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Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by riprofsuls


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I groaned as I lifted my body off of the warm ground, the dirt and leaves should have felt cool. My body should not have produced the thermal energy to affect the ground to such a degree, yet the Earth was warm.

It took a moment for my eyes to readjust, they wavered and visually faltered, but focus returned and I could finally see my surroundings. The warm soil was explained quickly by the glassy Earth that surrounded me and the red hot embers of whatever energy created the burns of the circle. Followed by that discovery was my own nudity. My skin was bare to the world, but I paid it no mind. I was in unfamiliar territory without a clue as to how I got there nor the circumstances that saw me here.

I stood up slowly, there was a slight drumming of my head and I was not eager to provoke more intense sensations. The next thing I processed was the fact that I was not alone, there was a small group of others, some awake and some not. Those that had regained themselves appeared equally lost.

Paying no heed to their obvious nudity I scanned my surroundings for further clues.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Metronome
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His eyes opened slowly. He wasn't sure what woke him up. In fact, he couldn't remember going to sleep. Sasha blinked and sat up, raising a hand to rub his hand. He felt...off. But he couldn't really describe it. Hungover, almost. A cool breeze picked up on the wind, running across his bare skin.

Where the hell were his clothes?

Sasha went from drowsy to full alert in mere seconds. This wasn't right. He was on his feet, the hairs on the back of his neck standing on end. He spun around to look at the greenery surrounding him, lush and vigorous. This definitely wasn't Afghanistan. The cool atmosphere almost reminded him of his homeland in the summer.

A soft snap of a nearby twig made him forget all about where he was. Someone, or something, was stalking him. Sasha looked around quickly, his eyes landing on a sturdy looking branch laying on the ground. He snatched it up and gave it a good wack on the dirt, testing it's strength.

"Come on," He growled, glaring towards the direction of the sound. Another soft rustle of greenery. Whoever or whatever it was, Sasha was stronger and meaner. He was sure of it. The beast tore out of the brush with a hungry roar, not happy that it's potential dinner was challenging it.


The club hitting the creature's skull sounded like a home run. The animal was thrown to the ground by the force, and Sasha didn't give it a chance to get back up. He yelled as he descended on it, bashing it's head in until it was unrecognizable. When he was satisfied that the beast was dead, he paused to actually see what he had killed. This...didn't look like any kind of animal he'd ever seen. Sasha was no zoologist, but he was pretty well traveled. This didn't even look like a creature of Earth. Which begged the question...

"Where the hell am I?"

Sasha's eyes scanned the ground, pausing on the strange markings that had surrounded him. They lingered there for a moment before he silently turned and picked a direction to storm off in. There had to be a town or something nearby; nobody could drag him out too far without leaving a trail. He began to shove his way through the forest, pushing leaves and branches out of his way. Small scratches began to appear on his body, and his pale feet began to prickle as small sticks and rocks jabbed them.

He came to a screeching hault when he came upon a clearing, several other people there. They all appeared to be in a similar predicament. Sasha's brain, trained by war and years of fighting, immediately began to evaluate them. Were they friend or foe? His hand instinctively tightened around the bloodied club he held.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Lord Orgasmo
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Lord Orgasmo Professional Disappointment since 1999

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Ysran's eyes bolted open. Something was wrong. The once warm air of his room was gone, replaced by a cold breeze. Rushing to his feet, Ysran looked around him. There was a circle around him, covered in strange runes. This almost looks like something he would do. He tried to remember what had transpired the night before, but he remembered nothing strange. Looking around, he discovered he was in a dense forest, with trees going endlessly in every direction.

Inspecting the runes closer, Ysran recognized one of the runes, but he wasn't quite sure what it meant. Reaching for his pack, he suddenly realized he didn't have it. And inspecting himself closer, he didn't have his clothes either! What had transpired here? He was used to strange things, but this definitely topped the charts.

Deciding there was nothing better to do, Ysran began to wander in a direction. Shortly after wandering, he saw a few people standing together, naked, much like him. Hiding behind a tree Ysran tried to listen in on the conversations, but couldn't make out any clear words. Attempting to step forward, Ysran stopped dead in his tracks, for there was a man holding a bloody stick not ten feet away, also naked.

Quickly hiding behind another tree, Ysran whispered to the man: "Do you speak English? I'm at a bit of a loss as to what's going on here."
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Metronome
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Sasha's breath hitched when he heard a voice behind him. He spun, unconsciously raising his weapon towards the potential threat. His steel blue eyes scanned the woods around him, finally fixing on a man who was halfway hidden behind a tree, also naked and confused.

He lowered his stick. This man probably had nothing to do with why he was here, and he was empty handed. Not an immediate threat.

"Who the hell are you?" He asked, his accent noticable, but not too thick as to garble his words.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Lord Orgasmo
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Lord Orgasmo Professional Disappointment since 1999

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"My name is Ysran. I likely arrived I'm the same fashion you did. Big circle? Strange runes? I believe we can increase our chances of survival by working together. I'm not the strongest physically, but mentally, I can be quite fearsome."

Ysran stepped out from behind the tree, seeing as this man meant no harm.

"Besides, I'm more than meets the eye. What do you say? Shall we tackle this together? We might want to start with the group out there." He said, pointing at the small group in the clearing.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by riprofsuls


Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Two more survivors arrived with my cluster of people. Two men, the two near me were young women.

I was difficult to ignore their nakedness as time continued to flow by, my eyes started to wander over their bodies, but I steeled myself.
If I had a reaction towards their appeal right now I would have no way to hide it, instead I focused on the two new arrivals. The more physically apt of the two bore a bloody club, his eyes were not wild and he bore not hostility or paranoia towards the male that surprised him meaning that the blood was not from another person. If he had killed another he would be more cautious and probably would have already attacked the skinnier male.

I looked up, through the leaves I could see the general position of the sun, it was around midday.

Without worry that these individuals would attack me I decided to start walking towards the males passing by the two females.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Metronome
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Sasha did not look overly impressed with the younger man. He talked a lot, and Sasha was never drawn to a chatter box. However, he wasn't looking to make enemies here.

His eyes shifted to the other man that approached them. Sasha nodded to the new arrival. "It doesn't look like we have a choice," he said, responding to Ysran. He then spoke to the other guy.

"Are they okay?" He asked, nodding towards the women. He wasn't too terribly distracted by them to be honest. It wasn't like they had anything he hadn't seen before. And right now, sex was the last thing on his mind. They had much, much bigger problems to worry about here. For one, where were they and who put them here?
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Lord Orgasmo
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Lord Orgasmo Professional Disappointment since 1999

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As Sasha began talking to the man who approached them, Ysran wandered throughout the group of people, some were still asleep on the ground, or at least, he hoped they were asleep. It was dead silent, with the exception of Sasha and the man who had approached him. Ysran, tried to talk to some of the others, but very few of them actually said anything. Many were most likely to embarrassed to talk, and the ones that did couldn't make heads or tails of what was going on. Wandering back to Sasha, he gave him a quick horizontal head shake, followed by a thumb pointed at the group. They knew nothing.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by riprofsuls


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"I'm Fine," I replied then nodded towards the club in his hand. "What did you kill?"

Bria and Susan were still gathering themselves.

"If its edible we should harvest what we can from it," I pointed out. "There isn't any other source of food here. We should find a river after peeling your kill."
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Metronome
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"A...thing that tried to attack me," Sasha said, not quite sure how to discribe the animal. It was like a big lizard cat. Nothing like he'd ever seen before. Even still, being the realist he was, he had a hard time believing that they had wound up on the script of some scifi movie. Perhaps they were on some obscure island or something. Still, the man had a point. They had no supplies and no way of knowing when they were getting home. If they were getting home...

"It's about a quarter mile that way," Sasha nodded in the direction behind him. "We should stick together in groups; there could be more."

He glanced back at the group of people still recovering. There was enough of them that they would probably be okay together if the three of them left for a bit.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Lord Orgasmo
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Lord Orgasmo Professional Disappointment since 1999

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"If we're going back, we should probably arm ourselves. Whatever you killed may have friends.

Upon saying this, Ysran looked around for a stick of some kind. Finding one that seemed an appropriate size, he picked it up and knocked it against a tree a few times. The stick sounded dense and solid. It would have to do.

Alright then, lead the way!
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by riprofsuls


Member Seen 4 yrs ago

I prompted the two other girls to come along, they did not resist when I grabbed their hands and led the up to follow the man with the bloodied club.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Lord Orgasmo
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Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Metronome
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Sasha was silent for most of the short trip back to the clearing he had found himself in. The beast was still there, just as he'd left it. A pool of blood had formed around it's head, and it's leathery skin was flecked with red. Sasha picked the creature up and hauled it onto one shoulder, carrying it like a limp sack of potatoes.

"We'll clean it when we get to water," He said. It only made sense. There no use making of mess of themselves here, and they had no tools to work with anyway. Sasha's plan was to find water, and find the type of smooth rocks that water usually formed. Perhaps they could shape a crude knife to skin and carve the beast with.

Blood slowly dripped down his bare skin from the creature's mashed skull, but Sasha didn't seem to pay it any mind. With his line of work came a very strong stomach; it took quite a bit to make him queasy.

The group then set off again in search of water. As they walked, Sasha noticed a path of pushed down grass that appeared to be made by a herd of some sort. He suggested they follow it. Herd animals would know which vegetation was edible, and their trail would likely lead to water eventually.

He took a mental note of which grasses were eaten down along the path, and which plants were left alone. And, as he had thought, the trail led them to a large lake. It wasn't the moving water he had hoped for, but there was sure to be a stream leading off the main body somewhere. This would do for now, and since the sun was starting to get low, they didn't really have time to be picky.

Sasha flopped the animal down onto the ground and decided to take charge. He pointed to Ysran. "You, go find some smooth rocks and some rigid rocks and bring them back here. Grind them down on the smooth rock until you have a sharp edge."

He then looked to the other man. "And you. I saw a few trees on the path that looked like they had fruit left higher up in the branches. The fruits on the low branches are gone because the animals ate them, which means we can most likely eat them. Go gather some up and be careful not to wander too far."

When he was done barking orders at the strangers as if they were his old platoon, Sasha brought himself over to the water to wash the blood from his skin. While the others did their assigned tasks, he would work on collecting dry wood from the banks and hopefully get a fire going before night fell.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Lord Orgasmo
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Lord Orgasmo Professional Disappointment since 1999

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Ysran wandered around the edge of the lake, looking for a couple of rocks that could be used. Most were to small, but after some time, he had found a pair of reasonably sized stones. One was smooth, and the other had various ridges all along 8n, like someone had tried to use it before but failed. Ysran spent a few moments rubbing them together until the rigid stone had a sharp edge. Scanning the area, Ysran noticed a stream of water running off of the lake. Running back to the group, Ysran showed the sharpened rock to Sasha, and informed him of the stream down the lake.

"I'm going to go check it out, I'll see what I can find there."
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Metronome
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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by riprofsuls


Member Seen 4 yrs ago

I glared at the man as he issued orders, I didn't like taking orders from anyone specially from someone I just met, but at the moment group cohesion was important for survival.

Moving along to do as the man asked I found the trees he had mentioned. They bore fruit that resembled orange strawberries. The fruit of the upper branches was sparse but it would be enough for their needs. The base of the tree split off like a peach tree does so getting the fruit off the higher branches was just a matter of bending the branches and pulling off the fruit.

Without hesitation I decided to become the test guinea pig and bit into his first haul. It was a bitter fruit similar to kiwi with a soft sweet after taste, the fruit itself was a little tough and chewy, nut enough that one would have to chew really hard, but enough that it was surprising. Inside each fruit was a hard core that looked very similar to that of a peach. I made a mental note to harvest the seeds to plant some trees of my own in case there was no going back.

After gathering enough of the fruit to fill up my arms I headed back to join up with the group. Thankfully I did a lot of walking in the woods through trails so being in a forest and keeping track of my path was not unfamiliar to me. As I headed back the thought that crossed my mind the most was, how are we going to make a fire?
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Metronome
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Sasha grunted a thanks at Ysran as he handed him the rock knife. At the mention of a stream, Sasha nodded at the idea of exploring it a bit. "Just don't wait until dark to come back; we don't know what's out there."

He then got to work cleaning to kill while he still had daylight left. He'd gathered a stack of logs and dry tinder to start a fire, which was put on the back burner for now. He took the animal down to the water and began sawing at it with the crude knife. It wasn't easy, but he finally managed to get the hide off in mostly one piece and get the meat cut up into manageable hunks. He washed the excess blood from the meat and hide, then brought it over to the new firepit to set them on the rocks. Now came the tedious task of trying to get a fire going.

Admittedly, Sasha had only done this once before, years ago as a Cadette in the Russian ground forces. But he'd watched a few of those dumb reality survival shows, so why not give it a shot? He gathered up some dry grass and frayed it together into a nest. Then, with two rocks, he began to clack away in an attempt to get sparks.

About half an hour later, each strike was being accompanied by a frustrated slew of words that could only be swearing in his native language. Sasha was clearly beginning to get fed up with this process. Then, like some kind of holy miracle, viable sparks flew from the rocks and onto the grass. Sasha quickly dropped the rocks and began to tend to the baby flame. He barked at someone to get the fire pit ready for him to transfer the burning grass over. His hands were covered in small nicks from striking the rocks together and missing, and he really didn't want to have to start over again.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by riprofsuls


Member Seen 4 yrs ago

The man called Sasha worked on the meat then got to starting a fire. I was rather impressed at his ability to contribute to everyone's survival.

When he finally got a small ember going I rushed to help him set the ember into the fire pit helping him breath life into the fire making sure to constantly provide the fibrous tinder to keep the small ember aglow until it starting taking a life of its own. The fire started up too high, which was good since it would get the thicker logs going. I got the fire going brighter and brighter placing a few more logs each time until the smaller sticks got consumed, now it was just a matter of waiting for the fire to die down and setting the meat on some heated stones.

"What do you think we should do about shelter?" I asked the man leaving the fire be. "The fire will keep us warm, but it might draw predators to us."
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Lord Orgasmo
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Lord Orgasmo Professional Disappointment since 1999

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Ysran ran along to the edge of the lake until he had once again found the stream. Unlike the lake, this water was relatively clear, and fish could be seen swimming along the stream, although these fish didn't look like any fish he had seen before. They were about the size of his hand, just a little bigger, and looked much like a bass, yet they were a strange purple-like color. Ysran was struck by an epiphany at this moment. Sticking his hand into the river, Ysran looked deeply into his own mind, and began to mutter strange words under his breath, as if in a trance. During this time, he felt something strange in his hand. Opening his eyes, he saw there was a fish in his hand, as well as several others swimming in place around his hand. Quickly grabbing as many fish as he could, Ysran looked towards the sun. It was going to set soon. Running back to the makeshift camp was a little more difficult carrying an armfull of fish, but he made it nonetheless. Stepping back into the clearing, Ysran could see thete was a small fire started, and a small pile of sttange berries were next to Sasha. Ysran, taking a few more steps into the clearing, announced: "Look what I caught!"
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