Absolutely painful putting that together. It should have been easy, but I kept trying to put logic in such an illogical, unnecessary encounter, and it was just becoming more and more unimpressive as I went. Half the battle was forcing myself to accept that I would never be satisfied with this introduction because I hate the situation these two are in, and I hate how they had to handle it. So this sucks.
Bolin has to notice something is wrong. Korra has to deny everything. That's about their only task until we focus more on Mako and Asami, who I did NOT get into at the end of the post because I wanted to save that material for the next post. You don't have a whole lot to do since I gave you very little to play around with, but that was intentional. Korra will not talk. Mako HAS to talk, even though he'd rather go back in time and stop himself from saying or doing anything. Asami's excitement to see him only makes this worse, and I was going to let you emphasize that just to make his heart hurt that much worse when he has to confess to her that he did the dumbest shit in the world and unintentionally led Korra on about the whole thing.
So, in short, this post sucked ass, I didn't like it, but if I didn't force myself to bring it to light it would never have been written. And to that I say, "No... not this time. Not another post I'm afraid of writing", and I said fuck it let's color code this bitch and let thyself be judged.
Next post will be better. Promise.