Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Skye Autumn

Skye Autumn

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Hello dere. I had this idea for an eternity now, and just as I wanted to get it started, the old site went down...so now that it is back and I got back into the right mood, I can finally start looking for people!
A few words of introduction, I want to lead a vampire-themed rp that closely sticks to the lore of the world of darkness (though I myself only ever played Masquerade, but read up on a lot of things). It may differ at some (or a bunch even) points, partially because I may just not know better, partially because I seek to have things play out in a slightly different manner (an example for this would be my character). Feel welcome to correct me when you happen to know things better, and I shall try to make them more lore-abiding, if at all possible. Furthermore, this is intended to be a casual/advanced rp, but I felt that it fits better into the casual section since it's not all that strictly structured.

The Plot (rough, I'm intentionally leaving out facts and nutshelling it so I can reveal it over the course of the rp)
The current prince of the Camarilla (LaCroix or someone else who is not named in specific, I'm on the fence with that but it hardly matters) is secretly forming up a team of chosen individuals who are supposed to investigate a series of murders and the disappearance of an important informant, which are assumed to correlate. Those individuals (the players) are hand-picked no-names with no overly thrilling history so far, but a track record of Masquerade violations (at least one each) and are offered the chance to redeem -all- their violations, should the mission turn out successful. The mission itself includes investigating several crime scenes, trying to find clues on the murderer(s) and attempting to prevent further delicts by either finding out the true identity of the culprit(s), capturing them and bringing them to the prince - or simply killing them off. All of this happens undercover, as the prince is suspecting the culprits to have access to inside information. The catch is the second part of this mission, namely my player character. She is a rather unique individual and of more or less crucial importance for the mission, letting her die or violate the masquerade would result in the failure of the mission (for several reasons). The group will, when the situation arises, also try to track down the murderer(s), leaving room for different scenarios and situations, according to what the group can handle.
Right now I have about two thirds of the plot figured out roughly, about half of that in detail. I might continue the story beyond my initial plans if things go too fast, are too much fun to just end or any other valid reason to extend the rp.

The Execution
I'll double as the 'leader' of the rp plot, and one of the player characters. I'll be rping all the npcs when necessary to advance the plot, and play my own character whenever I can. Since I have spoiler knowledge for the plot and solution of many situations, she'll be more or less inactive regarding actual progress, aka not very helpful or productive, unless I feel the need to use her as a plot device to speed up or slow down progress. The nature of her clan is perfectly suited for such a task, so I can implement this into her actual character without changing it much from how I want her to be.
The rp will happen in acts, some of which are directed, predefined situations, some of which are up to the creativity of the players. To demonstrate what I mean: We'll start out with the mission briefing in a secluded room, where all the characters meet each other for the (probably) first time, and get introduced to the mission by npcs, which will be directed to a certain degree, then the group will move to the first crime scene where the players will be given the freedom to do what they want (within limits). After the crime scene investigation is closed, people will have the possibility to endulge in 'random' rp that happens in between the investigation sessions, and as soon as everybody declares being 'ready to move on', the next crime scene will be tackled. And so on.
Due to the nature of this setup, what will dominate the style of the rp is character development, thriller-esque investigation-ism and possibly, depending on how the group progresses stealth/combat. If things get crazy I might even get out some dices and such, but primarily the rp can do without strict rule systems if everybody can act within reasonable limits.

Who I am looking for
I'd like to have a group of 'the usual suspects', aka regular kindred of the main clans. Not having doubles of clans would be preferable, but if it can't be helped then I'll look into and likely accept a double, assuming the characters are different enough in what they are good at(since I'll ROUGHLY try to work with the general attributes, abilities and disciplines). I'm gonna play a Malk, so that spot is sort of taken (sorry :<), the rest is open to debate. I thought of a group of roughly 3-6 people, so I'd be looking for 2 to 5 more, who'd be in for the casual-to-advanced deal, and not just lose interest after a week.

The technical details in a nutshell
->Casual/advanced rp, somewhere in the middle between both
->world of darkness-themed background, being dark(duh), grim, bloody and merciless. (note: bloody does not equal in-depth gore, but it might be reasonably violent)
->partially directed by leader, partially shaped by the players, changing in turns.
->3-6 people ideally, counting myself in
->post frequency -roughly- 1-2days. This is a super rough estimate/average. It won't hurt to post more than once a day(if possible and reasonable), but if things can't happen as fast, that is fine too. Longer than a week between posts would be a bit much though. Length of posts may vary according to the situation, but frequent one-liners are not desirable - it's casual gently swaying towards advanced, after all.
->player characters roughly equal 'medium aged' masquerade characters so that everyone has rough values for abilities, attributes and disciplines. It's perfectly fine to be "good at x and below average at y". There's no need to have set values for every single thing, but everyone should have one or two fields they're good at, so that the group has a good pool of skills at their disposal. My character profile, when it'll pop up, will act as a good example of how in-depth I'm thinking of.
->all player characters will be working for the camarilla, this is essencial for the beginning of the plot. You don't need to be loyal to the end, but you can't start out as an anarch, for example.
->there will be a few things contradicting the original lore, feel free to help me make everything better and less heretical!
->some VtM-knowledge would be neat, so everybody knows what to expect at least.

Now, shall we sit back and see how many moths my little flame can attract.

[Convenient list of clan-dibs]
Brujah - urukhai
Ventrue - ViewtifulBastard
Malkavian - my humble self
Toreador - 6Deadly6Venom6
Gangrel - Saarebas

Link to the OOC
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by urukhai
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Member Seen 4 mos ago

Interested, I call Brujah
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by ViewtifulBastard


Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Well you have a Ventrue now :)
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Skye Autumn

Skye Autumn

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Splendid! I was hoping to get people playing those two, to be honest (alongside with a Nos...gotta dream big, right?).
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Ultimate Spidey
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Ultimate Spidey

Member Seen 2 mos ago

Though I'm more familiar with Vampire the Requiem, you have my interest.
Sorry, nevermind.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by 6Deadly6Venom6


Member Offline since relaunch

I never ever ever ever ever ever liked requiem. Ever. But VtM was so good! And VtDA! By the nine hells, that was the best!!! Anyway, I've got a fun Idea for a rather unorthodox Toreador...
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Saarebas
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Saarebas Wandering Wild Magic Fanatic

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

I just redownloaded VtMB when I saw this. I'm in for a Gangrel role
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Skye Autumn

Skye Autumn

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Adding the two of you to the dibs list. This is going way faster than anticipated!
May I be so bold to ask what made you change your mind though, Spidey?
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by 6Deadly6Venom6


Member Offline since relaunch

I don't know if spidey's going to reply. People seem to ignore threads once they officially withdraw their interest.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Skye Autumn

Skye Autumn

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Fair enough. Seeing how we already gathered a decent amount of names, I might as well start working on an OOC.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Ultimate Spidey
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Ultimate Spidey

Member Seen 2 mos ago

Skye Autumn said
May I be so bold to ask what made you change your mind though, Spidey?

Not only was it that I'm more familiar (and in fact prefer) VtR than I am VtM, but it's the "casual-to-advanced" posting you were asking for. Writing two, three, four or more paragraphs every post... well, that's too difficult for me.

I wish you & everyone else luck, and hope you all have fun with the game!
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by 6Deadly6Venom6


Member Offline since relaunch

Well, at least I can count on the fact that I'll never be a psychic...
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Skye Autumn

Skye Autumn

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Ultimate Spidey said
Not only was it that I'm more familiar (and in fact prefer) VtR than I am VtM, but it's the "casual-to-advanced" posting you were asking for. Writing two, three, four or more paragraphs ... well, that's too difficult for me.I wish you & everyone else luck, and hope you all have fun with the game!

Two, three, four or more paragraphs with -every- post is not what I'm asking for, really. I'd consider this slightly above 'casual' level mostly because of how it's partially guided, and because we're loosely following a set structure. Just wanted to mention this, since I didn't intend to come across like that.

I made the OOC. Gonna add my CS tomorrow.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by urukhai
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Member Seen 4 mos ago

Any particular format you want us to use for a CS?
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Skye Autumn

Skye Autumn

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

urukhai said
Any particular format you want us to use for a CS?

Specified that a bit more. It's just a guideline though, feel free to add/leave out points as you require.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Skye Autumn

Skye Autumn

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Mr. Viewtiful, would you mind adding your CS to the OOC? I'd hate to lose our Ventrue...
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Skye Autumn

Skye Autumn

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

This is an official final bump. We still have 1, possibly two slots open for interested humans (beep boop), and wonderful and adventurous roles to fill, such as: Ventrue, Nosferatu, Nosferatu or Nosferatu. And the others. You know, the guys with the red stuff, and such. (To be completely honest, I'm utterly surprised nobody jumped Tremere.)
Feel free to head over to the OOC and check out the existing character sheets and additional info.

If there's no further interest, I shall set up the beginning and write the first IC post within the next 12, possibly 24 hours.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Skye Autumn

Skye Autumn

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

We're semi-open for recruitement again! Due to the loss of two participants, I'm looking for one, possibly two more people interested in this thing. OOC is up and running, IC has also started. I have a way or two to squeeze your character into the story, so no special requirements there. For relevant info, check this threads opener and the OOC as well as the IC part. If anyone wants in, post here or write a CS right into the OOC - or PM me if you prefer it that way.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Skye Autumn

Skye Autumn

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Bump of justice for the european time zone!
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