Cerendale is the chief kingdom of the major continent of the region. A grand kingdom ran by humans but with no shortage of races making a life wherever they can. However Cerendale is steeped in mystery as many of the historical archives are hidden to the world. While few and far in between the majority of arcane masters are picked from the elites from the schoolhouses of the nobles. The most common kind of magic is divine magic granted by many of the churches and the odd druid or other forest dweller. Though this magic is mostly kept to healing and blessings rather than anything more dangerous.
With a strong force of law they have maintained a strained peace across the land. However during the full moon summer festival something began to sweep across the land. People began awakening powers that were not arcane nor divine. Hell people aren't even sure its magic. However psionic abilities have awoken at random to people all over the capital and surrounding areas. These new powers began the night of the festival and grew more powerful over the next few days. No one seems to know where these powers came from. No one knows why only certain people were affected. It reaches the poor, rich, young, old, human and non-human. There seems to be no factor between sex, race, age or other factor that can explain any kind of common denominator with these people.
The only thing perhaps more strange about the awakening of these powers is how quickly the kingdom had registered them as a threat. Over the last few days you have seen them making mass searches to find these people. At first some would openly display the new abilities but they were the first to go. Soon as people began hiding their abilities they found strange stones that would glow a greenish hue when held by those with psionic powers. No one seems to be safe. And those that are captured have never been heard from again.
A frenzy has swept across the capital. Neighbor turning on neighbor. A witch hunt where you must pray that the stones being thrust into your hands don't glow. It has only been 10 days since this madness has started.
To recap it has been 10 days since the festival where suddenly people began to develop psionic powers. Psionic powers have never before been seen by the people of the land and there is no record of it in the dodgy history. How has your character, who was in the capital during the , evaded capture to this point? This is based off of a D&D campaign I had before so many of the concepts for classes and abilities were based off of that. Those unfamiliar with it needn't worry with it as it is simply a source in which I have drawn for the campaign. event
For abilities try to limit yourself to a single specialization or ability. The only thing pre-banned is any form of mind control. I am not stating that the power doesn't exist in the campaign but for ease of roleplaying I feel this ability needs to be banned.
For those that are interested message me about the kind of powers you would want and we can work it out. Here is the Character sheet.
History: (brief)
Character Flaw: (This is a personal thing I put in my campaigns. I want your character to have at the very least one major flaw that is debilitating in some kind of way. Are they a liar? Addicted to some kind of drug? Greedy to the point you would steal from your friends? ect.)