Avatar of Dark Lugia
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    1. Dark Lugia 10 yrs ago


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Current Fantasy RPs > all other genres :3
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@Taaj RPing is like going to a 9-5 job in a cubicle, you have to spend an hour each morning organizing your office supplies before you can start writing e-mails D:
8 yrs ago
Caffeine is the drug of choice for writers
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Just started RPing again. Anyone have any advice/critique for my Cyberpunk RP? (be BRUTAL) roleplayerguild.com/topics/1..
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[The Revolution] is up! Into Cyberpunk? Feel free to check it out: roleplayerguild.com/topics/1..


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<Snipped quote by Kazemitsu>

Other people might be just as bad or worse than zombies if there are looters around. Along with that, there's food to worry about as well... (the outbreak was quite sudden inside Raccoon City, so many of the grocery stores were only partly-looted before citizens died/escaped/went into hiding. Fortunately, zombies do not shop for groceries, only brains.)

maybe. I'm pretty sure Jack didn't stock up on an official zombie apocalypse pack :P

Plus, our characters do know that there might be another safe place thanks to Jack's off-handed comment, so the characters will need to manage and help both places a bit... even though they do need to escape.

I would say that they should find some of the weapons while scavenging around. Along with that, it was mentioned Jack had access to an RPD Radio; that could be the driving case that leads them to the police station - to reestablish a plausible connection with them. I mean, it probably will take a bit to find all the items, but they could probably head to the RPD and spoof up with protection as well in one day... essentially I'm in agreement with the turtling option.

1. Jack's radio is currently out of service & no communication with the outside world is possible. Jack has attempted to communicate externally to the authorities, but the radio seems jammed or unresponsive. This will play into a future [Mission].

2. Some people already "claimed" a [Weapon] with their CS, which they can discard when we get to the RPD. Will in the most recent post used a [Trash Can] as a weapon, so there are many ways to do damage besides just bullets. By time we're in the RPD, everyone will be armed. Starting off with a blank inventory/without Weapons just makes things more equal. Also gives everyone a common goal.

3. Regarding the "turtling" strategy: it's wise to be defensive, but there is such a thing as being too cautious. There is always the possibility that if you stay in one area too long, a bigger, stronger viral threat will be attracted to your location. If anyone is willing to be a meatshield or "tank" for the team, be my guest. The thing about the [G and T-viruses] is that the infected monsters usually aren't phased or affected much by how much damage they've taken - they're ferocious from start to finish. Even Bigby's kick in his recent post, mainly served to put distance between the [Canine] and survivors. Also there IS the option of fleeing sometimes, but in the [Alleyway] encounter with Will (my character) and Bigby (Kazemitsu's character), both players are in a narrow hallway and there is nowhere to really flee or cover oneself.
Minor spoilers/warning: many of the rooms in the RPD are also narrow hallways, except of course the lobby/main hall.
Ok, [Canine] is disposed of in this post, click here: roleplayerguild.com/posts/4465845

I realize that combat posts may be difficult, but I hope that my post gave you all clear direction as to how simple it can be. The combat encounters will all be similar to that. Please ask questions if you're still confused about the combat in this RP.

Good job @Kazemitsu for setting up the combat scenario.

@Dark LugiaI'm finally well enough to make a character and try to join. Let me know what you think of my character, I hope she's acceptable.

Approved. Thanks for giving such detail.
-Also added @Crosswire to [Meet the Cast section].

P.S. You guys also do not have to color-code any part of your posts. I only color-code sections of the IC posts so that there is no confusion as to what type of Event/Action/Item is happening in the RP (such as damage, HP total, herb, ammunition, character quotes, player actions, etc.) I hope that the coloring makes important events stand out easier to the reader.

@Majoras End


[Canine] vs. [Bigby] & [Will]
[Canine: HP 25/30]

The Canine was still on top of Will, it bared its bloodied-fangs at the survivors.
"Dammit I hate hurting dogs..." He muttered before running up and [kicked the canine in the ribs Sending it tumbling: [-15HP]] end over end down the remainder of the alleyway. He had [heard a snap, probably a rib breaking: [-5 HP]] from the steel in his boots.

Will's punches did not seem to phase the Canine; by some stroke of luck, Bigby managed to punt the dog like a ball down the alleyway, putting a fair amount of distance between the Canine and the team. Will took this opportunity to collect himself, and get his bearings. Will refocused his attack on the dog, and although unarmed, he grabbed a nearby trash can and hauled it overhead. The canine, momentarily-stunned from Bigby's kick, was now back up and sprinting madly toward's Bigby's thigh, "damn, that thing is fast" Will said as he ran towards Bigby still holding the trash can clumsily -- but Will wasn't quick enough; the hound tore a small chunk out of Bigby's thigh [-10 HP]. The canine did not see Will [smashing the trash can down onto the crazed dog's back, crushing it: [-5 HP]] until it was too late.

[Damage Taken = 15 + 5 + 5] = [25 Damage]
[Canine: HP 25/30][/u][/color] - [25 Damage] = [0/30 HP]

[Bigby] @Kazemitsu
[Damage Taken = 10]
[Bigby: HP 100/100] - [10 Damage] = [90/100 HP]

[Canine HP: 0/30]
[Canine] died.

The dog's collar indicated this was someone's pet, a proud gun-owner apparently. The owner had fashioned a leather collar and instead of attaching a tag, chose to engrave his dog's name into a [Handgun Bullet]. "Rex" was written on the bullet, which was still USABLE much to Will's surprise. "Thanks for helping me back there, you take it." Will suggested.

[Bigby Inventory]
[+1 Handgun Ammo]

Finally, Will and Bigby exited the alleyway and turned onto Fisson Street. Would they have fared better against the corpses that hadn't yet woken? Will brushed his tank-top off, accidentally touching his fresh wound and aggravating it: "No big deal, unless I get a few more of these." Only one more block to the RPD and Will could already see the top of the precinct from here.

[Fisson St. -> Ennerdale Street]

You may use this section to keep track of anything dealing with your character, including Inventory, HP, fights with enemies and battle statistics.
@Majoras End

My IC post up here: roleplayerguild.com/posts/4462980

You guys don't have to do [Alleyway] btw if you don't want to, but I would suggest sticking together.
[Will Sampson]
[Jack St. -> Fisson St.]

"[Cable], check.[Red, Blue & Green Herbs], check. [Weapon], unchecked." Will patted himself down as he looked through his Inventory in preparation for the [Mission]. Before taking a final gulp of air and entering the fray, Will addressed the crowd:
"Last chance to change your minds guys..." as he pushed open the double-bolted oaken doors of [Jack's Bar]. The smell of burned tire rubber and metal permeated the cool, night air; Raccoon City was a burning pile of wreckage and the 2 city blocks to [Ennerdale Street] would be littered with obstacles.

The handful of survivors began their descent into the night, first heading north-east towards [Fisson Street.] Will was on high-alert, and peeped around every corner, before finally walking onto the street and immediately wedged himself between two vehicles. Will felt safest between two cars, his front and back both secured, Will dreaded moving. Each time Will rose, he surveyed the street to locate the next hiding spot and inched closer and closer to Fisson Street. They traveled just a few inches, before ducking once more, only stopping the laborious process when they came upon burning debris. You wonder if the flames are getting more intense, or if there is just more burning wreckage here than a block ago. September's brisk autumn wind only fanned the flames, spreading embers and tiny coals that stung Will's skin like razorblades. Will's arm hair was singed off immediately by flying tiny embers, as Will covered his face behind his own forearm, to shield himself from the spray of embers. Nope, the raging inferno was definitely raging harder here, and Will's newly-hairless arms were a strong indicator of that.

"I gotta keep moving," Will said while keeping his eyes shielded with his slightly burned arms. The group hugged the walls close to the storefronts, and ducked in-between cars whenever possible. Every movement was slow and methodical when travelling with a group, and Will's rhythm of moving, ducking & moving again, ensured nobody lagged behind too much. Occasionally the group would happen upon the still-burning wreckage of an diesel truck and would have to take the long way around, Will wondered if [Bigby's] truck was among the wreckage.

Even worse than the burning metal and noxious fumes, were the piles of twitching corpses strewn throughout the road to [Fisson St.] Some of the corpses were pink and raw from severe burns, and others were crimson from their own blood. All of the laying bodies twitched periodically, evidently the remaining electrical-impulse in a dead body's spinal cord was still enough to cause their muscles to contract after death. Fortunately, the bodies looked very much dead, in the classic definition of the word. Still, the periodic twitching and jolting of corpses, disgusted Will.

"Dead things shouldn't move," Will muttered under his breath, as he crouch-walked in between two SUVs. Their path to Fisson Street was BLOCKED by this handful of twitching corpses. Thinking on his feet, Will poked his head out from between the two SUVs to survey the landscape:
[Will:]"Hmm...that [Alleyway] is the long-way around and will add another whole block to our travel-time, but fuck it, at least there's no trail of dead people."


"There's only a few of us here, I don't like the odds if those twitching creeps start waking up. Maybe if I had a gun to protect myself like Ol' Jack. Call me a coward, but slow-and-safe beats quick-and-dangerous - I'm taking the fucking [Alleyway]." and with that Will used his tactic of 'hiding between cars and sprinting to the next vantage point' until he reached the part of the [Alleyway] that turned north-west and away from [Fisson Street]

Raccoon City blocks were not long, but the streets were wide, seeing as the city itself was a transit center for truckers and shipping businesses. The [Alleyway] was narrow, wide-enough only for a single column of people, much like the one that was headed towards the [Raccoon Police Department] right now. Trash, but thankfully no corpses, littered the cramped alleyway, and the screams of civilians sounded more and more distant. The alleyway was quiet...too quiet. Will occasionally had to move a garbage bin out of the way, to make room for the survivors in his group. He hoped these strangers had his back. Will began huffing and puffing, moving garbage was tiring work. A few crates stacked heavy with magazines blocked the alleyway, so Will fell back slightly and allowed his teammates to assist in unblocking the passageway onto Fisson Street. The alleyway itself exited on the far side of Fisson, bypassing the trail of corpses. From there, it was only one block north towards [Ennerdale Street], and the [Raccoon Police Department] entrance would be right there, greeting them. Hopefully, the station was still guarded by policemen, but Will did not intend to stay in the precinct long. The alleyway itself was unlit, but streetlamps could be seen several yards in the distance (or was that more flame, lighting the night sky?) as the alleyway's exit and [right-turn onto Fisson Street] became visible.

Will began a slow sprint towards the street, but the nearer he got to the street, the louder the sounds of his own footsteps became. Louded and faster, Will heard more footsteps, faster than any person could run. Will stopped dead in his tracks, the other survivors almost crashed into Will's back from the sudden stop.

The team hears a low growl, followed by even faster footsteps...First they hear the panting, then rapid footsteps. Then they hear a snarl, and more footsteps...it's getting closer now. Finally, the crazed canine bursts into the alleyway from the street, barking menacingly at the survivors. The dog's face was obscured in blood and it bared its teeth, which were covered in foam and something else you'd rather not think about. Sniffing the air, the canine hones-in on his targets and approaches without fear...The hellhound leaps through the air and into the crowd...

Hey guys I need input from you all,
@Majoras End

Should I delay my next IC post so we can wait for more players to join the RP? Or should I just steamroll ahead to the RPD and everyone that hasn't already joined the RP can play catch-up to our group?

I have an IC post ready to post, but am delaying it due to the fact that we're still "waiting" (hoping?) for more players to make their Intro posts. In addition, more players/survivors have recently expressed their interest via PM as well, so we may have fresh faces joining the cast.

10/01/2017: First Battle commenced in [Alleyway].
[Will Sampson] needs help ASAP in this post: roleplayerguild.com/posts/4462980

PM me if you would like to control an enemy/zombie during a combat encounter.
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