Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by CallingField


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Lily raised an eyebrow at Avery. “You alright, mate?” she asked her. “You look like you’re about to be sick.”

Maybe she was just a bad flier. If so, she probably wouldn’t be having too much fun in a minute. Lily chuckled a little to herself at that. Just being in a plane doesn’t seem so scary compared to having to jump out of a perfectly good one. Come to think of it, Lily had never sky dived herself. She suddenly felt a little nervous, now that she was thinking about it.

Well, there was a first time for everything, wasn’t there?
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by WittyReference

WittyReference the Living Dead

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

"Sarge! Takin' fire! Evasive Maneuvers!" Alfred Pimoni was the best damn rear guardsman Curtis ever had the pleasure to lead. The amount of times he was able to repel a flank attack or react to an ambush led some of the men to think he was some sort of psychic. Affectionately referred to as "the Great" Pimoni, Al was the best of the best.
The gunshot echoed through the alley, but Al was louder still. Already resting alert upon his cane securely founded in the pavement, Curtis was able to hoist himself off the ground in barely enough time to avoid being genuinely crippled, the bullet scraping across his uniform and leaving a large tear his pant leg. Lowering himself to the ground, Curtis cried to the blonde in disbelief.

"Do you know how long a male uniform takes to ship these days?!" In a huff, Curtis dropped his rouse and broke into a full sprint toward the woman. Shipping or no, he wasn't about to shoot the bitch. He'd just need to shorten the distance enough for a good wallop.

Maria's eyes grew wide as his prey bolted forward. How could a master of deceit not noticed such a ruse? More importantly, how was this old bastard dodging the-hell-fire-of-bullets-she-was-firing! Each stringed thought that passed between his doll like eyes was punctuated by an echoing shot as rounds left his pistols in quick succession as he backpedaled toward the woman(?) behind him.

Curtis narrowly dodged the onslaught of bullets thanks to the flurry of voices in his head barking tactical maneuvers; a broken psyche's interpretation of such rapid reaction time. Closing the distance quickly, the Sargent raised his cane above his head, ready to crash down upon the blonde's pretty head.

Maria nearly panicked as the man flew towards him, weapon hoisted and ready to strike. Thinking quickly, Maria hobbled on one heel and quickly jutted the other into the man's stomach, aiming his brilliantly gleaming pistol dead between his eyes.

With an oomph, Curtis felt his body crash against a spike and himself staring down the barrel of an unfriendly iron. Hastily gripping the woman's ankle in one hand, Curtis twisted her leg and swatted her pistol away with the cane in the other sending it toppling toward the woman still clenching the glass to her own throat in dismay.

Landing hard on the pavement, Maria scrambled to recover his weapon only to be pulled back by the old bastard still clinging to his leg through now with both hands and yanking him along the cement roughly. Turning from his weapon back to the man, Maria cut a swath across his forehead with her other heel leaving a gash and temporarily blinding the man long enough to grab his cane.

Curtis flinched as the heel slashed across his face, seeping blood into his vision. He flinched even more as his own came crashed down across the top of his head. His eyes shut tight, his ears ringing, Curtis almost didn't hear the familiar sound of his cane sword being unsheathed.

"Sarge, goddammit get your thumb outta your ass!" With a surge of energy, Curtis nearly the crushed the woman's leg in his palm as he wiped the blood from his eyes and saw the glint of metal before him.

"We tried to be civil..."

Curtis huffed to himself violently as he twisted the woman's wrist, wresting the blade from her hand. Climbing atop the woman, Curtis lifted the blade ready to cleave her pretty head from her shoulders. At least, until he heard the click of a pistol hammer from behind him.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by ImportantNobody
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Member Seen 4 yrs ago

"I-...I'll be fine..." she answered, swaying ever so slightly as nausea continued to run it's course through her body. Her brown hair fell over her face as she tucked her head in between her knees, trying her best to recover. She couldn't afford to remain in such a state when everyone's, not just her own, lives were on the line. Maybe if she focused on a conversation she could recover.

"So, once we get out of this, what's the first thing you're going to do? I'm planning on watching a re-run marathon of Crazy Days, the television show where a bunch of women have to fight for the love of a single guy. Funny stuff..."

Talking about their futures might do more good then just distracting her from her motion sickness and fear of heights. It could also get them to bond and give them more motivation to keep on living and face their fears in this battle to come. Something to look forward too in this bleak looking world.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Protagonist


Member Seen 11 mos ago

Adam says "I'm going to Disneyland."
He smirks a little and says "No really. That's what I plan on doing. After that, I'll finish my autobiography and publish it."
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Etcetera
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Etcetera Misty Skies

Member Seen 12 days ago

Isis and Artemis looked at each other in excitement. "Nuclear fusion reactor!" They squealed at the same time. "Yeah, we're going to visit the biggest particle accelerator and reactor in Israel!" Isis added.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by CallingField


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

What would they do when this was over, huh? That conveniently ignored the very real possibility that some or all of them could easily die within the hour. But still, it was a nice distraction.

What will I do if I manage to survive? Lily thought. She hadn’t really been thinking about it lately. She wasn’t generally the type to plan too far into the future anyway, but lately in particular she’d been very distracted.

“Wouldn’t mind going out for some chips. It’s been ages since I’ve done that,” she offered weakly, shrugging.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by ImportantNobody
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Member Seen 4 yrs ago

"We're under fire! Everyone hold on tight!" The pilot shouted back into the helicopter loud enough for everyone to hear. However, that was probably an unnecessary statement because it become immediately obvious when the bullets began pelting against the armor of the helicopter and whizzing by it's windows. They jerked hard to the left and down, dodging the gunfire for a moment while it had to adjust the aim accordingly. The attackers were just women on the ground with machineguns, but they were numerous and relentless in their attack, not too keen on allowing aircraft past the defensive lines. One of them got a lucky hit on the blade, causing a dreadful and ominous sputtering and clanking sound just moments before the only vehicle keeping them from plunging to their deaths was now doing just that. Some of the soldiers were reserved enough or too frightened to speak, while others let out cries of terror as they nose dived dangerously low into the city. Somehow the pilot managed to angle them back up just moments before impact, causing them to slam roughly into the ground on the belly of the helicopter. They skidded violently across the streets, skipping along like a stone over water until it reached it's final destination by crashing through the window of a building near the end of the road that they had managed to fall into.

All that Sienna felt through the vibrations in her seat rather then sight, because she had her eyes firmly squeezed shut as she sat trembling in her seat. The seatbelt strapped over her body did it's part in keeping her in one piece, but in it's final smash through the building it had taken too much violence to withstand, ripping out from her seat and spilling her into the isle. Broken glass fell on top of her, but that was the least of her worries. She opened her eyes as the dust settled, shocked that she was still alive. The helicopter's armor must be far better then she had previously thought to survive such an impact. Well, "survive" was used loosely, for it was certainly not going to just start up and fly again any time soon, if ever. All of the windows were busted out or cracked, the blades had been completely torn off, and there was a massive dent on the upper left side of the cockpit, crushing the pilot between the metal and the chair. She couldn't see much of the pilot from within the mangled wreckage, but from what she could see, she was more then likely dead. The same fate befell some of the soldiers who had been knocked around and scattered the isle while limbs thrown haphazardly about. The surviving medic on board tried desperate to revive them, but to no avail.

Doing a quick head count of those still able to count, including herself there were twelve. Not much of an attack force, and to make matters worse they were now trapped behind enemy lines. They did crash near their target building, but did they really stand any chance? Was there any point in continuing the mission? Sienna rubbed her aching head as she stumbled onto her feet. Just then she heard the sound of shouting and thudding footsteps approach the building they had crashed inside. Uh oh. Looks like things were about to get even worse.

"Everyone look out!" She warned everyone just before they were under attack by another hail of machinegun fire. She ducked underneath the window as bullets soared through the now open windows. She didn't have time to count how many soldiers there were, but there were certainly a lot of them. Overcoming the intense fear of this situation, or perhaps because of it, she unleashed her counterattack, popping up from cover to fire upon the advancing women with everything she had. They only wore light armor and were densely packed, allowing her bullets to tear through the advancing hoard with surprising ease. Around five collapsed, but she didn't have time to check for sure. Everyone was a blur as she sweeped her gun around, hearing the click of her ammo running out much sooner then expected. Drat! She ducked back down, fumbling with her clip to reload. She could hear them getting closer and closer with every passing moment.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by CallingField


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

The world had gone quiet, Lily noticed as she lay on the floor of the helicopter. All she could hear was a steady ringing sound. What had just happened? Everything around her was blurry, it felt like her whole body was in pain, and her head was killing her. As her vision came back into focus, she tried to take in the scene around her. The helicopter was completely totaled. There were mangled bodies strewn all over, and so many people lying immobile, covered in blood. How many of those were also dead, and how many simply injured? She watched the others who were still alive scurrying around, trying to get out and find cover, trying and failing to revive the fallen. Nobody seemed to be paying her any mind.

Do I look like I’m dead? she wondered. Come to think of it, the top of her head felt oddly wet. She reached an aching hand up to touch it, and then brought it back in front of her face. There was a little bit of blood on her fingers. Wonderful, she thought. Just what I need right now.

The ringing in her ears was starting to subside and the world was once again filled with sounds of all kind. But it was the sound of gunshots that snapped her to her senses. She was still in a warzone. She was alive, but she could die any second. The adrenaline was apparently enough to fill her body with life again, because she quickly found herself on her feet, grasping her weapon tightly.

She scrambled to the window and saw the soldiers charging the building. She ducked down next to Avery just before a hail of bullets came through the open window. When the bullets momentarily stopped flying, Lily popped up with her rifle and unloaded on the enemy soldiers. Her head was still spinning and she could barely tell where she was aiming the damn thing. She was fairly certain she saw some of them fall down, but she wasn’t sure. All of the sudden, she realized that her gun wasn’t firing bullets anymore. She panicked and ducked behind cover again, hastily trying to reload.

Had she just killed somebody? She might have, any of those bullets could’ve been a lethal shot, but she wasn’t sure. It was strange, not even knowing. She had been dreading the moment where she’d be forced to kill someone for so long, she figured it would be a bigger deal. Yet here she was, not even knowing for sure if she’d done it at all.

Not the time! she thought. She tried to stay focused on what was going on around her. The enemy was coming fast, there were a lot of them, and they wouldn’t be able to defend this position for long.

“We need to get out of here!” she shouted to whoever could hear her. Was she slurring her words? She couldn’t really tell. “They’ll be on top of us any minute!”
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Protagonist


Member Seen 11 mos ago

Adam heard the sound of a bullet hitting the armor of the airplane. His response was to grab his shield and raise it up to protect himself (and the two people sitting next to him somewhat) in case a bullet got inside. Which eventually happened. It bounced off the ceiling, and then a wall, and then hit somebody else in the chest. Luckily, by that time it had lost its inertia. And while the lady clearly felt it, she was not injured any more than had someone tossed a tennis ball at her ballistic vest.

And then the aircraft began to fall out of the sky. It's a blur to him exactly what happened; he felt himself suddenly become weightless, and nearly blacked out. However, when the ship 'landed' (if you could call it a landing) he suddenly felt himself violently yanked back into reality. He went for his trench knife and cut his seatbelt loose. He stood up, somewhat dizzy. He had injured his leg just a little, but he hardly felt it thanks to adrenaline. It was however, a non-serious injury, the kind treated by sitting down for a little while.

When he heard gunshots, he hid behind the wall of the chopper. He heard Lily requesting an exit. He shouted "Agreed! Are any of the exits clear!?"
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