Kaldur, Son of Falden

Equipment: Short sword and dagger, lock-picking tools, trap disarming tools, rope, crossbow and tightly wrapped quiver, and many other tools of his trade.
Kaldur was born in the Glittering Caves that were founded by the Gimli, Son of Glóin. His family were part of the group that went with Gimli to make the Glittering Caves their new home. At first all was wonderful they were wealthy, were able to own all matter of material items. But with all that wealth came new forms of greed. In particular, his parents would constantly talk about a sword that was an artifact of the war for the one ring. Said that it was stolen from them by another family that lived in the Glittering Caves. And so Kaldur, thinking that he was doing the right thing, sneaking into the house of the family that had the artifact and took it off the mantle that was in the centre of their home.
Unfortunately his lack of skills in this manner didn't help inevitably woke up the family and was caught red handed with the artifact in his hands. Once they found out who he was, they wanted to blame his family but he told them that he did it alone, that he saw the artifact and wanted it for his own, he also didn't tell them that he felt the greatest rush he had ever felt in his life. He was immediately sentenced for a longer term than he should have for his type of crime, and only because the family that he stole from was more influential than his family.
After he served his sentence, Kaldur decided to leave the mountain, for he didn't want to bring further shame to his family or have to hear from the others who would surely never let it go.
So he gathered everything that he could and left his home for good. Moving from village to town to city, wherever he could go he would, but such travel cost him much and soon he found himself broke and alone. He began to steal food from shops, and other small trinkets, sometimes he would be caught, beaten or put in a cell and sometimes he would get away.
It was like this until he tried to steal from a man that was an actual professional thief, he gave credit to the dwarf for the attempt, as foolish as it was, the man was about to kill Kaldur but the dwarf spilled his guts out, what else could he do, he told him of the rush the first time he stole something, that it had changed the course of his life forever, he begged for the man to teach him, to train him, the man pondered a bit, a dwarf thief? his kinder self wanted to help because he himself was once a petty thief slumming from place to place until he learned from a mentor. The man then agreed to teach him the tools of the trade of thievery for a price, a percentage of everything he stole when the man deemed him ready.
He first made the dwarf lose a bunch of weight, had to be leaner than he was, his bulky form at the time made him stand out and easy to catch. So Kaldur gave up all foods and drink that weren't necessary and worked wherever he could to become leaner than he was. Eventually he was the appropriate size and was then told to shave his beard, it had to high of risk of being left behind or caught on something, once he shaved the thief would take him on, so he did as much as it saddened him to do so and his training truly began. It began small, learning to move like a shadow, to be unseen, to have quiet feet and quick hands, host training would often have him sneak up behind someone and taking something small like a rag or hanker chief. Then he moved onto petty theft, pick pocketing, becoming a shadow and gathering information from the people in the streets, getting past alarms and sleight of hand techniques to con people in simple gambling games. Then moved on to burglary, bribery, persuasion, identifying complex traps and how to avoid tripping them as well as breaking and entering. Finally after many years of training and practicing, not just with his mentor, but with other thieves that were pulling off jobs that required more than one person and would learn from them as well, he then got to move onto trap removal and safe breaching. Over many years he was pulling off jobs, big and small, always giving a percentage to his master as was agreed.
Unfortunately men do not live as long as dwarves and the man turned old and eventually he passed away, Kaldur took over the house that belonged to his master for a while but could not stay there long. He longed to be around his own kind again, but he couldn't go back to the Glittering Caves and word would have spread about him. He had heard rumours that there was a group of dwarves that were separated from the main group, mainly because they had no ethics on who was buying their wares. This is where Kaldur thought he might be able to get back into a dwarven colony, so he sold everything in his old master's home and journeyed on to find this group of dwarves.
After months of traveling he finally found what he was looking for, he went to the one that called himself the leader of the faction that had separated from the rest of the dwarves and offered his skills to him. The leader needed proof that he would be worthy, and was assigned to steal something from one of his rivals, so that night he snuck into the rivals home and took a particular item, a necklace that was distinct and recognizable. When he returned, the separatist leader was very pleased and allowed him into his group and would work his way to becoming one of his his personal thieves and information gatherer over many years.
One day he was summoned by his leader, he was told that there were rumours of a gathering of the races, and he wanted to know what it was about. He and his followers did not know what the information was but it seemed to be important enough to the other dwarves that it was kept a tight secret, and he wanted Kaldur to find out what it was.
So Kaldur accepted the mission and set on his way. After months of bribing the right people and gaining the trust of some other key people, he was able to get the information. Once he retrieved it he made it back to his leader and offered the information to him. He found the location of the meeting was Minas Tirith, that the meeting was the Council of the Wise as well as a list of dwarves who were involved in going. Not wanting to be left out in the dark, the leader then requested that he find a way to get in on the meeting and gather as much information as possible. Luckily for Kaldur one of his connections were high enough that they were part of the group of dwarves to go to the meeting. After filling the greed of that dwarf, he was given the position of chronicler and prepared himself for the journey to Minas Tirith.