We were instructed to come up with backstories for our characters which could lead to some quests and side quests. Here is what I worked up after rolling a 5'1" elf strong in Charisma and Dexterity.
My character Val is from a family of wood elves which for generations has run a boarding school of sorts for dragon wyrmlings while their parents are off hunting treasures, righting wrongs, or are just too preoccupied.

Wouldn't you know it, her father lost a wyrmling(!) which has led to all kinds of problems including her family being treated as outcasts and feared retribution to both her family and from mama dragon when she returns.

Impatient with the elven clan's elderly ruling council's endless debates on what action to take Val and her sister Lilitha leave to go find this wrymling before bad things come of it.

How difficult could it be to find a baby dragon in an area dominated by humanoid settlements?

Well working a lead on the docks of Helmskeep Val and Lilitha got separated and the only evidence of Lilitha left was enough elven blood to indicate Lilitha was probably dead.

Before she could secure passage out of town Val herself was kidnapped by a party of human males with matching red "A" tattoos (League of Arian Nationalists, a "Human Purity" cult). Some terrible experiences there left her with quite the distaste for human males in particular. She only escaped by disgustingly enough charming one of them.

Shortly there after she bumped into the rest of the adventurers.

So while not entirely original, I was watching my own newborn and Sons of Anarchy at the time, it has provided the DM with some entertainment.

What do you all have that has worked well and hasn't?

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