This is intended more to help us players keep track of how many days our characters have spent where.
A lot has happened, despite it only being a few days of in-game play.
Click hiders for a quick synopsis and the page span of each day.
That said, SPOILER warning for the rare lurker who actually cares.
The Journey Begins: Wonderland and Earth Collide
Page/Post Location: From post one to page five.
A Quick Overview: In Wonderland, the true heir of Wonderland, Elayra Heart, and her half-Cursed White Knight guardian, Drust, discover that the portal to Earth has reopened for the first time in fourteen years. Having been camping nearby, they made their way quickly to Harrow Hollow Hill--the place designed to protect and hide the portals. They made their way relatively safely to the portals, and hopped through into a world they were ill-prapaired for, no matter how much about the world Drust knew. Thus began their search for the Madrail boy.
Meanwhile, on Earth, Ghent Madrail--the only heir of the great vinifcium, Hatter Madrail--had the misfortune of being fired from his job at a bookstore. Later, he leaft his apartment on a milk run as requested by his mom. After being stopped by his obnoxious gossip-obsessed neighbor, Mrs. Saxon, with the promise of payment for finding her precious cat, he changed course and hunted down the furry animal... despite being allergic. But in a turn of fate, he encountered the Wonderlanders who sought him.
Once Ghent got over the fact he wasn't crazy and the people from his dreams--and nightmares--were real, were spawned from true memory and not some hallucination, he returned the cat to Mrs. Saxon and led the Wonderlanders to a storage room of the bookstore he had once worked at. After all, he still had the key. What better place to get answers? And nothing could possibly go wrong...
Alas, their conversation was interrupted by unusual cat-like creatures called shadowmire. Beasts beneath the Red Queen's thumb, they had come through the portal before Drust and Elayra. The feline scouts attacked both inside and outside the storage room.
After dispatching all but one of the shadowmire, Ghent led them instead to a small, shack-of-a-shed in a park a decent distance from the scene of the attack, hoping it would be a good place to talk more and for the Wonderlanders to crash for the night without being discovered.
After chatting and being introduced to the greasy goodness of McDonalds, Ghent headed home, leaving Elayra and Drust on their own for the night.
Alas, something about Earth aggravated the Curse's effects in Drust, making him snap easier. Elayra just managed to fend him off, then talked him into returning to Wonderland to await her and Ghent's return.
In Ghent's apartment, the boy confided in his cousin, Henry, that he had found the Wonderlanders who had haunted him. Incapable of sleeping, he packed a backpack with enough junk food to give a cow diabetes, and braced himself for the journey awaiting him come sunup.
A Quick Overview: In Wonderland, the true heir of Wonderland, Elayra Heart, and her half-Cursed White Knight guardian, Drust, discover that the portal to Earth has reopened for the first time in fourteen years. Having been camping nearby, they made their way quickly to Harrow Hollow Hill--the place designed to protect and hide the portals. They made their way relatively safely to the portals, and hopped through into a world they were ill-prapaired for, no matter how much about the world Drust knew. Thus began their search for the Madrail boy.
Meanwhile, on Earth, Ghent Madrail--the only heir of the great vinifcium, Hatter Madrail--had the misfortune of being fired from his job at a bookstore. Later, he leaft his apartment on a milk run as requested by his mom. After being stopped by his obnoxious gossip-obsessed neighbor, Mrs. Saxon, with the promise of payment for finding her precious cat, he changed course and hunted down the furry animal... despite being allergic. But in a turn of fate, he encountered the Wonderlanders who sought him.
Once Ghent got over the fact he wasn't crazy and the people from his dreams--and nightmares--were real, were spawned from true memory and not some hallucination, he returned the cat to Mrs. Saxon and led the Wonderlanders to a storage room of the bookstore he had once worked at. After all, he still had the key. What better place to get answers? And nothing could possibly go wrong...
Alas, their conversation was interrupted by unusual cat-like creatures called shadowmire. Beasts beneath the Red Queen's thumb, they had come through the portal before Drust and Elayra. The feline scouts attacked both inside and outside the storage room.
After dispatching all but one of the shadowmire, Ghent led them instead to a small, shack-of-a-shed in a park a decent distance from the scene of the attack, hoping it would be a good place to talk more and for the Wonderlanders to crash for the night without being discovered.
After chatting and being introduced to the greasy goodness of McDonalds, Ghent headed home, leaving Elayra and Drust on their own for the night.
Alas, something about Earth aggravated the Curse's effects in Drust, making him snap easier. Elayra just managed to fend him off, then talked him into returning to Wonderland to await her and Ghent's return.
In Ghent's apartment, the boy confided in his cousin, Henry, that he had found the Wonderlanders who had haunted him. Incapable of sleeping, he packed a backpack with enough junk food to give a cow diabetes, and braced himself for the journey awaiting him come sunup.
Page/Post Location: Pages five through seven.
A Quick Overview: Only the early morning hours were still spent on Earth during day two of their adventures. With neither of our Wonderland Heirs capable of sleeping, Ghent made his way to the park, where Elayra was alone, practicing shooting at a tree. Together, they made their way toward the portal to Wonderland, stopping only once in the park to find out whether or not Ghent could, really, access magic. To both their shock (and delight), Ghent succeeded... well, sorta.
In town, the area getting a lazy start due to the morning's downpour, the duo ran into Miles, a drunk who enjoys hanging around Ghent's apartment building. Ghent did his best to explain Elayra's unusual appearance, but it did nothing to ease Miles' suspicion. Regardless, the man warned them that police are about, what with a break in in the Book Barn--where Ghent once worked.
With the portal located in the alley next door, that posed just a slight problem. A problem solved in the most unlikely ways.
Miles came back, this time in a car, and forced the duo at gunpoint to get into the car. There, they discovered that Miles was, in fact, a World Jumper who had gone more than a little insane from being cut off from other worlds. After coming to a rocky truce, Miles agreed to help them get to the portal so long as they brought him along.
Together, following his plan, Ghent--with Elayra's guidance in focus words--smashed a window of a store. The two ran when the alarm went off, but, alas, a car drove by, a car Ghent was positive belonged to none other than the blabber-mouth Mrs. Saxon.
Despite this, they and Miles made it to the alleyway, the cops distracted with the new break-in and Miles' own crime elsewhere. With the portal threatening to close any second from the dying of what little magic reserve it had, in the alleyway, the last shadowmire made an appearance. Though Ghent got shoved through the portal first, freeing him from having to face the feline creature, Elayra and Miles were not so lucky.
After noticing a difference in the shadowmire's eyes, Elayra, positive the Red Sorceress watched her through the beast, dove for the portal, making it through at the last possible second, leaving an enraged Miles and the shadowmire behind.
A Quick Overview: Only the early morning hours were still spent on Earth during day two of their adventures. With neither of our Wonderland Heirs capable of sleeping, Ghent made his way to the park, where Elayra was alone, practicing shooting at a tree. Together, they made their way toward the portal to Wonderland, stopping only once in the park to find out whether or not Ghent could, really, access magic. To both their shock (and delight), Ghent succeeded... well, sorta.
In town, the area getting a lazy start due to the morning's downpour, the duo ran into Miles, a drunk who enjoys hanging around Ghent's apartment building. Ghent did his best to explain Elayra's unusual appearance, but it did nothing to ease Miles' suspicion. Regardless, the man warned them that police are about, what with a break in in the Book Barn--where Ghent once worked.
With the portal located in the alley next door, that posed just a slight problem. A problem solved in the most unlikely ways.
Miles came back, this time in a car, and forced the duo at gunpoint to get into the car. There, they discovered that Miles was, in fact, a World Jumper who had gone more than a little insane from being cut off from other worlds. After coming to a rocky truce, Miles agreed to help them get to the portal so long as they brought him along.
Together, following his plan, Ghent--with Elayra's guidance in focus words--smashed a window of a store. The two ran when the alarm went off, but, alas, a car drove by, a car Ghent was positive belonged to none other than the blabber-mouth Mrs. Saxon.
Despite this, they and Miles made it to the alleyway, the cops distracted with the new break-in and Miles' own crime elsewhere. With the portal threatening to close any second from the dying of what little magic reserve it had, in the alleyway, the last shadowmire made an appearance. Though Ghent got shoved through the portal first, freeing him from having to face the feline creature, Elayra and Miles were not so lucky.
After noticing a difference in the shadowmire's eyes, Elayra, positive the Red Sorceress watched her through the beast, dove for the portal, making it through at the last possible second, leaving an enraged Miles and the shadowmire behind.
Return to Wonderland
Page/Post Location: Pages eight to fourteen.
A Quick Overview: Begins in the early morning hours where the above leaves off. Ghent tumbled into the clearing of Harrow Hollow Hill to find Drust still trying to recover from the unusual Curse flair-up. After a couple tense moments and Elayra made it through to Wonderland without a moment to spare, the trio once more set off to unknown destinations.
When a harmless spirit targeted Ghent, he panicked and used the first focus word that popped into his head, ultimately knocking Drust unconscious. Fearful of the outcome if Drust woke up in Hollow Forest instead of one of the few Safe Zones pocketing the forest, Elayra and Ghent began to drag him with them as quickly as they could. As they went, they kept an eye out for a tichari, a creature that could lead them to a Safe Zone. But they met none.
As darkness descended, giving power to the trapped souls, Ghent used his untapped vinifcium abilities to contact the Spiritaium... or, more accurately, to call a tichari to them.
Instead, he traveled to the Betwixt where he encountered the Guardian of Hollow Forest, Smaya. Thankfully, she summoned a tichari named Margen who would lead them to a Safe Zone.
Meanwhile, Drust had woken up, the Curse in complete control. Elayra managed to fend him off until Ghent returned in the nick of time. But Ghent didn't stand a chance. Saved by the tichari and the spirit fox's sleeping mist, Elayra and Ghent followed the fox to a Safe Zone, Margen transporting Drust via a bed of mist.
In the safe zone, they got a fire going and tied up Drust, just in case. When he woke, his own mind in control rather than the Curse, after a debate, they untied him.
After spending a while in discussion, Ghent got a weapon from Drust, a weapon his father, Hatter, had intended for him, and book of Hatter's notes on magic.
Following the revelation that they were heading to see Caervolus (Carol's inspiration for the Blue Caterpillar), Ghent contacted Smaya once more, requesting help to convince the spirits to let the trio through the woods quickly come sunrise. She agreed, though with a request that revealed what effects the Curse had even on the Spiritayum, then sent Ghent on his way.
Back around the campfire, with Elayra asleep, Drust took the first watch of the night. He passed it off to Ghent after an insightful conversation, then left the boy to his rather uneventful watch to get what bit of sleep the Knight needed.
A Quick Overview: Begins in the early morning hours where the above leaves off. Ghent tumbled into the clearing of Harrow Hollow Hill to find Drust still trying to recover from the unusual Curse flair-up. After a couple tense moments and Elayra made it through to Wonderland without a moment to spare, the trio once more set off to unknown destinations.
When a harmless spirit targeted Ghent, he panicked and used the first focus word that popped into his head, ultimately knocking Drust unconscious. Fearful of the outcome if Drust woke up in Hollow Forest instead of one of the few Safe Zones pocketing the forest, Elayra and Ghent began to drag him with them as quickly as they could. As they went, they kept an eye out for a tichari, a creature that could lead them to a Safe Zone. But they met none.
As darkness descended, giving power to the trapped souls, Ghent used his untapped vinifcium abilities to contact the Spiritaium... or, more accurately, to call a tichari to them.
Instead, he traveled to the Betwixt where he encountered the Guardian of Hollow Forest, Smaya. Thankfully, she summoned a tichari named Margen who would lead them to a Safe Zone.
Meanwhile, Drust had woken up, the Curse in complete control. Elayra managed to fend him off until Ghent returned in the nick of time. But Ghent didn't stand a chance. Saved by the tichari and the spirit fox's sleeping mist, Elayra and Ghent followed the fox to a Safe Zone, Margen transporting Drust via a bed of mist.
In the safe zone, they got a fire going and tied up Drust, just in case. When he woke, his own mind in control rather than the Curse, after a debate, they untied him.
After spending a while in discussion, Ghent got a weapon from Drust, a weapon his father, Hatter, had intended for him, and book of Hatter's notes on magic.
Following the revelation that they were heading to see Caervolus (Carol's inspiration for the Blue Caterpillar), Ghent contacted Smaya once more, requesting help to convince the spirits to let the trio through the woods quickly come sunrise. She agreed, though with a request that revealed what effects the Curse had even on the Spiritayum, then sent Ghent on his way.
Back around the campfire, with Elayra asleep, Drust took the first watch of the night. He passed it off to Ghent after an insightful conversation, then left the boy to his rather uneventful watch to get what bit of sleep the Knight needed.
Page/Post Location: Pages fourteen to current.
A Quick Overview: Updated to the most current major event. After waking up, safe and sound, out trio made it out of Hollow Forest. At a small river at the outskirts of Gardale, with Drust gone to collect supplies for Ghent, the two heirs were attacked by some unlikely monsters, forcing them into the water. After Ghent saved Elayra from drowning, Ghent nearly set the forest on fire trying to dry his clothes before Drust returned to bear witness to the chaos.
A Quick Overview: Updated to the most current major event. After waking up, safe and sound, out trio made it out of Hollow Forest. At a small river at the outskirts of Gardale, with Drust gone to collect supplies for Ghent, the two heirs were attacked by some unlikely monsters, forcing them into the water. After Ghent saved Elayra from drowning, Ghent nearly set the forest on fire trying to dry his clothes before Drust returned to bear witness to the chaos.