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Light Yagami watched as the Shinigami King crumbled away into dust, and could feel a noticeable change inside him, which was the King's power. He didn't know what it EXACTLY was at first, but he knew certain things he didn't before. He knew all of the rules of the Death Note, as well as general things he didn't know as a human. But he did still feel human, so it wasn't that much of a change. He also knew he had the Shinigami's eyes, since he could see the names of some visible Shinigami. He knew that he could now walk through solid objects, make his body disappear, and not be affected by gunshots, physical attacks or knives, just like Ryuk. "I knew I could pull that off. If I was able to outsmart Rem before, another Shinigami, even if he is the "King" couldn't be that much trouble. I guess that makes me your boss now, Ryuk." Light said with a grin. "Don't worry, nothing will change. As long as the Shinigami do there job, I don't really care what goes on here." Light said dismissively. "Now, thanks to this power, I have fresh new ideas in my head. As Shinigami, we generally have the power to go down to Earth. But why stop at just one? there's probably plenty of other Earth's in the Multiverse." Light said, and suddenly the visible view of Earth the Shinigami saw below changed to another Earth, in an unknown location. "Alright Ryuk, it's time for a new adventure. Are you ready?" Light asked, now holding his old Death Note and pen in his hand.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Gummi Bunnies
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Who knew that dropping a Death Note into the human world would cause many...interesting things to occur? It had been somewhat uneventful since Light had outsmarted Near in their final confrontation, apparently it was just plain boring to watch the "god of the new world" write down names to judge upon the "filthy" people in the world. Until now, Ryuk was considering killing off Light much sooner since the entertainment had died down, but it all change when Light asked Ryuk to write down his name in the Death Note. Since that, the shinigami king was killed after Light had outsmarted him too. Guess it was expected that this human, now a shinigami himself, would never fail to bring Ryuk entertainment. In a response to Light's words before their departure from the shinigami world and an arrival into a new world, Ryuk let out that laugh that only he could pull off. "It's been awhile since you've done things this interesting," Ryuk remarked, in anticipation on what could happen next once they make way towards this new Earth. Only going through that rift and seeing for themselves, they could end up anywhere.
Upon entering this new Earth, Light would find himself standing in an alleyway, not too far from a quiet street. There was only one tall building nearby as well as a middle school not too far in distance from his location.

Quite abruptly, a girl with pink hair rushes past him, seeming as if she were in a hurry...or tailing someone. Whatever the case, she ran as fast she could, holding out in her left hand a cell phone. For some reason, she wouldn't stop looking at it, as if she were waiting for someone to text her or that she was reading something important. As this girl rushed by, she seemed to pay no attention to Light, and she could be briefly entering the only tall building that was nearby. Before the doors closed behind her, her voice could be heard faintly saying in a way to look for someone,"Yuki!!" And then, the doors closed completely.
"C'mon, c'mon," Yukiteru repeatedly spoke under his breath as he mashed on the "up" button of an elevator. Something about this girl, Yuno Gasai, was terrifying him. There was no way that she would know who MurMur was to even make a clay model of his imaginary friend, it was impossible. The way that she encountered him after school, and how she seemed to be following him as he tried to go back home. It was just plain creepy. For all he knew, if Yuki went back home regularly, this girl would figure out where he lived, so he thought it would be best to hide out at the building nearest to the school. The moment the elevator doors opened, Yuki quickly ushered himself in, pressing the "close" button so the doors would close and hide him from this apparent stalker. His breath became quiet and shaky, trying to not make any noise until these doors closed, his fingers crossed that she didn't see him. However, a single foot wedged itself into the elevator doors, stopping the doors from closing. His heart sank as he knew instantly who this was. "Yuki, why are you running away? I'm not going to hurt you," Yuno's voice cooed as the doors reopened, letting the stalker walk in. Yuki wasn't sure on what to do, he was cornered, there was no way out of this, so he had no other choice but to listen to what she wants to say. Eager, Yuno walks up to him innocently, maybe too innocent...and asks,"Do you know about your Future Diary? The reason why you happened to know everyone on that surprise quiz, the reason why you knew how your morning would be, the reason why you knew how guide a conversation at school. It's because of your Future Diary." Future Diary?...I haven't shared the fact that my cell phone has been predicting the future since this morning...how...how does she know about this!?!! Yuki thought in a sudden panic, wondering how the hell she even knew about that without asking him.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Account Retired
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Turning around, Light saw the girl rush past him quite urgently. He saw her disappear out of sight into the tall building. "Hmm, that girl was probably looking for someone. By the way she said that guy's name, it was quite desperate sounding. Believe me, I know plenty about girls after all of the damn dates. So, that means this Yuki kid, maybe had some unwanted attention attracted to him by her. Then there was that cellphone she was holding. She could have been trying to text him. Or, it could have been something more. That girl could be a stalker to this "Yuki" fellow, and if we help that Yuki kid out, we could get a useful "friend" to help us navigate around here. So, we start with those guys then. Let's go." Light's deduction skills were as sharp as ever, and he made his way towards the building. Coming inside, he saw the girl wedge her foot between the elevator not very far from himself and Ryuk, and then step inside. He managed to here her speak about something, but it was mostly incomprehensible except for her saying "Future Diary" and then the door shut. "If we watch what floor they stop at, we can follow them by the stairs." Light mumbled, watching the floor numbers closely.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Gummi Bunnies
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"How...?" Yuki could only muster up the courage to say this one word, filled with panic and fear on what she could do in the next few moments. "I know Yuki, I'm also a Diary Holder, see?" Yuno says with a smile, showing her phone to him. Apparently, whatever was displayed on her phone's screen, was exactly what he had been doing up to this point. If she meant that her diary could also predict the future...why was it that the future being told only focused on him primarily? "That...that doesn't tell me on why you're fo-" Yuki was still confused on why she was following him on the first place, but before he could actually get a question out, Yuno had stepped closer to him and gave him a straight-up kiss to the lips. They stay in a kissing position for a few more seconds before Yuno drew away, blushing a bit. He couldn't tell what just happened, it seemed as if she wanted to kill him or creep him out, and now it seemed like she was madly in love with him. In that moment, both Yuki's and Yuno's phone received a new entry, having the two of them check immediately. "Goes up to the 14th floor..." Yuki read to himself aloud, keeping in mind that these entries were based on his future. Thinking that it would do something, he walked up to the set of buttons and was about to press "14." "No Yuki, from my Future Diary, something bad will happen to you if you go there. Check your Diary again~," Yuno quickly swatted his hand away from the buttons and pointed over to his phone. Anxious, he looks at his phone again, and notices a strange notice right under the newest entry. Dead...end?.... Yuki felt a little creeped out by this...did this mean that in some way in the future...if he went for the 14th floor...he would die? "Don't worry Yuki, let's just go up to the roof, then we could avoid that bad thing from happening," Yuno still keeps her calm in this situation, pressing the button that would get them all the way up to the roof floor. Yuki only stood there in shock, but maybe she was helping him out...even if she was definitely acting more than odd.
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Silently watching the light change to each number ahead of the next, Light made another deduction, by how far up they were going."It eems like they might be going all the way up to the roof." Light said, noticing that the elevator was going pretty far up. "Let's go then. We'll take an elevator instead, since stairs would take too long." Light said, walking into the next elevator available. He pressed the button all the way up at the top that was for the roof, and then the elevator door closed shut and started to move up.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Gummi Bunnies
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Even if the accompanying shinigami has not said anything, this whole situation with this girl was quite interesting, and it was like Misa all over again...but different. Ryuk snickered a bit as he followed Light up the elevator.
As soon as they reached the top floor, the roof, Yuno immediately peeked out, as if she were expecting something to be up here, but doesn't see anything off. "C'mon Yuki, it's safe for now," Yuno says with that sweet voice of hers, and regardless of his response or not, she tightly grabs his wrist and pulls him over behind some crates. "Shhhh...Third could be coming any minute or second. If you went for the 14th floor, you would had been killed on the spot, Third was waiting for you there. Since we've changed the future by going up here instead of the 14th floor, that change probably was made on the Third's Future Diary right away, and that he could be making his way up here through the stairs," Yuno explained to him with a whisper, that innocent voice seemed a little unsettling for the growing situation. "Yuno...I don't understand what's going on..." Yuki manages to say even if he felt very unsure on why this was happening...having that slight feeling that Yuno could be up to something. "You don't need to understand anything Yuki~, just follow what I say and we'll survive," she smiles happily, ignoring the fact that she had just said "and we'll survive." He wanted to let out all of the fear and panic he had held in since he ran into Yuno with a shout, but was immediately stopped as Yuno covered his mouth. "Shhh...he's probably here now, hunting us down...you have those darts...throw one at the man's cell phone, he'll have it out in the open for you~ I'm counting on you Yuki..." Yuno whispered and then fell silent as she waited for the "Third" to come up.

Just as she expected, they could probably hear someone running up from the stairs not too far from their hiding spot, and a masculine voice mumbling,"Dammit...where did that kid go? Where did First go?" While Yuno kept her calm during this dire situation, Yuki was trying his best not to breath too hard in anxiety or even making a single movement until Yuno's cue. First?...is this guy referring to me? Why...why is he calling me by that name? No...why exactly is he hunting me down? he thought and then realized something. There had been recent reports of serial murders happening right after school, and the culprit had never been found. Yuki couldn't really think about the subject any longer. Before he could try to ease his mind so he could do this, Yuki looked to his side to see that Yuno had already moved. Getting up, Yuno ran towards Third, the supposed serial killer, her left hand still holding her phone, or Future Diary as she called it. Yuki stood up now, a little amazed that Yuno had the courage to go up against this guy so suddenly, not too mention that this guy was completely wearing a black gas mask, black trenchcoat, black hat, and an actual butcher's knife in his hand. Just like Yuno said earlier, he had a cell phone in his other hand...another Future Diary? "Yuki~! His Future Diary's right here!" Yuno cried out as she managed to get behind this man, and also restricting movement of his arms with her strong grip.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Account Retired
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The elevator reached the roof, and the doors opened up. He heard a commotion going on, so he poked his head out to look. He heard the girl cry out something about a future diary again. It was just a cellphone the unknown person had. But, the girl had a cellphone too. Looking her over, her name was Yuno Gasai. Strangely, she had no lifespan. And just like she said, his name was Yuki, and he had no lifespan either, he'd make a note of that. He deduced that these cellphones were important somehow. Going by the name, they possibly told the future in some way. So that was it. They were playing some sort of game of cat and mouse. They way the unknown person looked, he or she was probably a serial killer. If the scum's mask fell off, he could see a name to write. Deciding he had to let this play out a bit, Light went and hid behind some crates. The elevator closed.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Gummi Bunnies
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Still, Yuki had his doubts, what would he accomplish by throwing a dart at his guy's "Future Diary?" He had the throwing dart in his hand, not sure if he could do it if it really did something. "Yuki!! Hurry!" Yuno cried out one more time, doing her best to keep this guy at bay. Knowing he has no certain choice since Yuno could die to this guy, Yuki took a quick aim and threw the dart, and with great accuracy, it hit it's mark. Straight through this murderer's cell phone, pierced through the screen. The moment it pierced through, the man began to panic, yanking out the dart from the phone but it was already too late, it was damaged. Yuno let her tight grip on this man go, her face stuck with that innocent look of hers. Bullseye...but why exactly is he...? Yuki thought to himself, seeing that nothing really happened besides the fact that this guy was freaking out, but then froze as he saw that there was some distortion occurring with this man. It appeared as if he was being sucked into some black hole, his existence being sucked away into nothingness in just a few seconds. Pretty soon, the man had completely disappeared, erased from reality, the only thing left was his cell phone, the piercing hole through it's screen. "..." Yuki heavily breathed in fear, whatever he did to that guy's phone, it managed to do some unimaginable things to happen. "See? I knew you would do it," Yuno smiled, completely unfazed by the event,"If someone's Future Diary is damaged, there is no more future for them, they just disappear like they never existed. So try not to get your Future Diary broken as this is our future." As she spoke of what happens when a "Future Diary" is broken, Yuki was starting wonder why exactly she was saying these things.

"Yuno...what's up with this Future Diary stuff? I would just ignore it, but after seeing that, I want to know why you know so much about this!" Yuki demanded an answer, even though he wasn't the type of person that you would be afraid of due to his shy and fragile personality. Yuno only giggled a bit, and replied,"It's because we're both in a game, a Survival Game. There's 12 people that participate for this game, well..11 now since we just eliminated Third from the game. Since most don't know who we are, we're given "aliases", as how I'm called Second and you're called First. The goal of the game is to kill off the others, and be the last one standing. The Future Diaries really are the key to this, and if you run into a Dead End flag, you have to avoid that future by not following what it says. But...don't worry Yuki, I'll protect you, we can have an alliance." This was too much to take in, but Yuno suddenly got close to him and kissed him one more time to ensure her "alliance." After the kiss, Yuki still had something to ask. "...well, that didn't answer my other question, how do you know so much about this?" Yuki asked again, wanting to know. "Before the game started, I had a little talk with the gamemaster of this Survival Game. Deus Ex Machina...or basically god. Because the last one standing will be gifted with the powers and title of "God of Time and Space."" Yuno added this little last detail, mentioning that this game was to see who would become "god" of this world. However, this was all too much. Killing others just to become god? It was just plain crazy. At first, he would had thought that this was nonsense, but after seeing how "Third" was killed off in the most inexplainable way, Yuki began to think that this was actually for real. All he could say was,"Oh...okay, I'll see you tomorrow." It was a little shaky in his voice, but Yuki quickly walked towards the elevator. "Bye Yuki~!" Yuno said back to him, but strangely did not follow him this time.
"That's definitely new, a game to become god? Who knew?" Ryuk joked on this whole reveal of events on the "Survival Game." It was like the Future Diaries were this world's Death Notes.
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"And she also confirmed my theory about the diaries actually telling the future. Okay, so here's what I'm thinking. She said that when a participants diary is damaged, there is no more future for them, and they disappear, like that person did. But, if I kill a participant with a Death Note, the diary should still function, and ownership would probably transfer to the next person who touches it. Kind of like a Death Note in a way. It's just a theory, so the next time we seen a participant, I'll try it out." Light muttered. "This Deus guy could be a problem too. If the need arises, I wonder if I could just kill him off, if he's really a god of time and space." he muttered. His gaze shifted to Yuno, noticing she wasn't following Yuki inside. "And what're we doing? is she going in a different elevator?" he said, watching her closely.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Gummi Bunnies
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Yuno only stood there in silence, and after a few moments of just standing there, she took out her Future Diary to see what Yuki was doing. She only smiled once she knew he was safe for now, and then went to pick up the broken Future Diary left by Third. Without another word, Yuno goes for the exit toward the stairs instead of the elevator.
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"She took the broken diary..but it's broken, useless because that person lost. If I didn't know better..wait..why did she go for the stairs instead of the elevator? maybe she know's I'm here. If I go towards the elevator, she could jump me from behind. Then again, it wouldn't make sense for her to hurt me or anything since she doesn't know who I am..at best, if she does know I'm here she'd just threaten me. She seems unusually strong for a kid. But if I go down the elevator, will that Yuki kid be outside? she'd just check her phone, and if I tried to talk to him, I'd be discovered by her. Well, my best bet right now is to towards the elevator. He's probably already left by now." Light decided. Slowly sneaking he started to make his way towards the other elevator.
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Yuno went down the flight of stairs quickly, holding out her cell phone to see that nothing weird happened with Yuki yet. "Yuki~..." Yuno giggled to herself as she began to text to Yuki's cell phone, asking if he was home yet and that she loves him. He should be home, and he'll be safe. I know it, or what my Yukiteru Diary says otherwise. she thought to herself as she sped down the stairs, quickly making her way back to the bottom floor of the building. At the rate she was going down all of these steps, she seemed like now she was in a hurry for some reason...
By this point, Yuki had already exited the building and was on his way home. His mind was still unsettled by the fact that Yuno had told him that they're in some "Survival Game." Killing other people...I never asked for this...but back there...that man...when I destroyed his Future Diary...did I...did I really kill him?...Does that mean that I've...murdered someone? he has all of these thoughts related to the Future Diary, the Third's death, and Yuno's sudden knowledge on the topic. He wondered if Yuno was really something else that he never knew about. Maybe I could talk to her during school, somewhere private during lunch, maybe more answers for the Survival Game... Yuki thought as he had a feeling that Yuno might be his only ally in this Survival Game if some other participant of the Game manages to find either him or her. On his way back, he noticed that Yuno had already sent him 7 text messages, and it did ring up the question as to how she managed to get his number when he never told her in the first place.
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Light sighed in relief as he entered the elevator. Clicking the bottom number labelled "1", the elevator door shut and made it's way down. "Damn, all of this over thinking is all on my fault. It's as if I'm expecting this girl to be on par with my intelligence. Though you have to wonder, why would a God of time and space bring two young kids into a survival game? which means, they have talents I've yet to understand or figure out. I guess it's like the Wammy House kids. Did you notice, though? I think she's pretty much that guy's stalker, but their situation forces them together. With how much she know's and how physically capable she is, Yuki actually has a higher chance at survival with her around. I wonder what the people in this world are really capable of, it seems like an interesting place. When we get out of here, we have to figure out how we're gonna live. We should go pick up a newspaper, see if they have some temporary lodgings somewhere." Light said, making a note of everything.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Gummi Bunnies
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"Both of them together, heheheheh, those kids are already my favorites for this Survival Game. I wonder what kinds of other people they have to go against," Ryuk could tell that Yuno and Yuki were not just average kids.

By the time the elevator reached to the first floor, there was no sign of Yuno creeping around here, probably ran off to her home. Even if she did stick around, she actually did not know of Light's presence back at the rooftop. When Light would look for a newspaper, there was one that had a listing of temporary places to stay. There was one place in the listing was not that far away from his current location. Though it were a place to lodge listed there, it had no information in the article that this place was actually an abandoned house...
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"I dunno, really. But if that masked person and those kids are any indication, it can't be anything ordinary. Now let's see.." Light walked out of the elevator, and saw a newsstand outside. Stepping outside, Light picked up newspaper. scanning it with his eyes. "Hm, here we go. This place right here seems to be not very far away from here." Light said, circling it on the newspaper. "When we get to sit down, we can see if there's been any killings on this newspaper." Light said, already thinking about getting into his old routine. Light started to make his way to where the newspaper indicated.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Gummi Bunnies
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After a few twists and turns through the small neighborhood, there was one house that seemed untouched for a long time. Maybe this house hasn't had anyone in it for a long time. It is also noticeable that it was pitch black dark inside, maybe the electricity in this house was cut off.
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"Well, this is the place. It doesn't seen the most sanitary, but then again if it's some serial killer that lives here, I can just kill with my Death Note." Light said casually. Walking up to the house, Light stepped up to the door. He knocked on it, putting on a nervous stammer. "H-hello? does anyone actually here..? I'm h-here because of the ad you placed in the newspaper?" Light said, still knocking.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Gummi Bunnies
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For a moment, there was silence, but the door knob turned slowly as someone opened it. As the door was wide open, Yuno happened to be the one at this house. "Oh...yes. my parents put that ad up, but they're not around right now," she said with a gentle voice. Once Yuno was present to them again, Ryuk began to laugh hysterically at the sudden turn of events.

This guy, I don't recognize him from here. she thought, not knowing Light from anywhere of this city.
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How unreal, to see the same person again, even at her house. What a contrived coincidence. She lives in a pretty dinged up house. Her parents must not work hard enough if they let there house go into such a state of disrepair. Light thought to himself. Light gave a (fake)sigh of relief, as if he thought someone creepy would come out. "Oh, I see. I guess this ad wasn't very up to date then. I'm from out of the city, around Tokyo but not exactly near it. It's around but our place of living is pretty self contained." Light explained, as if he was living her mind. "I came down here for a personal vacation for a few months without much, if not nothing. I wanted to see if I could make it on my own, and I just needed a place to stay. It wouldn't be much, all I need is an assured bed. But, I understand. Wouldn't want someone you don't know, staying in your house. Who knows, i could be dangerous." Light said nonchalantly. "When you parents come home, please ask them to consider it. My name is Light." he said, and slowly started to walk down from the door and down towards the sidewalk.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Gummi Bunnies
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As this was only technically their first direct meeting in Yuno's perspective, she didn't feel like she Should be on the edge. It also a good thing for her that he did not want to go immediately in the house. "I'll make sure to tell them when they come back," Yuno happened to have little to say, shutting the front door justt as she finished the sentence.

By the time the door was closed, Yuno pulled out her Future Diary to see that Yuki arrived home, and began texting him right away on what he was eating, if he was taking bath, or was going to sleep.
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