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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Dark Light
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Dark Light

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Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Dark Light
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Dark Light

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A sturdy endless wall of billowing sand limits vision and hinders movement throughout the dry desert that surrounded an old abandoned junkyard. Randomly small shadows take sudden shape as the rust reds and dull greys of forgotten twisted metal emerge, piercing the veil of fierce sand as you near only to fade back into oblivion as you pass.

Junk statues, violent contorted shapes and sharp trip hazards lay littered all around, hidden amongst the sand half protruding from the ground. These useless dull pieces of wrecked ships, vehicles, appliances, toys and unknown materials were the only thing to break the monotony of continual nothingness as you venture deeper. The only sign of hope was the increased frequency of such things.

The sun stared down hard and heavily across the desert landscape. The horse and carriage that dropped you off now long gone and forgotten, never having set foot into the wild sand storm gully that you now trudge. The nearest town many miles away, the only viable path is forward. Deeper into the wild hot sands to find the heart of a buried old shipyard and hopefully your ticket to freedom.

If such a thing even existed, if you were not simply walking around aimlessly to your doom. This could be a trap, you could simply be lost. Maybe, just maybe you are going to die out here in this boiling hot dry sandy hell. The carriage man said you were not the first or only to come out here today. But such a trip was otherwise extremely rare.

It leaves you to ponder the events that drove you here today. Why the lure of a mysterious ship, a silent investor and an unknown crew was strong enough to drag you through this strange cloak and dagger escapade. There were hundreds of ships out there who sought new crew members, but they all came with rules, restrictions, expectations, histories and alliances. This, if it was true, would be something different...
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by RumikoOhara
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RumikoOhara Goddess & Benevolent Dictator

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@Dark Light

Karen White


The wind was as inconstant as most things in life blowing obscuring clouds across the trail which could hide two people standing 4 feet from each other to only fall away exposing the contents of the barren ground surrounding the wrecking yard. For several minutes the wind blew dust and sand in dark choking clouds then just stopped and revealed two people standing about 50 meters from the ship.

One was definitely male and likely a local by his dress but it was his companion that stood out clad in a beige khaki environment suit sealed tight looking like a odd insect person with huge black eyes and a trunk that stretched over her left shoulder to the hump on her back but it was her tall and curvy form that showed the rest of her.

The woman motioned for the man to follow dragging a travois loaded with about five large sealed crates that showed their age but serviceability in the fact they weren’t grimy or taped up as she walked up the ramp and into the ship.

Karen paid the driver extra to see her things was carried for her into the ship and didn’t care for the cost because it saved her the worry of exposure to the nasty world class environment if she tore her suit trying to get to her new berth. Then once the man had left and she needn’t worry about any germs he might carry she removed her Hood and Mask then cut off the air conditioner / filter backpack.

Sure she was aware of how some saw her suit as offending or an example of paranoia but Karen couldn’t trust that her last shots were up to date or even the strength they said; she had seen men die of diseases and she didn’t relish going that way, better her friends end her misery before she is too far gone. She had paid top for her suit and it was rated as the best model a civilian could get for their own use and she even came with her own EVA suit as well which the people who hired her said they’d put aboard for her when she was hired.
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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by TheUnknowable
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Jimmy got out of the carriage and handed the driver the appropriate amount of platinum. All he had was a backpack and a tool box, but he preferred to carry them himself. As the driver pulled away he tied a bandanna around his face and put on some goggles. He already had one disease from heavy metal poisoning, he thought, rubbing his painful thigh, why risk getting another?

He picked up his backpack from the ground, throwing the strap over his shoulder, and picked up his tool box. As he walked to the ship, he looked around. Jimmy had been here plenty of times before, looking for parts to refurbish or use. The place was technically owned, but the owner spent all day watching Cortex vids and drinking, so things tended to go missing from time to time. Not that Jimmy had looted anything. The man still owned the stuff, and if he chose to waste what little money he had on cheap sake, that was his problem. Besides, he didn't care who used his lot, or what they used it for, as long as he got paid. He'd even help the Independents get supplies back in the war, for a profit of course, so Jimmy kind of liked him.

Jimmy approached the ship and noticed a woman in a HASMAT suit. "Hasmat? I don't think it's that dangerous out here" he said, setting down his toolbox and pulling out an old Geiger counter. "See," he said, showing her the dial, "It's not even that radioactive out here."
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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Habibi359
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Habibi359 from Uranus

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Rudolf was walking towards... What it was? Where he was again? He had gotten direction from... Someone to go... Somewhere, before he had enjoyed a dose of his acid and gone towards... What was it that he had to do?

Rudolf paused for a moment. He hated to make an effort to think and get back to reality. He had been enjoying his condition for days... Or was it hours? He rose his arm and checked the time on his watch. Twenty minutes since he last checked the time, back at the... Carriage. That's when he had taken the acid. The driver had told where he had needed to go. Rudolf had paid the trip and grabbed his doctor's bag filled with drugs and barrel-bag with clothing. His laboratory and chemicals were left at safe deposit, where he'd grab them later. Then it was time for a trip in literal and metaphorical sense.

His head was now much clearer. Rudolf looked above for a moment. It was raining... No, his drugged mind just wanted it to rain because he was thirsty, because the sun was up and the air was dry and sandy. He reached into his doctor's bag and took bottle of water from within. He took off his chemical mask to drink. He dearly hoped that this opportunity would be worth the trip and effort in this dusty, dry and hot environment. If he had known the conditions here, he had used some speedsters he had cooked long time ago.

Nevertheless, he put on the chemical mask and continued his trip. It wasn't long before Rudolf made it to the ship. Seemed there were already people waiting for him. Someone in proper protective costume like it was toxic laboratory back in University. And another one with bandanna and goggles, a real bandit. Seemed they got some proper muscle on the ship. Former one was looking something from his meter, and then showing it to the protected one.

”Not even radioactive out here”, he heard.
”Glad to hear that!” He said as he put down his bags and started to dust off his hat. ”Though I miss toying with uranium or isotopes. Even little doses.” He continued.
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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Themerlinhawk
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Themerlinhawk Aegis Kai Doru

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Captain Wyn

The last man off the carriage landed with a heavy crunch of his combat boots. Sucking the sandy scorching air through the rebreather he was wearing Wyn popped his neck. Shielding eyes headed behind heavy dark goggles the man looked up at the sun beating down on them. The man’s frame was big enough that the cramped carriage had done a number on him. Slinging his bag over his shoulder his alliance issue combat boots left heavy footprints in the sand as he walked towards where their ship was waiting. Still stretching his neck and shoulders as he walked Wyn noted the other members of the carriage. It had been an uneventful ride and he’d slept a good deal of the way.

Checking the sidearm on his hip Wyn came up behind the group and stopped dropping his back on the ground. Quite the bunch they were and one of them seemed to be under the influence of some sort of drug. Amazing that he hadn’t wandered off the path into the blazing sun to die like a dehydrated animal somewhere. One of them appeared to be wearing a full environmental suit. Not that he cared all that much but the way that the others acted said a lot about them. Some days he really wished he’d never asked for his discharge papers from the ASO. After the latest go round with his father it had become an increasing pain. Letting his crew go until such a time as Hathor was no longer impounded meant that he was stuck working with some real bottom of the barrel characters and more than a few of them were brown coat supporters. It was not as though he really cared but his Alliance issue gear, training and baring gave him away as ex-Alliance military. More than one it had ended him him having to punch or shoot his way out of an encounter.

Hopefully this group didn’t care nearly so much as the a few members of the last crew he had run with after he’d shot the cook and broke one of the other crew member’s necks the captain and he had parted on less than friendly terms. Though they had parted without exchanging bullets given that the other two had started it. Wyn had just finished it. This whole situation smacked of bad idea but he needed the money. Still massaging the back of his neck Wyn waited to see if there was anyone else joining them, politely avoiding the conversation that had begun between a man who had a geiger counter and a limp and the possibly female individual in the environment suit.
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Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Dark Light
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Dark Light

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Karen & the luggage guy.
From the outside where everyone stood, the shadow of the ship, the large silhouette against the bustling haze of flying sand, gave the large exciting illusions of grandeur.
That building excitement, hope and relief quickly vanished as soon as one was to begin exploring inside.

First they would notice the cargo bay was exceptionally empty. No shelves, no railings, no crates or grates. Completely stripped. The hallway that followed was much the same. A room coloured like a kitchen came off the main hall, again empty, the entire floor slanting downwards to an open door that led out to desert sand.

"It will cost you more if you expect me to drag these back." The baggage man warned looking around at the ship.

This was less than a ship. Half a shell with a few rooms still attached. It acted as a large wind block. Beyond it the violent sand storm was much softer and Karen could see much further. About 200 meters away a rusty wire fence surrounded a large warehouse structure attached to a little shack. Faint wisps of smoke billowed from a chimney. No sign of your ship but signs of life.
(The warehouse is just slightly too small to house the ship)

For a little while now he has felt as though he was being watched. From the corner of his eye he could swear it appeared as though strange small mounds of sand had been moving around behind him and vanishing.

While not quite deadly, there were defiantly some low levels of radiation present. More than he would have expected to find. The Geiger counter in his hand beeped steadily counting the loose firing atoms.

From his position at the back of the group, although distorted and muffled by the raging winds, just maybe he heard what sounded like the the distant crack of a gunshot.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by RumikoOhara
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RumikoOhara Goddess & Benevolent Dictator

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@Dark Light@TheUnknowable@Habibi359

Karen White

Karen speaks to the others

Karen looks from the old man to the younger red head who came in with a tool chest marking him as possibly the ship’s engineer and sighs

Do either of you know what silica dust can do to the lungs, plus I don’t trust wild atmo….carries creepy crawlies.

Plus judging on how each of you are dressed don’t believe you qualified to give me fashion advice.

Other than that I’m called Doc your friendly Medical Technician; I come cheaper than a papered Doctor.

Then she turned to the Man and said That’s okay my good man just set them down with my thanks for your help

Then as soon as her things have settled she takes a seat on the crates that are her’s and pulls out a lovely little pipe and tapped it’s igniter button then inhaled the rich smoke and held it for a few moments before releasing a billowing cloud as she leaned back and relaxed.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Habibi359
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Habibi359 from Uranus

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@Dark Light @RumikoOhara @TheUnknowable @Themerlinhawk
Rudolf ”Gray” Kostarov

Rudolf bowed his head to the EVA-suited ma'am. Her costume started to vibrate a little, until Rudolf tensed his fingers to focus.

”And they call me Grey. Papered chemist.” Rudolf answered back, rose his head and took a look to the man behind them. Rudolf recognized the Alliance equipment. He rose his finger and opened his mouth as to say something, but decided to stay silent for two reasons.

First, he didn't want to anger this guy.

Second, he had the weirdest feeling, like someone was watching them. He hadn't expected the paranoia, but he couldn't be too sure. What if it wasn't paranoia? Perhaps his mind wanted to believe it wasn't paranoia, because if it was a real danger, he'd have to focus? What the hell was he thinking?

Rudolf snapped his fingers in order to focus, and looked quickly around. He could have sworn that there were dusty mounds, moving... Like enormous voles underneath the sand. Could it be so? Or was he concerned?

He understood he must have looked silly to the Alliance Military man.”Ah, err... I thought... Never mind.” He said to him and took his bags inside the cargo bay of an excuse of the ship, if not interrupted.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by TheUnknowable
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TheUnknowable Like Pineapple on Pizza

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”Though I miss toying with uranium or isotopes. Even little doses.” He continued.

"I'm a fan of Deuterium myself" replied Jimmy, "I even got to build an H bomb back during the war, and hear they used it to take out the Alliance cruiser "Sun Tzu" that was leading the assault on Bob."

He noticed his Geiger counter clicking a bit more than it should. "Hmm, maybe the winds uncovered an old piece of reactor shielding or this ship's reactor has a problem with it's core containment. I think I'll go check." He noted the fact that the guy was a chemist, but was more concerned about a possible reactor problem at this point. If they went to full power and it was a leak, it would kill them all. He went looking for the engine room, Geiger counter in hand just in case.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by RumikoOhara
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RumikoOhara Goddess & Benevolent Dictator

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@Dark Light@TheUnknowable@Habibi359

Karen White

Karen speaks to the others

Karen listened to the others a bit then grew restless as she stared out into the big wide open. She hated atmos because from there came the poison that corrupted the stars and paths between them; atmos should only exist as places to trade with and their troubles should stay out of the stars…….she really hated atmos.

Well at least she was seeing an end to it all today she thought as she slipped a surgical mask over her mouth and nose and added a pair of dust glasses that resembled goggles.

Any time now they were either going to be bushwhacked or told this was all some grand jest. She was sure the fellows she was surrounded by might show their anger if this was a joke. Karen for her part had experienced all sorts of trouble in her short stay in the verse and as a member of the Goodee Sect just let it all shed away as another facet of her journey.

(The Goodee Sect is a group who believes that they are chosen to follow a path through the stars and leave journals of them with others of their sect who collect them and maintain the journals for future generations. They resemble Gypsies of old earth and are proud to claim they have no planet to hold them as their birthplace seeing those as born on planets as fettered or chained down.)
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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Habibi359
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Habibi359 from Uranus

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

@Dark Light @RumikoOhara @TheUnknowable @Themerlinhawk
Rudolf ”Gray” Kostarov

Rudolf sat in the cargo bay and watched as the Mechanic went out to look for the source of the radiation. Rudolf appreciated the effort, though he wondered if this was the ship they would fly in. Even if he took bigger dose of Acid he couldn't imagine they'd fly in this thing.

The woman at the opposite end had put over a surgical mask and goggles, which started to emit flashy lights. Rudolf put the chemical mask back on. ”Paranoia is a good thing. Better to prepare for whatever's going to kill you. For example... I've been wondering those mounds there.” Rudolf said, pointing outside. ”I think they're moving! I cannot be certain if they're my eyes on acid... Or if there's something underneath the sand!”

He reached to the doctor's bag and took out small pill tube holding in relaxants in case his paranoia was about to make him hostile. ”Do you think air is... Toxic? Perhaps radioactive?” Rudolf said. He regretted that most of his lab equipment were elsewhere in case they needed antidotes. The Mechanic could be in danger. He shook the pill tube.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Dark Light
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Dark Light

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Rudolf was right, there was something crawling beneath the sands. The scattering of 8 sharp needle like legs suddenly swept onto the cargo bay as a large scorpion, two and a half feet long, bigger than a small dog, burst from the sand and charged at the seated chemist. Hurling its poisoned stinger at him.

Jimmy would find signs of errors in the way the reactor was removed wich gave reason for the residual radiation. The large hole in the roof and scuff marks from a cranes claw indicates it was hoisted right out. It would have made someone very sick.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Themerlinhawk
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Themerlinhawk Aegis Kai Doru

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

@RumikoOhara@Habibi359@Dark Light

Captain Wyn

Listening to the conversation that was bordering on unhinged Wyn frowned at the sound coming from behind the group. Turning he eyed the groups surroundings slowly. This was just the sort of place that he personally would have set up some sort of trap for unwitting individuals being summoned into a wrecked out hull because they were desperate. Listening he could have sworn he heard gunshots. As the mechanic disappeared into the bowels of the ship Wyn slowly drew his gun turning in a full three hundred and sixty degree circle before walking towards the ship. It wouldn’t provide that much cover but it was better than nothing since that's what he would have standing out in the open like this.

As he walked towards the inside of the ship he could hear the chemist muttering something. Wyn wasn’t sure what it was and he wasn’t terribly sure he wanted to know what it was. The last thing he caught was moving mounds and something about paranoia. That was when the largest fucking scorpion he’d seen to date on this backwater came shooting up out of the sand skittering right for the chemist.

Winston didn’t hesitate, the alliance standard issue side arm barked four times as Wyn unloaded on the oversized arachnid as it skittered forward. The shots connected as he continued to walk. The soldier's giant combat boot lifted and with a tremendous heavy he kicked the wounded arachnid into the metal plating on the bare bones ship's interior. Not content to let it get back up and attack someone he walked over, put another round in its center mass and then crashed its stinger with his heavy armored boot.

“Gorram wild life. You can’t get away from this stuff around here. ‘Ey look frosty, thought I heard gunshots earlier. Don’t want to be caught with your drawers down.” With that Winston swapped out the magazine he had in his hand gun before settling in to watch the back of the ship for more scorpions or possibly whatever he’d heard earlier.
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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by TheUnknowable
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TheUnknowable Like Pineapple on Pizza

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Jimmy looked around the engine room, then down at his Geiger counter. Yeah, there was definitely radiation coming from this area. They lifted the entire engine out through the top of the ship. If they treated the shielding the same way, it would have contaminated the area.

He heard gunfire and, dropping his tool kit, drew a small holdout pistol from his boot. Normally he'd carry a much better weapon, but he need the money more than he needed his last decent gun. He limped his way to the area where everyone else was, only to see a giant, dead scorpion laying there filled with holes. "Uh, ok." he said, turning the safety back on for his gun and kneeling down to tuck it into his boot. "So, you saw some action. Any more of them around here?"
1x Laugh Laugh
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Habibi359
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Habibi359 from Uranus

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Rudolf's hallucinations had taken to a degree of worse. He looked at the demonic scorpion in horror, dropped his pill tube and made a small whimper. Seconds later his ears were filled with a loud ”Bang” as the man in Alliance-outfit shot the damned thing dead.

He wasn't entirely sure how he had gotten himself on the floor on his knees cowering his head like afraid that a sky would drop down to him. But he rose his sight to see the dead scorpion. His ears still ringing he heard the Alliance man speaking about something outside. About gunshots and gorram wildlife. Perhaps he too was getting paranoid.

Rudolf searched for his tube with shaking hands, opened it and shook one pill out. Good old relaxants for stressing situations like this. He swallowed it down with a painful expression on his face. The Mechanic had came back with his own pistol ready. ”Any more around here?” He said.

”Hun dan {Damn}! Hope not, I never expected my nightmares come through.” Rudolf said and rose from the floor, still shaking. Damned relaxants couldn't work quickly enough. He slowly approached the dead scorpion, then jumped backwards when it made a minor twitch and said 'come closer'. ”Gos se {crap}.”

He took the doctor's bag on his lap and hugged it like a teddy bear. ”Perhaps... Our pay-giver heard them shots?” Rudolf told to Alliance-suited. ”So, eh... Perhaps he's coming?” He said, looking at the scorpion with disgust. He definitely hoped those didn't come to his hallucinations or nightmares.
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