Ahh yes, the summer vacation is over and it's time to get back to your high school. You already know your way around the school now, don't you? After all, you're a sophomore now. Everything you do now will depend on your future. Winning the election would look great on your college application, wouldn't it? Don't forget about taking the PSAT/Pre-ACT!
Anyways, welcome back to Derandfella High!
P.S: Did I mention that we have dorms? P.P.S: No, we still don't have Wi-Fi.
We're all sophomores.
If we don't have any teachers, feel free to make an NPC.
Romance allowed
Do Not God-mode
Do Not Overpower Yourself or Others
Do Not Metagame
Do Not Lorebreak
Do Not Powerplay
Do Not Play Mary-Sues
Listen to the Gm and Co-Gm(s).
Put in your CS if you've read the rules.
Have as many characters as you want.
(Post it down here, once approved, post it in the CS.Once again,have as many characters as you want.)
Age:(15 for students)
Attends any clubs?:
Dr.Anastasia Serine (Biology)
Angelica Skyler Tiffany Lyra Mae Blake Charlotte Oliver
(You can also create clubs during the RP)
Basketball Club(Monday):
Writing Club(Tuesday): Angelica Valentina Mae Summers
Music Club(Wednesday): Blake DeLeon
Art Club(Thursday): Skyler Novina Charlotte Honey
Science Club(Friday): Skyler Novina Charlotte Honey
@animera Name: Blake DeLeon Age:(15 for students) 15 Gender: Male Attends any clubs?: Soccer team/school choir/ music Appearance: Student/Teacher: Student Personality: Nice,has a temper, quiet, and a very calm person Bio(Optional):
Personality: All work and no play, she is the type to put her work above all, making her hard-working and studious. She is strict and would rather avoid social interaction.