Hey Guys,
My name is Olivia V. But you can just call me V. Of course that's not my real name silly! I'm just here to have a good time, maybe blow some stuff up, whatever feels right in the moment. I'm super into yoga and living a simple life. But of course that doesn't include Starbucks and Target, my favorite places of all time!! If you have an RP that you want me to join, just send me a PM, otherwise I will see you around the InCh :D
Sending you Love,
My name is Olivia V. But you can just call me V. Of course that's not my real name silly! I'm just here to have a good time, maybe blow some stuff up, whatever feels right in the moment. I'm super into yoga and living a simple life. But of course that doesn't include Starbucks and Target, my favorite places of all time!! If you have an RP that you want me to join, just send me a PM, otherwise I will see you around the InCh :D
Sending you Love,