You can always borrow from the lost souls there....
Dinh AaronMk said
And I find myself at that quandary if I should get Dark Souls. And that question looms: am I ready to have my soul crushed?
TheEvanCat said
TIL I can do better as unciv Persia in Viccy 2 than America.
TheEvanCat said
TIL I can do better as unciv Persia in Viccy 2 than America.
Vilageidiotx said
Did you lose the Civil War?Robert E Lee is a wily one.
TheEvanCat said
More like I lost the War of Mexican Secession.
Michellin said
Yikes. Normally, putting "bending over" "bath" and "tub" in the same sentence would sound less agonizing. :\ Do you just plunk Papa onto the tub floor or have you tried sitting him down on a plastic stool or chair or something.