The Gods are angry, they fight for the throne, they war and they destroy. If this doesn't end, Olympus will fall. Now it is time for the sons and daughters of the Gods to make a choice. Either join a side to fight, or try to stop the wars altogether but if something isn't done soon, there won't be an Olympus to save.
You can be Demigod of any god you wish as long as it makes sense according to lore and the history of the actual God. I am also allowing Roman Gods because a lot of Greek Gods are the same as Roman Gods with different names such as Eros and Cupid for example.
The premise of the Rp will involve the collapse of Olympus itself. During this time there will be several Godly wars going on, one being Hades trying to take over the throne. Another will involve the Titans.
Cs Name: Gender: Age: Appearance:
Parent: Power and Abilities: Likes: Dislikes: Family: Friends: Sentimental Attachment: Weapons: Theme Song: Other:
Pet Name: Pet Age: Pet Gender: Pet Species: Pet Apperance:
Pet Personality:
Now, I am limiting each God to three sons or daughters only. With Gods like Cupid and Aphrodite I will allow minor God Modding, such as Cupid's Love Arrows. This also includes Gods like Nike. Please remember you are still Demigods however. Which means you will not get the full powers of your godly parents.
As you can see, the school is very big. I will be updating this post later with all of the different places of the school. For the Cs, not everything is required. Everything below Powers and Abilities are completely optional however if you want a weapon make sure you go into detail about the weapons you have. Pictures are not required but appreciated. We will also be keeping this to realistic pictures of characters only. Have fun.
Places of interest:
Training Area Dorm Rooms Battle Arena for one on one practice fights Courtyard Basketball Pitch Football Pitch Gardens Greenhouses Water Fountain as seen in picture Inside swimming pool Changing rooms Lockers
@Aiyanna Sentimental Attachment is something of personal value, like a locket of your mother before she died, for example.
For pets, anything like Pegasus, dogs, cats, cockatrice (half snake half chicken) So to sum it up, any Greek animals not including Cerberus and any other large and dangerous animals. This includes real life animals.
@The One I see! Your CS template is super detailed, I kinda like it!
So a Phoenix would be okay then? I love that bird and would love to have it as a pet for my demigod.
Yeah I can see why Cerberus is definitely out of question :'D Also if you'd need help with the plot/anything, I'm willig to help! An experienced writer ~
@The One Too bad! I guess a regular eagle would do then.
What if we had a Phoenix as a character? Like, a messenger from the Olympic Gods or something? Yes, I'm really that desperate to have a Phoenix in this story
@The One Nuuuuuuu. I am greatly disappointed. ;~; So the Phoenix will be an NPC?
An eagle. A giant eagle. I mean big enough that you can sit on its back. Would that be an overkill? A creature like that doesn't exist in Greek mythology as far as I know though
Name: Roxy Black Gender: female Age: 16 Appearance: Personality: Roxy comes across tough and sarcastic. She keeps a wall between herself and others. She doesn't trust easily but if someone earns her trust she is loyal to them. She isn't very forgiving or understanding. If you screw up or piss her off it will be along time before she is willing to let it go. She is brutally honest. She doesn't care if you like her or not. She is very stubborn. Once she decides something it is hard to get her to change her mind. Bio: Roxy was raised by her (human)father. Her mother was never part of her life. Her father hated her. Roxy never knew why. She never bothered asking. Her father was very abusive of her because he wanted a son but was never able to have one. He tried her to be an assassin. She excelled despite her father's abuse. She wanted to prove to him that she was just as good, if not better than the son he wanted. She tried as hard, sometimes harder, than his men just so she could prove him wrong about her.
Parent: Erebus god of Darkness and Shadows Power and Abilities: shadow walking, shadow creation, shadow manipulation
Pet Name: Shadow Pet Age: 4 Pet Gender: female Pet Species: black panther Pet Apperance: Pet Personality: Shadow is fiercely protective of Roxy. But as long as her owner isn't threatened prefers to hide in the shadows out of sight.
@KatherinWinter No problem. I've done my research on him now and he's good. Just a few things. You need to finish the bio. Being the God of Darkness I will allow you to control and manipulate darkness just not on God Level.
Lastly, your pet wouldn't be able to hide inside the shadows itself like Roxy could.
Personality: As one would expect from a son of Ares, Enzo has a quick temper and difficulty controlling his anger. It’s something he is working on, not wanting to be the kind of person who flies of the handle all the time and he requires outlets such as sports and training to channel his rage. He’s impulsive and his first instinct in a confrontation is to escalate it into a fight. He enjoys a fight, it’s familiar and when in a fight everything just feels right to him. A part of him is afraid of that, wanting to be more than just a force of violence. He wants to be a hero, to be able to channel his skill as a warrior into a force for good. He finds it difficult to trust people and likes to keep others at a distance, partially because he doesn’t want to infect others with his rage. Although he tends to come off as arrogant and standoffish it’s really to keep himself safe from others as well as others safe from him. When it comes it his training and studies he is dedicated and focused spending as much time as he can to better himself and to push himself closer to becoming a better man and a great hero.
Bio: When Enzo was born it was not love that the young mother felt for her child, but anger and hate, and these feelings drove her into a deep depression, as she perceived her inability to love him as her own failing. In fact, it was the natural aura that young Enzo was giving off, a side effect of being the son of the God of War and of the rage and blood lust that comes with war. Enzo was still an infant when his mother took her own life and from there he bounced from foster home to foster home. The parents in his subsequent foster homes felt the same unexplainable rage as his mother, and in the home of weaker mortals that rage was laid upon him.
Much of his childhood was spent getting smacked around and classmates in school frequently picked on him. He learned early on to fight back, starting with bullies his own age and after laying down some beatings on kids larger than he, most kids were afraid to fight him. As a child, he was still cautious about fighting his so-called caregivers, a terrible home was still preferable to know home at all, but his foster father was a mean drunk. The older Enzo got the worse the beatings got until one night, when he was fifteen, Enzo snapped and his foster father ended up in intensive care.
After that it looked like Enzo would be heading to juvy but a mysterious man, and his shark of a lawyer, showed up and managed to get him out of trouble. Turns out it wasn’t a man at all though, it was a god. He was Ares, god of war and Enzo’s true father, and with the help of his father he learned to control his aura and his effect on those around him as well as ways to manage his own anger. Ares was the first person in his life that treated him well, and Enzo idealizes his father and dreams to become the kind of warrior and hero his father can be proud of. After a year or so training with his father he was sent to Olympus Academy to further develop his skills and to be around others like himself.
Parent: Ares; God of War
Power and Abilities: Exceptional strength, speed, and reflexes. Enzo is naturally athletic and muscular but due to his heritage his strength, speed, reflexes and endurance are beyond that of any mortal. These skills are enhanced further in the heat of battle, although this also decreases his ability to control his natural blood lust. He is naturally adept with any weapon but like his father favors a spear. He has one hell of a battle cry, which can usually strike fear into an opponent’s heart though he’s still working on it. He also has the ability, or curse if you ask him, to inspire rage and pugnacity in others.
Likes: His horse, battle/fighting, hot weather, sports, loud fast music, action movies, and spicy food. Dislikes: Douchebags, cold weather, being bored, mortals of the non-demigod variety, being alone. Family: Father-Ares, Mother-Deceased, Siblings-Unknown Friends: TBA Sentimental Attachment: Enyo, his horse, other than that he lives a Spartan existence, the things he owns have a purpose but are all replaceable and he values then only for their usefulness. Weapons: Spear, as well as a sword and shield, are his preferred weapons though he learns quickly when it comes to weapons training and is proficient with most tools of war. Theme Song: Other: N/A
Pet Name: Enyo Pet Age: 2 years Pet Gender: Female Pet Species: Equine, Descendant of the Mares of Diomedes Pet Appearance: Pet Personality: A descendant of one of the infamous Mares of Diomedes known for their ability to breathe fire and their taste for flesh. His horse, Enyo, is still young and mostly accidentally sneezes fire as Enzo is still training her. She is unapproachable by almost everyone except Enzo, maintaining the wild streak on her mythical line. She is both loyal and fiercely protective as well as swift and graceful.
@Helo Good Cs. Just one small problem with Enyo. The four Mares of Diomedes are Podargos (Swift) Lampon (Shining) Xanthos (Yellow) and Deinos (terrible) and all four are mad, attacking anyone with human flesh. Unless you can explain how you tamed one of the mares, I'm afraid you can't have her. However an idea is after Hercules captured the four mares and calmed them down permently, which would make it possible to tame them if you wish to do that.