Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Genkai
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Genkai ~ Endlessly Writing ~

Member Seen 4 days ago


Sasha Tyler_

Alias in the DgtWld:




Average Appearance:

Corrector Appearance:

Weapon of Choice and Fighting Style:

Elemental magic_

Able to conjure streams water through the wave of her hand, in the direction she wishes her attacks to go. Her attacks can only extend 13 feet. She is able to heal her allies mildly through the use of summoning plants. Broken bones second/third degree burns, large gashes and other severe injuries cannot be healed until someone logs off and seeks proper medical treatment. Urkiwa is unable to sustain close combat for more than a minute, she cannot create barriers or combine two elements together_

Cell Phone:



Speak Out Now by Oh Land

Venus by Sleeping at Last

Turn it Around by Lucius

Day and Night by Billie Piper


Outgoing, decisive, resilient and prideful.


Wheatley (Oxfordshire), England_


Fashion Design with a minor in psychology_


She grew up in Wheatley in a small home with her younger brother, Charlie. Her parents were both university professors and were often busy so it was left to Sasha to take care of the household and its duties. For the most part, she enjoyed playing outside and wandering the countryside on long weekend trips. She and Charlie supported one another with their interests. While she enjoyed dressing up and designing things, he found an interested in animals and caring for them.

As technology began to rapidly develop, Sasha learned how to use online tablets to further her design work for fashion. She goes into London to attend university while her brother drops out of school to intern at a local veterinary clinic, much to the worry of his parents. They in turn blame his wayward act on Sasha as she pretty much raised them. Sasha, fascinated by her parents' logic, decided to also take a few Psych classes to better understand the intricate dynamics of her disgruntled family.

When she was approached with a Corrector job, she took time to consider it but decided her insight on people and her creativity would lend itself well, even if she's never been much of a fighter. As she began to grow comfortable with her role as a Corrector, she also tried to repair the issues in her family but work kept calling her away. Since she couldn't be honest with her real professor, further issues began to develop.

Still, Sasha is hopeful that her brother can become a vet and get the training needed, as she would happily pay for his education with her own money. She also knows her parents are being forced into retirement as their subjects are quickly becoming obsolete with other more modern courses beginning to gain traction among students and careers.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Themerlinhawk
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Themerlinhawk Aegis Kai Doru

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Avery Tolman

Alias in the DgtWld:

Age: 23

Average Appearance:

Corrector Appearance:

Weapon of Choice and Fighting Style:

Firearms and Short blades_

Archimedes can manifest weapons from a list of weapons as needed. Archimedes current list stands at a twelve round semi-auto handgun, and a five and a half inch fixed blade combat knife. In addition to the weapons Archimedes has enhanced vision and reaction time. Beyond this Archimedes manifest equipment extends to body armor but currently has no armor in the list of available equipment. Archimedes has no defensive abilities besides getting out of the way and no means of directly countering magic. Perhaps in the future his downloads may include appropriate armor but for the moment Archimedes has no direct counter measures for magic besides putting a bullet in the caster's head or a knife in their gut.

Electro Swing 1
Electro Swing 2
Electro Swing 3
Classic Swing
Urban Country

Note: Avery met his now ex-girl friend dancing and a large part of his taste in electro-swing is due to his interest in Swing and Lindy Hop in his spare time.

Contemplative, Empathetic, Efficient, and Pessimistic

Cardiff, Wales_

Philosophy and Cognitive Science double major.

Prior to his induction as a corrector Avery lived almost all of his life in his hometown of Cardiff. Born to an upper middle class family Avery attended public school his whole life. While not exactly the kind of child and teenager who ran with the popular crowd Avery was happy with the way his first 19 years went by.

The oldest of two children Avery was the prodigal son with his younger brother becoming the creative child and artist of the family. Where Avery was composed, methodical and mildly bookish; his brother was exuberant outgoing and social. Following his high school experience Avery moved to London proper. Two years into his degree work with the University of London,Avery was scouted as a Corrector. The perfect age and the perfect distance from family Avery took to the Digital World.

The change to serving as a Corrector was a chance that Avery jumped at. Always thinking with his brain and rarely with his heart Avery was the perfect candidate. A year into working with the government saw Avery spending more and more time alone as the job forced him to lie to those around him slowly isolating him.

After Maria, his at the time girlfriend, finally left in a fit of tears and anger Avery realized that now more than ever; he was on his own. Prior to Avery becoming a collector he'd been introverted, now almost all of his time is spent working on his school work and serving as a corrector. With few who understand his world, Archimedes is slowly consuming the brilliant, vibrant, happy young man who was Avery Tolman.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by vietmyke
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Riley Kensington

Alias in the DgtWld:

Corrector Appearance:

Weapon of Choice and Fighting Style:
Swords and melee weapons

Riley uses a versatile fighting style that is primarily based around close combat with melee weapons. His Corrector Avatar combines a decent amount of dexterity with high physical strength and above agerage constitution. With no ranged attacks, he relies on being able to quickly close the gap between himself and his foes to engage in melee combat, where his high-damage saber and tough combat armor excel. Currently in the works for upgrades is a system that allows Riley to change his saber into different melee weapons, or a ranged component for his companion app, though at current he uses a long bladed saber with a two handed hilt.

In his spare time, Riley has managed to code and sneak himself a small companion app that runs alongside his Avatar. Nicknamed 'Spark', Riley's companion app is no bigger than a baseball, and generally hovers around his shoulder when not in combat. Spark serves as a basic interfacing unit, allowing Riley and his teammates to interact with the DgtWld around them and modify small bits if necessary- IE unlock/open doors, make lights. Spark currently has no means of attack other than loudly warning its companions that an enemy is approaching.

Cell Phone:

Grape Soda - Snail's House
Perceptive, Streetwise, Easygoing, and Lazy

Hometown: London, England

Major: Criminal Justice and Sociology minor

The youngest child of two, Riley is the son of police officer and schoolteacher. His childhood was relatively mundane, consisting of getting middling to above average grades in school, and spending his time either playing outside with friends or playing computer games. Riley very much followed the trail of his older sister, doing or becoming interested in many of the things that she was. As his sister was rather sickly, and was often physically weak, Riley developed a strong, almost symbiotic relationship with his sister, the two of them sharing role of mutual caretaker as their father worked late at the department and his mother began prepping for a career as a university professor.

In high school, Riley scored relatively high marks despite his lax attitude. He adapted well as newer technologies started appearing- the DgtWld and the widespread use of phones and MChips. These newer technologies, coupled with Riley's progressive attitude and go-with-the-flow nature actually made it easier for Riley to excel in his classes and while still slacking off and helped propel him to the top tiers of his class. Stress began building for Riley near the end of high school, when his sister's health began getting increasingly worse, and his family began struggling to pay for both school and medical costs.

Upon graduating high school, Riley prepared to go to the University of London where his sister also attended school, majoring in Criminal Justice and sociology- two fairly similar fields. He planned on going into Law School afterwards- the higher income of a lawyer would help his family pay for his sister's increasingly expensive medical bills. He also took an interest in Computer Science classes, though lacked the work ethic to commit to a major or minor in the field and as a result dropped the subject.

After his first few weeks at University, Riley was contacted by Gvn and recruited into a group known as "The Correctors". Taking the job with a devil-may-care attitude, was surprised to find how much he enjoyed the career- it felt like playing a video game at times, and best of all- it paid for his college tuition, and would help pay for his sister's medical bills. Riley made a good fit as a corrector, and his concentration in the Criminal Justice field gave him an edge in apprehending and understanding those who would abuse the DgtWld for criminal purposes.

Now having spent several years as a Corrector, Riley is finally getting in the swing of being able to juggle his school and social life along with work and designated free time. His work as a Corrector has also resparked his interest in computers and technology- though at the caution of his teammates, keeps the interest low key and hidden. The bulk of his income as a corrector being squirreled away to help pay for his sister's hospital expenses and while her sickness is taking a toll on their family both financially and emotionally, Riley maintains a carefree persona when interacting with others.
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