Okay I guess I'm in a semi isolated state in not hating America. I hate Americans, particularly the loud angry, I am going to shout at the top of my lungs and eff you if you don't see it my way, and to discredit your argument I'll attack you with argumentum ad hominem infinitude ad nauseum, on both sides of the aisle, if I'm not liberal and argue conservative ideas I'm privileged and race hating or discriminatory and a bigot. If I'm arguing liberal points I'm un patriotic and a terrorist sympathizer. I think if everyone tried to go back to ideals that we're actually worth a darn, reinstall justice , common sense and respect, and took the freakin time to consider viewpoints that were not their own to reach an effective compromise, instead of spewing vitriol and poisonous hatred at an opponent, maybe things might improve... But what do I know, I'm just a guy who has a crazed sense of identity a century after it was useful.