Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Protagonist


Member Seen 11 mos ago

In other words, Nobody's going to bed? :)
(Sorry, I can't help myself)
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Frettzo
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Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by WittyReference

WittyReference the Living Dead

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Name: 1SG T. Anthony Curtis

Age: 97 ; b. Dec.16, 1917

Gender: Male

Nationality: United States

25, Circa 1942
94, Circa 2010

Personality: Loyal to a fault, First Sargent Curtis serves the US and the NUA without hesitation believing Democracy and Free Trade the only means to a civilized peace. Though hounded by his actions past and present, Curtis has yet to refuse a direct order despite his moral objections placing faith in the wisdom of the Allies.

Strengths: A super soldier from another era, Curtis' impressive abilities have waned with time but make him more than a match for any single opponent.
-Increased Longevity
-Increased Durability
-Increased Reflexes

Weaknesses: Between his crippling aversion to violence and myriad of disorders, Curtis' place on the battlefield hinges on his ability to hide his doubts from his superiors long enough to find out what happened to Echo Squad. Hormonally disfigured as a result of his time in Himmelreich's facility, all of Curtis' biological functions are regulated artificially via medicinal serum supplied by NUA scientists.

-Biological needs controlled artificially
-Haunted by the past and slow to act as a result
-Unhealthy obsession with uncovering the whereabouts of his old squad

SIX (6) Vials of Bio-Serum
ONE (1) Simple Black Cane-Sword
ONE (1) Colt 45 Peacemaker
SIX (6) 45 ACP rounds
ONE (1) Pack of Skittles

Bio: A US Squad leader during the Storming on Normandy, then-Corporal Curtis' squadron Echo was cut off from the main force and captured. Gagged and blindfolded, the men were moved to a testing facility under Dr. Himmelreich for use in his experiments into the Y Chromosone. Weeks of genetic meddling and microscopic torture drug on until Curtis saw a chance to escape. Leading his weakened Echos out of their cells, small group of men snuck directionless through the facility desperate for an exit.
Fate had other things in mid however as they were spotted by a patrol and chased into the facility's storage rooms. With no where left to run, the Echos dug furiously through the containers for something to defend themselves with. Rather than weapons or armour however, the squad stumbled upon large syringes filled labeled "SUPER" and full of blue liquid. Out of options and out of time, Echo soldiers injected the strange liquid and found themself hunter rather than prey. Not only thwarting their aggressors, but blowing up the facility in the process, Curtis's new Super Soldiers rejoined the main force and pushed further into Normandy.
Welcomed home as heroes, the Echos were sent for testing where the full effects of Himmelreich's experiments were felt. Side effects began popping up among the Echos, some suffered general apathy and loss of energy, others became irritable and violent while others seemed to show no effect at all. It wouldn't be until years later the truth would be uncovered.
While medication and therapy slowed the effects, soon the levy broke. Echos in the first group had long ago lost the capacity to care at all and overdosed on their provided medication; three and a half times the lethal dose. The second group led a coup, injuring many and fleeing the care centers. The last group varied greatly, some following the first, others going rogue in liege with their brothers until only one Echo remained in his cell, weeping.
Meds for anxiety, depression, replicating testosterone, regulating estrogen, erectile dysfunction, pills to eat, pills to sleep, pills to go to the bathroom regularly, as the last of the Nation's supermen, Curtis was put on constant surveillance and heavily medicated to remain complacent and docile.
Since then, Curtis has earned the trust of his handlers and is given mostly free reign of the Center when not on an assignment. Hiding his verbose reactions to death and maternal views on his escorts, Curtis is viewed as the only true "success" of Himmelreich by the NUA though he secretly harbors a near-maddening desire to find his lost Echos once more. Are they now mercenaries for Saudi Arabia's resource plentiful empire? Have they been captured by the French to be used once more as guinea pigs? Did they simply die out years ago? It's the not knowing that's always the worst.

Quote: "It has been said that democracy is the worst form of government except all the others that have been tried." - Sir Winston Churchill
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Etcetera
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Etcetera Misty Skies

Member Seen 1 hr ago

I wonder how everyone will react to Isis' takes on morality IC...
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Protagonist


Member Seen 11 mos ago

Etcetera said
I wonder how everyone will react to Isis' takes on morality IC...

What's her take on morality?
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Etcetera
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Etcetera Misty Skies

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Protagonist said
What's her take on morality?

Well she was raised Christian and all, so she's sick of all the lesbainism in the wolrd.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by WittyReference

WittyReference the Living Dead

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Etcetera said
Well she was raised Christian and all, so she's sick of all the lesbainism in the wolrd.

Haha you're right, that should be interesting in this setting.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Protagonist


Member Seen 11 mos ago

Etcetera said
Well she was raised Christian and all, so she's sick of all the lesbainism in the wolrd.

Well, my character's also christian, so he'd more or less agree.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by ImportantNobody
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Characters accepted.

My character's a lesbian, so that will be interesting indeed. As long as she just doesn't get too outspoken about it things should be fine.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by WittyReference

WittyReference the Living Dead

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

I don't know if my character even cares about any of that. In his prime (the 40's and 50's at least) being a homosexual was on par with being a communist but now after everything that's happened I think he just has more important things to worry about than what people do in their free time.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Frettzo
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Member Seen 23 days ago

So, my character's French, what must I do to make her work along the NUA soldiers? Elise doesn't care about who sleeps with who, as she's bisexual herself.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by WittyReference

WittyReference the Living Dead

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Wait, Elise is working with us? This should be interesting...
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Etcetera
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Etcetera Misty Skies

Member Seen 1 hr ago

ImportantNobody said
Characters accepted.My character's a lesbian, so that will be interesting indeed. As long as she just doesn't get too outspoken about it things should be fine.

Ehhhhh, she's used to it, to an extent, but if anyone talks about it or makes out with their girlfriend or something, she may show her distaste. If anything, you'll be able to tell through body language. Or did you mean your character?
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Frettzo
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Member Seen 23 days ago

I don't know if she's working with the main group! That's why I'm asking xD I think I read somewhere in the OP that every character had to be part of the same group, no matter their country of origin.

Also, I finished the sheet at last!
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by ImportantNobody
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Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Your character is a traitor, Frettzo? I guess she could be a spy.
Edit: we don't have to be in the same group. We just don't want any loners. I can have a character with her.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by WittyReference

WittyReference the Living Dead

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Frettzo said
I don't know if she's working with the main group! That's why I'm asking xD I think I read somewhere in the OP that every character had to be part of the same group, no matter their country of origin.Also, I finished the sheet at last!

Well, either way I look forward to the day our character's meet.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Frettzo
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Member Seen 23 days ago

Well, she has been a member of a few Black Ops, the government might have attempted to kill her and her old friends, and she managed to escape and meet up with the group. She might be a bit hostile at first, but knowing she's on the run, she wouldn't be too picky about who to stay with as long as they don't shoot her in the back.

Spies and traitors are not in my writing repertoire yet :p It's too hard to write a spy in a convincing and interesting manner.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by ImportantNobody
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If they betrayed her then I'd assume she'd learned too much about something, something she wouldn't trust telling our characters at first.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Frettzo
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Member Seen 23 days ago

She might not ask any questions, but the fact that she was a Black Operative means that she knows the dirty rags. Could mean that they periodically eradicate the Operatives, to control the risk of leaked information.

And truth is, Elise will probably never tell the characters any of the dirty secrets of France, even after being quietly betrayed and exiled. If she did, they'd probably actively look for her, instead of just being happy she disappeared.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Protagonist


Member Seen 11 mos ago

So an MP, a cross dresser, a scientist, a french girl, a super soldier, and a New Zealander all walk onto a boat...
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