"We MUST escape The City and SURVIVE. We must tell the outside what really happened here..."
The Attack on our City was the deadliest act of Terrorism the Western world has even known; at exactly 9AM, just as people were going to work, explosions and randomly placed bombs unleashed a literal hellstorm upon a major city, with a population in the millions.
9/11 was bad, this is worse.
Within minutes, before the cityfolk understood what was happening or where the explosions were coming from, their City was Quarantined and Martial-Law was declared. Several massive bombs have detonated spontaneously around the city. And the citizens are penned in like cattle. The urbanite uprising became inevitable and necessary after the Armageddon; civilians banded together for any hope of survival and to share resources. The air raid sirens came shortly after the first explosions, and induced instant panic and chaos among the civilians. The Military response was swift, aggressive and only fanned the flames of confusion.
Looters and rioters emptied the Grocery Stores first, within the first few minutes of The Announcement - Martial Law declared on our City. Civil unrest and disobedience becomes the norm, due to an increasing Military presence within the city walls - soldiers march through the streets, forcefully questioning the citizens about any involvement in the ongoing attacks on The City.
At around the same time as the grocery stores being stripped of groceries, shoe stores were emptied by urban youth.
After that, there wasn't really anything left to loot, so the rioters took their anger and arson to churches, soup kitchens and restaurants, forcing the patrons and owners out of their own businesses. These urban ruffians then set up makeshift Shelters and hoarded valuable RESOURCES and provisions for their Gangs, little sanctuaries in the midst of Hell. Electric Power to the city has been cut-off completely and diverted towards the war-effort by the Military stormtroopers. The citizens fear to treat outdoors for risk of getting blown up or interrogated by the Military or Police, who seem to be operating in unison.
The pious, law-abiding citizens who did NOT in the camaraderie, rioting and looting........were promptly murdered for their jewelry, food and shoes, in that order.
1. Resources are scarce/non-existent. If you want food, kill for it. Or wait for more Rations from the President's "Rescue Package."
2. City is a smoldering ruin, approximately 75% of infrastructure is destroyed or off-line, but sanctuaries and makeshift hideouts/bomb-shelters have been hastily constructed by the citizens.
3. Sanctuaries and makeshift hideouts have been constructed by the citizens.
4. Communication is down. No contact with outside world.
5. It is now becoming clear that our hallowed City was the target of a foreign terrorism attack, possibly religious and ideological in nature. Electric Power to the city has been cut-off completely and diverted towards the war-effort.
0. You're probably fucked.

Our once peaceful domain has been disrupted by Police in riot gear, beating citizens into submission, forcing them indoors or Underground.. Those that dared look out their windows, for a peek at the terror that befell our city's churches and synagogues, wished they didn't. A Curfew was established for all non-Police/non-Military individuals. Citizens that break this Curfew rule will be arrested. Or worse.
-A relief package with [Food Rations] are graciously contributed by The Boss (our President) and are en route via helicopter.
In reality, few citizens are even wandering the streets (only the ones who did not claim any resources in the first few vital hours and are seeking them out); the lucky ones are boarded up inside their homes and makeshift bomb-shelters (catastrophe preparation in urban environments tends to be a low priority, although many now regretted they did not take The Media's fear-porn seriously, scrambling to produce safe shelter.)
The blades of the helicopter kicked up dust and rubble, blinding some in the crowd. The massive mob, with outstretched arms, waited underneath the helicopter, hoping to snag a Food Ration package as it lands at the dropoff point. The helicopter was now few dozen meters above the congregation...the starved citizens looked up with joy, but were blinded once more, this time by the searchlights.
By squinting, you are able to make out the silhouette of Military soldiers in the helicopter, dropping wooden crates to the starved citizens.
You make out hooded-figure in a gas-mask, who throws down a silver Duralumin briefcase down by your feet --- you look inside expecting to find food or a first aid kit, but instead you find [Insert Starting WEAPON Here].
The Note inside reads:
"Use [STARTING WEAPON] to protect yourself.
Rendezvous with the other Revolutionaries at [St. Marina's Church of the Rosary] located on 34th Street. To retake your City, you need only join The Revolution and rip it from those who have stolen it from your hands. ""
("Wow, thanks Mysterious Stranger!", you think to yourself as you equip your fancy new Blaster rifle and head towards St. Marina's Church of the Rosary, located on 34th street. You also think to yourself that it shouldn't take you 6 IC posts to get to the church.)

-FAST-PACED EPISODIC RP :: short scenarios.
-Less-RP-related bullshit: If it takes you 72 hours to submit a simple character sheet, this RP is too FAST-PACED for you.
-Simple story, lots of Cyberpunk/Dystopian/The-Matrix series tropes.
-I pretty much already wrote your first IC post for you.
-Lots of room for YOU the RPer to develop the story how you want. (I'm not creative, hence the entire Intro being one big RP trope. So it will be up to you, Revolutionary, to turn this steaming pile of RP-rubble into a diamond.)
-Guns. Lots of guns. And explosions.
-This will not be an epic 7-part fantasy series that needs to be RPed for the next year . I have an end for this story in mind. If this RP takes more than a month or two to finish, it deserves to burn in The Revolution along with everything else.
-The Revolutionaries (your characters) will probably still be alive at the end of the RP, perma-death most likely won't be a thing. Sorry if this RP is not HARDCORE ENOUGH for you.