Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Heckno12
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Heckno12 That Guy

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Name: Rukt

Race: Krogan


Age: 324

Specialization: Sentinel


Background: Formerly the pride of the Jorgal clan, his size and short temper combined with his brute strength made him a juggernaut in any close quarters fight. He was known to crush anyone that got in his way, and that was when he was in a good mood. He was recently cast out from his clan after a 'dispute' at the Hollows (the Krogan burial ground in which fighting is forbidden) with the current clan leader became violent while which ended in the aforementioned leader's death, he took his banishment with dignity and stole a junker(crappy ship) from the hangar and left never again to be seen by the inhabitants of Tuchanka. He wears the former clan leader's armor proudly and still refuses to clean off the blood.

For now he hangs around the seedier bars on the Citadel, occasionally taking on bounties to keep the Ryncol flowing. Though it is rare that he is given missions in person due to his intimidating stature and reputation. Despite his lethality, it is almost impossible for him to be subtle, more often than not simply ramming into his target's residence and slaughtering everyone inside.

Equipment: Krogan Hammer, Claymore, Carnifex

Powers (Up to four): Tech Armor, Biotic Hammer,Electrical Hammer, Electrical Hammer, Throw
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by dabombjk
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dabombjk OneWhoYouDoNotKnow

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Name: Kieran Hishamie

Race: Human

Sex: Male

Age: 26

Specialization: Infiltrator


/6'2/185 lbs/Brown eyes/Black hair/

Backround: Kieran was born on earth, and lived a very quiet life. He never caused much trouble, and nothing exciting happened. Kieran hated it, always reading about space and other planets and aliens and wanted to go out and explore. When he was eighteen he decided to enlist into the military, much to the dissapointment to his parents and his friends, and tried to do everything he ever wanted to do. He was trained, uniformed up, and was immediately sent out to another world. But to his dissapointment he rarely saw any type of action.

He was stationed on some backwards planet out on the the very edge of Council space, right on the border between council space and the terminus systems. Kieran eagerly awaited some type of scuffle or test of his abilities but they never came. Kieran was not trigger happy, but he wanted something or anything more than a normal simple calm life. After four years of nothing he decided to not renew his contract with the military and set off. A little while later he was recruited into the Blue Suns mercenary group and was almost immediately given what he was asked for. He fought other mercenaries, he was sent off on missions to find things or protect people, and he enjoyed every minute. He did not truly enjoy taking the life of another, but the adventure was something to behold.

Years later Kieran was able to obtain the rank of officer, and was sent to Eden Prime for a recruitment drive. Fortune quickly flew south as the planet was attacked by Geth, but Kieran fought back hard and quick. He led civilans to safety then rushed off to where it looked like a strange black ship had flown to. He saw a turian command the Geth, and decided then to followed him instead. He eventually came across a beacon, Prothean in nature but that was unknown at the time to Kieran, and was affected by it. He was given visions, but nothing was very clear. He passed out, and when he woke up, he woke up on the citadel. After speaking of impending doom and destruction he was taken to the Council to retell his story, but was dismissed after. Everyone though he was crazy, just some mercenary that was screaming for attention.

After his meeting, Kieran met an agent for the Shadow broker. The shadow broker believed him, and gave him a mission with the promise of course of monetary gain. He wanted Kieran to kill Saren, the Turian that he saw on Eden Prime. Eager for revenge, Kieran agreed. Kieran was given a list of people and dossiers on them that Shadow Broker suggested he recruited. He was also given a ship and a few other supplies.

Equipment: M-11 supressed pistol/ M-92 Mantis sniper rifle/ Omni Blade

Powers: Tactical Cloak/ Sabotage/ Sticky Grenade/ Disruptor ammo
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by AquaAzura
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Member Seen 7 yrs ago


Kato'Reigan Nar Rayya










Kato is average height of a Quarian, which is slightly below Human and Asari averages, he is also average weight for a Quarian on their Pilgrimage, which is more muscular and leaner then leaving the Flotilla, losing the last of his baby fat with the more physically intense life style of a Pilgrimage and eating the bare Minimum. If it weren't for his Environmental suit he would look like any other Quarian, his Envio-suit is mostly white with some black in it, a White Envio-suit is rare and he was given it due to his artistic nature.


Kato was an especially artistic child, a rarity in the Flotilla after so many centuries out in the void of space. Art, music, and dance is impractical but is considered precious the few people who are naturally gifted in the arts are treated as rare as Eezo. Kato wasn't only artistic but he was technologically gifted as well often considered both art and science as the same thing but with different rules. Kato was said to be spoiled sweet, as he was always a nice, soft-spoken, and an emotionally intelligent kid. But due to the high exceptions of all those around him made him anxious and fear failure even more so compared to other Quarians, he always felt like he was never good enough and because of that he left many art, music, and tech projects unfinished before they were completed.

Luckily Kato was sent out on his Pilgrimage, where many of the people worried for him believed he will become less anxious once he sees the wider galaxy. Once he was trained on how to survive outside the Flotilla Kato's first stop is the Citadel where he will figure out where to go from there. During his few weeks at the Citadel he took odd jobs here and there making money, sometimes his jobs were repairing ships off the grid, others was hacking into rival banks accounts and getting a pitiful amount of the share, but he never argued and kept his head down and nodded.

His current job is him being contacted by a Shadow Broker agent and sent onto a task to blackmail a company for holding out information about scanners and the information they can give. After getting access to the scanners and the limited amount of data he uncovered, Kato was further tasked to scan a few dozen Keepers and study the data he finds and once he got anything useful or interesting he will send a copy to the Shadow Broker.


M-3 Predator, M-9 Tempest, Customized Omni-Tool


Overload, Cryo Blast, Incinerate, Tactical Scan
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by NecroKnight
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NecroKnight Elite Death Knight of Decay

Member Seen 22 days ago

Name: Zeral T'Amani

Alias: Night-wind

Race: Asari

Sex: Monogender (Feminine)

Age: 435

Specialization: Adept


Background: Zeral had been born on Thessia, a second child to the T'Amani family - alongide her older sister Zoral. Zeral' life would have remained as average as usual amongst the other billions of asari in the Galaxy. Her fate changed however, when her sister Zoral went missing - while doing some works in a remote colony on the Galactic Fringe. Zeral had finished her studies in cultural anthropology - she set off the to find her older sister.

When she found the colony, it was empty and deserted - void of all life or the sign of any that had existed there. While initial reports had called this a pirate raid, Zeral wasn't about to give up on her sister - even if she had been taken by pirates or slavers. So at the age of one-hundred thirty-five - Zeral began her journey into the Terminus.

Throughout three centuries, Zeral would continue her search for Zoral. Her initial findings let to locating rumours about how, the colony that her eldest had been on - had been targeted by a group called 'Collectors'. Zeral deeming it somesort of pirate gang continued her search, joining up with Eclipse once and learning how to use a weapon and her biotics for combat.

Slowly over the years, Zeral made a name for herself in the Terminus - albeit, not the kind that people would usually expect. Called Night-Wind or in asari terms 'Seeker of the Unknown Deep'. In human terms, she would be called a conspiracy theorist - somebody whom had spent a good portion of her life chasing mysteries and weird occurences. Compared to them however - Zeral had the time, patience and knowledge to seek her claims and often finding strange things that changed her beliefs completely.

Over the years, she had started researching about these 'Collectors' - and then digging deeper and deeper, until her trails let her towards the history of the fallen Prothean Empire. As Zeral continued her search, using her knowledge in cultural anthropology - she deduced that something was very wrong and hidden in the dark corners of the Galaxy. Over the years, she had stumbled and collected strange artifacts - that she had sold to a mysterious benefactor. Unbeknowst to her, being the 'Shadow Broker'.

Equipment: Acolyte(Pistol), M-55 Argus Assault Rifle

Powers: Warp, Biotic Sphere, Barrier, Flare
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by dabombjk
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dabombjk OneWhoYouDoNotKnow

Member Seen 1 yr ago


Everything about Bob is classified.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Crono
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Crono Dudeman

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Name: Nathan Campbell

Race: Human

Sex: Male

Age: 25

Specialization: Soldier

Appearance: Nate stands at 5'9 and weighs 165 being more lean than stocky. He tends to wear leather gloves and long sleeves when on mission so that his prosthetic isn't openly noticeable.

Background: Nathan was born on Terra Nova. Both Nate's father and brother were both military, so it was basically decided he'd follow in their footsteps the day he was born. The young and naive Nathan was excited to do so but as he grew older he became less inclined. No amount of teenage rebellion prevented this, so when he came of age Nate signed up. It hadn't been what he wanted out of life exactly but once Nathan was in he saw the potential and the military ended up making a decent soldier out of him. Early on he'd been assigned to a distant planet in the middle of nowhere. The troop he was placed with being the same as Kieran Hishamie. The two were friends for a few years until Kieran decided to seek out more adventure in the stars and leave the military.

Since then Nate has been bounced around from post to post when needed. At one point whilst overseeing cargo to it's destination on another planet Nathan's ship came under attack by hired mercenaries. Both sides took casualties until the mercenaries pulled back but not before Nathan took a hard hit from a Krogan warhammer. The result was amputation of his mangled arm from the shoulder down. They were quick to give Nathan a Seraphtech prosthetic arm. This gave him some squeeze room in his contract and allowed Nate to be switched from active duty to the reserves. And for the last few months he's been working for a private security business on the Citadel. It had its perks and allowed him a bit more freedom than the Alliance had, though being in the reserves meant he could be called back to service anytime.

Equipment: M-96 Mattock, M-77 Paladin, Seraphtech Prosthetic Arm

Powers: Concussive Shot, Armor-Piercing Ammo, Frag Grenade, Adrenaline Rush

Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by AquaAzura
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Member Seen 7 yrs ago


Orisa Korok








Medic (Sentinel)


Orisa is average height for a female Drell which is about 5'8" and she is physically strong a well as denser then a human Female or asari and weighs about 175 pounds. Most of Orisa's skin is pale green with the odd orange patches scattered about. Her normal medical outfit is standard wear for Drell Doctors on Kahje with some small changes.


Orisa like many Drell in recent years was born on the Hanar Homeworld of Kahje. Orisa was often raised in the presence of Hanar then other Drell, due to an agreement of her parents and their Hanar contact, that he would become a Doctor. Orisa from a young age was trained in Xeno-medicine, the Drell make for good doctors due to their agile hands and excellent memories. During her youth it was learned that Orisa had Biotic potential, while she didn't train in combatant Biotics instead she learned how to make barriers and shields with her biotics as well as learning how to use experimental combat tech to better survive a battlefield.

Once Orisa finished her training to be a Xeno-biologist and medical expert, for a few years she worked on Kahje but after awhile she wanted to see the larger galaxy instead of being trapped in a biosphere she couldn't go outside of, so after convincing her Hanar Contact to end the contract, she left Kahje a week later and wondered the Milky Way Galaxy. During this time she worked in several places throughout Citadel space as well as a few jobs in the Terminus system, during this time she caught the eye of the Shadow Broker, who she helped sevrual of their agents without asking questions and only cared about getting the job done. She recently arrived to the Citadel for a supply run and then planned to go on her way looking for work, but before she could start looking for ships to go off station she got a message for a job.


Medi-Gel Containers, Omni-Tool, M-3 Predator

Barrier, Tech Armor, Lift Grenades, Neural shock
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Bright_Ops
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Bright_Ops The Insane Scholar

Member Seen 13 hrs ago

Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Peaceless
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Peaceless Praise the Sun, skeleton!

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Ulstermann
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Ulstermann My name's Friday

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Name: Tom Carson
Age: 34
Height: 6 foot
Weight: 188 pounds
Specialization: Sentinel


In combat armour

Bio: Tom Carson was born on Earth, in the city of Belfast. Growing up, he always looked beyond the hidebound limitations of his surroundings, yearning to discover more of the Galaxy. He joined the Alliance military as soon as he was able, serving with distinction in many trouble spots. Over the years of service however he became disenchanted with the Alliance leadership and their seeming passivity in promoting the interests of humanity. He mustered out at the rank of Major.

He became a mercenary, selling his military abilities to whomever paid. He wasn't heartless though, and still possesses his own code of honour. Then came the Skylian Blitz. Carson was in the thick of the fighting there, earning him the sobriquet “The Iron Major” for his courage. He was also present during the strike at Torfan, where his mercenary group took heavy casualties wiping out the Batarians.

In the aftermath Carson was approached by an agent for Cerberus, a hidden organization working to promote humanity's interests in the Galaxy. Since then Carson has been a top agent for Cerberus, accomplishing some of the most dangerous and crucial tasks the Illusive Man has to offer. And always with the same objective in mind; to serve his species. Not that he was anti-alien. He respects many aspects of alien cultures, especially the Turians' deep sense of civic duty and sacrifice. But Humans deserve a fair shake in the Galaxy too, don't they?

Carson has also remained on the mercenary circuit, keeping his cover, and accepted the job offered by the Shadow Broker and join the ragtag team of adventurers, scholars, and soldiers who are preparing to take Saren on.

Equipment: M-96 Mattock, Phalanx Heavy Pistol, Scorpion Pistol, Frag Grenades, Combat Knife

Powers: Throw, Tech Armour, Warp, Overload
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