A Free-Roaming Sci-Fi Monster Hunting Roleplay

“Monsters exist out there… You just need to know where to look.”
~ GAHL President Richard M. Malkovich
It’s the year 2102, thirty years after mankind perfected the art of space travel. Through their travels throughout the Milky Way galaxy, scientists and explorers have currently identified 306 planets that contain physical life. And from these planets, around 64 of them house intelligent life. We have finally solved the age old question if we were alone in the universe. And the answer is a big fat no. As we continue to expand further into our own galaxy, more and more of these habitable planets are found each passing week. Every one of these planets house some of the most unique specimens unlike anything seen before on Earth. From the smallest bug, to the biggest monster, and to the smartest individuals, we have documented hundreds of thousands of new fascinating species. And with such discoveries happening at a feverish pace…
...comes a profitable business.
Enter the Galactic Adventure Hunting Lodge (GAHL), a large legal group of hunters and explorers of all races and species, who are specialized in accomplishing quests that involve both exploring unknown planets and hunting even the most vicious of alien creatures out there in the Universe. Their clients all vary, as well as their tastes in what they want, but they are wiling to take down anything all for a good price. The more dangerous the mission, the more credits does it bring. A “high-risk, high-reward” job, it’s clear that only the bravest and perhaps the most foolish can make such a living off this life. You are one of these hunters, wielding some of the finest weapons and armors the galaxy has to offer, and it’s your job to work with your teammates and take down these monsters to simply get food on the table. Who knows what you’ll encounter out there, but I suspect that you’ll take care of them without much difficulty.
Happy hunting recruit. And may the stars shine down upon your adventures.
Welcome to Galaxy Of Monsters, a free-roaming sci-fi monster hunting roleplay that lets you hunt alien creatures across the galaxy! From the steamy jungle planets to the desert wastelands, to even ocean and volcanic planets, there’s just simply so many locations to explore. And with every location, across any planet, there are different monsters out there to hunt and get your big fat juicy paycheck. It’s your life really. Now what creatures are you expecting to see out there? Who really knows? You may even encounter entirely new species to name for yourself, as well as the one to kill or capture it (for science) or find something even more intriguing. Allow me to provide you with several examples coming from this one planet:
As more missions pop up, so do other planets, and as they pop up, a diagnostic scan will reveal some of the creatures you may encounter while there. Any new creature discovered during the quest will get added into the list of fauna. And the bigger or rarer the animal is, the more money you will receive. High-tech state-of-the-art weapons will obviously be used to take them out, but let’s not go for something too strong. The fun is in the hunt you know? Vehicles may be used depending on the terrain as well, but mostly terrain vehicles and no flying ships (though there may be exceptions later down).
So... Any questions? Obviously the rules for any roleplay state the obvious, but I figure you all know this. This won’t be such a large group but I’m aiming for 4-5 more dedicated hunters to apply and join before we can get started. If hunting creatures is your forte and if you love adventure, you may wanna take a look here. More info will be provided once the required amount of people join. If all goes well before Friday or Saturday, the RP should start then.
(Also no Anime faces for the profile pics; but realistic artwork of individuals do work perfectly fine; also you can play as an alien and make up your own planets, creatures, etc)
Character Sheet
My Sheet(s)