A small pile of candy wrappers had formed next to Ice as he had chatted with Alice. The two of them talked the time away about their siblings, Ice becoming much more animate once he spoke of Jeremy, Abby, and the twins. Stories of Abby's dance recitals or Mary's laughter. It didn't seem like Calvin would be coming out anytime soon, but since Alexandria couldn't come into his room, Ice was fine with that. With Alice keeping him company, Ice was much less bored and his mood was improving exponentially when talking about the "good old days."
"How often do you get in fights with Henry? I was never able to properly quarrel with my little rascals," this was probably the most Ice had smiled for almost a decade.
"Well sometimes we get into these ridiculous debates that usually end in us roughhousing, but one time we accidentally broke our mother's antiquity cabinet, and I had to pick glass shards out of his hair afterwards. Then we tried to put the blame on the dog, saying it ran into it during a game of fetch. It's all in good fun though, hahaha!" Alice told Ice, trying to hold back her laughter.
"I feel like Abby and William did that once, but by the time I got back, Jeremy took the blame. Really, my little brother was always better at taking care of the little ones then I was. It's funny..." He sighed,
"Jeremy always said he wanted to be like me when he grew up when he was younger, when I actually wanted to be more like him." A sad smile slipped over his face for a moment, the end of his sentence a little choked up. After a moment, he pinched himself before giving a half-forced chuckle,
"Then the squirt had the audacity to say he'd get a job and take care of me!""Hahah, he really cared about you, huh?" Alice asked, before the grin on her face faded. She could tell that Ice missed his siblings, so the recon tried her best to reasure the blood donor.
"Hey, I'm sorry about what happened to your siblings. If something like that happened to Henry, hell, I'd genocide my way through those that would dare harm him so he could be safe..." she said, before lowering her head and pulling her knees close to her.
"I was so worried something worse had happened to him after he broke his leg, must've been my paranoia..."Ice's forced laugh faded out as he remarked on Alice's apology. The Blood Donor had had plenty of time to dwell on his siblings dire circumstances, but he hadn't gotten many chances to remember the good times. The times when he had provided everything he could for his blood, the small souls that couldn't fend for themselves. Without thinking too much about it, almost by instinct, Ice shifted closer to the smaller girl and slipped an arm around her shoulder, pulling her closer so that she was leaning on him. He didn't look at her, choosing rather to stare straight ahead.
"It's better to think about how to get out of here to see him, rather than worry and stew in your own melting cauldron." He fell silent for a couple moments before saying, with a slight blush splashed on his cheeks,
"And once if we get out... no, never mind." It had been a nice thought at least. He had thought about coming with her to check on Henry, but... There was no way he could impose like that. Plus, the boy would obviously be suspicious of him, Ice's appearance fitted him to a T after all.
While her head was still resting in her arms, blood seemed to rush back to Alice's cheeks, yet she still kept calm.
"Yeah, let's survive this hell together." The recon replied, raising her head up to look at Ice, with a grin returning to her face.
As she moved, he glanced down at her and his face went redder than a fire hydrant. Ice quickly moved his hand away, patting her hand as he did, a bit too embarrassed to do anything but inch away... When the intercom came on.
Ice's face drained of color and he bolted up. Gears shifted in his head and while Ice should've taken his own advice, he came up with several horrifying scenarios. He pulled at his tie as he calculated, "There was no body announcement, so do you think this has to do with one of that two-toned scoundrel's 'gifts?'" Ice paced back and forth for a second while waiting for Alice.
"Honestly? I hope not!" Alice answered, springing up from the floor. "Come on, let's go see what's up!" She exclaimed, sprinting ahead to the dining hall.
Ice was right on her heels, spinning faces in his mind. Allie, Buck Wild, Mumsy, doc, even the witch, none of them were dead yet, but there were fates worse than death.

Incendiary ~
Mere moments. It had been mere moments since Faith had spoken wily vixen known as Noel Hawthorne. Despite hardly knowing her personally, she could already feel something of a kinship form between them; especially since both had equal reasons for prying into the personal lives of their fellow competitors. She skipped along, thinking about the encounter as she encroached upon the door to the Diner, anticipating the new and exciting Infinites she would get to meet inside.
But instead, as she made her way to the door, the crackle of the intercom broke her step and caused her to turn.
"A wide range broadcast spell..? Whoever made the catalyst for this is truly skilled, I'll have to find them~" she mused to herself aloud, breaking away from the door for a second to listen to the message. An emergency, the Diner- the Diner? A smile lit her face, and Faith twirled on the spot, pleased with the fanciful fortune that had brought her to the location ahead of time. Had Davis set up some kind of Causal Relay Determination Spell, or was this her Mother's way of helping her out? It it was the former... Things may have been a lot worse than she had originally ascertained. But that was a mystery for another time; for now, she had to meet the new people, as she had originally intended~
Yet right on cue, two of the new people were running to the dining hall as the matchmaker spoke. Heinous thoughts seemed to plague Alice's mind, as the recon wasn't watching where she was going, and accidentally bumped into Faith with an
"Oof!!"Another twitch, that was her indication. Some divine intervention, a blessing, perhaps, the gift of future premonition bestowed upon her by the Gods. Faith had felt it when Noel had bounded from the stairs to interrogate her - just one of the unfortunate events that had befallen her within Davis's machinations, but neither would it be the last, as evidenced by the footfalls she heard, reverberating from the hospital walls, a messenger for the events to come.
Power, too. Faith felt power, and a lot of it, resonating from the newcomer- or newcomers, as the case was. She had only a second to turn her head, and body, to take in the people barrelling towards her - no, towards the Diner - at break neck pace. In the next second, the two collided, sending Faith backwards into the door, which echoed dully its protests to the abuse. She barely had any time to recuperate herself before her body automatically lowered itself to get a better look at her attacker, looking deep into her face and eyes.
"Y-you...I-I can't believe you exist..." she exclaimed abruptly, without any indication of whatever she was talking about.
Honestly supprised that Faith hadn't yelled at her yet for knocking her down, but still confused as to what the matchmaker was talking about, Alice quickly moved to the side and stood her and Faith up again.
"Dunno if I should ask this, but who are you refering to?" The recon asked.
Faith barely moved, intently fixed on the face of Alice, almost creepily, though the softness of her face betrayed no malicious intent. Instead, her eyes gleamed something fierce, a curious hunger, not unlike one Noel may have worn in pursuit of the perfect page one scoop. It dripped a wanton desire for knowledge, to test and experiment and understand the deepest and most intrinsic nuances of her chosen subject. Something had taken her interest, but what it could have been she kept obscure.
"Were you born with it or were you cursed?!" she exclaimed, oddly forcefully for her,
"I read in the research papers that it's possible to curse - well, I say curse, I'd more so call it an enchantment - but I know there is a way to curse somebody with the Exodus of Time." everything she said was complete nonsense,
"Though... I can't sense any artificial alterations in your soul... could it be you were born with it!?" she exclaimed, darting forward to clasp both sides of Alice's face, grasping her cheeks in her hands. inching dangerously close to her face until they could feel each others breathe.
"Um...yeah." the recon was able to answer through
the honest discomfort Faith holding her face, shrugging.
Ice had only been a couple of paces behind Alice when she ran into a girl he had never seen before. Her hair was some outrageously white that it made him feel sorry for the hair itself. As Alice plowed into her, Ice was intent on helping her up, but the girl got up easily by herself. It was only after when Faith grabbed her face that Ice went from annoyed to flabbergasted.
The Blood Donor slipped his hands over both of Alice's shoulders and pulled her away from Faith's intruding hands,
"Are you always like this when first meeting someone Fairy dust? You should really keep your distance if you know what's good for you." While Ice had always been at least a little suspicious of other Infinites, he was especially wary of the newcomers. The less intimate interaction with them and the people he cared about, the better.
"Heeeeeeeeeeey!" Faith exclaimed, pouting as her prize was dragged out from beneath her grasp. She couldn't believe what was happening; to have such prime opportunities laid out in front of her, the
Exodus of Time stood mere feet away from her, and a random Infinite was stealing her away like some kind of obsessive boyfriend lacking in the self esteem department.
How Faith wished she could express her distaste aloud. But alas, that was improper; she couldn't go about directly and openly insulting the people she met. If she did, she might lose out on valuable relationship material. Where would she be then!? From her pocket she retrieved her book for the Gods knew how many times that day already. She flipped open the pages to find something, then looked up and smiled.
"Listen here mister, my name is Faith Lambert - not Fairy Dust - and the Infinite Matchmaker, and the heiress to the Throne of Love!" she half quipped and half exclaimed her typical introduction,
"And that girl right there is a wielder of The Exodus of Time!" as she spoke, she seemed almost ecstatic,
"A powerless human li-"She paused herself, and looked down at her Tome, seemingly caught in thought for a second. With dexterity unbefitting of her, she darted forward, so she and Ice were eye level.
"Hey, hey, lets make a deal, 'kay? I get to talk wiiiiith..." she stopped to think, glancing at her book,
"Oh, Alice here, about her Eye, and maybe I can help set you up with the boy of your dreams~! Sound good~?"The girl definitely had a few screws loose, she yammering about Love and the 'exodus of time'? All Ice could think about was getting this bad influence away from him... and Alice. While she didn't seem to be as much of a threat as Alexandria was to Calvin, she certainly seemed as obsessed as the ruella robot. Her name mostly blew over Ice's head as he took her appearance all in... and the strange glint in her eyes. The book looked suspicious as hell and so did she. Ice's distrustful glare was supposed to burn through her skull, but to no avail.
Faith was suddenly in front of him and Ice moved to pull Alice so that she was behind him.
"Matchmaker... You set up Neets with mail order brides or something? Wait- boy?!"While the recon appreciated the blood donor trying to protect her from Faith, Alice couldn't help but feel more unamused than confused. Yes, the girl was a bit eccentric, but she seemed nice despite. But on the otherhand, Alice didn't want the matchmaker to forcefully pair her up with someone, being one to wait when it comes to romance.
"Hold on, why would you think he's gay?" The recon asked Faith, peering out from behind Ice.
that was something Faith nearly couldn't forgive. The impotence the boy had expressed at her art left her dumbfounded, almost, and she couldn't help but stare off for a moment.
"I'll have you know, Isaiah - yes, I know your name!" she exclaimed abruptly, her pout becoming more and more pronounced as the situation unfolded,
"That I am not some petty and cheap service! Ichor flows through my veins, the veins of a Demigod, and bless me with the ability to match anyone I so wish! I even have my own TV show~!" though her demeanour seemed to switch to being more cheery at the last comment.
"Huh? Whatd'ya mean?" she tilted her head, confused, placing a finger to her lip,
"What, you mean he hasn't said that he's gay? But I can feel it; I can read aura's and energy signatures, y'know. From the stars I have divined-" dramatically, she raised her hands, gesturing to the sky,
"-and I'm sorry to bring the bad news, Alice - but Isaiah here doesn't exactly pine over the fairer sex~"Ice stiffened as her heard his name from Faith's mouth, especially since he had never introduced himself. It wasn't like his reputation was widespread enough to reach celebrity ears, only people of the underworld. All this talk of demigods made Ice want to slap her across the face so she could come back to her senses... If she had any senses to begin with.
Again, someone else was using his full first name, it always creeped him out.
"If you think you know anything about my love life or which gender I'd rather be boffing, then you have another thing coming. I've never said I was gay because I ain't, end of discussion!" The hairs on the back of his neck stood up on end. This entire talk was giving him the heebie jeebies.
Faith giggled at Ice's mock display of intimidation, and danced around the two, almost gliding across the hospital floor as she went, attempting to position herself closer to Alice.
"That's nice, Isaiah, buuuuuuuut the stars don't lie~" she chirruped, clasping Alice by the hand and pulling her ever so gently a short distance away from Ice, if she let her,
"But that's neither here nor there, we can discuss your preferences when you come asking for dating tips! I'm only really interested in one thing~"With that, she drew herself to eye level with Alice, and gazed closely into her one red eye.
"You... don't know what the Exodus of Time is, do you, little miss Recon~? I can't believe you don't know - you really must have been born with it~!" she then glanced towards Ice, and flipped several dozen pages into the seemingly endless notebook,
"Hey, do you want me to tell you what it is? It might be worthwhile, especially in here~!""Sure, I guess?" At this rate Alice was getting annoyed at Faith, her eye twitching slightly, but tried to stay calm and
not wring her throat from the madness she spout.
Ice let out a long sigh, it didn't seem like he was going to be able to reason with her. The blood donor cross his arms and watched as the Faith tried to coerce Alice into joining her on her maniacal imaginary hayride. He didn't move to block Alice again, but saw that she was getting annoyed as well, so she could defend herself. Ice reached into his pocket for another candy, only to come up with nothing.
He had eaten them all. Oh goody goody gumdrops, how was he going to last without sugar?
Seeing that she had the go ahead, Faith stood up tall and strong, trying her best to show off that she was telling a story.
"The Exodus of Time is truly a miracle of the Gods. It takes the form of an eye, typically a different colour to its pair, and has an incredibly powerful ability; it shows the user visions of the future~!" she paused for a second, letting the two take in the information, before starting up again,
"It shows the future like a hologram, overlaid onto the present~!"As quickly as she had backed off, though, she darted back in to get a better look at the eye, once again awfully close to Alice's face.
"I can feel its power from here..." and then pondered for a second, before,
"Hey, in Monokuma's little video, it showed you with an eyepatch! Could it be you wore it to block out the visions of the future~? Were the things you saw too horrible, that you forced yourself to never see them again? And could it be you removed it in order to view the future again and prevent another murder?!" with every question, she inched ever so slightly closer forward, seemingly engrossed within her own world.
Alice's only answer was an uppercut to Faith's face.
"Du gehörst in eine Irrenanstalt, du blöder Mistkerl!" She yelled, having picked up a bit of German from Mercy.
For the third time, Faith felt that twitch. But this time, it was less of a twitch and more of instinct; this girl, Alice, had probably lived all her life, plagued by visions of the future, betraying her endlessly. Faith knew she wouldn't take kindly to such direct and probing questioning, but she had to try, such as the nature of experiments. The twitch more prominent, more violent, more aggressive than the others, reflecting her own thoughts. She could see Alice tense up.
But unlike the other times, she was prepared.
As she tightened her fist, Faith braced. And as said fist swung, she darted forward, taking the girl in an embrace. If anyone had been watching her since arrival, they might have thought she had some kind of fascination with hugging every girl that crossed her path, but she would disagree.
"It's okay, Alice." she whispered, wrapping her arms around her, if briefly, before spinning around her to face Ice,
"Now you, Isaiah, lemme know when you wanna tell me about the boy you like~! And you Alice, come to me if you wanna train your eye; if we have to fight a Carnage Sister every time we want a new floor, it could be useful~"At that point, Alice gave up once again, but this time with Faith. So she walked away from the other two, but instead went back to her room.
Ice stared at this interaction, now more worried that Alice would blow her top before he could. The girl kept talking even more about outlandish things and Ice was hurriedly grabbing for the weapon slipped into his waistband as Faith grew closer to his friend. Before he could do anything though, Alice tried to uppercut the fairy... and missed? Faith had moved to hug the girl which overall would have freaked Ice out. Alice had started walking away and Ice was going to call after her, but was interrupted by the fairy ruella again.
The Blood Donor took a second to process what she said, focusing more on Alice instead. Once she turned the corner, Ice pointed at Faith,
"You stay away from me- And Alice! Or I'll come after you." He gave her a glare that made the devil shiver before shivering himself and stomping into the Diner.
Faith stood, letting him go ahead towards the diner, pausing for a moment to take in his comment.
"That wont do, y'know. It's not nice to threaten people, especially not when the person is more powerful than you." she took a step behind him, following him to the door, before placing a hand gently onto his shoulder, one that could easily be shrugged off,
"Maaaaayyyyyyybe you didn't notice, but I am trying to help~! Davis is more powerful than all of us, y'know... The Exodus of Time would be a great asset in beating that Warlock when the time comes~" she chirruped, slightly distantly, before following him into the Diner.
"HELLOOOOOOOOOOOOOO everyone~!" she exclaimed, rather loudly, into the room, clearly announcing her presence to everyone.
Ice did in fact shrug her hand off, looking over his shoulder to meet her eyes,
"He may be strong, but if he can die, then I'll kill him." With that, he quickened his pace so he wouldn't be associated with her, the bloody nymph.