Name: Sa’Cha Harroea
"Embrace the song of the Siren. Fill the world with sound!"Age: 17 (Senior)
Gender: Male
Orientation: Pansexual
Relationships: Finley “Finn” Logan (Dating)
Personality: Sa’Cha is kind when it comes to his friends and family. He can have a bit of a temper sometimes. He is cursed with the inability to hide his feelings. This sometimes gets him into a bit of trouble. He is strong-willed and determined. He is faithful and observant. He has been called playful and a perfectionist. When duty calls Sa’Cha ensures he is focused on the task at hand. He is calculating and strikes to bring fear to the hearts of his enemies. He protects, it’s in his blood. He can be shy around someone he likes on a romantic level at first but as things progress he opens up more. Sa'Cha does have some internal demons that he's constantly fighting. Sometimes, if pushed to far this chaotic side of him breaks free and wreaks havoc.
Patron/Deity: Hecate (Hekate): Hecate is the goddess of magic, witchcraft, the night, moon, ghosts and necromancy.
Magical Affinity: Lunar
Blessed Weapon:
Mystical Trident Spear - This beautifully crafted staff is forged from the souls of past Banshee Queens and the tears of the current Banshee Queen and was a gift to Udonna who passed it down to Sa’Cha. The staff is sentient and ensures Sa’Cha’s safety at all costs. It helps him channel the arcane energies of the universe. A cut from this weapon can cause hallucinations. This has no effect on Sa’Cha. The weapon is resistant to the elements. The crystal embedded in the blade is said to harbor the essence of its victims. When not in use the weapon is stored in a trident charm on a bracelet Sa’Cha wears.
Training: Sa’Cha has trained in the mystical arts ever since he was able to read. Against his parent’s wishes, his grandmother felt he needed to learn and understand what he was capable of doing.
Magi Form:
Chaotic Influence - Gazing into his eyes causes a hypnotic spell to ensare the senses. Those ensnared will do as he commands.
Moon Blast - harnessing the immense power of the moon, Sa'Cha can utilize that energy in various forms.
Lunar Surge - flooding his body with the light of the moon, his senses and body are strengthened above that of a human.
Lunar Blessing - blessing allies with renewed strength and vigor in times when it is needed. Minor cuts can be healed.
Mystic Theurge Form:
Lunar Curse - a curse of pain and burns are cast onto the victim damaging the body rapidly.
Curse of the Moon - the haunting call of the moon causes more than just the tides to react. Lunar light can cause the reanimation of the dead.
Spirit Shackle - striking a foe with his blessed weapon causes their spirit to be shackled in place making them immobile.
Arch Mage Form: (The most powerful form one can attain through hard work, dedication, and mastery of the arts.)
Spirit Form - Harnessing the full power of the moon, Sa'Cha can take the form of a spirit enabling swift movement, passing through walls, and near invulnerability to physical threats.
Shadow's Wrath - Minions of shadow, and the ability to manipulate the darkness.
History/Background: Sa’Cha was left in the care of his great grandmother when his parents perished. The entire estate and all the wealth fall to him when he turns 21, but his great grandmother ensures he has access to whatever he needs. Regarding his parent's death, Sa’Cha was told at a young age that his parents didn’t suffer and that the cause of their deaths was natural, but he has always been curious. Nonetheless, he followed the path his grandmother placed before him. She always gave him free will to do what he wanted, but he was all she had, and he had to make sure she was taken care of. At the age of 14, Sa’Cha came out to his grandmother that he was bisexual.
His grandmother is his entire world. She’d taught him about the world of magic. She taught him how to brew potions strong enough to break the strongest of minds and subdue the bravest of souls. She’d taught him about the beauty in nature and how to give and take from it. He became a fully realized sorcerer by the age of 15. Recently, his grandmother experienced strong visions and moved them to a place known as Angel Grove. She didn’t tell him what the visions were, but that he had a mission. He was to enroll in Angel Grove High, blend in and report anything out of the ordinary to her. As a Senior, he hopes to make his grandmother proud. After arriving at Angel Grove, he made numerous friends, but one boy stood out to him. Finn. Finley Logan is a cheerleader and Sa’Cha never thought he’d ever have a chance with someone like Finn, but after a trip to a fossil museum where Finn was in charge of a fundraiser, Sa’Cha built up the courage to ask Finn out on a date and Finn said yes.
So far nothing has happened at Angel Grove that is worth reporting to his grandmother, but Sa’Cha is ever alert in case anything seems out of the ordinary, but what is ordinary?
As to how Sa'Cha encountered Hecate. That is a story for another time.