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Naruto: True Peace

“After those events over two-hundred years ago, life sure has change, boy. Life sure has changed.”


We feel that it might be important to give you an overview of the setting as a whole, after all the story takes place approximately 215 years after Naruto and Sasuke defeated Kaguya Ōtsutsuki. So, the world has naturally changed and evolved as time went on. For the setting that means we'll be living in a somewhat more modern world (comparable to ours) but this being Naruto and thus, being highly inconsistent with tech canonically, we have taken several liberties to maintain the feeling of Naruto that we all love so dearly. So that means there won't be special task forces of shinobi running around with M4's. Sadly.

As such you have to imagine a mildly modern setting, where we now have things mixed like a low amount of trucks, cars and motorbikes for the elite, but also still have prominent carriages with horses, mules or what have you. Due to previous years being somewhat turbulent in regards to shinobi numbers, there is an age gap in the shinobi forces. The numbers are recovering now due to investment from the Confederation into the shinobi schools popularizing them once again. However it's obvious that there are some older shinobi who are still stuck in a mindset where they need to turn over every penny to get by - even if that's no longer true whatsoever.

This RP will also feature a more slice-of-life approach, although that is debateable. We will ofcourse still do plenty of missions, but we like character interaction as much as the fights in Naruto, and as such we place a prominent focus on the character interactions as well as conflicts. Don't worry, you can still beat up bad guys. Another thing that is important for us is balance and we make sure to review each sheet adequately.

If you want a powerful missing nin, it's probably best to look elsewhere.

“The Story so far”

After true peace was obtained eleven years ago, a deadly silence fell over the lands once more, like it had previous times during era's of peace. However, unlike previous times, this time it seemed it was there to stay. As the rulers took their rightful place on the thrones of the the Hamajō Confederation, the previous countries were transformed into nation-provinces under the rulership of these new rulers.

And like that Konohagakure was no longer a powerful village of ninja's, it was just one of the many villages under the same banner. The hokage was no longer a ruler of lands, a powerful military leader, but he became a governor of the village in the name of the Hamajō Confederation.

While true peace was obtained by these new rulers, small conflicts did still happened. They went unnoticed, or perhaps uncared for, by the rulers. But as small conflicts do, they grew larger and were then quelled by the new rulers. At a certain point in times these small conflicts simply stopped appearing - atleast in the eye of those that weren't paying close attention to them. It was evident that the divide and conquer strategy utilized by the rulers had worked and when it became apparent to the public it was too late to do anything about it. Many of the people wouldn't have found the will to do it though, regardless of whether they'd noticed. And it soon turned out too, that the majority of the people actually found this new rulership to be quite efficient in what they did.

Because like all take overs, there is always a group of people that do not support the new government. And in a world of ninja's, you'd be a fool to oppose your enemy in public. Just because these people are not seen, does not mean they do not exist.

The story of Naruto: True Peace continues aproximately 11 years after the events that occured in a previous roleplay, namely Naruto: Path to Enlightment. That means that the story itself is approximately 215 years after the events of Naruto: Shippuden. However, the story is entirely new and in theory, loose from the previous RP. See it more as a spin-off than a continuation. Some of the characters will be brought over for background, for instance, to create a more livid and 'alive' world. This way there isn't a blank slate, and that means there is room for your character to tie into the world.

The story begins when the Hamajō Confederation has already been in power for eleven years. The Hamajō Confederation is a confederation ruled by several rulers, which form together more or less the council of the confederation. Their rule is one of an iron fist, and they are known to act aggressively whenever someone questions their right to rule, however that isn't to say that anyone in the confederation receives daily beatings. For the most part citizen life has barely changed at all - they can still do their jobs and most people actually saw an increase in economical prosperity. That includes shinobi.

The Shinobi art has once again flourished after years of diminishing class sizes. They are once again back in action and no longer act from the shadows like some knock-off police force. Instead they have become the main military power of the nation provinces and the confederation. As a result the wages have gone up and the shinobi's profit from an upper class lifestyle, with some of the politically important shinobi even going as far as becoming prospect-council members for the confederation. The Confederation itself highly values the shinobi, in fact, and has even gone as far as to promote the academy in public schools to draw a larger crowd for the military forces. It's clear that they are looking for shinobi talents like in the tales of old - nobody really knows why, but nobody really cares either. Most people see it as a great tradition that is upheld, almost like an extreme sport.

However not everyone shares these views. You wouldn't notice if you were in any given city, or any given village even. But in places where nobody comes, there are people meeting, exchanging weaponry, scrolls with orders, and even from time to time military encampments. The Confederation is fighting a secret war. Those that oppose them are generally written off as rebellious rabble, riff-raff and criminals, not even being granted the prestige of being called 'rebels'. That would indicate they were being taken serious and for the most part, well, they aren't taken serious at all. However in truth, they are a rising power and while they are merely a nuisance now, they are building the military capacity to become a problem in the near future. The rebels themselves however do not squabble over something as petty as names, and simply refer to themselves as the Red Sages. And here.. here we drop in.


Yes, we have rules. No, we don't enforce them like a certain regime in a certain time period. But yes, we will get annoyed if you break them constantly. Previous RP's have shown we need these. Sadly.


  • No godmodding, powerplaying or making shit up in the IC. The standard stuff.
  • No perfect characters (Mary Sue and Gary Stu).
  • GM team has final say. Always. Like a certain regime in a certain time period. Ahem.
  • One-lining not acceptable. Two lining isn't either. In fact just write two paragraphs.
  • Consistency is key. We understand posting a little less sometimes. There's limits, though.
  • RPG rules apply. Always.


  • Beware the gore; yes, it's allowed but don't overdo it. No rain showers. I'm looking at you, Nero.
  • As for sexual content, take it to PM's and show us a fade to black; make it implied. What you do privately isn't our concern. It's RPG's concern, however.
  • Death is possible. For all characters. Including GM characters. We love death.
  • Love is also possible. Gay love, heterosexual love, alien love, whatever you want.


  • Your character is a chunin or, rare cases, a jonin, but not Madara. No EMS, Rinnegan, whatever the hell you can think of. Keep it simple, but interesting.
  • Be diverse and dynamic with creating your characters; don't be set in stone for what you want and be prepared to change your ideas as we go. This means; don't be an asshole if you don't get what you want. Either scrap the idea or change it to our liking.
  • No tailed beasts for now. Why? Because you need to earn it ICly with our acceptance, not be gifted it. Nothing says 'I'm a bad writer' more than instantly writing in 200 of the most powerful things in your character.
  • Kekkei Genkai are to be made unique. If they are Sharingan with 1 minor edit made into a new KG, then it's a no-go.
  • Same applies to hiden. If they are shadow control with 1 minor edit, then it's a no-go.
  • No elemental control kekkei genkai please. Overdone, this is Naruto, not Avatar. If you can make it interesting, try it, but if your KG is simply 'I can control the water' then we're not gonna accept it period.

“Jutsu rules”

Because Naruto is a diverse world with diverse techniques, with some more balanced than others, we have chosen to make several rulesets for characters for each rank. This is to avoid situations with, for example, a chunin who has the rinnegan, fighting some chunin who barely has a single B rank technique. It's also to avoid broken jutsu, such as Flying Thunder God, being used to cheese fights. It might seem like a fun thing to give your characters, especially if they have a historical reason for having that jutsu. And I agree, it's a fun niché thing that makes it more interesting. But looking at pro's and con's for these kind of jutsu, we have to decide that ultimately it's not worth it, because that means your jutsu will give you pleasure, but it will detract that of those that go up against your character, or those that wanted something similar but got denied. It's put in place to avoid bad situations where two people cannot reach an ultimatum about fights. Simple as that. We do not accept arguments about these things, they're set in stone.

If you feel like your character might have, for instance, an extra A-rank jutsu.. that's possible. We might accept that if you can justify it to us in a PM or in an OOC comment. For example, two A-rank jutsu that form a combo, but are otherwise not that useful, is perfectly acceptable. But if you justify it by saying 'Oh he's a prodigy, he was like Sasuke and is just super cool like that.' then we're gonna lick your ass before we stomp it.

Jutsu Limits”

Note: N/A in front of a rank means 'no limit' within reason. You can use as many of these as you like although that doesn't mean you have to use every one of them. They also need to make sense. A character with an aptitude for high level lightning jutsu will probably have more of these N/A lightning jutsu than fire jutsu. Simple as that.

- currently not accepting genins.
  • 0 A-rank.
  • 1 B-rank.
  • 2 C-rank.
  • 2 D-rank.
  • N/A E-rank.

Note: due to the 'side character' nature of the genins (small roles in plots) exceptions can be made. Trade offs are part of those exceptions, so approach us with ideas.


  • 1 A-rank.
  • 3 B-rank.
  • 4 C-rank.
  • N/A D-rank.
  • N/A E-rank.

- Only accepting these if a chunin was already made and it was deemed satisfactory enough.
  • 1 S-rank.
  • 3 A-rank.
  • 4 B-rank.
  • N/A C-rank.
  • N/A D-rank.
  • N/A E-rank.

- Never accepting kage level characters. We'll ask you to make them if we need one.
  • N/A S-rank.
  • N/A B-rank.
  • N/A C-rank.
  • N/A D-rank.
  • N/A E-rank.

Note: Kage-level characters will not be judged on their jutsu lists or anything of the sort, they will be judged on identity: are they interesting, are they worthy of the kage-level stamp and do they serve a good, useful purpose? That's because once you reach jonin status, it becomes really quite easy to pass into kage-level areas, and beyond kage there are no ranks. That means the power levels within kage-level characters fluctuate heavily.

Banned Jutsu”

General bans refer to simply not being allowed to have this jutsu on any character, in or out of battle.
Combat bans refer to bans for combat only, meaning they are allowed outside of combat.
Limit jutsu refer to jutsu that are allowed, in and out of combat, but have limited usage.

Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Dion
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Member Seen 4 days ago

“The Two Factions”

“The Red Sages”


When the Hamajō Confederation rose to power, the remnants of the armies that fought in the great wars were scattered, and still feuding over previous conflicts. They were killing each other, these remnants, over issues that were no longer present. But slowly the realization set in that - perhaps - they were only slaughtering allies against a greater enemy, an enemy that would gladly see these remnants slaughter each other. From this realization was born the Red Sages.

The Red Sages is what the rebels call themselves. They are a loosely organized group of shinobi and sympathizers who fight against the Hamajō Confederation. Their motives are scattered, and there is no clear image of what they want exactly besides one thing; freedom. Now, freedom is a subtle term, and for some it's a word that means the same as oppression to another, so fighting for freedom is something that many will find a strange thing to do. Never the less, it's a war cry, and it's a war cry that attracts those who are dissatisfied with the Hamajō Conederation. The Red Sages accept anyone within their ranks if it can be proven that they are trustworthy - for this reason, it's sometimes seen as a criminals sanctuary, which the Hamajō Confederation makes sure to highlight whenever it speaks out against the actions of the Red Sages.

Currently the Red Sages are lead by a Lady Commander by the name of Souji Tametomo. She is the successor to her older brother, Tarara Tametomo, who recently passed away in combat against the Hamajō Confederation during a special ops strike, which was aimed to take down Tarara. The loss of their leader struck a great blow to the Red Sages, but it has only kindled a fire inside the remaining Red Sages that can no longer be extinguished by violence. Amegakure.. Amegakure will burn.


Current Lady/Lord Commander of the Red Sages




“The Hamajō Confederation”


Perhaps they call us tyrants, and perhaps they are right. But look me in my eyes and tell me I do not supply for my people - tell me I do not protect them from evil - tell me I do not try my hardest to keep together these god forsaken people to teach them true value in life. Tell me that. Tell me what is tyranny? Is it when I use force to protect those close to me, my children? Is it when I care for those under my wings? If so, then I am the biggest tyrant. But the people don't know that and they don't need to know. THAT is how we rule, and that is how we make sure the Hamajō Confederation has stayed alive all these years.

The Hamajō Confederation is the current ruling state in the world - all former countries are either provinces or special protectorates. In theory, those are two different things, but in practice these have become one and the same thing - only matters of prestige for governors and the like. The Hamajō Confederation has for that reason become a rather strong figure in people's daily life's, and that isn't necessarily 100% positive. It's not a secret that the Hamajō Confederation uses not an iron fist, but a steel fist imprinted with diamond studs on the knucles, to keep down troublemakers and criminals alike. And it's not hard to be a criminal in the confederation - there are many things made illegal nowadays to 'streamline society into an organised community of like minded individuals who wish for nothing but the best.'

Never the less life has flourished - to a degree, and depending on where you live and how influential you are - there is plenty of food to go around and reported crime is at an all time low. That said corruption is rather common in the Hamajō Confederation given that there is really nobody to oppose the corruption.

The forces of the Hamajō Confederation are more or less the forces that keep everything in check - after all the police cannot be trusted entirely when it comes to bribery, and there are simply some matters, especially political, that are better left to shinobi.

After the wars, several powerful shinobi took power in most of the villages and enforced their own 'laws'. This was the beginning of the confederation, as these powerful shinobi saw eachother more as allies, with a sceptical view ofcourse. The focus wasn't on gaining more power for themselves, and less for the other rulers, but more on retaining and maintaining power for all the rulers. Over the years this turned into a state where the former states were transformed into nation provinces. This organisation is as follows.

  • Amegakure - capital
    Amegakure was created as the seat of the confederation. It was central in the mainlands, and as such it was seen as a tying knot between the other provinces. To make sure that Amegakure was equipped properly to match it's power to the rest of the provinces, large pieces of lands were seized from surrounding countries to ensure it was a similar, or atleast respectable size compared to the rest.

    • Konoha Province
      The Konoha province is seen as the most profitable province, and even though large tracks of land were seized for the purpose of strengthening Amegakure, it is still a military powerhouse. It is a calm region however, and it's a primary source for the confederations shinobi, given that it supplies 30% of all recruits in the confederations forces.
    • Suna Province
      The Suna province is to a certain degree simply there. The large deserts aren't worth that much in the eyes of Amegakure, the main seat of the confederation. For the most part they are autonomous, and are expected to simply do their job and nothing more.
    • Iwa Province
      The Iwa province, with it's mountains, is the primary provider of resources to the confederation. Most of these are shipped directly to the Konoha province where they are sold to producers for any kind of production chain. While it's not the most wealthy, it sees it's fair share of the money.
    • Kumo Province
      The Kumo province is home to the poorest in the Confederation. There is very little that they can offer for sale in the confederation borders and most people living here are simply self-sustaining farmers. That said they have a fearsome military, rivaling the Konoha province. They supply 26% of the shinobi in the confederations forces, proving themselves to be capable of military prowess if nothing else.
    • Kiri Province
      The Kiri province is not so much a province as much as it's a desolate island. 11 years ago during the war the island was massacred by opposing forces, and when the Confederation took over the island was simply never repopulated. The island was declared inhospitable and access is generally not allowed to civilians. However, military patrols and squadrons have been spotted by fishermen, entering the island, however that was always written off as standard patrols. We wouldn't want criminals taking up refuge on that island, would we?
    • Remaining Prefectures
      Areas that weren't large enough to be made into full-scale provinces were often sold off as prefectures to the highest bidder. Investors often included Yakuza bosses, industrial owners, and political figures that were hoping to govern well and make a name for themselves. While the land was sold, that doesn't mean it became independent. However the regions are autonomous and are only expected to pay the taxes and pay military tribute when it is required. The owners were free to build and govern however they wished as long as Confederate laws weren't broken.

      Sometimes villages were built and governed, sometimes factories were built, and sometimes the people living there were removed for a small fee to make place for grand palaces for rich people.

Characters in italic are undecided.

Current Commander of the Armed Hamajō Confederate Forces




“The Undecided”


Huh, me? I'm not sure. I mean, the Confederation feeds my family and keeps a roof above my head, and the pay for being a shinobi is quite good.. but.. I'm not allowed to visit the park anymore when I am on duty, and the new uniform is rather restricting. Sometimes I can't help but feel the Red Sages make a good point. But don't tell anyone that! I might get disciplined by our sensei, or worse, they might take me away to jail. Or.. or I might dissapear to never return. You know what happens when you commit thought-crimes, right?

The Undecided are not an official group - they are in service of the Hamajō Confederation Armed Forces ofcourse, being shinobi. But they are perhaps too young to fully understand the depth of the ongoing conlict, or too distraught to think about it now. Never the less, they are a group that exists within this conflict. They haven't made up their minds yet about who they support. Never the less they are expected to make a choice. After all..

nothing lasts forever. And when the conflict grows, they are a target for both the Hamajō Confederation and the Red Sages - after all, to the Red Sages they are complicit in the Confederations tyranny, fighting for them, and to the Confederation they are possible traitors, who are better to be eliminated sooner rather than later.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Dion
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Member Seen 4 days ago

“Additional Information”

Characters, organisations


“Voila! My magical tent is here!” - Aoi Don Maquia
“Wow, this is a neat trick Aoi, where'd you learn it? And where did you get the tent too, for that matter?” - Akio Tendou

“Choko Siblings” - IMPORTANT

Fujitora and Ayame Choko were two Amegakure refugees coming to Konohagakure, appealing to political asylum. Being granted this, they were integrated into the shinobi force that Konohagakure possessed. They moved up the ranks slowly at first, barely being given missions worthy of the jonin rank at first, but ultimately they started gaining popularity as they were sociable people, especially Fujitora.

What went unnoticed was the particular skill and synergy these two had. Ayame was a trained assassin, also known under her alias of 'the Sewstress' and Fujitora was a trained.. drug addict. While his drugs were numbing under casual, and normal, circumstances, he used them in battle to effectively combat his enemies. His alias was 'the Overseer' due to the diligent way he managed his tasks, and his inferiors.

Ultimately they would become known under two entirely different ranks. Following a coup d'etat, Ayame murdered the Hokage, Zeno Hakarasu, and took his place. Fujitora protected her during the coup d'etat, utilising the 11th corps. He had made sure to obtain their loyalty by displacing the former 11th corps commander, and taking his place. This provided him with a suitable force to ensure Ayame could kill the Hokage in front of the entire village without interference.

Following the coup, Ayame cast the village under a jutsu which made it rain around the clock, similar to the jutsu Pain had put Amegakure under during his reign. To some, this made her appear like an angel, and to others, she was a tyrant.

She plunged Konohagakure, and with Konoha, the world, into wars that would last for a little under a year. This gave rise to the Hamajo confederation, allowing them to displace kages of all villages and take their place. During the siege of Konoha, led by Yakoul, Fujitora and Ayame were driven in a corner by Confederate forces. Many Konohagakure shinobi had switched sides at that point, leaving only the 11th corps to defend their hokage and their commander.

Fujitora died at the hands of Yakoul, in the process of which she killed several high ranking 11th corps agents such as Saburo Uchiha, wielder of Madara's Gunbai, and Daiki Naito Uchiha. Ayame possibly escaped, however rumours of her death are very persistent and the Hamajo confederation deems her dead.

“Zeno Hakarasu”

The Hokage elected almost immediately after the former Hokages resignation, he was more or less the "default" Hokage meant to maintain someone at the peak of executive power and keep some control over the village's actions. Although praised for representing the diversity of Konoha's modern population by being the first Hokage with pure Kumo heritage (though he was born in Konoha), his performances could be considered stagnant to say the least. His predecessor gained the title of worst Hokage the village had ever known, but he did not take as many initiatives as she did, making it less damaging for public opinion and the city's finances.

Some good things came from his reign, however, as he managed to strengthen international relations even more and ease exchanges in terms of people (shinobi exchange programs) and trade opportunities. Economically the leaf had known a slightly growth, but socially the plague of Downtown and the never ending complaints of the people often fell at deaf's ears. It didn't help that he was part of these Hokage who were not renown for being one of the stronger individuals of the shinobi line but simply someone with a lot of popular backup. His credibility hit an all time low the year of his assassination.

Ayame and Fujitora Choko, two individuals close to him, seized the chance in changing the ways work in the village and promptly assassinated Zeno 12.5 years into his mandate. He will go down as the third Hokage who died in battle as he was on the throne, second to be assassinated in front of his people. His legacy is still to be determined as only history will judge his actions in the long run.

“Tsukiko Umene” - IMPORTANT

Tsukiko Umene, otherwise known as the Honeybadger, was a wild child born in the forests. Konohagakure found her in the wilds, alone and incapable of 'normal' speech, and 'saved' her from herself. Despite unwillingness to comply, eventually she was fit into the Konohagakure shinobi forces as a .. wild card. Her skills as an excellent hunter were put to use as a tracker, combat-assassin and would-be sensei.

As much as she seems unimportant, to some, due to her lack of spotlight time, she was actually tremendously important during the assassination and coup d'etat. She was the first to oppose the assassin, whom at that time wasn't unmasked as Ayame yet. She was also the first, and only one, to get close to harming Ayame. If Fujitora hadn't stopped her from doing so, it's likely that she could've altered the course of history and prevented the Hamajo Confederation from ever coming into existence.

“Saburo Uchiha”

Despite not being extremely important, Saburo was always a wildcard similar to Tsukiko. He was a part of the famed 11th corps, and was a high ranking officer within it's ranks. Ultimately, he gained renown when he became the wielder of Madara's Gunbai, using it to defeat those who opposed him or Fujitora.

Ultimately he was forced to defend Fujitora from Yakouls' attacks, leading to his untimely death as Yakoul killed him before he could utilise the Uchiha Return technique to reflect her attacks. The gunbai survived the battle and is kept somewhere locked in a confederation warehouse, locked up tight to avoid people getting a hand on it.

“Daiki Naito Uchiha”

Another similar unimportant character, made important by the weapon he wielded. Daiki Uchiha was a child of (according to the Hamajo Confederation) known criminal, and as such was given to the Naito clan to protect him from his influences. He was given the name Naito, to make sure he wasn't going to retrace his steps to his father. Ultimately however, his Sharingan manifested itself leading to a conflict between him and his family. Saburo Uchiha convinced him to shake off his Naito name completely and adapt himself to become an Uchiha.

As a gift showing acceptance, Saburo gave him Sasuke's sword. While the sword had no real powers, not even being more strong than standard weaponry, it was a very expensive sword and, being a relic of the past, was considered legendary. Similarily to Saburo, he died protecting Fujitora Choko in his final moments, being beaten by Yakoul rather easily. The sword is also locked up in a warehouse somewhere, to protect it from filthy thieving hands.


“I am surprised that you picked a fight with Yamato-senpai after that. Yamato-senpai is quite capable, and I think he would beat both of us with ease.” - Saburo Uchiha
“That Yamato bastard won't beat me. I don't plan on losing to him, Kusaru, or anyone for that matter. Add that to your encyclopedia of facts.” - Daiki Naito

“The 11th Corps” - IMPORTANT

The 11th corps used to be a very prestigious secret agency, located in Konohagakure. Amongst it's publicly known objectives was the destruction of those who plotted against Konohagakure, before they could come close to Konohagakure. In a sense, that refers to the destruction of opponents while they are far away. Furthermore, they also did a lot of information gathering, having it known that even Konohagakure shinobi were not exempt from this, as Tsukiko Umene for instance was subject to frequent scrutinizing.

Although they were almost destroyed in the siege of Konohagakure, due to their unwavering loyalty to the commander, the moment Fujitora died the 11th corps surrendered as a whole. Due to unclarity on who the new commander was to become, Yakoul was granted the pleasure of becoming their commander. Despite efforts to keep Yakoul as commander (the 11th admired Yakoul for their steadfastiness and ferocity) the position was given away to a less-chaotic, calmer and more analytical person. Below is the documents found in Konohagakure, detailing some (old) information on the 11th corps.

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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Dion
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Partisans Cool Guy Group

Entry not allowed to peasants

I'm talking about you Savato

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