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Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by ImportantNobody
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Member Seen 4 yrs ago

The majestic city of Dubai overlooked the Persian Gulf, one of the most wealthy cities of the now Arabian Empire, made all the more wealthy as a result of this new world power coming into existence. The empress had done her own share of renovations to this city, putting her personal touch of splendor across the lands after many social and economic reforms took place as a result of the overthrow of the previous Saudi Arabia ruler and the forceful takeover of the surrounding lands who were caught behind the changing tides of this new world. She had shown them the error of their ways, just as she'd see to these...invaders. She was fit to rule in a world where men were quickly becoming an endangered species. More fit then any other. Her mighty empire would not fall. Not a single city, and certainly not Dubai.

An explosion burst from the wall of one of it's skyscraper, sending shattered glass raining down on the streets below. This was followed by another, and another, until dozens of buildings, roads, trees, houses, and all were meeting a similar fate. A flock of birds desperately fluttered away from a powerline, only to be obliterated as missile struck nearby, setting nearly everything around it ablaze. Under the heavy bombardment some of the more heavily damaged buildings began collapsing into a fiery mess of metal and smoke as missiles began to descend on the city from seemingly every location. A deafening roar sounded from various vehicles stationed within the chaos, countering the damage with a wave of missiles in return; the smoke from all of the launches temporarily concealing much of the ground level from view that was not already covered by flames and black smoke. The massive quantity of ships in the surrounding water rocked like little toy boats in a bathtub as the attacks hit, but still they pressed forward, undaunted. Foolish outsiders. Underestimating the power that an Arabian Empire might bring? It was true that their surrounding navy was sinking into the gulf beneath bellows of fire, but that was only to be expected. Their navy couldn't stand against the combined might of the United States, Australia, and other allies in the area. At least not the fleet they had guarding this city.

The heavy weaponry on the USS Alexis, named after the first female president of the United States, quieted down as it burst the final holes into the last defending Empire ship, sending the occupants to abandon ship or sleep with the fishes. Within the bridge stood a woman in a sharp white uniform, her posture perfectly straight as she surveyed the battle at hand. All was going smoothly as far as the navel combat and subsequent bombarding of the city, but things were going almost too easy for what was supposed to be a massive battle. Still, they couldn't be overly cautious and pass up the invasion straight into the heart of the Arabian Empire, bringing it down before it got overly powerful and destroyed their only surviving ally in the area, Israel.

"Ma'am, we've cleared the way to the beaches," a woman said as she walked in, giving her a firm salute. Only one man could be seen on the bridge, working quickly with a computer monitor. On some...no, many ships, there wasn't a single man to be found anymore. Not so close to the front lines. There were simply too few of them to risk in such a dangerous occupation.

"Good," Admiral Rebecca Henderson replied with a nod, her short brown hair shifting slightly across her forehead. "Proceed with deployment on all sides of the city. Secure it and this battle will be as good as ours."

"Yes ma'am!"

Amphibious vessels began rolling out of the water up onto the shores, braving machinegun fire and rockets from the defensive positions that managed to withstand the missile attacks. Some of the ships exploded before they could make land, spilling out screaming soldiers that had been set ablaze into the surrounding water. However, for every one that was destroyed many more managed to achieve their goal. Their doors opened, unleashing a swarm of allied troops screaming and firing into the enemy soldiers who stood in their way. Although the allies had vastly superior numbers on their side there was heavy resistance, sending waves of soldiers hitting the sand as they became riddled with bullets. More and more bodies began to pile up but they began to make progress in pushing back the enemy, slowly but certainly encircling Dubai from the beaches on all side of it.

Meanwhile, a smaller vessel near the back of the invading fleet gently sailed along behind the others, safely out of range of the missiles that they saw flashing off in the distance, each flash probably leading to the destruction of yet another ship. Seinna Avery, one of the women from New Zealand, had her face practically glued to the viewing port to try and get a glimpse of what was happening to her fellow soldiers. It must have been a mess out there. And here it was so peaceful way back here. Of course they had to play it safe because there was a male onboard, who was actually in the same room as her. Most had been with him long enough on their journey through the pacific to stop gawking at him and could now focus on the task at hand. Some prayed, some sat silently trying to hold it together, whiles others tried to nervously insert some humor to lighten the mood. The messy brown haired women was mostly keeping to herself for now. She wasn't shy, she just didn't know exactly how to behave at the moment. This was her first battle, should her ship end up taking part in it. She felt confident with her guns as long as she could shoot more bullets at her enemies then they could shoot at her, but things could get a little dicey out there and who knows what could happen. At last she pried her face off of the window, leaving a noticeably smudge on it. She then placed her back against the wall, letting out a sigh that had a slight tinge of nervousness revealed through it.

"Please don't let me die here," she thought to herself. Even if the world was ending soon, she at least wanted to last to the end.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Etcetera
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Etcetera Misty Skies

Member Seen 12 days ago

"We have to finish the device!" Isis yelled above the whir of the engine to someone identical to her sitting on a bench. "Just let dad finish it! You know the rule, never bring prototypes to the battlefield!" Her twin sister Artemis yelled back at Isis as the propellers started to pick up speed. Isis sighed in resignation as she turned off the small device, and started to fiddle with the wires. Artemis gently grabbed her arm. "Really, Isis. You're going to work on the copter too? You're seriously going to hurt yourself one of these days." "Fine, fine." Isis grumbles as she put her hands on the controls. Isis always wondered why Artemis never bothered to learn how to fly a helicopter, but she always refrained from providing a straight answer. Artemis gave her that half crooked, twisted grin that she enjoyed displaying and stuck her tongue out at Isis. "Just hurry up and get to the war zone, loser." Isis sighed and fingered the controls, prepared for anything that might come he way, as the helicopter took off into the sky toward the battle.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Protagonist


Member Seen 11 mos ago

Hale stood in the halls, wearing a grey uniform and a white helmet with the words "MP" painted on it in block letters. A ballistic shield was held in his left hand, his right hand placed on his gun. He was pacing rapidly. He felt as though Azrael himself stood in this room.
He quickly breathed out once he realized his lungs had frozen in fear.

He shakes his head and snaps out of it. He had feared for his life before, but never like this. Before he was just a beat cop, throwing ladies into the brig who had too much to drink. But this was not crime. It was war. And he had the intention of being on the ground when the enemy attacked.

He sat and prayed, not inaudibly, but in a whisper. "LORD, make my aim be true, and my hand quicker than those that would seek to destroy me. Grant us victory over those that would seek to do us harm. And if today is the day you call me home, let me die in empty brass."

He offered a fake ID to Sienna. It might not fool everybody, but he figured it'd be worth a shot. He says "Madame. I think I'll need to be on the ground today. Here's my credentials. It lets me join combat during situations...like this one." The ID looked authentic and official, at least at first glance. It had olive branches on it, and a forged signature. He had made sure not to skimp on anything.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by WittyReference

WittyReference the Living Dead

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

The screams were just the same.

First Sargent Curtis anxiously marched the length of his cell, though the Brass call them quarters. A place to lay his head, his own personal crapper and more potted plants than he could count did little to hide the bars he felt around him. His cane clinking rhythmically against the Alexis' hull, Curtis fidgeted, plucking leaves off each plant he passed in turn. The doctors said being surrounded by nature was 'soothing' but as far as Curtis could tell, it just meant they needed to sweep out the damn leaves more often. Marching quicker, the clinking of his cane grew louder but still wasn't enough to drown out the sounds of war. He couldn't hear the soldiers on the beach but he could hear them. Echoes of Normandy across time and bouncing around his head.

"My country t'is of thee! Sweet land of liberty! Of thee I sing!" Singing loudly to himself in time to the steady metronome of his own clinking, Curtis tried desperately to drown out the sounds of German Gatling guns. "LAND WHERE MY FATHERS DIED! LAND OF THE PILGRIM'S PRIDE! FROM EVERY MOUNTAINSIDE LET FREEDOM RING!" Off key but still in time, Curtis' march became feverish and his singing even louder. Still, it wasn't enough. Curtis felt a caged animal. No matter how loud he reverberated himself, still he heard the Echoes.

"Alright. Alright! I'll go! I'll go!...I'll go." With a heavy sigh, the Echoes were appeased and faded as Curtis marched toward his footlocker. Within the barren metal container lay just a few sparse items, a simple black belt with an attached gun holster and six additional reinforced slots containing vials of Bio-Serum; an old six shooter, tarnished with age and disuse ; six .45 caliber all-purpose rounds and a single pack of Skittles.

Closing the footlocker once more, Curtis walked swiftly to the opposite wall where a seldom used intercom was mounted. Since the incident, personnel were kept separate from the 'subject' and as such Curtis spent most of his time alone in the belly of the Alexis; a strategic position as well should the ship be attacked head on or turn over in a storm.

"Hello? Hello? Is this thing on?

It's Curtis. I think it's time."
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by CallingField


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Lily paced awkwardly around the room.

"This sucks," she said to nobody in particular. Everybody in the room had long since stopped paying attention to her mumbling, but thinking out loud helped her to work out the nerves.

More than anything else in the world, Lily hated standing around and doing nothing. But with the battle raging outside, she was forced to do exactly that; wait until they were sent in, if they ever even were. She’d been waiting for the day when she’d have to fight her first real battle ever since she left England. She’d trained and prepared for it. But she never prepared herself for all of the damn waiting. The waiting was the worst part. It gave her time to think about what the hell she’d gone and gotten herself into, and about all of the people who were going to be trying to kill her as soon as she stepped out onto the beach.

She stopped pacing and leaned against the wall. She glanced over at the male cargo. His being on board was probably the reason they were so far away from the action. Can’t risk reducing the breeding stock, after all. She couldn’t decide whether she should be thanking him for keeping her away from the danger or cursing him for making her stand around waiting for it.

She suddenly realized that she'd been absentmindedly tapping her foot the entire time she'd been standing there. She really couldn't ever seem to hold still. She sighed heavily and sat down.

"So," she asked the room. "Has anybody got a deck of cards?"
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Card Captor
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Card Captor The passing through Kamen Rider

Member Seen 4 hrs ago

"...This isn't right" Tommy said to himself. He had traveled to Dubai by boat, hoping that it would be safe enough. Yet not even 30 minutes after he arrived, a battle broke out between.......actually, he wasn't sure who was fighting. Not that it really mattered to him. As he waited out the battle from the safety of an alleyway, his mind began to wander 'why does this keep happening to me? Am I cursed? Did the fighting magically happen because I came here...or was I magically compelled to come here because there would be fighting? I know magic isn't supposed to exist, but it wouldn't surprise me at this point." He was currently sitting atop an old mattress. It wasn't for comfort, but to keep his dress clean. Not that he really cared about that, but he was pretending to be a girl, then he had to pretend to care about things like that, no matter how much he hated it. 'How can girls stand wearing things like this? It's so uncomfortable. Or do they just fake liking it like me. I wear it because I have to, what's their excuse.......well I suppose attracting a guy is a good enough one considering how little of us there are left.'
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Etcetera
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Etcetera Misty Skies

Member Seen 12 days ago

As the helicopter veered above the ship, Artemis looked down below. "You know, Isis, I've never quite gotten used to this, no matter how many times I do it." Isis chuckled in response as they loomed over the massive US boat. "Ready to go back to the land of our parents?" Isis said with a laugh and donned a backpack. Artemis got one as well and looked off the side of the copter, with a small trace of fear in her eyes. Isis grabbed her hand as she loomed over the edge as well. "Ready Artemis? One, two, three!" They both dived off the sides, the packs opening up into gliders as they sailed onto the main deck of the ship. They both watched the helicopter turn around and travel back to the hanger on autopilot. "Man, dad is the best" Isis thought.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by ImportantNobody
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Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Seinna smiled politely as she saw the man approach her and hand her an ID. As he explained himself she looked it over carefully. It was issued by the GCA as part of the United States Department of Defense, the agency in charge of matters related to this when it came to allowing certain men into more dangerous circumstances then normal. She knew that much at least, but she didn't have any in depth knowledge, being from New Zealand. She was lucky both countries spoke English or else she would be completely lost. Hmm...it looked official enough, and this was a fine, upstanding looking gentleman. He had to be in order to be a part of the military police. Not some random shady person on the street. She looked up at him, giving him a nod.

"Yep, looks good. And no need to call me Madame. I'm younger then you are, after all, so that just makes me feel old," she said casually, but not disrespectfully. She got on a walky talky, informing the ship's captain of the situation. "Hey, about this dude that we have on our ship..." she began to explain, leading to a short conversation. "Yeah, not much we can do about that...yeah...I know...uh-huh...yes ma'am!" She perked up to attention at the end, as if being scolded. She then set the walky talky back down on the table. "Looks like we'll be seeing some action now that you have the go ahead." Just a few moments after she set it down, one of the British girls onboard asked about a deck of cards. An odd question to ask when they were only at most thirty minutes away from the battle. Well, maybe it would get their nerves back under control the all important moments before the battle started.

"Yeah, we have a deck right in here," she replied, opening a cupboard in the wall off to her right. Fumbling around with the various supplies inside, she found it and tossed the pack onto the table next to her walky talky. "Make it a short game, as we're heading out to war...war...nah. I've had that game last days before. Old maid, perhaps? Go fish?" she suggested, taking a seat.


Maria watched the incoming soldiers storming the beach through the scope of his sniper rifle. He lay on his belly on the top floor of a bunker designed to weather the bombing, the windows closed a moment ago but were now opened a crack now that the bombing had alleviated somewhat, allowing him to peer out. The sunlight washed over him, revealing what appeared to be an attractive teenage girl clothed in a pretty white dress stopping just above the knees. He had long blonde hair spread out around him as his head rested low on the ground with his sniper rifle, one eye squeezed shut to allow him to better see. How cruel of fate to make him more attractive then the average woman despite secretly being a man, as he claims to people who he lets in on this little secret. Nobody knows if he's just toying with people when he says that, which is entirely possible given his personality, but they didn't know exactly what to think. They never caught him with his pants down despite previous efforts to do so, so there was heated debate on this matter to this day among the other members of the organization that he was a part of. His organization's goal? Kidnapping men to bring back to their home countries. In his case it was Romania. He didn't really need to fight the allied soldiers here, and in fact they were just going to be getting in his way if they didn't leave. Pesky little things. They looked like ants from his position had he not been using his sights. The only good thing about this scenario is that if it distracted him it would distract those guarding the men, making things easier for him to swoop down and capture them in all of this chaos.

His sights set on a lone woman who had arrived by herself moments before the battle and was currently darting off into an alleyway that happened to be nearby. At first he thought that she had spotted him and was heading off to take him out, but that was clearly not the case now. This person didn't even have a weapon as far as he could tell. If he got unlucky then she would spot him by accident and reveal his position. How troublesome. Leaving his sniper where it was, he grasped onto his pistol and dashed down the stairs, locking the door behind him as he made his way out onto the streets. He didn't want to use his sniper and give away his position for something like this. Time to pay her and up close and personal visit. She turned the corner, breathing a sigh of relief to find her still there, now resting on top of a discarded mattress. A silly little girl. Or...wait. Something was off. It was like his instincts were telling him that this person may be more then meets the eye. Hmm...if this person was a crossdressing boy then they were really good at it. For the life of him he couldn't tell before despite having a lot of training in spotting men. Of course he, himself, was the best at it, but he may have found a runner up. It at least gave him enough doubt not to kill her this very moment.

"It's dangerous to be out here alone in an active war zone," he said charmingly, lowering his pistol to his side. "May I ask your name?" If she was careless then she would give out a male name and confirm his suspicions. If she gave him a female name then he had put some thought into this trickery or was actually a female. He didn't know what to do if that was the case. Well, either way he'd probably just kidnap her.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Card Captor
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Card Captor The passing through Kamen Rider

Member Seen 4 hrs ago

Tommy was surprised and scared to see someone walk up to him with a firearm 'calm down. You don't know that she knows you're really a male' he had to remind himself. The shock from being found out before still was affecting greatly. Considering his mother was killed and he was almost turned into a sex toy it was understandable, especially given the looks and lewd comments his captures made. He was lucky that none of them violated him before they got to the facility. "M-my name i-i-is Tammy" he answered. Tommy was 'gifted' with an androgynous sounding voice. It made pretending to be a girl much easier since he didn't have to worry about altering his voice. Learning to answer with the name Tammy had taken a lot of work. To make things easier for him, his mother had chosen a name that was only one letter different from his real one. As pathetic as it made him feel, he had trained all his life to pretend to be a girl. He had even worked on faking sensitivity about his flat chest
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Protagonist


Member Seen 11 mos ago

Hale hears her comment on why she doesn't like to be called 'madame'. Of course! You don't make a woman feel old. He says "Yes, miss."
Hale strapped his helmet on a little tighter, and then inspected his Mac-10. Silencer worked. Sights worked. Incendiary Ammo? Check.
He then looked at his shield. No cracks. Perfectly clean. One could almost see his face in it.
The Taser in his left holster....worked. He wasn't sure if he'd be using it. He wasn't here to arrest the enemy. Still, it only weighed a tiny bit, so he was going to bring it.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Etcetera
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Etcetera Misty Skies

Member Seen 12 days ago

Isis and Artemis smiled at each other as they stuck the landing and starter packing up their gliders. "Man, that could have gone way worse, with a moving targeeeeEEHT!" Isis yelled as she tripped over one of the boards on the deck. Artemis laughed and retorted, "So you can jump from a thousand feet in the air onto a moving ship's deck, but you can't walk across that same deck. Smooth." as she helped her up. "Whatever, let's just go get the mission details and hope that nobody saw that." Isis replied, her cheeks turning red. Artemis loved toying with her sister, especially when it came to her flaws, because she knew that her strengths would cover her own flaws, and vice versa. They were so close that people said that they were "holding hands in the womb," and they worked well as a team. Artemis also enjoyed teasing Isis about not being able to find a boyfriend, something that she herself couldn't do, but didn't care quite as much. She cared enough though. The two laughed and continued walking towards the center of the ship.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by CallingField


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Lily raised an eyebrow quizzically when someone actually fished out a deck of cards.

“Really? I was actually kidding, I didn’t think anybody really had one,” she said. She looked at the cards, then shrugged. It was better than doing nothing. She picked up the pack and opened it. “You know how to play Crazy Eights?” she asked the girl who’d given her the cards. She looked into the pack and groaned. About half of the cards were missing for some reason. “Well, that’s lovely. Never mind.” She showed the half-empty pack to the girl. “Who does this?” She closed the pack and started absentmindedly throwing it up into the air and catching it.

She played catch with herself in silence for a moment before breaking the ice. “So, where you from?” she asked the girl who’d fished out the cards. She couldn’t place her accent. Australian, maybe?
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by ImportantNobody
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Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Maria smiled innocently at Tammy. How adorable her stuttering and over-all demeanor was. It was possible that she was still a boy, but he couldn't be sure. Her chest was flat, which was one of the reasons for his suspicions in the first place, but that wasn't a good enough give-a-way. She's mistaken some flat chested girls in the past for being boys, leading to quite the embarrassment when he tried to turn them in for reward money.

"Would you like to come with me? Strength in numbers" He said, extending his right hand out towards him as he took a few steps closer. "I may not look like it, but I'm actually quite tough."


Seinna found the term "Miss" to be too formal as well, but that was just her. Trying to get him to loosen up would be more trouble then it was worth so she just accepted it. Such formality was supposed to be the norm anyways within the military, so she was the odd ball in that circumstance.

"Men still need to be accompanied under such circumstances, don't they?" She questioned Hale. "I'll follow you wherever you're ready to head out. Don't bother thanking me; that's what I've been assigned to do just now." She turned to face Lily as she spoke up. "Traveling all the way across the ocean is boring, so cards are a valuable resources around these parts on our down time. Looks like everyone got a little sloppy with them over the weeks, unfortunately. I'm from New Zealand. Judging by Hale's identification he's American, and you must be...let me guess..." She pondered for a moment. She had dark skin, so she could be African American. But the accent was a little... "British?" She asked. Most of the British soldiers were busy over in Europe with the WRP, but they were able to afford some soldiers to assist in the fight against the Arabian Empire as well.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Etcetera
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Etcetera Misty Skies

Member Seen 12 days ago

"Jeez Isis, you would think this was a ghost ship or something." Artemis said, breaking the silence. Isis giggles in reply. "Yeah, it's kind of weird. At least we aren't being swarmed by the whole 'twin obsessed' crowd." "No way, you're both twins?!" They said at the same time, giggling, as they made their way across the ship.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Card Captor
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Card Captor The passing through Kamen Rider

Member Seen 4 hrs ago

Noticing her eyeing his chest, he covered it up with one of his arms. Other's seemed to interpenetrate that as A cup angst. "O...okay" Tommy replied hesitantly as he got up. "Do...do you know what's going on here? I only arrived half an hour ago by boat. The next thing I knew there were gunshots. I thought Dubai was supposed to be a safe place. I'm starting to wonder if I'm cursed or something"
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Protagonist


Member Seen 11 mos ago

Hale looks to Sienna and says "Alright. I think...no, I'm certain I'm ready!"
He holds his breath a moment. Stress can do that to some people. Still, no amount of preparation will ever suffice. He should leave as soon as he can.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by CallingField


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Lily’s ears perked up at the conversation she overheard between Hale and the New Zealander. If he was going to be heading into battle, that meant that there wasn’t anything keeping the rest of them away from the front lines. She didn’t know exactly how to feel about that, but at least the waiting would be over soon.

“Does this mean we’ll be seeing some action now?” she asked the two of them tentatively.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by ImportantNobody
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Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Maria's smile broadened as she took the bait.

"Dubai has been made part of the Arabian Empire. As such they are currently the target of a NUA invasion, their bitter enemy. I've been hiding in a bunker a little ways from here. Let's go there until the fighting dies down. Don't worry. The allied forces will not be able to harm us."

He turned around to begin walking back towards the bunker, nodding for her to follow him. He could take him by force if he had to, but it was far to risky to do so at the moment when it was possible to do things the easy way. Once inside the bunker and the doors were locked he could probably knock her out pretty easily and check to make sure that his target was a male. If not then he might as well just kill her and be done with it.


Sienna nodded at Lilly's question.

"Our ship is on it's way to Dubai as we speak. I'm going to go up and get some fresh air before we get in to close."

She strolled out the door, making her way onto the deck, which put her face to face with a pair of twins who were heading her way. Odd. She would have remembered someone like them onboard. How did they get here?! She quickly raised her sub-machinegun at them.

"Halt! Who goes there?!" She shouted, nervous of this being an enemy ambush. A couple more women stormed up behind her and also raised their weapons.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Card Captor
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Card Captor The passing through Kamen Rider

Member Seen 4 hrs ago

"A bunker!?" Tommy exclaimed excitedly "oh that's just wonderful. It sounds like a much safer place to wait out this battle then an alleyway." What a stroke of luck; to think someone would just find him and offer him a place in a safe bunker to keep him safe from the battle. However, right then something occurred to him "but wait; if you have a safe bunker to hold up in...then what are you doing outside?"
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Etcetera
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Etcetera Misty Skies

Member Seen 12 days ago

Artemis giggled as she put her index finger on the barrel of the gun and pressed down. "Relax, we jumped out of a helicopter. We're the representatives from the Israeli branch of the alliance." Isis just let her sister take the conversation over; she was always the more charismatic one, after all. She also always ended up being the charmer too, but Isis didn't usually get jealous; they appreciated each other's strengths.
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