes White Dragon!" upon the field and summoned before them was indeed the Blue-Eyes White Dragon. Yami glared at the beast before him knowing he would be back on the defense. Since his life points were now from 1100 to 600 Yami needed to pick it up if he was to win. Joey still stood on the side lines cheering Yugi on.

With the end of Kaiba's that soon came, Yami drew his card and found another piece of a card that he didnt understand. This made him wonder again. He began to remember was of Soloman telling him about how in Duel monsters, there were cards like his Millennium Puzzle. How they were pieces of a puzzle and Exodia being the perfect example. How no one had been able to summon him to this day. Now going back on that and the cards he saw now, saw how what was before him now was the monster Exodia: The Forbidden One. Yami's eyes widened, thinking that maybe, just maybe being able to Summon the creature. It was the only way to destroy Seto's Blue-Eyes now all he needed to do was to assemble all 5 pieces of Exodia and right now he only had 3.

Yami looked back to the field and then placed a spell card on the field. "I play the spell card, Swords of Revealing Light!" swords of light rained down upon Kaiba's side of the field sespended in air around his monsters. "This keeps me safe for three turns." he grabbed another card from his hand and placed it on the field. "I also summon the Dark Magician. In attack mode." Yami declared. A purple armored-robed figure staffa long staff and conned helmet came forth, majestic, stoic like. "Dark Magician, attack Judge Man with your Dark Magic Attack!" declaring his monsters attack. The lean purple magician held his hand out and an energy that seemed to be unseen, affected Judgeman ans his colors changed and distorted. He then shatttered and disappeared. Yami felt a little bit of pride taking down the monster that took down Djinn. He glanced to Djinn to see how she was before ending his turn.

Kaiba's life points from 900 to 300, Kaiba didnt like the fact that his Judge Man was destoyed but not too concerned. Yami though ended his turn and Kaiba was to go. Kaiba drew, a smirk on his face. "I may not be able to attack you with my one Blue eyes. But i wonder if you can handle this Yugi." with this a second Blue-eyes was summon to the field. In front of the monsters that were withing the Swords of Revealing Light. Yami was not happy but knew he was not out of the game yet. He could stithe ll win this. He had to! "Blue-eyes! use White Lightning on that pathetic magician!" and the magician and one of Yugi's other favorite cards off the board, Yami would have to defend again. Luckly, he had a few to help.

With the narrow neck in neck Duel, Kaiba's life points at 300 and Yami at 100 after the attack he got on his Dark Magician from the second Blue-eyes on the field. A Blue-eyes within the Swords of Revealing Light, and Yami with no monsters on his side of the field, it was now Yami's turn. However for the next few turns, Yami was only able to defend his last 100 life points. Monster after monster was destroyed in defense mode and Yami wasnt happy about. Seto feeling triumphant in pinning Yugi to a corner. Yami knew there was only one way to win. And he had 4 pieces of Exodia in his hand. After two turns went by, Yami knew he would not be able to handle the second Blue-eyes and there would only be him losing.

"Once my second Blue eyes is free, there will be nother for you to do that can stop me Yugi. Its game over." Kaiba declared with confidence. And now with it Yami's turn and the Swords now gone, Yami had to put all his faith into his deck, draw the one last remaining card that would ensure his victory. Going out to reach for his deck, he was feeling doubt. But it wasnt his doubt. It was Yugi's. It almost felt as if the deck was moving away from him. "Its alright Yugi. Focus, Concentrate." he told his host within. He felt this bond though. Knowing he also wasnt alone. That he had friends to help him, to turn to when in times of need, and Djinn with him.

Yami's resolve was final, and with Yugi confident, Yami drew his card, waiting till he brought it up to his where he could clearly see it to know. Yami smirked. "Not today Kaiba. For I summon Exodia!" revealing the piece he drew was Exodia's head. With this, Kaiba was stilled, terrified, the dread and horror on his face, thinking he was imagining it. "N-no! Thats impossible! Nobody has been able to summon him!" "I have assembled all five pieces of puzzle!" Yami declared as all pieces of Exodia were set on the field, summoned to show this golden Egyptian like Giant. "Exodia, obliterate!" declaring his attack. With a ball of golden energy, the large creature threw this energy at the two Blue-eyes white dragons, obliterating them. With that, Yami won. Kaiba's life pounts at Zero and Joey cheering. "You did it Yugi! You beat Kaiba!" the little brother however, Mokuba, looked at his older brother with worry. "Big brother!" his brother had lost. He had never been beaten before and this was a shock to bother brothers. Seto being more inflicted than Mokuba.

"You relied on power and Greed in order to Win Kaiba. There is more to winning than power." A glow of the eye of Horus revealed itself on Yami's forehead as he summoned his magic from within like he had done so many times for Yugi and his friends. This was different though. This was not going to be the same like he had done before. Holding out his hand, palm out, he directed that energy toward Kaiba and his mind of which worked, Kaiba's blue eyes clouded, unfocused. His face no longer arrogant, but instead he looked lost. "There. Maybe now you will be able to see." Yami's tone changed completely, of that from confident, to a more gentle, assuring tone. One that a friend would use to comfort another. Yami knew that now Kaiba would need to search his mind, rebuild it with the pieces he has. Rethink his the way he had been doing things. Yami hoped that Seto could change from this. Be a better person.

As the platform descended, Yami looked to Djinn, holding a hand to her, an offer to help her up. "Are you alright Djinn?" he asked, the same tone of voice that was rough but soothing and calm with clear worry for his new found friend with a soft smile to add to his features.
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Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by AngelBites15
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The pain that Djinn felt was really the pain of a splitting headache, as though someone or something just physically hit it. But she did in fact feel an ache throughout the rest of her body; really aching like she just had a rough workout from something physical, and that she needed to rest her muscles. It was that kind of feeling. Djinn just needed a break right now, and while she laid there to shake it off, she felt disappointment within herself for her failure to give Yugi the upper hand. However, it was her first battle with him, and she only hoped that his Other Half would accept her mistake.

Other than these thoughts, Djinn was in fact awestruck when Exodia: The Forbidden One appeared upon the field. To add to Kaiba's fearful point, she hasn't seen such a monster card that powerful before, and just by seeing it's blinding attack, the shadow genie had to cover her own eyes for the force's brightness. 'He truly is the one. He was the duelist I have prayed for', she thought to herself as soon as Yugi's opponent hit zero on his life points. She did feel pity for Kaiba; that his greed got the better of him.

Still remaining on the ground next to Yugi, Djinn looked away from their opponent, and noticed that Yami Yugi extended his hand to her. She smiled proudly to him, as she took her time to stand up; one foot at a time. "You've found your inner faith, puzzle-solver", she spoke to him, somewhat amazed, but mostly proud, being at the same height as Yami. "Let's just hope that Seto Kaiba has learned his lesson about tearing people away from the things they love", she added, while looking back at the fallen Kaiba. "Speaking of the things we love, we might wanna get back to your Grandpa. I have a feeling he would be glad to see that you've accomplished this duel", Djinn made that polite bow again, but it was a more of a bow that you would make before a majestic figure: bowing her head, and spread her arms in a elegant, submissive manner.

She had a good feeling about this duelist, and even more so about the Millennium Puzzle hanging on the chain around his neck. She'll tell him about the whole wishing thing, once they get out of here.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Jazz
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Yami couldn't help but smile to Djinn, happy that she was well after it was over. Yami looked back to Kaiba as Joey came over with a big grin on his face. "That was awesome Yugi! You kicked Kaiba's butt, Gramps will be excited to hear about this!" Joey was obviously excited and Yami still smiled. "I have a feeling he already knows." Yami doesn't know how but felt as if he had faintly felt his presence while dueling. "Let us go." He told Joey, and Djinn. They left the arena to see how Soloman was doing.

Gramps was a little banged up and seemed ready to go though the doctors wanted to make sure he was fine and stay another day. Yugi worried as ever, did find his grandpa's optimism encouraging and funny. Yugi though thought to take this time to get to know Djinn more. So the day after Yugi's Duel with Kaiba, Yugi was sitting at his desk looking over his grandpa's deck when something came to mind. "Hey Djinn? I was wondering, if you don't mind. How have you been? I know its only been a day since we've teamed up and all." His shyness obviously in place, not use to talk to a duel monster after all. That and still getting use to talking to others of which he was starting to get use to by talking to his friends but that was about it.

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Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by AngelBites15
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Djinn was though dissapointed that Yugi's friends still couldn't see or hear her, but that was okay. Her service was to the Milleniun possessor, and that was Yugi/Yami. All she could do was watch him interact with his real friends; it wasn't fit for her to be a friend to the master, she was just a servant. Her duty to serve and grant others their greatest desires through her wishing powers. Now, she figured on passing it down to young Yugi Muto.

Shadow Djinn understood the boy's worry for his family; that family only being his grandfather. It only reminded her of her twin sister, who was gone, and only a pawn in a card game. Djinn was curiously standing up, looking around young Yugi's room, with her arms crossed on her chest. Hearing his question, Djinn perked up from her gazing. "I'll be fine, Yugi. I'm stronger than I look", she winked with a smile, accepting his concern for her wellbeing.

A thought came to her. "Tell me, puzzle-solver. Have you ever wanted something that beyond your wildest dreams?", she asked out of nowhere. "You see, as a Genie, I also grant wishes; unlimited ones", Djinn nodded as soon as she said this. Inwardly, she was excited to grant him this. Since they were now partners, she had to give him something in return for helping him in his battle against Kaiba.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Jazz
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Yugi felt a little nervous, he understood she was strong he was wandering how she was about being here and in this time. He had no idea what her time was like before she came to being in his hands. Though he was going through his grandpas deck in of which had been given to him, looked to her when she spoke about granting wishes and being a Genie. He didnt think she would still be be able to do this. "Really? Ive heard alot about Genies and granting wishes but had no idea if it was true." he pondered to her. He started to believe the minute he met Djinn. If he was able to talk to a monster card and no other with the fact that his millennium puzzle somehow contained magic he could never understand. He looked to the Egyptian artifact that was attached to the old worn rope that it was tied to it. "Though i wouldnt know what to wish for. I already made a wish to the Millennium Puzzle. A wish i had wanted for so long." Yugi told her. And that was true. He knew if he wanted to wish for anything it would be something he wanted from the core of his heart. Not to waste it on something silly and rediculous. Those wishes he knew would take time and knowing what he wanted.

He looked back to Djinn with the puzzle still in his hands and smiled. "So what are the rules?" he asked curiously. No doubt she would want to tell since there were many stories about Djinn like her. He wanted to get his facts straight.
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Hidden 8 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by AngelBites15
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Djinn expressed her willingness and proud nature with a nod of her head at his positive curiousity. On the subject of her race, there were indeed rules to their technique and power to grant wishes; limits and boundaries, to be exact. However, even if she gave him this property to be the "master", Djinn was bound to his every command and request. She only hoped that he would use them for the good of it.

"I'm not your typical genie-in-a-bottle", Djinn lightly joked with a chuckle. "Instead of a "three-wish" kind of genie, you get unlimited wishes from me", she instructed him. "However, I must warn you; there is a dark side to every wish you make: the temptation to use them selfishly is powerful", she grimly told him as a warning. But she quickly expressed determination and an incredible calmness. "Never use them to commit harm, force intimacy, resurrect the dead, or desire immortality. Think your wish over, and be smart about it", she reminded him. "Once your decision is made, summon me; I will appear", Djinn confidently and proudly added. "I am at your command", the genie bowed before him, once again.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Jazz
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Yugi listened good an well, taking her words to heart. He had figured that these wishes wouldn't be taken lightly and understood the cause and effect, and the action and reaction. Though this made him even more cautious about wishing anything, he would never do it to harm. He could never see himself doing such a thing. He never had the heart to and never thought he would ever. He looked to his deck pondering this information. "I understand. Thank you Djinn." A smile on his lips as he looked to her. He made no changes but only to familiarize with it. He really didn't know what to say after that, he felt the lack of ideas for words though he wanted to get to know her. He didn't know if there were things she liked to do or anything like that.
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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by AngelBites15
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Remarkably, Djinn was patient with him, allowing young Yugi to think things through. Throughout this awkward tension, the genie also had her own thoughts about her possessor; for one, she was fascinated by his pride in his duel with Kaiba, and about his way in the duel itself. However, she has been self-debating whether to congratulate the "Yugi" before her, or the "Other Half of Yugi". She currently didn't know just who to congratulate at this time, possibly to only praise their teamwork.

There was positive energy surrounding the boy, and Djinn might call him "special". Shifting herself to her three-dimensional, humanoid smokey-shadow form, she floated to look over his shoulder to gaze at the cards in his hands. "Tell me, possessor. Just how long have you been a duelist?", she asked him in complete curiosity.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Jazz
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Yugi had continued to examine the before him having organized them by their different and obvious difference in type. Monster, trap, spell. In this he also arranged his monsters where there was normal monster and effect cards. Yugi honestly didnt know what to think of the duel with Kaiba other than that he didnt feel he was in complete control of himself. That its not him completely in the duels but making the statagies a large chunk of the time. But o%her than that he felt he was there, he was there after all. All he could really do was feel grateful that his Grandpa and Djinn were alright. He had won and he was okay with it.

Yugi wasnt one that if you told him how inhumanly positive he was about everything, he would either laugh softly at the compliment. Or he would smile and shake his head and tell you that he id just like everyone else with his own fears about life and doubts. He just liked seeing the positive outcomes that could happen. Hearing Djinn's question, he felt a twinge of he presence that after being a little tense from the shock of surprise he looked over to see Djinn looking over his shoulder at the cards. His smile returned as he leaned back on the rolling chair. He thought about it for moment before he could give an honest answer. "Ive been playing Duel monsters for a few years or so. I guess once you get into the game and play it yourself that you can be called a duelist. But of course its taken seriously with tournaments. I just like to play the game i love so much." Yugi told her honestly.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by AngelBites15
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Djinn didn't mean to startle the boy in her shadow form, and it would seem that he was used to seeing her in her full-colored form. That was the concluding point. In her perspective, she was much more comfortable in her shadow form, where her whole body would be layered in smokey purple transparency, but only with her red-orange eyes having color. She was almost like a three-dimensional hologram.

Again, she didn't mean to startle Yugi in this form. However, she did take in his every word of heart about his love for the game. "And for what we've both accomplished today, I'm sure we will both succeed in this game. Together", the shadow genie warmly praised him in encouragement. "Oh, speaking of tournaments, I heard talk from your friends", just by saying the last word, Djinn was uncomfortable, but she quickly masked it. "...that there will be a tournament in Domino City. Live on television?", she struggled to say the last word, since it was completely new to her.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Jazz
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Yugi's smile brightened at Djinn's words, feeling the sense of accomplishment and a little bit of pride. Hesring Djinn say friend in what he thought be in an uncomfortable way got Yugi thinking a little. Wondering if she would see them as friends, even see Yugi as one too. Wondered if she had friends a long time ago. Wondered if she was just like him months ago where he had no friends. If what she needed too was a friend.

This thought thpugh was stopped when she was talking about the tournament that his friends had talked about, the young boystarted laugh on how she said television. It wasnt that he was being rude for it was more of a good natured laugh. "Im sorry!" he wss beginning to settle down. "It was a litle funny with how you said television. Its a box of which you can watch something going on somwhere else or be news, animated or live action stories." Yugi explained. "If your curious about something let me know. I dont mind answering you at all."and he didnt. Yugi liked helping others. It brought him a sense of joy and accomplishment.
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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by AngelBites15
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"Huh?", Djinn exclaimed in confusion at Yugi's laughter, wondering what was so funny. She blinked once, then twice. "What? What did I say?", she asked the tri-colored boy in curiousity. She felt a little embarrassed of her mistake, but that didn't mean she took any sort of offense from him. Hearing his explanation about that said-mistake, Djinn felt her embarrassment fade, slowly forming a small smile, being silently grateful that he was able to correct her. She really didn't know what kind of artifact that was, but she did hope in coming across it, experience it herself. The Shadow Genie chuckled heartily in joy over his enthusiasm. "I will never forget your word", she accepted his offer.

Djinn took a glance at the Pyramid around his neck. "May I see the source of my creation?", she asked respectfully while gesturing to the artifact.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Jazz
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Yugi was glad that she did not see his laughter as insulting, seeing her eyes glance to the Puzzle, Yugi looked at it too when she asked to see it. Yugi knew this was something that was precious to him, but saw no problem with Djinn seeing it. Lifting it gently like it was the most fragile thing in his possession. He lifted it only to remove it from his neck and held it out to her a bit to see. "I don't mind." And he didn't. He trusted her.
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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by AngelBites15
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Djinn watched as her new owner carefully remove the Millenium Puzzle from around his neck. She, in return, showed a very careful hold within her hands, as she gently took it from his hands. Lifting it to be at eye level, the surge of its power went through her; the energy of feeling her own heartbeat. It was a pleasurable feeling, and as the Genie glanced closely at the Pyramid, it was as if there was another prescence alongside her own source. Closing her eyes, she inhaled a breath before speaking. "Yami, come forth", Djinn softly requested and commanded the spirit of the artifact.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Jazz
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Yugi watched Djinn carefully as Djinn took hold of the artifact and bringing it up to her eye level. What he didnt expect was what came next. Seeing her looking at it as if peering into it somehow Yugi wondered what she saw. Seeing her composed amd gentle with the item, he looked confused when she spoke. "What? Who's Yami, Djinn?" asking just before a transparent figure came to be and could be almost mistaken to be his twin if he were some sort of transparent figure. Slightly taller, yellow streakes through his hair, more wild. The other looked to his host with calm pircing gaze, one that made Yugi intriqued but felt slight intimidated.

"I, am who she is referring to, Yugi." Yami told the young boy of which noticed his voice quite deeper than his own, a sense of dignity Yugi thought, certainly sounded older. "It seems i cannot keep my presence hidden from you. Though i had meant to when we were both ready." Yami glanced his gaze to Djinn then, still calm.

Yugi's eyes widened. "When we were both ready?" the youngoer repeated only for the older to nod. "Correct. After what had happened to your grandfather i thought it best to wait till things had settled and within finding the right time." Yami explained.

Yugi thought for a moment and put the pieces together. "So you were there when I dueled Kaiba." "We were both there indeed. And Djinn of course." Yami confirmed. Yugi was more or less surprised. He had not thought that this...other self, Yami was residing in his Millennium Puzzle. It was quite a bit to take in. Yami noticed this and watched him, feeling some unease himself with this sudden ordeal and meeting. Wondering why Djinn did this. Why expose him now? This was not what Yami planned.
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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by AngelBites15
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Djinn opened her eyes as soon as the transparent entity made his prescence known. He was still slightly smaller than she was, and she was no less taller than himself. "It's just nice to see that you are 'living' well, Yami. Hope I didn't interrupt your 'rest'", she complimented politely to the spirit next to her; the Pyramid still glowing in her hands. "I would like to thank you for accepting me into your deck from before. That was my first duel in a long time", the genie thanked him.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Jazz
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Jazz Master Assassin

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Yami watched her as did Yugi, but then Yugi noticed the Puzzle still glowing. Wondering if that was her doing, Yami's or both. Either way, he noticed how Djinn summoned him to thank him. Yugi smiled at this. Yami looked what he could be considered lost. Yami wondered why she thanked him. Must had been because he too had dueled and not rejected Djinn though Yugi accepted her. A small smile had come to Yami's lips for he had given her a nod. "Your welcome. I have come to trust Yugi's judgement in others that he meets. I see he trusts you and I see why despite what has happened thus far and within the small span of time that I have been awakened and in a sense, 'dormant'." the older explained. He looked to Yugi. "I come to your aid when you feel yourself and your friends threatened. As your friends have told you, you are not alone. If you are uncertain, i am here to help all I can Yugi. Please do not forget this." Yami told him with confidence and a sencere tone of reassurrance that made Yugi brighten.

Yugi felt at ease. He did not show it but he was a tad unsure about Yami. He sensed something about him that made the young boy a little hesitant to ask for help or maybe even accept it from Yami. But seemed to have his and his friends safety as a high prority and he was grateful. Though he didnt not know when he would call upon Yami for his help. Who would want to do harm to him or his friends? Yugi would never know. These uncertainties he his well and very hard for anyone to notice.

Yami looked back to Djinn as he reached out and gently touched the Millennium puzzle. Settling its glow and presence. "I must withdaw for now. There are many things i need to think on." Yami then faded, leaving Yugi and Djinn to their own devices. Yugi looked to Djinn then to her card.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by AngelBites15
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Djinn gave a nod of confirmation and respect to the spirit. Clearly, a friend of Yugi's, is a friend of his. As long as they could see her, to be exact. Once Yami dissapeared, the glow around the pyramid within the genie's hands dissipated. The spirit was at peace within. Stay dormant, my friend, she thought to Yami. Carefully handing the artifact to the boy, Djinn released a relieving sigh. "It does feel good to get out of my cage", she gestured to her own card. She closed her eyes, and gave a chuckle. "It's been months since my last duel, apart from yours with Kaiba. Since I became a Duel Monster, my sister and I were under the ownership of Maximillion Pegasus, the man ruling Industrial Illusions. He was tactical", she added slowly.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Jazz
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Yugi looked back to Djinn to see that the glow was gone and the Millennium Puzzle handed back to him. He took it with a smile, placing it back around his neck. For some reason he felt the item being around his neck to feel like it was apart of him, made him feel safe and confident. Now that he had found that there was a spirit of some sprt within the Puzzle, he felt that there was a life in the palm of his hand. It was strange, diorienting, and uncomfortable. To have such things like that made Yugi certainly think so.

Listening to Djinn made Yugi smile, also glad she didnt have tonstay in a card. She sounded relieved and he was happy for her. Hearing that it had been sometime since she had dueled last, remembering that she had said something similar to Yami. Having wondered previously who her 'owner' was and only now to be revealed to be Maximillion Pegasus, CEO and founder of Industrial Illusions. This made Yugi think about this. Wondering if he was the one who sent her to him. But there was also the question as to why. "Really?" How slowly she said it, Yugi looked confused and thought that maybe talking about this made Djinn feel a tad uncomfortable.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by AngelBites15
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AngelBites15 Neon-Dimensional Storyteller

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"Hm", Djinn nodded in confirmation to his wonder. She looked at him now with her red eyes. "Mr. Pegasus has a very strange style in dueling. He had these kinds of cards; they were...goofy", she explained before adding the appropriate word to it. "He said, 'they are called Toon cards, Djinni. Nothing more'. Not to mention that he won't stop watching them", she recited with her arms crossed about the last thing her previous owner said to her. "Don't let him deceive you. I know what he does, and I can't explain the rest", the genie shook her head with a hand on her hip. "But hey, let us go join your friends. They could use your presence", Djinn requested to the puzzle-solver.
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