Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Bell
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Member Seen 5 mos ago

Here's some mood music for the world.

Kingdom Genesis Theme Song
For now, I'm leaving the first OOC post as a simple copy and paste of the interest check with the added details of the character application at the bottom.


Set in the fantasy Kingdom of Ellahn, within the city of Verom, The Guild is a place where adventurers from all over gather as a family. They protect the kingdom from evils and nuisances alike. The guild takes up all kinds of quests around the Kingdom from stable sweeping to dragon slaying. Not that Dragon slaying is a common thing in this land. Quite the contrary, but more on that later.

The guild is before anything else, a family. All rights to join the guild, and even partake in the quests is easily denied if one doesn't have the heart to be a part of it. To put it in the words of another, "Comrades" isn't just a word. It refers to heart, and believing in each other unconditionally.


Let me just get this out of the way, not just in case anyone already knows this but because I believe the original creator deserves the credit. The names of the Kingdom/cities are not my own, nor is the map we will be using for this RP. The map was created by Shadversity for a friend's D&D campaign. Shadversity by the way, is a Youtuber. Not another person on this forum. At least, I don't think they are here. It's a very high quality map in my opinion, and I like it. If I could change the names around at least I would but, I don't have the kind of ability to do that. Either way, everything beyond the map itself and the names it uses will be original. But Shadversity deserves the credit for creating the map, and of course the friend he made it for who made the original map layout. If this is a problem, obviously we can come up with something else. But the world is far more easily understood with a good map and this one is very easy to understand.

Now on with the show.

I have tried to do this RP before, however it was on a site that focused on more sexual oriented things than story. Not that the site was entirely sex driven, but let's just say more people were joining up in the RP to meet erotica partners than they were for the story. Which is why I think this RP will do much better here.

The basis of this RP is that all members of the RP are members of a guild. This guild is heavily inspired by Fairy Tail, in that it's family oriented, everyone is friends and if you do anything to harm the guild you will be banished from it, should it be unforgivable. This guild is not a job, people don't simply come in and sign up for work. If you don't have a good heart, you aren't meant for the guild, it's as simple as that.

Within the guild is a quest board which will be on the front page of the RP thread at all times. I will regularly fill it out with quests ranging from rank 1 to 5. All guild members will start out at rank 1 and as they complete quests and as they progress through the main story, they will gain adventuring ranks. A member's Adventuring Rank decides what quests they can and can't take on. For example, a rank 2 adventurer cannot take on a rank 3 quest. However, if the rank 2 adventurer takes a rank 1 adventurer with them, then they can do the rank 3 quest. The limit is 2 ranks above, where a rank 1 can only ever take part in up to rank 3 quests unless they are mentored, which requires a guild member of the quest's rank to go along. In other words, a rank 1 adventurer can partake in a rank 1, 2, or 3 quests, as long as there are enough guild members whose ranks add up to the rank of the quest. However, a rank 1 adventurer cannot partake in a rank 4 quest unless a rank 4 guild member takes them, and the same with a rank 5 quest requiring a rank 5 adventurer to take anyone below rank 3. It's simple, really.

These quests will earn your character money, which as an advanced player I would like for people to take this into account as they play and not act like they have infinite money and all the best gear in the world. Doing quests will also earn you rank xp which will raise your rank in time to do more difficult but more rewarding quests.

Participation in quests however is not required. Not only will you gain rank xp from taking part in the primary over arching storyline, but your rank will not matter for the main storyline. It will certainly play a part, but you aren't going to be left behind if you stay as a rank 1 member. So don't worry about thinking you have to take part in the main RP AND the quests. Quests are completely voluntary and optional. They will not impact your participation in the story except for your character's level of skill, equipment, and wealth.

The over arching story now, will be focused on greater threats in the world and working together as a guild entirely. The story will unfold as we work it out together. It will be slightly GMd by me, but any plot points are open as really only the main final goal is set in stone. Which will come about later.


Here's some mood music for the Demon War.

Hundreds of years prior to the events of The Guild, demons invaded the world. Their incursion came from a large land mass south of Ellahn, which apon their arrival was shattered into many small islands. The sky opened up and demons poured out into our world. The only thing capable of fighting them back was the dragons in their infinite wisdom. However, the dragons were peaceful and had not been at war for thousands of years. They were not ready for such a war, and they needed aid. In their desperation, they turned to the mortal races. Man, Elf, and Dwarf.

The dragons gave the gift of Dragon's Fire to the mortals, a powerful essence which when forged properly crafted powerful weapons. The essence was given to the Dwarves who perfected the craft and created many powerful weapons, from guns to cannons, and many other technological marvels. Their economy and civilization exploded and progressed, and the mortals took up arms against the demons. With their aid, the demons were pushed back through the breach and it was closed forever, sealing off the demons from this world. However, that wasn't entirely true as the breach remained open slightly. While the demons could not come through the breach, the two worlds were forever connected. A massive spiraling hurricane darkening the skies over the shattered isles a reminder that demons had access to the world.

Seeing a demon within the world of mortals became unthinkable. If one were to be seen again, it would be the beginning of the end times and a sign that the demons were returning. Needless to say, seeing a single demon within the mortal world is the same as seeing Satan himself rising from hell. It is the worst possible thing that can happen, ever.

Since then dragons have become scarce, rumors of a civil war leaving them drained spreading throughout the world. These rumors are more believable with the more recent arrival of black dragons, a species of dragons who attack anything in sight, have a hatred of mortals, and instead of breathing fire they breath a dark, shadowy plague. Rumor has it they are a race of corrupted dragons who were overtaken by hatred after the demon war, as they believed giving the Dragon's Fire to the mortals was a mistake, and an insult to dragon kind. Their hatred caused them to cast off their own fire and take up a much more sinister power, a power that corrupted them and drove them insane.

While dragons are revered as saviors of the mortal world, even the dragons themselves recommend slaying these black dragons on sight, as they will bring only ruin and corruption to your land.

Available Races:

Human - The pinnacle of civilization. They spread their cities and villages across the globe and colonized every corner they could. The only ones who live in massive sprawling cities of stone and steel, they are your stereotypical fantasy knights.

Dwarf - Short, stout, bitter. Obsessed with their beards, they're exactly what you expect in a dwarf. They live in the mountains and fear the sky, believing going outside will cause you to fall up. They are masters of the forge and spend their lives digging deeper and stronger tunnels. They don't originate from Ellahn however, and instead their homes are to the north in the mountains of Ytora.

Elf - Quiet, secluded, mysterious. The elves separate themselves from civilization and live in their woodland homes within the forest north of the human city of Verech. Their population is small, but those who are counted among their numbers are extremely skilled at what they do. Each elf dedicates their life to a craft and sticks with it. Venturing beyond the trees is rare, but as with every race, there are always oddities. The elves also reject the use of Dragon's Fire, knowing the risk it has to their great forest. Once again however, there are always oddities.

Dragonkin (Only one of these will be in the guild, and someone is already interested in making one. These are after all an extremely rare race.) - An odd race created during the demon war, a show of kinship between the dragons and mortal races. Dragonkin most resemble elves or humans with distinct dragon features ranging from claws, scales, and horns to glowing eyes, wings, and tails. They are revered by many for their dragon kinship in the same way the dragons were, having played a major role in the demon war. They are also quite tall, usually towering over humans by a couple feet at least.

Expectations From Participants:

Be active and know for sure this is something you want to be a part of. I would like to have regular posts from everyone. Too many RPs die from something as simple as inactivity. If you have to drop, say so. If you can't post for a while, let us know. But don't make us sit around for days on end waiting for a post.

Advanced to me doesn't mean giant multi paragraph posts. Advanced to me suggests a greater understanding of grammar and writing to a point you can much better display the actions of your character through words. You respond to everything given to you, don't ignore things, would never godmod or anything. Trustworthy and skilled are far more important traits than character count in a post.

The group size will likely hover around 6 people for the core group. However, parttime characters are completely welcome, in which you can make a character for The Guild and do quests on them whenever you want a nice little fantasy adventure, but as a parttime member you have no intention of being involved in the main story. As a primary member, taking part in the main story is mandatory. Quests, are not.

Character Application:
We have reached 7 members and that's where I'm going to close registration for now for main members.

Send the sheet to me in a PM and I will accept or decline it. When you have my approval, you can post it in the Characters section. Please do not post Character Applications here in the OOC.





Class: (A Generalized title for them. Rogue, mage, warrior. Or if you want to be more specific, go for it. Geomancer, Samurai, Berserker. You can detail it further below.)

Traits: (Please use the code [Hider=Traits][/Hider] and put your abilities in there, to keep it all neat.)

Picture Reference:

Physical Description: (Any Details you wish to give that a picture can't tell, and obviously and differences from the picture you give if it's not perfect for what you want.)


Extra Details:
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by BurningCold
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BurningCold Magical Bastard

Member Seen 3 days ago

Is this open for me to join? I've been scouring for advanced roleplays that don't want me to write a novel per post and this one seems to take the cake. I can bring a friend.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Bell
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Member Seen 5 mos ago

Right now we are at 6 people I believe, assuming everyone who has said they will be joining does in fact join. If you and a friend join that will bring us up to 8 primary members which will probably be the maximum, so if you do join that'll probably be where we cut off further applications.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by BurningCold
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BurningCold Magical Bastard

Member Seen 3 days ago

Well it actually seems like this RP won't be as great a fit for me as I initially anticipated, so I'll be pulling out. Thanks for your time.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Bell
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Member Seen 5 mos ago

Going to go ahead and close registration now for the main group. People can still sign up as 'parttime members' which as the main OC post explains basically means you can do quests as you wish for a little RP but won't be involved in the main plotlines.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by aviendha
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aviendha head of potatoes

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Looks like I have the only defensive character so far, everybody else is just like the ultimate offense, lol. I can't wait to RP with you guys, this should be loads of fun.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Bell
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Member Seen 5 mos ago

*Points at the guild master*

But hey, sometimes the best defense is a good offense. Just... not if you come up against someone like Artura who counters your strong offense and leaves you wide open to punishment from her own attacks because your defenses are next to none.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Torack
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Torack The Golden Apple

Member Seen 1 day ago

I was thinking of making a tank, but I kinda wanted to have fun with combat, so...
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by aviendha
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aviendha head of potatoes

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

She's not really defense though, Artura seems to be more of a tank. She can really soak up damage, and protect the group, which is the role of a tank; mine serves to defend allies by both providing shields, and causing the enemy to falter.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Bell
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Member Seen 5 mos ago

Wouldn't that be supportive, not defensive though. Artura is defending her allies while yours supports the members of the group either through protection or peeling the enemy off of them. Either way I guess it just comes down to what you mean by defensive.

So I have an idea of how to start things off without just doing a typical 'it's early morning in the guild and people are just waking up' bit.

So let's say there is a bit of a guild combat tournament this morning. Who all is signed up to participate.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Slamurai
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Member Seen 1 mo ago

Going to go ahead and close registration now for the main group. People can still sign up as 'parttime members' which as the main OC post explains basically means you can do quests as you wish for a little RP but won't be involved in the main plotlines.

So does that mean "part-time members" are supposed to sit back and twiddle their thumbs while waiting for something to do during story arcs?
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by aviendha
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aviendha head of potatoes

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Support characters focus directly on aiding teammates; vanguard characters are at the front of battle, to act in a combined offensive/tank capacity; offensive characters deal out loads of damage; tanks are durable and soak up lots of damage to protect others; defense focuses on the enemy to indirectly aid teammates.

Artura: "She is on the front line, making the enemy attack her, not her guild, not her family."

That's the definition of a tank right there, and half of her traits are dedicated to noting how she can take a lot of damage.

Grey does little to actually support the group other than providing shields of shadow illusions. Her main role is to distract, disorient, etc. the enemy through roguish techniques. To be support, she would need to actually support her teammates, which she doesn't; she's the only truly defensive character so far.

She'll participate in the tourney.

Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Bell
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Member Seen 5 mos ago

No, part-time members

'parttime members' which as the main OC post explains basically means you can do quests as you wish for a little RP but won't be involved in the main plotlines.

Part-time positions are for people who want to do quests when I get them listed for some one on one RP within the universe without taking part in the main plot. They have no ties to the main plot, however if at some point someone has to drop out of the RP a part-time member can switch over into the main group if they wish.

If you want to be a part of the main group, the part-time position is not meant to tide you over or act as a 'good enough' deal until then.

Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Torack
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Torack The Golden Apple

Member Seen 1 day ago

I'm down for the guild morning tournament session. It's gon be fun seeing how Kaito Fen fares against the others from the guild, considering he's the only one without magic lol
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Bell
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Member Seen 5 mos ago

Everyone has their own ideas of what roles a title plays. Like to me, defensive means heavily protected and protective of others. A tank IS defensive. Being a tank, and being defensive, are not mutually exclusive to me an in fact one means the other. I wouldn't personally call your character defensive myself for example. Just stealthy. So again it just comes back to each individuals view of what defensive means.

Same goes for support. To some people, a 'support' character only 'heals'. But to me and many others the support role is much more broad than that ranging from directly, to indirectly supporting allies.

Either way there's no reason for us to turn this into an argument over who is and isn't a 'defensive' character :P To each their own titles and opinions.

Initial IC post coming in soon.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Slamurai
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Member Seen 1 mo ago

They have no ties to the main plot, however if at some point someone has to drop out of the RP a part-time member can switch over into the main group if they wish.

If you want to be a part of the main group, the part-time position is not meant to tide you over or act as a 'good enough' deal until then.

In the event of a vacancy, would a part-timer get 'first dibs' on the opening over someone else that decided to stop by and check out the RP?
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Bell
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Member Seen 5 mos ago

Most likely yes, though it's not intended to act primarily as a waiting list or anything like that. I'll consider anyone in the part-time list for a primary position just as much as I would someone who messaged me privately and said they would like to join the main group if a spot opens up or if we decide to expand the group.

But yes, if a time comes when a spot opens up or we are expanding the group, and there are multiple people wanting to join, then I will more likely accept someone who already has a part-time character, or someone who has previously expressed interest, over someone who just after I open registration back up says "Hey I'd like to join"
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Shandria
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Member Seen 11 mos ago

Shandria will sit off to the side for a while and watch. If someone specifically asks her to join in and take part she will, but she won't have signed up for it prior to it starting.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Bell
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For the record, the tournament will be a good place for everyone to decide what sort of level their power stands at to start off with. I'm not going to impose any rules about every character having to be as powerful as a newborn infant or that you can't be strong enough to do x and y things. Some characters are going to be more powerful than others, it just makes sense. As long as nobody is the "I could crush this entire city if I wished to, be glad I am on your side" sort I don't care. You should know what level of power is and isn't acceptable and decide how much room for improvement you want to have.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Bell
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Member Seen 5 mos ago

As of this moment The Guild has a new theme song. Check up above in the first post for it at the top. So when the guild is standing on an overlook, looking down on a burning village saying "We're all that's left, we're their only hope." keep that song in mind.


Seriously, got thinking about it... and I promise you, none of this was actually intentional but...

Badass Redhead who always wears armor and is very protective of her guild.
Guild is seen as a family, not just a random group.
Guild has a unique fire user with dragon traits and is a very rare breed
Dragons were once around but seem to have disappeared, and their whereabouts and actions are mostly a mystery recently

The similarities are actually stacking up and anyone who has seen Fairy Tail would understand.
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