♞ T h e M a s q u e r a d e ♞
◇ b a c k g r o u n d ◇
The masquerade is a luxurious event held in the royal city of Afterclaw. It lasts a week (or longer) and is filled to the brim with mysterious types. There are mystical and mysterious creatures who hide beneath their glittering masks threading through the crowd, sampling the bubbling flutes of pleasing drinks. There are royals, rich folk who are sought out to find their loved ones, no matter the appearance or the class. And last but not least, there are thieves and criminals, slipping a hand into a pocket here and a pocket there. Intent on robbing the rich of their wealth and the mystical of their powers. It is the ideal time to go beneath a facade and be the person you want to be, at least for a few nights. The masquerade is a welcoming mass of intrigue and danger that many are willing to fall into.
▽ l o c a t i o n ▽
A grand palace in the center of the city. It glows radiant with wealth and has countless labyrinth like corridors and lavish wide rooms. You never know what you can find in here.

◐ e n t r a n c e ◐
A guard at the front checks for weapons, though it is concealed well enough they may let it pass, but that is a dangerous risk to take. Present your invitation, all families are gifted with several invitations and enter the party. You can always fake an invitation though, and many criminals who enter do. Faulty security.
◤ i n v i t a t i o n (C S) ◥
Send it either by PM or by posting it in this section (OOC)
n o t e - If you want a color, please add that color in the sheet.
e x t r a i n f o - I accept mostly all Character sheets so send them in and don't be shy, I don't bite!
Status (wealth) :
Appearance + Mask :
Any weapons to be brought in:
Theme song (optional):
Any other info (optional):