General Premise
Beyond death there is no limbo, no heaven, no hell, merely a void that awaits the souls of the deceased with unending patience. It will one day breach the edges of existence and consume our world wholesale, a truth that has been known by the inner circle of the Maddari for generations. This fate is as inescapable as time. For now, however, a few individuals have managed to escape the maw of death. They are the Abbdi, horrible monsters monsters of absolute immorality. They were once people in our world, but death and a touch with the void stripped them of anything resembling mercy or humanity, and granted them power unfathomable by all but the most experienced mages. The Abbdi are nothing but monsters and animals, turned black from their brush with the void, as well as their newfound magic.
Hunting the Abbdi down and destroying them is a honorable task left to the Kadari Knights. An order named after their founder, who joined with a group of five other heroes and purged almost all of the Abbdi that had been plaguing the land Ultimately, however, all but one of these heroes perished in a fight against a particularly powerful Abbdi, whom they only barely succeeded in slaying. The survivor afterwards disappeared to places unknown.
That story is almost a thousand years old now, but it was those heroes who beget the bloodlines of all those who now serve in the Kadari Knights, an order which has now grown to hunt Abbdi across every county on the continent. That job is now being handed down to yet another generation of young Knights, who will continue to prove the value of the order to the world in a time where the Abbdi are becoming ever more frequent.
Hunting the Abbdi down and destroying them is a honorable task left to the Kadari Knights. An order named after their founder, who joined with a group of five other heroes and purged almost all of the Abbdi that had been plaguing the land Ultimately, however, all but one of these heroes perished in a fight against a particularly powerful Abbdi, whom they only barely succeeded in slaying. The survivor afterwards disappeared to places unknown.
That story is almost a thousand years old now, but it was those heroes who beget the bloodlines of all those who now serve in the Kadari Knights, an order which has now grown to hunt Abbdi across every county on the continent. That job is now being handed down to yet another generation of young Knights, who will continue to prove the value of the order to the world in a time where the Abbdi are becoming ever more frequent.
So, that’s the general world premise. People coming back from the dead as evil mages, wreaking havoc for a time, before being put back out of their misery. You all will be playing a group who have only just (officially) joined the Kadari Knights, and be traveling the world hunting Abbdi. You’ll be having to deal with nobles, commoners, and those higher in the order than yourselves while you also in part try to work out why those beyond death have been managing to return in greater numbers. You'll also be fighting Abbdi, of course.
The world’ll mostly just be typical fantasy, but set in a time period equivalent to timeframe a little after the invention of the musket (Before platemail finally goes away. It is, however, not really an honorable weapon). If this gets to having an IC, I’ll explain more on how magic works, what the world looks like, and some basic politics everyone should know.
And as one last additional note, the Kadari Knights are basically treated a holy order, and they don't actually care if you can trace yourself back to one of the original heroes. So long as you can pass their tests and aren't a completely horrible (mostly meaning 'not infamous') person otherwise, you can get in.
Sound fun?