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Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Melkor
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Melkor The Nerd Formerly Known as Melkor

Member Seen 6 mos ago

There was Ravien, the creator, he made the first gods from whim before nought else was made. He made the void before their eyes and gave them thought. To each he gave also a part of him, though he kept his will over creation. He knew some would betray him and others would follow him but thought little of it for the end would not falter.

To the gods Ravien spoke propounding to them a world from the deep void that he had created. He told them how it would begin and how it would end and what part they must play in it. Ravien took the void in his hand, the gods watching in awe, and gave it form and shaped it and carved the oceans and valleys and drew out the mountains. He placed it where the void had been and reached into himself, and took part of his thought and split it and placed them on either side of the world he had created, one shone with red and yellow bright light and the other was white and reflected the light of the first. Ravien turned to the gods and proclaimed,"The brightness shall be named day and the darkness night. The bringer of day will be named the Sun and the bringer of night the Moon."

Ravien descended to the world and created the Archons from thought and made them immortal as the gods were. He gave them knowledge and skills of different types and charged them to teach what they could. Ravien brought the gods to the world saying, "Now go, create what you will." He left them to create what they would.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Nug Soth

Nug Soth

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The young Akhen shrieked his acceptance and approval of the Creator's whim, and as he did sparks soared forth from his nostrils fell into place within the void. Seeing this, the God of Fire continued to create an intricate tapestry of sparks across the great void in patterns that depicted the nature of fire and the glory of creation. He then added depictions of himself, his siblings and their maker. And he called these sparks Stars, for he had hidden many secrets and wonders within the pattern of their arrangement across the great void wherein the world rested. Indeed, by studying the Stars much could be learned about the magic of fire, divine magic and the nature of all things.

And then he turned proudly to his siblings and anounced, "Behold, for I have created an eternal monument to our glory! These Stars shall ever reflect our greatness and that of our Father."

The God of Fire watched the others for their reactions, especially Mellivora, for she was beautiful and he had taken great care to capture that beauty within her firey likeness in the void.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Rune_Alchemist
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Rune_Alchemist Absolute Depravity

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Volorr saw the dark expanse of the Void give shape into the world as Ravien carved out its mountains and oceans. He saw him create the Archons, and give them knowledge of the world. He saw the God Akhen, and his creation. Volorr scoffed, and turned his gaze from the heavens towards the newly created world. "Specks of fire in the sky do not give one glory." He did not challenge his brother further, however, For Ravien had given them a command to create, and create he would. He had little time to gawk and fight with his brothers and sisters. He would create as well, but it would not be something as insignificant as a spark of fire in the sky. He had his own plan for glory.

Volorr laid eyes on a barren expanse of land. The Sun had burned almost everything into dried, broken twigs, and the wind was harsh and hot - blowing sand and dirt into the air. To any other god, it looked to be a bleak place, where life and creation wouldn't be possible. Volorr, saw potential where others would see nothing but bleak lifelessness.

First, created the Water Spirit, and tasked it with bringing vegetation and water to the area. The Water spirit obeyed, It brought forth water bursting from the ground, making a deep pool of water. The parched barren land in the area soon sprouted small shrubs and other plants around the oasis, creating a welcome reprieve from the heat. Volorr saw the Spirits work, and deemed it good. He told the Spirit to go forth unto the desert and create more. Soon, many of these oasis dotted the landscape bringing life to the desolate area. Still, the god felt something was missing. It was still too sparse, to barren. To please its creator, the Water Spirit made one final creation. Water in the ground welled up, and began to flow towards the sea, carving a path of life into the desert. This was the first of Volorr's creations, and he was pleased. He dubbed the spirit, Wiri, and tasked it with watching over the deserts water.

Volorr was satisfied for now, and observed his brothers and sisters.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Peachygem


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Mellivora, goddess of love and oceans, rose from her slumber of eternal absence as Ravien tugged her into existence. She stood tall, black hair and dress whipping around as if a strong, mighty gale had overcome her. Millions of galaxies were born and died within her silk gown and ebony hair. Her brother Akhen graced the world with stars, and white dots shining brighter than pearls formed throughout her dress. She smiled pleasantly, smoothing a wrinkle along her dress and in the process giving life to several new worlds.

The proud goddess strode towards her brother, lightly tapping her graceful fingers across his hide. "I am flattered, my brother, these small wonders do our family much justice. However, I believe you are forgetting something very important."

With that, she touched her hands to her heart, producing a faint white glow emanating from her chest. The white light slowly spread throughout her entire body, every expanse of space in the universe. The light subsided, her cheeks glowing cherry red. "Now, my brother, all of our creations can truly enjoy your wonderful gift. I have given them something they cannot hope to achieve by themselves: Love and compassion for eachother. Surely, the nature of mankind prevents love from overpowering greed and hatred, but I hope that it will further their survival. The beauty you have captured in the stars will go unappreciated by mortals, who will fail to recognize the gods' appearance. As such, I have created a beautiful species of mortals who will be sought after by all; the Mermaids."
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Mr_pink
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Mr_pink Heaven Knows I'm Miserable Now

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Bolunn watched the new world unravel and expand. He analysed each new location as it became available, but stopped halfway through when he saw the perfect place for his civilization. A cheshire grin grew across his face, masked slightly by his long, blond beard. He turned to his Draconic, brother as he puffed the small, albeit beautiful sparks that would soon inspire; poets, artists, writers and many others alike for generations to come. Another, jolly smile grew upon his face as he started to praise his brethren. Only stopping to be interrupted by his other brother, Volorr. Heglared at, Volorr for a second before waiting for his sister to finish what she was saying. She had always beaten him to the post in things like this, he didn't mind much though. His accent, as strong as ever came through as he spoke.
"Mermaids you say? I'm no sure the mighty Dwarven race will want many fish suppers, sister!" He joked merrily before continuing on to praise his brother as he had sought to do before.
"Fine work, brother, I'm certain that my Dwarves will infuse the definite inspiration they will gain from these, tiny, glowing beauties into their architecture and thoughts" He almost gave his brother a pat on the back, but stopped himself after remembering that the last time he had done that he accidentally smacked him right on the tail.

He turned back to the mountain range. Some of the mountains formed parabolic arcs, while others sharpened near the top and a very select few were flat on their top. He stepped his way into the now filled void that was ripe for creation and modification. He looked down at the mountain range before unsheathing his hammer. An anvil promptly appeared before him, various metals lying on it. He began to hammer away at the metals before placing down two, perfect, Dwarf statues at the bottom of the mountain. The anvil disappeared, but Bolunn kept his hammer out. He used the edge of said hammer to tap a small hole, fit for only a dwarf into the mountain. This would be the door to the first Dwarven mine, the door to industry and progression. He then carved off a small bit of the rear side of the mountain and placed it just under the hole to act as a walkway. Soon enough he was done with his modification, he would not help the Dwarves with a lot of terraforming, but a slope towards the door was definetly needed. He then took the glistening statues and placed them on either side of the door. To him they were just like figurines or a children's toy. To the Dwarves that would soon populate the mountain they were giant behemoths of beauty. Various gems and metals made the Statues. The base was golden on each. On the right stood a statue of a strong, Dwarf warrior female. She stood, with battle-axe to the ground, staring out across the landscape as a protector. To the left of her stood an equally strong Dwarf mage, staff to the right of him. They were the first spirits to come to life. Bolunn called out to them.
"Nalaim, Yerna, Appear before me" And they did. Nalaim, with her braided brown hair and battle-axe, eager to watch the warriors of the race evole and Yerna, eager to see the mages college grow and watch the college teach the Dwarf population of their mysteries. Soon enough the other spirits were created, a plethora of heights and appearances. All relatively short of course though.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Rune_Alchemist
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Rune_Alchemist Absolute Depravity

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

And then, Mellivora spread love throughout the world. A needed emotion, if not one he was not overly fond of. He remained silent however, and focused on his own creations. His brothers and sisters machinations were of no concern to him now. He returned his gaze to the desert and its newly formed river. It was good, but it wasn't enough, for the ground was not fertile and the harsh wind blew anything that tried to grow into twisted shrubs. He called Wiri to his side, and took the spirits essence and split it. Out of this, grew another spirit, which Volorr infused with one of his own feathers giving it an enormous power over the Winds and Air. He sent the small spirit out into the desert to tame the raging winds, and it obeyed. The spirit sang an otherworldly melody, and as quickly they had first appeared, the raging winds were gone, the melody becalming the vicious winds. Vollor saw the Spirits work, and deemed it good. He dubbed the spirit Walla, and tasked it with guarding the winds and preventing them from raging. This was his second creation, and he was pleased.

However, the soil remained infertile, and the place lifeless of anything but burned shrubs. He picked up a clawfull of mud from near the river, and created two more spirits from it. "Go, make the River and Oasis fertile with edible fruits and vegetation." he commanded one spirit, and turned to the other. "I give you dominion over the living animals in this desert. Go, protect them and make them strong and hardy." He commanded the other. Both obeyed and set upon their assigned tasks. The first, made the soil fertile along the river and the Oasis. The plants sprang to life, and a plethora of fruits, vegetables, and other tough, hardy vegetation grew. The second, went unto the wastes and created the first inhabitants. The hardy Desert Mammoths, the deadly White Tail Vulture, and other tough creatures who could survive in the unforgiving desert. He saw their work, and was pleased. He named the first Kallar and gave her dominion over the fertile soil of the River and Oasis. The second, he named Zakir, and gave him dominion over the beasts, and the hunting thereof. These were his Third and Fourth creations, and he was pleased.

As the last of the four spirits finished their tasks, he looked upon the desert, and deemed it ready for his next creation. He returned his attention to the heavens one last time before his final creations took place and observed his brothers and sisters.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Ostarion
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Ostarion The Skeleton King

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Nazar watched the various gods use their powers to shape the universe to their liking, but he himself wanted no part in it. Rather, he wanted a realm of perfect order for his own use before he brought order to this universe. Nazar drifted farther away from the other gods, considering his work to have little to do with them, and not wanting visitors to the realm he was about to create. He seemingly placed his hand into the space in front of him, and made a downward motion, cutting through a small part of space like scissors. He smiled. What was originally a minor part of the universe had now become an entrance to another entirely new realm, which would serve as a starting point to Nazar's work.

This realm was purely grey, with the atmosphere shifting from a silver colour to white every so often. Nazar wanted to begin shaping the grounds. He made more motions with his hands, and created a single island, due to his lack of experience and sphere of influence, Nazar could not replicate what Ravien had crafted. The ground in his realm was suspended in the air as a floating isle, the ground's colour being simply a mixture of grey and white, much like the realm's atmosphere itself. This did not bother Nazar, as for him, many colours were too individual and disorderly to be included in his work.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Melkor
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Melkor The Nerd Formerly Known as Melkor

Member Seen 6 mos ago

Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Melkor
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Melkor The Nerd Formerly Known as Melkor

Member Seen 6 mos ago

Ravien moved west upon the world and formed trees. He gathered them into forests and there he stood, he was satisfied with this. He made the elves and gave them gifts of nature and long life. He saw this and thought it good. He gave life to the world and filled it with beasts. He saw his creations and deemed them good. Ravien took the branch from a tree and the wove the grass into string, he crafted a bow. He took a bird and plucked it’s feathers, and carved stones and made arrows. He gifted this to the elves doing what he knew was tasked to the archons. But he loved his creations so and tended to them. He gave them knowledge and made many more elves.

Ravien knew something was amiss. He listened and heard the evil thoughts that Avalain had poured into Oreth. Ravien however did naught for he knew this would happen and also knew the end would not falter. The god erected homes for the elves within the trees and shaped the land with rolling hills and lakes of water. He made an area for himself and called it home. The elves called it the Elder Grove. Ravien made it so none may enter without permission. Not even the gods, his first creations.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Nug Soth

Nug Soth

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As restraining as was his pride when mixed with the calming gaze and voice of his sister, Akhen was aggressive by nature. So it was that the primordial force of Immortal Fire welled up in him and Akhen snarled, summoning his inner magic to imbue the soul of the world with pure Divine Fire. This Eternal Flame scorched all the world from within giving birth to warmth and friction and spreading the nature of fire and force across the world and into the Stars.

This unyeilding energy reacted with the Love that Mellivora had given and from that reaction was Lust born. Lust for life, for victory, for beauty, for honor and for perfection. And from the fertile waves of Lust a new heat was unleashed upon the world. The heat of passion, the drive to excel and the fury of violence so that beings could celebrate, embrace and defend that Love.

And as was the reaction to Love, so too was this burning energy's reaction to Wiri. Rivers and channels of fire and molten rock spread out from the core of the world, erupting from the centres of enormous mountains, covering the surrounding land with liquid flame that would eventually cool and harden into new land. Better land. Pure and fresh and devoid of imperfections.

His energy further affected the nature of living things, bringing forth many new herbivores to prey upon vegetation and carnivores to prey upon them. This system would burn away the impurities of living beings. Thus ensuring that life would not remain stagnant, but that it would grow stronger and evolve over time or die and be forgotten.

The Stars, themselves, began to slowly waltz in celebration of the spiritual warmth that they now felt. Even the Sun was affected. Burning hotter than previously thought possible until it grew tired and rebuilt it's strength for a time only to do it all again. And so were the changing of seasons and cycling of the heavens begun.

In all these ways and more did Akhen's Immortal Fire bring Movement, Desire and Evolution forth to purify the world and it's creatures.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Melkor
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Melkor The Nerd Formerly Known as Melkor

Member Seen 6 mos ago

Avalain stood in awe with his kin as Ravien carved the world into shape and made the sun and the moon from thought. He watched as Ravein made the Archons and his brothers and sisters obey what Ravien had tasked them with doing. Avalain saw all of this and began plotting it’s destruction, for that was the part of Ravien’s mind from which he was born.

Avalain descended unto the world and, while none could see him, or so he thought, he began corrupting the mind of the Archon who was named Oreth. The mind of one who is not divine is simple and thus easily corrupted. He did this quickly and ascended to the heavens to watch the gods do their master’s bidding. He watched as the stars where created and how Volorr shaped the desert with fruitful oasis’s.

Avalain descended again to the world and formed a whole to the center. Fiery and destructive as it was he found a birthplace for his creations. Avalain reached into the magma and took it and crafted a being in the deep. “Deabor.” He called it. He saw what he had done and made more, calling them his children.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Scrub Mage
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Scrub Mage Ascended Sleeper

Member Seen 3 mos ago

What was this terrible noise that Omoz suddenly found itself hearing? It hurt Omoz, and Omoz did not like this. What were these feelings, everything was new? As the void had been used to create, and the Gods given sentience, Omoz found itself suffering from what the others might consider a gift. There was darkness here, but it was not the same. There was light, a phenomenon that both confused and disgusted Omoz. It knew that it was not at peace as it had once been, so the being known as Omoz awoke for the first time. It instinctively sought out the noise that echoed throughout its mind, and it found what it believed to be once a part of itself. The noise drove Omoz mad, making it nigh impossible for it to navigate this disgusting existence. But Omoz had no goals, other than to end this terrible noise.

It pained Omoz to see the bright lights occupying this different darkness. To Omoz, everything seemed so bright. The noise persisted, and Omoz found itself understanding the noise as its own thoughts. This idea was foreign to Omoz, and it burned to even contemplate it. It hurt even worse to contemplate that part of Omoz may have been used in the creation of this disgusting place. This was not the Void that Omoz had once known, this was not the place Omoz called home. This was the place that caused its mind to sting with the fury of existence. This noise was disgusting, and Omoz hated it. Omoz wanted this noise to end, but Omoz knew in the back of its new mind, that as long as Omoz was aware of the noise it would persist. So, Omoz continued through this bright abyss, without any goal but to end this noise. Sadly, Omoz had no idea how it would accomplish this.

Omoz continued its drifting through this place, looking upon the creation that took place. "Disgusting" was the only word Omoz could find itself thinking. Creation was a disgusting thing, it was not natural. Omoz felt itself missing the darkness, a disgusting feeling. This noise would not ravage the new mind of Omoz if it had not been disturbed by this disgusting and unnatural ideal of creation. Worse still, Omoz felt a part of it had been taken away and used in this "creation". This must be why Omoz had gained sentience, this was the only conclusion that made sense. "Omoz must find these pieces to be whole again. Omoz must find these pieces to be rid of this noise. Omoz must find these pieces to be able to return to the place without creation." Omoz continued to look upon the "disgusting" creation, and it continued drifting through this "false void" in hopes of finding the pieces taken from it.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Rune_Alchemist
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Rune_Alchemist Absolute Depravity

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Volorr was pleased, with himself and his creations. It was time for one final earthly creation, then he would set about crafting his own real among the heavens, a realm where he could observe his creations away from the prying eyes of the others. The spirits he had already created were setting about their respective tasks nicely. Wiri was making sure the waters were clean, Walla was making sure the winds did not rage unchecked, Kallar tended the plants and their fruits, and Zakir made sure the animals stayed in balance, hunting those who were over populating, and protecting those who were endangered. Now, he had to make his final creations. First, he must create the spirits that would guide his children.

The next spirit he created, would be the one that would inevitably befall anything, and no man could ever escape. He plucked a bone from an animal, and from he he crafted the Fifth Spirit. The spirit was born knowing its purpose, and solemnly looked over the wastes. Indeed, its task would not be a happy one. To guide the souls of the coming dead mortals, was not a job that one would want...but someone arguably had to do it. It silently accepted its task, for it might as well do it, there was no need for the burden to fall on someone else. Volorr named it Lorin, and sent it off to prepare for its task. No doubt it would see much work in the coming mortal days as they adjusted to life in the desert.

The Sixth he created, would be the one of the more important ones. He plucked a feather from his head, and from it he created the Sixth. He named it Morkar, and gave it the duty of chronicling the history of the mortals of the desert, and giving them knowledge. A difficult task down the road. Chronicling the exploits of an entire race of mortals would not be easy. Things written could be forgotten or changed. It was his job to see that no matter what the mortals knew or though, that the truth remained with him. The spirit bowed, and was sent to prepare.

Then he created the Seventh. He plucked a berry from a bush, and from it he created a spirit. The spirit he named Grunor. He gave it the duty of making the mortals happy with drink, song, festivals and games. Grunor obeyed. It was not a task that would seem as easy as it sounded. For keeping an entire race of beings happy would be a monumental task in itself. Grunor set off, for preparation was the most key thing to a successful festival.

Next, came the Eighth. Volorr plucked a metal from deep within the earth, and formed it into the next spirit. He named it Roril and tasked it with bringing luck and fortune to those who sought their riches through adventure and risks. Roril nodded in obedience. It would be a fun task, toying with mortals and making them think they were so close to wealth and becoming rich. He left of his own accord, scouring the lands for places that would be good hiding spots for riches.

The ninth and tenth were created from a blade crafted out of stone. One, he gave the task of watching over duels and the fairness of the law of the mortals. The other, he tasked with the opposite. Giving it the domain over trickery, and treachery. The one over Fairness and Duels, was named Malar. The one over plots and Treachery, Allair. Malar obeyed, seeing it only just that they have someone to watch over their laws and insure justice was done. Allair also obeyed, simply because it thought it would be fun to trick those who thought they were doing the tricking. The two set off into the desert to prepare for their respective tasks.

With the Ten Guardians created, he waited. For they would return, and then he would create the Mortals that would inhabit this harsh environment.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Peachygem


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Mellivora paced back and forth, doting over her creations. The oceans were vast, yet empty, and that displeased her. Her merpeople seemed to grow displeased with their isolation, cursing the gods' names for locking them in their watery prison, away from all other creatures. Her eyes grew weary. She lifted her delicate hands into the ocean, molding the sand into vast coral reefs and deepening the ocean floor. For the minuscule mermaids on the planet, they saw only an unimaginably large tsunami that seemed to reach on forever. When the wave had cleared, they were delighted to find the colorful sculptures. However, Mellivora knew that more was needed. She plucked a bead from her dress and fashioned it into a scale with her nimble hands, then sent it down through the heavens. Its rainbow hue glowed as it entered the water. All at once, thousands upon thousands of different fish began to surface in the waters, diving through the clear blue ocean with amazing vigor.

Still, the merpeople were not pleased. They could not converse with the fish; they lacked the sentience and intelligence that they so desired. Mellivora, tired of their ungratefulness towards their creator, sent down another scale, this one glowing black as the ocean's depths. When it had finally floated to the bottom, creatures of evil were spawned, those that should never see the light of day, and never would; as they were confined to the murky floor of the sea. Still, her people lived in fear for quite a while. She reclined in her spot, chuckling lightly. She decided she would save her kindness for another day.

"This should be fun," she mused, crossing her arms and watching her siblings carry out their tasks.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Ostarion
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Ostarion The Skeleton King

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Nazar was content with his single, bland suspended isle. But wanted to spread his influence across his realm further. It was to become his own realm, where individuality did not exist, after all. He conjured more of these suspended islands, using strands of his hair. Like the first, they were all colourless and orderly, perfect. Nazar now needed to link these islands to grant free travel between all of them. He drifted to one of the islands, and took some of the grey sand which had formed on one of the islands. He crushed it in his hands, and it hardened to that of rock. He stretched it between one island until it reached the second island. Nazar made repeated this process, making identical copies of the stone-like bridges until they connected all of the suspended islands in the realm. It formed a perfect hexagon; a large island in the middle, with six surrounding islands - all connected.

Nazar wished to move onto creating subjects. Creatures which pursued complete order, and saw the idea of individuality as an illusion. Reaching inside of himself, Nazar obtained an extremely small piece of his own essence. He combined this with the dirt which covered the islands to create the first member of the realm of order.

The first member of the Covenant.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Rune_Alchemist
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Rune_Alchemist Absolute Depravity

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Volorr sat upon a Stone Throne he had crafted while he waited for the spirits to return, and one by one they eventually did. First, was the playful water spirit Wiri. Indeed, in the brief time it had been alive it had taken a personality all on its own. It seemed to find the new inhabitants of the water, the fish, quite fascinating. As it waited on the others, it began to play with the fish in the oasis next to them to pass the time. Shortly afterwards, the Fifth quietly returned. It said not a word, merely observed its creator and fellow spirit with mild interest. It felt no need for words, nor interaction of any kind. Interacting with the living was not what it was meant for, distancing itself from the living seemed the best course, for now. The Fourth was the third to return, and along with him came several tamed beasts following him. The animals obeyed his every word, and one could tell simply from looking at them they were well trained and dangerous beasts.

The Seconds' return was accompanied by a strong gust of warm air and sand. Walla seemed to have a little too much fun controlling the air currents as it lazily drifted upon them and watched its brothers, sisters, and creator from high above. Following after Walla, came the Third, Kallar. Where the spirit walked, the ground instantly became fertile and seedlings began to sprout. They did not last long in the heat of the desert, but it hinted at the extent of the spirits power and influence. Next to arrive was the Sixth, Morkar. In the spirits hands was a leather bound tome, already having been heavily written in with some form of ink. It detailed the creation of the world, the gods, and the spirits Volorr had created.

Allair, the Tenth was next to return. It said little, and observed its brethren with a calculating look, as if it was thinking what would be the best ways to get rid of all of them - which it very well could considering the spirits nature. Volorr expected difficulties out of it, if not outright betrayal. It was a necessary spirit, however. Punishing those who seek power through backstabbing, blackmail, and other dishonorable values. Next, Grunor returned carrying in its hand a stone mug filled with some alcoholic smelling liquid. He gave its brethren a joyful smile and took a swig of it. Next to return was the Ninth, Malar. It bowed as it approached, and gave each one of its brothers and spirits a respectful nod, Allair simply making a disapproving noise as it did so. Before any other confrontation could occur, Volorr swung his axe into the ground, silencing either of them before they could begin. And last to Arrive, was the Eighth, Roril. In its hand, it carried a sword of what seemed to be pure gold. It seemed quite pleased with itself, but for the most part stayed silent.

Seeing that all Ten were here, Volorr stood from his seat, the stone crumbling behind him. The spirits stood beside him, five on either side. Volorr took the bones of a Vulture the Fourth had brought him and grabbed a clawful of his own feathers and scattered them over the bones. From the bones rose new life. New, sentient, mortal life. The new creatures stood on two legs, but retained their clawed feet, and grew hands that ended in sharp talons. Their face sported a sharp beak, and their body were covered in feathers off all colors. The newly created mortals were like children, ignorant and carefree. They would indeed not last long in this place without help.

"MORTALS! Hear me and listen well!" Volorr commanded. It wasn't a shout, but it seemed as though his voice was coming from everywhere at once as if his voice was being carried upon every one of the deserts winds. "I, am Volorr, the God of this Desert, and your creator! You, mortals, are my Children. I give you dominion over this realm, and its inhabitants. These spirits here, these Ten Guardians, shall guide and protect you for four hundred moons. You will do well to listen, and learn from them. If you do not, this desert will destroy you entirely. Conquer it! Bring glory to yourselves and your god! For you are the mighty Volkyr, children of Volorr! You are the best warriors this world will ever know. All you have to do, is prove it! Go, build an empire within this desert, prove to them that it is possible to conquer even this desolate place with determination and will!"

With that, he left the mortal realm and returned to the heaves. The Spirit Guardians, now took the form of mortals themselves. For four hundred moons, they would watch over them and ensure their safety, for it was what Volorr commanded, and it is what they would do.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Nug Soth

Nug Soth

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The Firey One saw his essence working it's magic upon the world, and was content to know that the Eternal Flame would continually strengthen and test the land and it's creatures. However, he felt that all was not right. As if the will to evolve had suddenly been touched by a will to decay. But even had it not, the mere suggestion that Akhen's Pure Flame might be corrupted or explioted was utterly unnacceptable.

And so he worked his will and shrieked flame upon the stars. And this fire gathered into the great constellations of the gods, where from it took inspiration and became a spirit within each. Some, like the flame within the constellation of Ravien, became two or three spirits. Or, as within the constellation of Bolunn, one spirit suddenly multiplied into tens of spirits.

He called these spirits Djinn and gathered the strongest of them, placing them upon the world with the charge "Guide and Guard the Fire. Do not let it be usurped, destroyed or weakened. Grant your aid to my children when they come. Let no will to decay ever conquer the will to evolve. And let no weakness ever tarnish the glory of my creations!"

However, each of these Djinn uopn the world heard this charge differently, as their personalities were already colored by the constelations who inspired their creations. Nerael, who was born within Mellivora's constellation, saw this as a charge to nurture, protect and groom the coming children. Whereas Azrael, born Volorr's constellation saw it as a charge to take care of Spiritual aspect of Fire and also the Spirits of those mortal children of Akhen who would die. Even Raziel, born of Ravien's constellation, heard it as a command to understand all aspects of Fire in order to best care for and sustain them.

Of all these Djinn on the world only Shaitan, the single Djinn born within Akhen's own constellatiion, heard the message with purity. Therefore did Akhen name him as the Highest Djinn upon the world, whose word was contradictable only by Akhen himself.

Those Djinn who remained in the stars were next gathered by the God of Fire and he named them Watchers. He tasked the watchers with observing all that occured upon the world and informing Shaitan of all pertinent happenings. He then tasked them with informing him at once of any occurences which might threaten the Fire or it's children or any of the many forces it had spawned. He told them to inform him also of all that Shaitan was being told and of any corruption upon the other aspects of the world which could potentially threaten his creations. Lastly, he spread the Watchers evenly across the constellations and had them organize their efforts in accordance with their new homes.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Ostarion
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Ostarion The Skeleton King

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Nazar had created the first member of the Covenant, a race which pursued order. However, he was not finished in his work. He reached inside of himself once more, and pulled out another small piece of his own essence. Rather than mold it, he crushed it as he did to the grey dirt which covered the seven islands. Rather than becoming stone like, the essence became a silver coloured gemstone. He drifted over to the floating isle in the center, and placed the gem in the middle of it. Burying it in the dirt. Through force of will and magic, the gemstone grew out of the ground as a crystalline silver pillar. He dubbed it the first of many Pillars of Stasis. Nazar repeated this process multiple times until he had reached a point where every island in the realm had at least three Stasis Pillars, excluding the isle in the center; it only had one.

The first member of the covenant had been next to the first Pillar of Stasis since it's creation. And was awaiting Nazar's next act of power.

Using the power in the Stasis Pillars, Nazar replicated and created more members of the Covenant - and created groups. There were mage-like members, with grey masks which covered their faces and black robes who could conjure basic spells which lacked the colours of their true counterparts. And now rouge-like members who wielded daggers unlike the other members of the covenant. Nazar now needed to organize these lost individuals to ensure they follow his rule.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Melkor
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Melkor The Nerd Formerly Known as Melkor

Member Seen 6 mos ago

Avalain looked at that which he had done and deemed that it was good. He returned to the surface and sat upon a mountain that overlooked the world and thought. He thought of the creations of the other gods and thought of ways he could destroy them, but he didn't want to destroy them outright and be banished or destroyed by Ravien, who he knew was more powerful.

He knew there would be wars between the gods and he knew that he would oppose whatever side Ravien found himself on. Having known all of this, he knew what he would do. He looked upon the part of the world that Ravien had set aside for the elves and saw that there was space near it. He went there. The land was beautiful, rolling green hills with mountains in the distance, the sun was high in the sky shining bright with few clouds casting shadows upon the world.

He knew what he would create, a race to corrupt all others. Avalain the Malignant was patient, he could wait the ages and millennia for his plans to unfold. He swiftly went to Ador, what Ravien had named the home of the elves and collected two. One male and one female, he reached his corrosive hands into their minds and changed their mindset and changed their appearance. He gave them seven desires, seven that he made to destroy all.

First he made lust, the desire for anything. Second he made gluttony, the desire for food. Third he made greed, the desire for the finer things. Fourth he made sloth, the ill-desire to do anything. Fifth he made wrath, the desire to hate. Sixth he made envy, the desire for those that one does not posses. Seventh he made pride, the desire to be boastful. All of these he poured into the mind of his creation and called it, "Man."


Ravien felt something was amiss once again and suspected the dealings of Avalain. He listened for a while and found that his creation was near by causing his destruction. The creator arose from where he sat and traveled to Avalain to see what mischief his son was involved in. When he found himself at the place where Avalain was he saw him creating what Ravien knew to be man. He knew of the reason that Avalain had created them but not of the manner.

"Avalain," Ravien called to his child, "How was it that these creatures came into being?" The creator asked implying the humans.

Avalain took his hand from the mind of Man, having already finished what he meant to do and looked up to Ravien who was suspended in air and was terrified that Ravien had known what he had done fearing banishment he said, "I made them from thought, as you did the gods, father."

Ravien knew that Avalain hid something from his view and descended to look closer at what Avalain had created. As he touched the ground his heart fell and he knew what his son had done. He kept it to himself, hoping that he was wrong. The humans were standing in Avalain's front staring at their creator who was desperately trying to hide the evidence from Ravien, who knew all too well what was amiss. Ravien took Avlain's place in their front and observed them. He saw the skill that was taken in creating these beings and knew that it was not that of Avlain.

"Avalain the Malignant," Ravien ascended again to the air which had been filled with static, clouds formed in the sky and lighting shot across it, "That is the name I gave you is it not?" Avalain nodded his head. "THEN LET IT BE THE NAME THAT I TEAR FROM YOUR BEING!" Ravien lifted his hands as though lifting a great weight and cracks formed in the ground, the world quaking, and magma that Aken had made shot out and formed up-flowing magma falls. Ravien raised his hands above his head and in one swift motion brought them down. The magma arched and shot back down in the same streams on the spot where Avalain was.

Avalain had moved quickly when Ravien's voiced echoed over the entire world it was deep and was commanding. Avalain fled, taking his men with him. He placed them where he wanted them to make home, gave them the knowledge they needed and continued fleeing.

Ravien was after Avalain as he fled. "OF ALL THAT IS IN THIS WORLD! YOU TOOK MY MOST LOVED CREATIONS AND CORRUPTED THEM!" Avalain was not far in his front. Ravien took his hand, lifted it and brought it down. The clouds came down where Avalain was in a spiral of cloud, lightning, and lava.

Avalain brought his hand up and redirected the spiral to the ground. He lifted his hand, realizing that there was no escape and turned to his creator. Ravien wore his shining armor, his eyes glowed white, the magma had receded to the ground. As Avalain lifted his hand a sword formed in it, the blade was deep black. He Ascended to the level of Ravien and shot himself at his father.

Ravien lifted his hands once more as Avalain came towards him, who stabbed the sword at him. Ravien caught the sword with his hand, wrapping it around the blade and destroyed it. He grabbed Avalain and said, "Before I destroy you, I shall give you a new name."

As Ravien was thinking of what he would call his son, Avalain caused Ravien to lose grip of him by pointing his hand towards the forest where the elves lived and igniting it. As Ravien brought water from the lake to douce the flames Avalain opened a door to his realm that was empty and threw himself in shutting it behind him.

Ravien saw that he had escaped and grew furious. The storms grew stronger the ground quaked again and Ravien yelled so the world could here his wrath, "I NAME YOU AVALAIN THE CORRUPTOR, THE FOUL, THE TAINTED, THE KNAVISH, THE DESTROYER! I BANISH YOU FROM THIS REALM FOR ALL TIME!" Ravien knew that his power was not great enough to keep Avalain from coming back to the world, but he also knew that Avalain did not know that.
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