Rudolf Kostarov
Alias: Grey

- Full name:Rudolf Kostarov
- Age:37
- Sex:Male
- Sexuality: Bisexual
- Height: 5 feet 6 inches
- Eye colour:Blue
Distinguishable features: Full beard, usually braid.
- Planet of birth: Beaumonde
- Family:Father, mother, two sisters and a brother
- Occupation: Chemist
- Academic qualifications: Master degree in Chemistry
- Criminal record: Creating illegal drugs, selling fake medicine.
Biography:Born in a lowly family, his wits and intelligence kept him in school with good grades. His brother introduced him in suspicious circles where he started to work with drugs and creating them. He kept the habit all the way through high school and university. His grades were good when it came to chemistry. He could have gotten an excellent position in pharmaceutical or chemical company if his history with drugs hadn't been revealed on blood tests. Unable to get a proper job, he wandered to outer rim where he started to create drugs and illegal medicine that he sold.
Recent events: His drug- and medicine making has made him unwanted among his rivals. It seems some of his merchandise was sabotaged, but his reputation got a blow. Incident put a small bounty over his head.
Other important notes: University accesses were halted but prior to freezing his account he succeeded in downloading illegally several sets of articles and books.
Likes- Likes it simple and comfortable, enjoys thinking fun stuff and musing about them.
- Exited with projects he finds interesting or important.
Dislikes- Stressing situations
- Authority
Traits- Finger his beard, fix it's braids.
- Whistles, sings and hums when he's focusing on something or lost in thoughts.
Flaws- Unwilling to work voluntarily
- Uses drugs to escape reality
Diagnostic appraisal: Drug addiction, possibly depressed.
1 to 5. 1=poor, 2=average, 3=good, 4=skilled, 5=exceptional)
Stats (13)- Str:2
- Agi:3
- Con:2
- Int:4
- Cha:2
Skills (13)- Chemistry: 5
- Engineering: 3
- Computer skills: 3
- Cooking: 2
TalentsFaults- Drug addiction
- Suffers from withdrawal otherwise
Additional: Obsession on nutrition.