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Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Ruby
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Ruby No One Cares

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Name: Mara Jade (aka Emperor's Hand)
Age: 24
Species: Human
Gender: Female
Homeworld: Unknown
Major Skills:
Force User - Outside of Skywalker himself, she is likely the strongest young Force user in the galaxy.
Pilot - If it has an engine, she can drive or fly it, and drive or fly it at an elite level.
Repair - Whether weapons or starships Mara has been trained to be a self-sufficient operative in all facets.
Slicer - Not elite level, but capable of slicing most security systems to get in or out of jams.
Infiltration - Trained primarily as an assassin, Mara has a frightening skillset to match.
Weapons - Heavy, light, or melee it just doesn't matter. She's been extensively trained in their usage.

Primary Equipment:
Lightsaber - Self built, magenta colored blade.
Blaster - A variety; BlasTech DL-44 and square nosed holdout blaster being favorites.
Droids - Most notably a protocal droid; K3.
The Vengeance - Super Star Destroyer. Current mobile base of operations.
The Nebula - Massive, modified, cargo ship. Currently hidden.
Fighter - Her personal, modified, Z-95 Headhunter. Currently docked aboard the Nebula.

Force Sensitive: Yes. Jedi Knight/Darth level Force user.

Mara Jade doesn't know where she comes from. She doesn't know who her parents were. Some Imperial records suggest it may have been a Jedi cut down in the Jedi Purge, but the truth will likely never be known--and that doesn't seem to bother Mara all that much. She remembers next to nothing about her early childhood before the Emperor, before her training. Her life has three main phases to it: her training, her days as Emperor's Hand, and her current role as Dark Jedi enforcer for the remains of the Empire.

Her early training can best be called torturous. Physically and mentally pushed to her limit, every single day. Conditioned to use her brain as much as her physical talents. It was a childhood of no joy, but to even call it a childhood would be misleading. The Emperor had no interest in treating children as children. They were tools to shape and forge for future use; and there was no future tool that he held higher hopes for than Mara Jade. She would be his agent, his assassin, his Hand.

Later training went even further, and really Mara considers this period began when she was eight years old, the first time she took another life. The Emperor made certain she understood the gains that the Empire had brought upon the galaxy, that the Empire's imposed order had made the galactic economies boon like never before in the Republic to which he was once Senator, and then Chancellor, for. When possible he let her know the virtues of the Empire, and the sins of the Republic. "Order, versus Chaos."

When she became Hand, somehow her life became even more secretive. She was set loose on the galaxy, with no supervision, and the Emperor's gamble paid off. Every time she was given a task, and was told to get it done. She was never told how, she was never given any help beyond the resources already available to her, but it was always enough. She never failed. Eventually her training grew more adversarial, the Emperor having her train against Vader. It was, Mara thought, a way to both prove to Vader she was no threat to him, yet remind him that he was training another. The Emperor's constant control through manipulation, playing multiple people off each other.

But Mara saw cracks. Something about Vader seemed unsettling for her; a beaten down man from pain that went far beyond the state of his body and torment of his armor. Yet the Emperor didn't appear to question his mastery of his Apprentice. Mara was less certain, and nearly argued that she be sent to assist Tarkin instead of Vader. When the Emperor mentioned Vader and Skywalker's relationship to her after the Battle of Yavin and the destruction of the first Death Star, Mara had visions of the end of the Emperor. She began to prepare.

When the Emperor died at Vader's hands, Mara knew immediately. The Emperor ordered her at his last moments to kill Skywalker, but in the great tradition of Dark Jedi she betrayed her master by ignoring his last command. She flew to the SSD Vengeance aboard her Headhunter and transmitted Imperial docking codes. The Fleet Admiral in command of the vessel summoned her to demand the nature of her Imperial clearance, to demand she explain just who and what she was. She made her statement without a word; ripping blasters from his guards, and cutting them down even as she Force choked the life out of him. The Fleet Admiral's second-in-command was a former contact she had worked with before; he knew who she was. He knew if the stories of the Emperor and Vader's death were true, the Empire would need Mara Jade. He pledged his loyalty to her, and give her full command of the Vengeance.

The Emperor's Hand public, with a small fleet at her command, was enough to send shockwaves through the Imperial elite that provided "push back" from the shockwaves from the Emperor and Vader's deaths. Immediately every governor and Moff in the Empire began to communicate with her. In short time, she was appointed to the newly created Ruling Council, as various Imperial leaders began to court her favor, or plot against her. Her attention was spent on those plotting against her; plotters that began mysteriously dying in any number of ways, like the galaxy's foremost assassin had begun going back to work.

The Empire was order, the Republic was chaos; well meaning but ultimately bad for the general good. She was a force for that order, for that ultimate good. And she would commit herself to ensuring the Galactic Empire survived. Yet a chance encounter with Luke Skywalker has sowed seeds of doubt in Mara's mind; what if the Empire wasn't the force for ultimate order that she believed? What if there was a better way? What if instead of an instrument used for the greater good, she had been used as a tool for the Emperor's personal evil?

For now, her concern remains the survival of the Empire.
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Name: High Admiral Caul Bylvers

Race:Human (Corulag)
Age: 31

Major Skills:
Talented tactician & battle-commander (innovative)
(Close-)combat training
Logistics & central planning

Primary Equipment:
The ISS Vestige, a Praetor Mark II-battlecruiser
Sector Group Starfleet composed of Zero Command, Black Sword and Defense Fleet elements (24 I-SDs deployed in the Deep Core).

Pragmatic and ruthless, Caul enjoys taking calculated risks, which has earned him a reputation of tactical brilliance. He is aware, however, that he lacks the certain military genius some believe him to have and tries to compensate this by extensive study of both history, strategic codices, and works of military theory. The new tactics he and others of his generation employ, have led to the older rank and file to consider him unorthodox and dangerous. Not seeing the calculation behind his decisions, Caul has more than once been condemned for a dangerous brute. This stumping of his ambitions fuelled his rancour towards the old guard.

Though indeed no stranger to brutality, Caul has come to consider it –and his notoriously savage rages- as a tool, one of the personal weapons in his arsenal. Alternatively imposing or charming, his quick mind always usually resorts to violence of a psychological sort, whereas previously his abuse was considerably more traditional. His intelligence and impressive rhetorical skills allowed him to ascend the Imperial hierarchy in spite of opposition of more conservative superiors. Indeed, Caul’s true talents lie within the fields of organisation and oratory, both of which spill over into tactics and inspiring the troops. While not an impressive pilot, Caul Bylvers is apt at handling his men.

Admiral Bylvers is loyal to the Army and the Fleet as prestigious institutions, seeing them as the best bet to ensure the Empire’s survival. Additionally, he is grateful for the lessons his military career has taught him. Most importantly for tempering his ferocity and enabling his guile, recognising self-restraint was the truest mark of a man. This insight has, nonetheless, led to a lot of pent up frustration and aggression.

Palpatine and Vader might be gone, but the order and honour of the imperium will live on. As a military man he has a duty to uphold, though he is recently in dubio as to what this duty exactly is and to whom his allegiance belongs. In this time of chaos, Caul adheres to the values of discipline, efficiency and respect and trusts these will maintain stability.

History & Background:
Born just before the start of the Clone Wars (23BBY), Caul grew up as a child of Emperor Palpatine’s New Order. For Caul Bylvers, violence was an exquisitely effective, practical means toward attaining a desired end. His introduction to its virtues came during his childhood, when he was forced to burn down alien farmlands with his intolerant father on Corulag. Bylvers Senior was a man whose drive and ambition exceeded his qualities, which turned him into a pathetic figure in Caul’s later years.

Initially, being younger than ten years of age, Caul had trouble with placing the wanton viciousness towards non-humans his family exposed him to. Despite his clearly racist upbringing, he took a more pragmatic approach towards employing violence. Especially after his own record started to outshine his unapologetic ‘speciesist’ father. Nevertheless, Caul was foisted with his sire’s aspirations for political and military prestige.

Then, in his Imperial Academy days attending the Corulag Imperial Military Academy, competing in the close-combat arena, his brutality earned him accolades as the intramural champion. His military education provided him with much needed refinement, the discipline giving him the means to shackle his early-taught ruthlessness, encouraging the increasingly pragmatic view of life he was adopting. The young Corulag native later transferred to nearby Anaxes, as to receive further formation at the War College there.

Shortly after his graduation, Caul broke entirely with the idea of ‘high-human culture’, deciding being a proper and loyal Imperial had little to do with one’s racial background. In such a colourful universe, that was a reality one could not aspire to. Uniformity would not be lost. Instead, he measured others by their devotion to the New Order, as well as their skill and efforts in pursuit of their goals.

His initial deployment saw him hunting seditionist cells throughout the Mid and Outer Rim. He was dismayed by the outcome of the Battle of Yavin 4, and had the greatest trouble giving credence to the efficiency of the Rebel Offensive ensuing it. Large chunks of Mid Rim territory were lost to the Rebel Alliance, and pirate raids were able to pierce through the Imperial defence lines. Given insufficient means to repel either Rebels or pirates, Caul Bylvers nevertheless managed to pull several victories out of the fires engulfing the Mid Rim.

In 3ABY, Caul participated in the Battle of Hoth, serving under Admiral Piett who had orders to sequester the system. Captaining his Victory II-class, Caul was commended for his service. Supposedly the apex of his career on the front lines, he was shortly after recalled to the Galactic Core on baseless charges. By now it was becoming increasingly clear to the young officer, that Palpatine was taking leave of reality, letting sycophants and libellers call the shots. Caul Bylvers felt cheated from his deserved glory, being redeployed in safe sectors for patrol duty; something he saw as little more than forced retirement.

However much he hated policing docile systems, he remained diligent in his tasks, and even put down an uprising and thwarted a Rebel deep strike directed at the energy-supply world of Sarapin. This new mandate, though, would not last very long.

For Caul Bylvers, following the Emperor’s fatality at Endor, he was shocked at the almost total collapse of the Imperial chain of command. In the ensuing chaos, many Imperials turned on one another, resulting in a disastrous loss of apparel, personnel, ships and cohesion. Nevertheless, the debacle at Endor increased the need of competent officers, and so the fracturing of the Galactic Empire also opened higher tier ranks for those capable. His redeployment after Hoth had in fact safeguarded him from perishing at either Yavin or Endor, and in the chaos that ensued Caul started to look around to make his own way. The Imperial Civil War broke out soon after central command fractured, and Caul tied himself to Sector Zero’s authority. After all, he brought with him a veteran cruiser squadron which Imperial Center (and Ysanne Isard) was only too happy to enlist.

After a profound purge of Sector Zero’s officer’s cadre, Caul found himself promoted from Senior Captain to Fleet Admiral. A failed stunt by his predecessor saw him elevated again by Blitzer Harrsk, to High Admiral. This supposed recognition of his talents illustrated the need for competent officers in the higher echelons of a post-Endor command. These promotions brought with them a ship transfer, leaving Caul in command of his own Praetor Mark II-battlecruiser.

Harrsk had suffered a cranial injury at Endor, though, which caused a personality split. Harrsk, Cruel and megalomaniacal, carved out a territory for himself in the Deep Core and Core Worlds. The warlord broke from many of his contemporaries in keeping watch on events outside his fiefdom, forging relations with Sate Pestage, Ysanne Isard, and many disaffected Imperials seeking new allegiance. Bylvers had seen what madman the Lord High Admiral had become and staged a coup of Zero Command. Having taken control of Harrsk’s former dominion, he allied himself with the Imperial Ruling Council, merging Sector Zero into the struggling Imperial Center of those who still proclaimed loyalty to the Empire. The government on Coruscant still best represented the continuation of the Empire.

Bylvers’ primary loyalty being to the fleet, he had little difficulty in making the switch to serving the martial Imperial faction sprouting up in the Core. Caul believed strongly in the ability of the Empire, and especially its military, to bring order and stability where the Rebel Alliance and New Republic could not. The only viable future for him and his faction, was one where the Imperial State imposes order. Nevertheless, he opposes the growing influence of the Intelligence Bureau as well as the ineffective Imperial Ruling Council. The Empire did not fall with Palpatine and Vader. However, with it so fragmented it was paramount to regain control as well as possession over lost sectors lest the New Republic be victorious. Imperial Reunification, to Caul, was the only way forward and it had to happen sooner rather than later. The ever growing number of warlords constituted a bigger threat than anything the Rebel Alliance and New Republic could throw at them.

Currently High Admiral Caul Bylvers is juggling mobilisation in the Imperial Ruling Council and military action in the Core and Deep Core against the warlords there. Though he has to contend with several others, Bylvers is one of the strongmen of the Council and a proponent of a universal, Galactic Empire under its auspices.
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