"No one is useless in this world who lightens the burdens of another."P L A C E H O L D E R ![]() Charles Josef Janowiak ______________________________________________________ 03/04/2002 | 17 | Caucasian ______________________________________________________ Hetero | ♂ | Single ______________________________________________________ Junior | Unbonded | Red-tailed hawk | D E T A I L E D A P P E A R A N C E: Charlie dresses as he's been taught to do; appropriately. Uni-colored shirts, dark pants, brown shoes. The summer brings t-shirts, shorts and sandals. His thick, black hair is arguably his greatest visual asset, finely combed above his round, somewhat plump face. Of average height and above average weight, Charlie is the kind of chubby that largely goes unnoticed in clothing but quickly becomes uncomfortable in swimming trunks. He's already capable of growing facial hair worthy of someone twice his age, but opts to be perfectly clean-shaven in accordance with what his mother considers appropriate. Charlie has a reserved way about him in school and seldomly smiles cordially, nor does he seek eye-contact (though he doesn't avoid it either). Outside of school, especially when working at St. John's Special Needs Services, he tends to be more jovial. His posture is near perfect, with a straight back and eyes gazing towards the horizon. M O T I V A T I O N S & G O A L S: Charlie is very invested in St. John's and working with those in special need in general, not necessarily just children. He's committed to his studies and intends to enroll university in behavioral sciences, or possibly psychology. While Charlie has little interest in walking in his father's footsteps (something Josef worked very hard to have Chaldrie do), he does consider getting good grades and enrolling in a reputable university a good way to pay respects to his father. Upon discovering his Hexenbrut origin and all it entails, Charlie will ravenously tap his newfound potential. Up until that point he'd always considered himself unfortunate; yes, he's wealthy and sure, he's smart - but what has that gotten him? There are few outside of St. John's who know him well, and even fewer he'd consider to be friends. Discovering that he's a freaking wizard (his words) will help his mental outlook substantially and serve as a catalyst for Charlie to try and become the man he wants to be - both for himself and those who need him. To become a role model and to possibly use his powers to alleviate those in need. Indeed, to become something of a hero. |
C H A R A C T E R C O N C E P T:
Charlie has a wealthy background. His father Josef was a Polish engineer by trade who served as the CTO of the American offices of a large Russian conglomerate, while Charlie's Russian mother Misha serves as the principal of St. John's Special Needs Services.
Josef was not a bad man, but he was stern and expected a lot of his only child, domineering Charlie's childhood with very strict parenting. After Josef died of a heart attack a year and a half ago, Charlie has started working extra at the special needs school his mother has been running for the past eighteen years. Here, Charlie has found something he truly enjoys. Helping kids with special needs have given Charlie a sense of purpose he previously lacked, and he has slowly started coming out of his rigid, cautious shell outside of that establishment as well.
Charlie is intelligent and strong-willed, but suffers from a lack of confidence and a poor self-image. Working at St. John's has helped, but there's still some way to go. He'd not consider himself bullied, but he's certainly been picked on in the past both verbally and physically. These days, he's largely a wallflower. Charlie is entirely unaware of the supernatural realm actually existing but does have an interest in the concept: he's read plenty of material on legends and folklore, both local and otherwise. A form of escapism in a household where stuff like video games were never accepted.
Josef was not a bad man, but he was stern and expected a lot of his only child, domineering Charlie's childhood with very strict parenting. After Josef died of a heart attack a year and a half ago, Charlie has started working extra at the special needs school his mother has been running for the past eighteen years. Here, Charlie has found something he truly enjoys. Helping kids with special needs have given Charlie a sense of purpose he previously lacked, and he has slowly started coming out of his rigid, cautious shell outside of that establishment as well.
Charlie is intelligent and strong-willed, but suffers from a lack of confidence and a poor self-image. Working at St. John's has helped, but there's still some way to go. He'd not consider himself bullied, but he's certainly been picked on in the past both verbally and physically. These days, he's largely a wallflower. Charlie is entirely unaware of the supernatural realm actually existing but does have an interest in the concept: he's read plenty of material on legends and folklore, both local and otherwise. A form of escapism in a household where stuff like video games were never accepted.
C H A R A C T E R N O T E S:
* Conversationalist; Charlie might not be a particularly gifted speaker, but his command of language would surely deserve it. He speaks Polish and Russian fluently as well as conversational Spanish and French. Moreover, he's learned braille and sign language at St. John's.
* A nearly entirely white hawk has been turning up around John more and more frequently the past few years. At least, he thinks it's the same hawk.
* While Charlie dislikes conflict and shies away from it, he'd rather get pummeled than be made to do something he doesn't want to - his father did enough of that. Perhaps unsurprisingly, this has also lead to him getting just that on occasion - pummeled.
* Charlie lives on a very large property in a wealthy area on the outskirts of Crestwood Hollow. He's inherited something of a fortune from his father which he'll gain control over when he turns 21.
* He's been brought up Orthodox, but doesn't really consider himself religious.
* A nearly entirely white hawk has been turning up around John more and more frequently the past few years. At least, he thinks it's the same hawk.
* While Charlie dislikes conflict and shies away from it, he'd rather get pummeled than be made to do something he doesn't want to - his father did enough of that. Perhaps unsurprisingly, this has also lead to him getting just that on occasion - pummeled.
* Charlie lives on a very large property in a wealthy area on the outskirts of Crestwood Hollow. He's inherited something of a fortune from his father which he'll gain control over when he turns 21.
* He's been brought up Orthodox, but doesn't really consider himself religious.