Avatar of Peaceless
  • Last Seen: 4 yrs ago
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  • Posts: 513 (0.14 / day)
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    1. Peaceless 10 yrs ago


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8 yrs ago
Current Hello, status reader! Yes, you! Have a great day, y'hear!
8 yrs ago
I wonder if this place would ever run a proper Play By Post with dice rolls and whatnot.
10 yrs ago
The average life expectancy of RPs here leave something to be desired.
10 yrs ago
Ah yes, looking up words in Google Translate. Used an actual paperback dictionary back in the day, but still - looks like I'm back in the saddle.
10 yrs ago
It's not the size of the brain that counts, it's how you wield it


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Sorry that I seemingly disappeared. Personal things came up and I had no access to internet for some time.

Regardless, I regret to inform all of you that I must drop out of this RP.

Thanks for letting us know. I hope you kick the ass of whatever issue prevents you from RPing.
@Mortalya Did I murder this RP?
Harmony turned towards the bars and narrowed her eyes at the would be sorcerer. She tried to decipher his actions, but only half-heartedly - this Bark's words sounded nothing more than a strangely timed attempt to assert dominance. She couldn't ignore how weird it was, however, since he was so polite to her. He had no reason to. And yes, she wasn't as much of a threat, and may even look useful for some kind of hostage situation, but try as she might she just could not make sense of it all.

She turned back to the obviously unsettled giant, now sitting on the floor in a meditative stance. Maybe he was sick. "Harmony Titanfoot." She said with unmasked pride, in a way a noble might introduce themselves, to their peers. "Call me Harm." Her family name was strangely exotic, as well as her accent, which showed in her pronunciation from time to time. Just as she was gathering the mental will to ask him about his 'seeing things other people don't', the guards dragged in another man. This one looked like a professional burglar, and save for Bark seemed to take his new situation the hardest. The guards' typical, mildly violent response eventually got him into his cell, where he proceeded to attack the walls for no effect. She never expected the Royal Dungeon's inhabitants to be so colorful, but then again, where else would you find these people?

It suddenly hit the young woman that this whole situation may take a while to unravel. She had to conserve her strength, much like her giant accomplice. In a much less theatrical fashion, she walked back to her bench and laid down, adjusting her location so the dripping doesn't hit her face.

"Sorry to be blunt, Bark, but I really don't have any other vay to ask - Do you see things that aren't there? Is the 'sorcerer' you're talking about the same guy I'm seeing in the cell across?"

I am going to say Harmony will have a basic intuitive understanding of the easy gestures, because of her skills. Beyond that I will roll.
Yo @SantosGabriel77 where is your character sheet?
Harmony considered speaking up when the guards made their short round, but it was obvious these were the kind of bored and slightly evil men that wanted to be messed with. And since she hated being locked up, it was best to bide her time. Still, one of the guards caught the part of her condescending anger in her look that she could not hide, and threw the bowl instead of putting it down as a show of dominance, half of it spilling on the floor of her cell in front of the bar it collided with. she looked at the strange discolored stuff, and suddenly knew what it was made of. Cursing her unnatural sense of danger, she quickly spit through the bars to fight off the inrush of nausea. At least this will be over soon - she was certain the audience with the king was her parents' doing (or at least influence). It was strange of them to get involved, but maybe she'd crossed some kind of invisible line by getting caught. Diplomats - go figure.

Apparently busy staring at the bowl, the short woman was roused from her thoughts by the words of the giant in the adjacent cell. He was a surprisingly smooth talker, except that last bit which completely threw her off. What was he doing? Did he know the man across the hall? Joining with him seemed like a good bet, but would it mean she'd have to fight this wizard as well?

She walked towards their common wall and put a hand on the bars. The sensation was similar to having her hand bitten off by rabid dogs, but she just shook it off. "Hey." Her voice was soft. The man's outcry was a mixture of rage and desperation, and it was the second part she could not understand. "Hey, do you knou dat man? Vat is he doing and hau do ve stop him?"

Her foot braced against the bar she was holding, as she trusted her size and strangely sharp instincts to allow her to roll away from the barrier if the giant tries to grab her through the bars.

Hey guys, remember when I mentioned the whole "one post per day at the most" and you were all "OMG nooo what a rusher"?

@Peaceless It isn't exactly a wall.. It's just a set of iron bars between you. You can totally see everyone. The black lines are iron bars.

Yeah, I thought as much. Thanks.

Unrelatedly, somehow everyone assumed Harmony was playing with her shiv in the open, which would be pretty silly since she planned on stabbing Bark with it in the d*ck if he tried anything, and that would work only if he didn't knew it existed. I am willing to go with the flow here if the DM approves none of the guards noticed.
OH there is a wall between my and the baby eater! Whoops. Pictured this completely differently.

You can already see how much of a help these are going to be.
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