@Thread Generator SIN nooooooo wake up!
JK sleep is a good thing.
Seems I was a little too slow and things escalated a little...crumbling edges and all. So uhhh, I hope you have a plan, because I'll have to consider some options if you don't... One is dropping Cassidy through inaction...
I guess I should warn you now that Lucia's the type to jump off a cliff to try and help people then.... also eventually she's gonna point out that she hates being called 'Lucy', though she's still a bit too shaken to do that right now.
@The1Rolling1Boy You could probably hear Lucia calling out to see if everyone's ok from where Ginty is, so he won't be alone for too long.
What sucks is that he's probably gonna have to swim across with all the stuff he's found to get to the others... unless SIN wants to add like, a land-bridge to the other side further into the cavern? Looking at the map, I'd guess that path that Mimi and Lucia can see is off past the bottom edge?
I just edited in what I'm thinking, It's just a suggestion anyway. The red line is separating what I added from SIN's original work, except I also put Mary next to Mr. Connors