Hidden 3 yrs ago 3 yrs ago Post by WindsOfFate

WindsOfFate Divine Diva of Fabulousness

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Welcome to Warriors of Magic! Please post your completed character sheets below and, once approved, move them to the character tab.

Age: (High School Age)
Gender: (All are welcome here)
Orientation: (Love is Love!!)
Relationships: (Anyone special?)

Patron/Deity: (who bestowed the gift - please describe the patron/deity as they will be a part of the pantheon for this story.)

Magical Affinity: (what element)
Blessed Weapon:

Magi Form: (Time to get artistic. When your character harnesses the power of their Patron/Deity, they transform. Show me what that looks like and describe what abilities they gain and what magic they have at their disposal. Magi is a novice form.)

Mystic Theurge Form: (You are becoming one with the divine Patron/Deity that channels the power through you. You have overcome great obstacles and have broadened your knowledge of the arcane world. You are a force to be reckoned with.)

Arch Mage Form: (The most powerful form one can attain through hard work, dedication, and mastery of the arts.)


If you need a list of deities/patrons, here is a mythos I created. https://docs.google.com/document/d/1QnsT7ZICIXk_XBFJyz2glX63xYrH78c5IuVzxkONtzQ/edit?usp=sharing
Hidden 3 yrs ago 3 yrs ago Post by WindsOfFate

WindsOfFate Divine Diva of Fabulousness

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Name: Sa’Cha Harroea
"Embrace the song of the Siren. Fill the world with sound!"
Age: 17 (Senior)
Gender: Male
Orientation: Pansexual
Relationships: Finley “Finn” Logan (Dating)

Personality: Sa’Cha is kind when it comes to his friends and family. He can have a bit of a temper sometimes. He is cursed with the inability to hide his feelings. This sometimes gets him into a bit of trouble. He is strong-willed and determined. He is faithful and observant. He has been called playful and a perfectionist. When duty calls Sa’Cha ensures he is focused on the task at hand. He is calculating and strikes to bring fear to the hearts of his enemies. He protects, it’s in his blood. He can be shy around someone he likes on a romantic level at first but as things progress he opens up more. Sa'Cha does have some internal demons that he's constantly fighting. Sometimes, if pushed to far this chaotic side of him breaks free and wreaks havoc.

Patron/Deity: Hecate (Hekate): Hecate is the goddess of magic, witchcraft, the night, moon, ghosts and necromancy.

Magical Affinity: Lunar

Blessed Weapon: Mystical Trident Spear - This beautifully crafted staff is forged from the souls of past Banshee Queens and the tears of the current Banshee Queen and was a gift to Udonna who passed it down to Sa’Cha. The staff is sentient and ensures Sa’Cha’s safety at all costs. It helps him channel the arcane energies of the universe. A cut from this weapon can cause hallucinations. This has no effect on Sa’Cha. The weapon is resistant to the elements. The crystal embedded in the blade is said to harbor the essence of its victims. When not in use the weapon is stored in a trident charm on a bracelet Sa’Cha wears.

Training: Sa’Cha has trained in the mystical arts ever since he was able to read. Against his parent’s wishes, his grandmother felt he needed to learn and understand what he was capable of doing.

Magi Form:
Chaotic Influence - Gazing into his eyes causes a hypnotic spell to ensare the senses. Those ensnared will do as he commands.
Moon Blast - harnessing the immense power of the moon, Sa'Cha can utilize that energy in various forms.
Lunar Surge - flooding his body with the light of the moon, his senses and body are strengthened above that of a human.
Lunar Blessing - blessing allies with renewed strength and vigor in times when it is needed. Minor cuts can be healed.

Mystic Theurge Form:
Lunar Curse - a curse of pain and burns are cast onto the victim damaging the body rapidly.
Curse of the Moon - the haunting call of the moon causes more than just the tides to react. Lunar light can cause the reanimation of the dead.
Spirit Shackle - striking a foe with his blessed weapon causes their spirit to be shackled in place making them immobile.

Arch Mage Form: (The most powerful form one can attain through hard work, dedication, and mastery of the arts.)
Spirit Form - Harnessing the full power of the moon, Sa'Cha can take the form of a spirit enabling swift movement, passing through walls, and near invulnerability to physical threats.
Shadow's Wrath - Minions of shadow, and the ability to manipulate the darkness.

History/Background: Sa’Cha was left in the care of his great grandmother when his parents perished. The entire estate and all the wealth fall to him when he turns 21, but his great grandmother ensures he has access to whatever he needs. Regarding his parent's death, Sa’Cha was told at a young age that his parents didn’t suffer and that the cause of their deaths was natural, but he has always been curious. Nonetheless, he followed the path his grandmother placed before him. She always gave him free will to do what he wanted, but he was all she had, and he had to make sure she was taken care of. At the age of 14, Sa’Cha came out to his grandmother that he was bisexual.

His grandmother is his entire world. She’d taught him about the world of magic. She taught him how to brew potions strong enough to break the strongest of minds and subdue the bravest of souls. She’d taught him about the beauty in nature and how to give and take from it. He became a fully realized sorcerer by the age of 15. Recently, his grandmother experienced strong visions and moved them to a place known as Angel Grove. She didn’t tell him what the visions were, but that he had a mission. He was to enroll in Angel Grove High, blend in and report anything out of the ordinary to her. As a Senior, he hopes to make his grandmother proud. After arriving at Angel Grove, he made numerous friends, but one boy stood out to him. Finn. Finley Logan is a cheerleader and Sa’Cha never thought he’d ever have a chance with someone like Finn, but after a trip to a fossil museum where Finn was in charge of a fundraiser, Sa’Cha built up the courage to ask Finn out on a date and Finn said yes.

So far nothing has happened at Angel Grove that is worth reporting to his grandmother, but Sa’Cha is ever alert in case anything seems out of the ordinary, but what is ordinary?

Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by Forsythe
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Forsythe Graf von Kaffeetrinken

Member Seen 9 hrs ago

Hidden 3 yrs ago 3 yrs ago Post by Crimson Flame
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Crimson Flame *Insert something profound here*

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Name: Finley “Finn” Logan
Age: 18 (Senior)
Gender: Male
Orientation: Homosexual
Relationships: Sa’Cha Harroea (Dating)

Personality: Finn is a bright, cheerful person, with an optimistic view on life. He can often be found with a smile on his face, even when things look bleak. As such, he often makes jokes, and does silly things when the situation is tense to lift people's spirits, but his attempts to make people laugh sometimes gives others the impression that he doesn't take things seriously. Finn has no idea how to react if somebody accuses him of this, other than shrug his shoulders and move on. He believes there is some good in everyone, and for that, he is very trusting of others.

Finn is very energetic, some would say hyperactive even. So much so, that it is very difficult for him to sit still and concentrate on one thing for long periods of time. Because of this, he likes to actually do stuff, instead of sitting there reading about it. While he is able to think quick on his feet during intense situations. he often acts impulsively, and jumps to conclusions without thinking first.

A genuine nice guy, he is always willing to help someone in need. Often putting the needs of others ahead of his own. After his parents divorce, and dealing with bullying, Finn is able to empathize with others in a similar situation. He makes it his personal mission to befriend and help people like this. Sometimes though, he can be too nice, to the point of gullibility, and people often take advantage of him for it. Finn is very outgoing and social. He likes meeting new people, and making new friends. He is not afraid to strike up a conversation with a random stranger. He openly expresses affection through touching in the form of hugs, holding hands, as well as stroking and grabbing shoulders. Being used to having to watch over his little sister, he's become accustomed to taking care of people.

Patron/Deity: Cupid, god of Love, Desire, Attraction, and Affection

Magical Affinity: Love
Blessed Weapon: Cupid’s Bow and Arrow: A replica of the bow and arrows his patron god uses. It is a pink bow resembling a heart. The arrows are also gold and stored in a quiver, and the tips are shaped like pink hearts. When a foe is struck by an arrow, it does not hurt them, instead it causes them to become infatuated with the first living being they lay eyes on for a short time.

Training: Cheerleading

Magi Form:

Warlock/Sorcerer Form: Love heals all wounds: Finn can heal wounds and injuries with a touch.

Love shall protect you: Finn conjures a pink barrier of light that can shield some one from an attack.

Love Blast: Finn fires pink beams of love energy from his hands

True desire: Finn can cast an illusion that shows the target whatever it is they love or desire most.

Mystic Theurge Form: (You are becoming one with the divine Patron/Deity that channels the power through you. You have overcome great obstacles and have broadened your knowledge of the arcane world. You are a force to be reckoned with.)

Arch Mage Form: (The most powerful form one can attain through hard work, dedication, and mastery of the arts.)

History/Background: Despite what Finn would tell you, Finn did not have the happiest of childhoods. After Finn’s little sister was born, the family started experiencing financial troubles after his father was laid off. The parents would often argue, and his father would often drown his sorrows with alcohol. Eventually, this would result in his parents divorcing. Finn lives with his mother and sister, and doesn’t see his father too often. The two have a strained relationship.

Things weren’t any better at school either. Finn didn’t really share many interests with other boys. He had more stereotypically feminine interests such as playing with Barbie dolls instead of Hot Wheels the otner boys were into. He was also a scrawny child, who wasn’t all that interested in sports. As such he was often called a sissy by other boys and bullied constantly. His father not so subtly reaffirmed the same sentiment. Implying that living with his mother and sister was turning him into a girl. Finn would sometimes cry in his bedroom at night.

Through all the drama, he tried to maintain a friendly upbeat demeanor in order to be a good example for his little sister. He had to care for her a lot when his parents were otherwise unavailable. Since he was the one that had to make dinner for the family, he developed an interest in cooking.

At some point when he was about to start high school, Finn’s mother announced that she would be moving to Los Angeles for a better paying job opportunity. For Finn, this was the opportunity of a lifetime. He could have a fresh start in a new town where people didn’t know him. No longer would he be the bullying victim.

He started working out, and found a sport he liked. Cheerleading. This resulted in him no longer being the scrawny little boy he once was. He was friendly and socialable, and quickly became popular on campus. At some point, Finn came out as gay. There wasn’t as much drama as Finn had been expecting and everyone was supportive, but Finn hasn’t told his dad yet… Currently, Finn attends Angel Grove High, and is the captain of the cheerleading squad. He’s currently unsure what he wants to do after High School.
Hidden 3 yrs ago 3 yrs ago Post by WindsOfFate

WindsOfFate Divine Diva of Fabulousness

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

@Duthguy Are you still interested?
@Gisk I can't wait for your character.
@Mistress Dizzy Your character definitely showed promise and I can't wait for the finished sheet.

Once Gisk, and Mistress Dizzy get their sheets completed, we will start the story. Everyone, please make sure all of our sheets are completed by that time. If anyone has any questions please ask and I can clarify.

When submitting the sheet, for the different forms, just do a bullet point list of three powerful spells each form gains. That way you're not thinking up an entire list. Just three spells that you feel need to be disclosed because they do a great deal of damage or other effects.
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by WindsOfFate

WindsOfFate Divine Diva of Fabulousness

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by WindsOfFate

WindsOfFate Divine Diva of Fabulousness

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by WindsOfFate

WindsOfFate Divine Diva of Fabulousness

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Does anyone else want to join?
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by Dragonfly 9
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Dragonfly 9

Member Seen 8 hrs ago

Name: Navy Thomas
Age: 16
Gender: Nonbinary; uses They/Them pronouns
Orientation: Demisexual
Relationships: Nope!
Personality: Navy is…a rather nervous sort, let’s be honest.

They often like to stay out of conflict, and run away if they meet an aggressive/confrontational person. Jumpy, anxious, and a bit paranoid, they always think that something bad is going to happen for no reason, and try to avoid it as much as they can. They’re also rather fidgety and restless, and don’t like to stay in one place.

As for what they like to do, books are their best friends, even to the point that they’re better than people in their eyes. People and animals are unpredictable and scary, and books are safe and secure. Why wouldn’t they like them more? They also, surprisingly, don’t fear death, finding it strangely comforting.

They’re also very sarcastic and eloquent in their head, only to fumble their words and stutter a lot when they actually have to speak out loud.

Patron/Deity: Ancient Master Bessor

Magical Affinity: Death/Darkness
Blessed Weapon: Scythe
Training: None, I think? They just like to be alone with their books-

Magi Form: Navy wears dark blue robes, a black hood, and midnight blue, knee high boots.


Lights Out: Navy disperses all the light from the room, leaving only pitch black darkness.

Necromancy: Navy “resurrects” someone, and can talk to them through a telepathic link.

Full Moon: Navy grows stronger at night/in dark places.

Mystic Theurge Form:
Arch Mage Form:

History/Background: (TW: Abuse, Alcoholism, and Manipulation)

Navy doesn’t exactly have the best birth parents.

Born into a middle class family, Navy’s birth father was an alcoholic and an abuser of both them and their birth mother. When he wasn’t drunk, he seemed fine on the surface, but manipulated Navy into being scared of everything so they would only rely on him. When he was drunk, however, he would engage in violent acts(including hitting Navy’s birth mom or Navy) or throwing things at walls when his spouse and child didn’t want to do things his way.

Meanwhile, Navy’s birth mom manipulated Navy into staying and not telling anyone about their situation, because she was scared of losing her child.

It got to the point where, when Navy figured out that he was nonbinary, he didn’t tell them because he was scared of what they might say.

One day during school, however, Navy accidentally went to school with some of their bruises visible, even though their birth mother and father strictly forbade it, and they were brought aside and asked how they got the bruises. Navy was reluctant at first, but eventually, they broke down and told them, and soon, they were taken out of their home and placed into a foster family, who were much kinder to them.

While they do love their foster family with all their heart, Navy still blames themselves for all this to this day, and thinks that if they were just a better child, their birth family would’ve been better to them.

At least they’re officially out as nonbinary now, and their foster family accepts them for who they are.

((Insert how they met their patron deity here- xD

Honestly, though, I’m not really sure how the characters meet their patron deities, so I’m just going to leave it out for now.

Also, sorry if their mage form is underpowered.))
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by WindsOfFate

WindsOfFate Divine Diva of Fabulousness

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Name: Navy Thomas
Age: 16
Gender: Nonbinary; uses They/Them pronouns
Orientation: Demisexual
Relationships: Nope!
Personality: Navy is…a rather nervous sort, let’s be honest.

They often like to stay out of conflict and run away if they meet an aggressive/confrontational person. Jumpy, anxious, and a bit paranoid, they always think that something bad is going to happen for no reason, and try to avoid it as much as they can. They’re also rather fidgety and restless and don’t like to stay in one place.

As for what they like to do, books are their best friends, even to the point that they’re better than people in their eyes. People and animals are unpredictable and scary, and books are safe and secure. Why wouldn’t they like them more? They also, surprisingly, don’t fear death, finding it strangely comforting.

They’re also very sarcastic and eloquent in their head, only to fumble their words and stutter a lot when they actually have to speak out loud.

Patron/Deity: Ancient Master Bessor

Magical Affinity: Death/Darkness
Blessed Weapon: Scythe
Training: None, I think? They just like to be alone with their books-

Magi Form: Navy wears dark blue robes, a black hood, and midnight blue, knee high boots.


Lights Out: Navy disperses all the light from the room, leaving only pitch black darkness.

Necromancy: Navy “resurrects” someone, and can talk to them through a telepathic link.

Full Moon: Navy grows stronger at night/in dark places.

Mystic Theurge Form:
Arch Mage Form:

History/Background: (TW: Abuse, Alcoholism, and Manipulation)

Navy doesn’t exactly have the best birth parents.

Born into a middle class family, Navy’s birth father was an alcoholic and an abuser of both them and their birth mother. When he wasn’t drunk, he seemed fine on the surface, but manipulated Navy into being scared of everything so they would only rely on him. When he was drunk, however, he would engage in violent acts(including hitting Navy’s birth mom or Navy) or throwing things at walls when his spouse and child didn’t want to do things his way.

Meanwhile, Navy’s birth mom manipulated Navy into staying and not telling anyone about their situation, because she was scared of losing her child.

It got to the point where, when Navy figured out that he was nonbinary, he didn’t tell them because he was scared of what they might say.

One day during school, however, Navy accidentally went to school with some of their bruises visible, even though their birth mother and father strictly forbade it, and they were brought aside and asked how they got the bruises. Navy was reluctant at first, but eventually, they broke down and told them, and soon, they were taken out of their home and placed into a foster family, who were much kinder to them.

While they do love their foster family with all their heart, Navy still blames themselves for all this to this day, and thinks that if they were just a better child, their birth family would’ve been better to them.

At least they’re officially out as nonbinary now, and their foster family accepts them for who they are.

((Insert how they met their patron deity here- xD

Honestly, though, I’m not really sure how the characters meet their patron deities, so I’m just going to leave it out for now.

Also, sorry if their mage form is underpowered.))

So if you look at Forsythe's sheet you can get an idea of how the patrons/deities interact with their chosen ones. Also, yes, please include who your deity is and information about them. If you want the deity to choose your character in story, that is fine as well and we will work closely to make sure it flows with the story. Your sheet does need a bit more detail and remember, resurrecting someone is a bit much so you'll need to tone that down. You can reanimate dead animals and people, but in that sense, they would be a zombie, dead and under your control. You can make these changes while you participate in the story, yes?

@Crimson Flame Move your character over to the Character Tab, please.
@Forsythe Move your character over to the Character Tab, please.
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by Dragonfly 9
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Dragonfly 9

Member Seen 8 hrs ago

Aight! Do I need to change up the form during the story? Also, I already included the name of their patron/deity in its section. Do I need to include his domains as well, or maybe his personality?
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by WindsOfFate

WindsOfFate Divine Diva of Fabulousness

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Aight! Do I need to change up the form during the story? Also, I already included the name of their patron/deity in its section. Do I need to include his domains as well, or maybe his personality?

Yes you can change up the form during the story to include the different forms Navy will be able to access after immense training. The Name of the patron/deity is good, but we need to know what they are they represent and any information you want to give about them; otherwise, I may have to improvise when I utilize them to call your character to action in the future.
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by Dragonfly 9
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Dragonfly 9

Member Seen 8 hrs ago

<Snipped quote by Dragonfly 9>

Yes you can change up the form during the story to include the different forms Navy will be able to access after immense training. The Name of the patron/deity is good, but we need to know what they are they represent and any information you want to give about them; otherwise, I may have to improvise when I utilize them to call your character to action in the future.

Okay, makes sense!
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